127 research outputs found

    Differential effects of \u3ci\u3eCdh23\u3csup\u3e753A\u3c/sup\u3e\u3c/i\u3e on auditory and vestibular functional aging in C57BL/6J mice

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    The C57BL/6J (B6) mouse strain carries a cadherin 23 mutation (Cdh23753A, also known as Ahl), which affects inner ear structures and results in age-related hearing loss. The B6.CAST strain harbors the wild type Cdh23 gene, and hence, the influence of Ahl is absent. The purpose of the present study was to characterize the effect of age and gender on gravity receptor function in B6 and B6.CAST strains and to compare functional aging between auditory and vestibular modalities. Auditory sensitivity declined at significantly faster rates than gravity receptor sensitivity for both strains. Indeed, vestibular functional aging was minimal for both strains. The comparatively smaller loss of macular versus cochlear sensitivity in both the B6 and B6.CAST strains suggests that the contribution of Ahl to the aging of the vestibular system is minimal, and thus very different than its influence on aging of the auditory system. Alternatively, there exist unidentified genes or gene modifiers that serve to slow the degeneration of gravity receptor structures and maintain gravity receptor sensitivity into advanced age

    Spontaneous mutations of the Zpld1 gene in mice cause semicircular canal dysfunction but do not impair gravity receptor or hearing functions.

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    The cupula is a gelatinous membrane overlying the crista ampullaris of the semicircular canal, important for sensing rotation of the head and critical for normal balance. Recently the zona pellucida like domain containing 1 protein (ZPLD1, also known as cupulin) was identified in the cupula of fish. Here, we describe two new spontaneous mutations in the mouse Zpld1 gene, which were discovered by the circling behavior of mutant mice, an indicator of balance dysfunction. The Zpld1 mutant mice exhibited normal hearing function as assessed by auditory brainstem response (ABR) measurements, and their otolithic organs appeared normal. In the inner ear, Zpld1 mRNA expression was detected only in the hair cells and supporting cells of the crista ampullaris. Normal vestibular sensory evoked potential (VsEP) responses and abnormal vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) responses demonstrated that the vestibular dysfunction of the Zpld1 mutant mice is caused by loss of sensory input for rotary head movements (detected by cristae ampullaris) and not by loss of input for linear head translations (detected by maculae of the utricle and saccule). Taken together, these results are consistent with ZPLD1 being an important functional component of the cupula, but not tectorial or otoconial membranes

    Vestibular ontogeny: Measuring the influence of the dynamic environment

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    In comparison to other special senses, we are only meagerly informed about the development of vestibular function and the mechanisms that may operate to control or influence the course of vestibular ontogeny. Perhaps one contributing factor to this disparity is the difficulty of evaluating vestibular sense organs directly and noninvasively. The present report describes a recently developed direct noninvasive vestibular function test that can be used to address many basic questions about the developing vestibular system. More particularly, the test can be used to examine the effects of the dynamic environment (e.g. gravitational field and vibration) on vestibular ontogeny

    Atoh1 Directs Regeneration and Functional Recovery of the Mature Mouse Vestibular System

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    Utricular hair cells (HCs) are mechanoreceptors required for vestibular function. After damage, regeneration of mammalian utricular HCs is limited and regenerated HCs appear immature. Thus, loss of vestibular function is presumed irreversible. Here, we found partial HC replacement and functional recovery in the mature mouse utricle, both enhanced by overexpressing the transcription factor Atoh1. Following damage, long-term fate mapping revealed that support cells non-mitotically and modestly regenerated HCs displaying no or immature bundles. By contrast, Atoh1 overexpression stimulated proliferation and widespread regeneration of HCs exhibiting elongated bundles, patent mechanotransduction channels, and synaptic connections. Finally, although damage without Atoh1 overexpression failed to initiate or sustain a spontaneous functional recovery, Atoh1 overexpression significantly enhanced both the degree and percentage of animals exhibiting sustained functional recovery. Therefore, the mature, damaged utricle has an Atoh1-responsive regenerative program leading to functional recovery, underscoring the potential of a reprogramming approach to sensory regeneration

    Sodium-activated potassium channels shape peripheral auditory function and activity of the primary auditory neurons in mice

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    Potassium (K+) channels shape the response properties of neurons. Although enormous progress has been made to characterize K+ channels in the primary auditory neurons, the molecular identities of many of these channels and their contributions to hearing in vivo remain unknown. Using a combination of RNA sequencing and single molecule fluorescent in situ hybridization, we localized expression of transcripts encoding the sodium-activated potassium channels K(Na)1.1(SLO2.2/Slack) and K(Na)1.2 (SLO2.1/Slick) to the primary auditory neurons (spiral ganglion neurons, SGNs). To examine the contribution of these channels to function of the SGNs in vivo, we measured auditory brainstem responses in K(Na)1.1/1.2 double knockout (DKO) mice. Although auditory brainstem response (wave I) thresholds were not altered, the amplitudes of suprathreshold responses were reduced in DKO mice. This reduction in amplitude occurred despite normal numbers and molecular architecture of the SGNs and their synapses with the inner hair cells. Patch clamp electrophysiology of SGNs isolated from DKO mice displayed altered membrane properties, including reduced action potential thresholds and amplitudes. These findings show that K(Na)1 channel activity is essential for normal cochlear function and suggest that early forms of hearing loss may result from physiological changes in the activity of the primary auditory neurons

