87 research outputs found

    Critical Competencies for the Brazilian CIO

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    The scope of this work is to obtain a model for the critical competencies required for the role of the Brazilian CIO. For purposes of analysis, a set of six models found in the literature were considered in this research. Based on the theoretical references, a questionnaire was elaborated. The questionnaire was then applied via a web-survey and counted on the participation of 111 valid respondents, all of whom were Brazilian CIOs. Once the data collection was accomplished, exploratory factor analysis was conducted in order to obtain a Brazilian meta-model. Seven critical competencies associated with the professional performance of the Brazilian CIO were drawn from this analysis, namely knowledge of the business, understanding of the organizational context, the ability to influence the organization, technical expertise, external networking, management of the information technology operation and the capacity to innovate using new information technologies

    Assessment of a Socio-constructivist Model for Teacher Training

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    This article assesses a socio-constructivist model for training K-12 teachers in Brazil, in the use of Informatics in education. The method applied combines both face-to-face exchanges and a WEB-based distance approach made possible by Internet technology. The characteristics of such training and its main objectives are analyzed according to the collected data presented. A descriptive single case study research methodology is applied. The main conclusions reached by this researchbased on the use of a systemic frameworkare presented, mainly those addressing the importance of care and coherence for knowledge creation in a socio-constructivist training model developed with the help of the Internet. Comparisons between this model and the traditional one are also presented

    Empirical Evidence of Key Success Factors in Web-Based Corporate Training

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    Web-based corporate training is increasingly being used by virtue of the fact that companies need to train their personnel equitably by imparting large amounts of knowledge in an affordable manner. However, it is difficult to establish the precise nature of the key success factors in these endeavors. In other words, companies are not aware of what factors actually influence the final outcome of this kind of initiative. Therefore, this research seeks to investigate some critical success factors associated with a Web-based corporate training program deployed by one of the largest insurance groups in Brazil. As a result, one may conclude that constructivist pedagogical philosophy, authentic task orientation and integral metacognitive support, applied in conjunction, are critical factors for the success of these endeavors. Furthermore, one may also conclude that an intrinsic source of motivation as well as open structural flexibility, applied singly, have some influence on the success of Web-based corporate training

    Tacit Knowledge Transfer within Organisations

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    Knowledge and management of such knowledge have been studied for some time now as it became clear that a company with an unstructured approach to corporate knowledge management was incapable of competing in this new environment. As such, management of intangible assets, such as knowledge, came to be perceived as an important tool for competition. Based on that, this article aims to identify the pertinent factors for tacit knowledge transfer within a major government-controlled publicly-listed Brazilian oil company, namely Petrobras, by using a quantitative approach based on exploratory factorial analysis. It is concluded that idiosyncratic factors, the knowledge management strategy adopted by the company, and its organisational structure are relevant elements for the success of tacit knowledge transfer within the organisation. Hence, three propositions arising from the results obtained are consolidated and presented in order that they may be tested in a future explanatory study

    A Model for Evaluating B2C eCommerce Websites: Application in the CD eRetailing Industry in Brazil

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    The scope of this research is to develop and test a model for evaluating B2C e-commerce websites quantitatively. Consequently, this study seeks to investigate the relationship between the website interface of B2C e-commerce and virtual customer behavior, emphasizing the purchasing attitude and intention. The objective of this paper is, therefore, to research which features of a virtual store effectively influence the user purchasing process via the Internet. In order to achieve this aim, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) was adapted for pertinent theoretical references about consumer behavior on the web. The model developed was then tested and validated through a Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) approach. An empirical analysis of the CD e-retailing industry in Brazil was then conducted, as this is one of the most important areas of the B2C e-commerce realm. The study concludes that, for the electronic commerce of CDs, ease of use, trust, pleasure and attractiveness as perceived by visitors to CD e-retailing websites are key issues for understanding customer attitude and purchasing intention. Lastly, recommendations associated with the conclusions of this research are made, and further research options are proposed

    Linking Theoretical Perspectives to Analyze Health Information and Communication Technologies in Brazil

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    Over the course of the past thirty years, Brazil has developed health information systems (HIS). However, to date these HIS are fragmented and ongoing endeavors to integrate them have failed. Thus, this research-in-progress links two theoretical streams, namely: (a) HIS in developing countries; and (b) Information and Information Technology in Health, in order to establish a framework to assess health information and communication technologies (ICT) in Brazil. The proposed framework sees health ICT as a public policy aiming at developing technical artifacts – information systems, standards, processes and rules – to assist society in health issues. Besides, this framework sets up analytical dimensions for assessing this public policy, namely democratization, effectiveness, sustainability, and synergy. The proposed framework also enables the analysis of the trajectory of this public policy via the actors involved with it – politicians, bureaucrats, executives, and civil society –, who interact with each other within spaces influenced by rules and material elements such as information systems and previous standards

    Modelo estatístico para cálculo do Fator de Segurança Global de Estaqueamentos

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    The quality control of piled foundations becomes necessary in very important constructions. However, a deterministic analysis is impossible because of the great number of piles in the foundation. It's necessary to create a statistical model that using a sample, especially choosen for this, simulates conveniently the statistical universe. This thesis uses Weibull 's theory of probability applied in piles and the Monte-Carlo Simulation combined with the Central Limit Theorem of Statistics, for calculation of the global safety factor. It's showed a practical example and the computer programs used for the simulation. This method is usable in rigid pile-head slabs, and in foundations set on rocks.O controle de qualidade de estaqueamentos, bem como o exame de cada estaca executada, tornam-se necessários para obras de grande responsabilidade. No entanto uma análise determinística é geralmente proibitiva, em virtude do elevado número de estacas componentes da infraestrutura. Torna-se necessário, portanto, a geração de um modelo estatístico que através de uma amostra, quantitativa e qualitativamente escolhida, represente convenientemente o universo amostral. O trabalho apresenta o modelo estatístico que configura o estado limite último das estacas, e através da simulação de Monte-Carlo e do teorema do Limite Central da Estatística calcula o fator de segurança global do estaqueamento. São apresentados também, após o desenvolvimento teórico, um exemplo prático de aplicação da metodologia e os programas de computador que permitem que a simulação seja efetuada. O resultado apresentado é aplicável a grupos de estacas assentes em rocha solidarizadas por um bloco rígido