    Larger Amygdala Volume Mediates the Association Between Prenatal Maternal Stress and Higher Levels of Externalizing Behaviors: Sex Specific Effects in Project Ice Storm

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    Introduction: The amygdala is a brain structure involved in emotional regulation. Studies have shown that larger amygdala volumes are associated with behavioral disorders. Prenatal maternal depression is associated with structural changes in the amygdala, which in turn, is predictive of an increase in behavioral problems. Girls may be particularly vulnerable. However, it is not known whether disaster-related prenatal maternal stress (PNMS), or which aspect of the maternal stress experience (i.e., objective hardship, subjective distress, and cognitive appraisal), influences amygdala volumes. Nor is it known whether amygdala volumes mediate the effect of PNMS on behavioral problems in girls and boys.Aims: To assess whether aspects of PNMS are associated with amygdala volume, to determine whether timing of exposure moderates the effect, and to test whether amygdala volume mediates the association between PNMS and internalizing and externalizing problems in 11½ year old children exposed in utero, to varying levels of disaster-related PNMS.Methods: Bilateral amygdala volumes (AGV) and total brain volume (TBV) were acquired using magnetic resonance imaging, from 35 boys and 33 girls whose mothers were pregnant during the January 1998 Quebec Ice Storm. The mothers' disaster-related stress was assessed in June 1998. Child internalizing and externalizing problems were assessed at 11½ years using the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL). Hierarchical regression analyses and mediation analyses were conducted on boys and girls separately, controlling for perinatal and postnatal factors.Results: In boys, subjective distress was associated with larger right AGV/TBV when mothers where exposed during late pregnancy, which in turn explained higher levels of externalizing behavior. However, when adjusting for postnatal factors, the effect was no longer significant. In girls, later gestational exposure to the ice storm was associated with larger AGV/TBV, but here, higher levels of objective PNMS were associated with more externalizing problems, which was, in part, mediated by larger AGV/TBV. No effects were detected on internalizing behaviors.Conclusion: These results suggest that the effects of PNMS on amygdala development and externalizing symptoms, as assessed in boys and girls in early adolescence, can be influenced by the timing of the stress in pregnancy, and the particular aspect of the mother's stress experience

    A comparison of vestibular and auditory phenotypes in inbred mouse strains

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    The purposes of this research were to quantify gravity receptor function in inbred mouse strains and compare vestibular and auditory function for strain- and age-matched animals. Vestibular evoked potentials (VsEPs) were collected for 19 inbred strains at ages from 35 to 389 days old. On average, C57BL/6J (35 to 190 days), BALB/cByJ, C3H/HeSnJ, CBA/J, and young LP/J mice had VsEP thresholds comparable to normal. Elevated VsEP thresholds were found for elderly C57BL/ 6J, NOD.NONH2kb, BUB/BnJ, A/J, DBA/2J, NOD/LtJ, A/WySnJ, MRL/MpJ, A/HeJ, CAST/Ei, SJL/J, elderly LP/J, and CE/J. These results suggest that otolithic function varies among inbred strains and several strains displayed gravity receptor deficits by 90 days old. Auditory brainstem response (ABR) thresholds were compared to VsEP thresholds for 14 age-matched strains. C57BL/6J mice (up to 190 days) showed normal VsEPs with normal to mildly elevated ABR thresholds. Four strains (BUB/BnJ, NOD/LtJ, A/J, elderly LP/J) had significant hearing loss and elevated VsEP thresholds. Four strains (DBA/2J, A/WySnJ, NOD. NONH2kb, A/HeJ) had elevated VsEP thresholds (including absent VsEPs) with mild to moderate elevations in ABR thresholds. Three strains (MRL/MpJ, Ce/J, SJL/J) had significant vestibular loss with no concomitant hearing loss. These results suggest that functional change in one sensory system does not obligate change in the other. We hypothesize that genes responsible for early onset hearing loss may affect otolithic function, yet the time course of functional change may vary. In addition, some genetic mutations may produce primarily gravity receptor deficits. Potential genes responsible for selective gravity receptor impairment demonstrated herein remain to be identified. Originally published in Brain Research 1091(1), 2006

    Early uneven ear input induces long-lasting differences in left-right motor function

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    How asymmetries in motor behavior become established normally or atypically in mammals remains unclear. An established model for motor asymmetry that is conserved across mammals can be obtained by experimentally inducing asymmetric striatal dopamine activity. However, the factors that can cause motor asymmetries in the absence of experimental manipulations to the brain remain unknown. Here, we show that mice with inner ear dysfunction display a robust left or right rotational preference, and this motor preference reflects an atypical asymmetry in cortico-striatal neurotransmission. By unilaterally targeting striatal activity with an antagonist of extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK), a downstream integrator of striatal neurotransmitter signaling, we can reverse or exaggerate rotational preference in these mice. By surgically biasing vestibular failure to one ear, we can dictate the direction of motor preference, illustrating the influence of uneven vestibular failure in establishing the outward asymmetries in motor preference. The inner ear±induced striatal asymmetries identified here intersect with non±ear-induced asymmetries previously linked to lateralized motor behavior across species and suggest that aspects of left±right brain function in mammals can be ontogenetically influenced by inner ear input. Consistent with inner ear input contributing to motor asymmetry, we also show that, in humans with normal ear function, the motor-dominant hemisphere, measured as handedness, is ipsilateral to the ear with weaker vestibular input. Despite a long-standing fascination with asymmetries in left±right brain function, very little is known about the causes of functional brain asymmetry in mammals, which appear independent of the mechanisms that create anatomical asymmetries during development. Asymmetries in motor function are a common example and include preferred turning direction, handedness, and footedness. In this study, using mouse models, we establish a causal link between transient imbalances in degenerating inner ear function and the establishment of stable asymmetries in neural pathways that regulate motor activity and in motor behavior. Our study also suggests that shared mechanisms may underlie lateralized motor behaviors across mammalian species. For example, we show that in humans with normal ear function, the strength of the vestibular response from each ear in the forebrain correlates with asymmetric motor behavior, measured as handedness. In a broader sense, our study reveals a conceptually novel role for sensory input in shaping the asymmetric distribution of brain function, a process for which there is otherwise no clear mechanism

    Spontaneous allelic variant in deafness–blindness gene \u3ci\u3eUsh1g\u3c/i\u3e resulting in an expanded phenotype

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    Relationships between novel phenotypic behaviors and specific genetic alterations are often discovered using target-specific, directed mutagenesis or phenotypic selection following chemical mutagenesis. An alternative approach is to exploit deficiencies in DNA repair pathways that maintain genetic integrity in response to spontaneously induced damage. Mice deficient in the DNA glycosylase NEIL1 show elevated spontaneous mutations, which arise from translesion DNA synthesis past oxidatively induced base damage. Several litters of Neil1 knockout mice included animals that were distinguished by their backwards-walking behavior in open-field environments, while maintaining frantic forward movements in their home cage environment. Other phenotypic manifestations included swim test failures, head tilting and circling. Mapping of the mutation that conferred these behaviors showed the introduction of a stop codon at amino acid 4 of the Ush1g gene. Ush1gbw/bwnull mice displayed auditory and vestibular defects that are commonly seen with mutations affecting inner-ear hair-cell function, including a complete lack of auditory brainstem responses and vestibular-evoked potentials. As in other Usher syndrome type I mutant mouse lines, hair cell phenotypes included disorganized and split hair bundles, as well as altered distribution of proteins for stereocilia that localize to the tips of row 1 or row 2. Disruption to the bundle and kinocilium displacement suggested that USH1G is essential for forming the hair cell\u27s kinocilial links. Consistent with other Usher type 1 models, Ush1gbw/bw mice had no substantial retinal degeneration compared with Ush1gbw/+ controls. In contrast to previously described Ush1g alleles, this new allele provides the first knockout model for this gene

    mRNA vaccine mitigates SARS-CoV-2 infections and COVID-19

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    The novel coronavirus, severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was identified in December of 2019 and is responsible for millions of infections and deaths across the globe. Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2 has proven effective to contain the spread of the virus and reduce disease. The production and distribution of these vaccines occurred at a remarkable pace, largely through the employment of the novel mRNA platform. However, interruptions in supply chain and high demand for clinical grade reagents have impeded the manufacture and distribution of mRNA vaccines at a time when accelerated vaccine deployment is crucial. Furthermore, the emergence of SARS-CoV-2 variants across the globe continues to threaten the efficacy of vaccines encoding the ancestral virus spike protein. Here, we report results from preclinical studies on mRNA vaccines developed using a proprietary mRNA production process developed by GreenLight Biosciences. Two mRNA vaccines encoding the full-length, nonstabilized SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, GLB-COV2-042 and GLB-COV2-043, containing uridine and pseudouridine, respectively, were evaluated in rodents for their immunogenicity and protection from SARS-CoV-2 challenge with the ancestral strain and the Alpha (B.1.1.7) and Beta (B.1.351) variants. In mice and hamsters, both vaccines induced robust spike-specific binding and neutralizing antibodies, and in mice, vaccines induced significant T cell responses with a clear Th1 bias. In hamsters, both vaccines conferred significant protection following challenge with SARS-CoV-2 as assessed by weight loss, viral load, and virus replication in the lungs and nasopharynx. These results support the development of GLB-COV2-042 and GLB-COV2-043 for clinical use
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