    Call Center Key Performance Indicators and Customer Satisfaction

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    This article purports to investigate the relationship – in an empirical way – between the various key performance indicators currently used for the management of call centers in Brazil and customer satisfaction. In this context, a set of call centers rendering services to a telecommunications company will be analyzed in order to verify which of their indicators are positively associated with customer satisfaction. A methodological approach based on surveys as well as stepwise multiple linear regressions is developed and applied in order to achieve the objective of this paper. It is seen that just the “First- Contact Resolution Rate” and the “Average Handle Time After the Call” indicators present a statistically significant relationship with customer satisfaction. Lastly, some alternative call center key performance indicators are proposed, in an exploratory way, so as to convey to an enhanced relationship between call center performance and customer satisfaction. Keywords: Cal

    Evidências empíricas da influência de alianças estratégicas no capital intelectual de empresas

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    Intangible assets, also known as intellectual capital, have been considered as resources that enable organizations to be competitive, as seldom they can be copied and are frequently outcomes of firms complementarities. In this context, the recent theories of business strategy are increasingly considering a firm relationship network as the unit of analysis of their competitive advantages, and no more individual firms or sectors. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the influence of strategic alliances in the development of firms intangible assets. In order to do that, the article firstly conceptualizes and develops taxonomies for both firms intellectual capital and strategic alliances. Then, the research applies t-Student tests and hierarchical cluster analysis to scrutinize the data related to companies in the Brazilian transformation industry involved in alliances from 1996 to 2005. Based on the results obtained, the research concludes that strategic alliances of different types have a positive impact in the intellectual capital of the involved organizations. Lastly, the article unveils two propositions to be further tested: alliances in order to innovation affect, with more intensity, the generation of intellectual capital than marketing alliances or productive; and the more focused is the developed strategic alliance the more is the increasing in the intellectual capital of the involved enterprise. Key words: intellectual capital, intangible assets, strategic alliances, Brazilian transformation industry.Ativos intangíveis, também denominados de capital intelectual, têm sido considerados recursos que efetivamente preservam a competitividade das organizações. Isso ocorre em razão de serem difíceis de imitar, dado que, muitas vezes, são fruto da complementaridade de recursos de duas ou mais firmas. Nesse contexto, as teorias mais recentes de estratégia empresarial passam a considerar, cada vez mais, a rede de relacionamentos de uma empresa como unidade de análise de suas vantagens competitivas, e não mais firmas ou setores individualmente. Nesse contexto, este estudo visa analisar a influência de alianças estratégicas sobre a geração de ativos intangíveis de firmas participantes dessas alianças. Para tal, inicialmente, o artigo conceitua e desenvolve taxonomias tanto para o capital intelectual de firmas quanto para alianças estratégicas. Em seguida, a pesquisa analisa os dados de firmas envolvidas em alianças, no período de 1996 a 2005, na indústria de transformação brasileira, por meio de testes t-Student e clusters hierárquicos. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se concluir que alianças estratégicas de variados tipos impactam positivamente o capital intelectual das empresas envolvidas nessas. Finalmente, o artigo desenvolve duas proposições para futuros testes: alianças com a finalidade de inovação influenciam positivamente, com mais intensidade, a geração de capital intelectual do que alianças mercadológicas ou produtivas; e quanto menor a variedade de tipos de alianças estratégicas desenvolvidas em paralelo, maior o incremento do capital intelectual da empresa. Palavras-chave: capital intelectual, ativos intangíveis, alianças estratégicas, indústria de transformação brasileira

    Linking theoretical perspectives to analyze health informatics in Brazil

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    Throughout the last thirty years, Brazil has developed health information systems (HIS). However, to date these HIS are fragmented and continuous endeavors to integrate them have failed. This leads to important questions such as: which barriers are hindering the use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in health in Brazil? What are the consequences of this on Brazilian society? Thus, this essay links two theoretical streams, namely: (a) ICT in Developing Countries and (b) Information and Informatics in Health, in order to propose a model to analyze health informatics in Brazil. The proposed model considers health informatics as a public policy aiming at using ICT to assist the society in health issues, setting up quality features for this policy, namely: democratization, effectiveness, preservation, and synergy. The proposed model also enables the analysis of the trajectory of this public policy via the actors involved with it - politicians, civil servants, and civil society -, who interact with each other within spaces influenced by elements as systems and previous standards, as well as with other related public policies.Ao longo dos últimos trinta anos, o Brasil vem desenvolvendo sistemas de informação em saúde (SIS). Porém, ainda hoje, esses SIS são fragmentados e tentativas de integrá-los fracassaram. A situação atual leva a questionamentos tais como: quais as barreiras existentes à utilização das tecnologias da informação e comunicação (TIC) na saúde? Quais são as consequências causadas à sociedade brasileira por tal situação? Em linha com isso, este ensaio articula duas escolas de pensamento – (a) TIC em países em desenvolvimento e (b) informação e informática em saúde –, de forma a propor um modelo para analisar a informatização da saúde no Brasil. Tal modelo considera a informática em saúde como uma política pública que objetiva desenvolver e aplicar TIC para atender às necessidades de saúde da sociedade, definindo atributos de qualidade para tal política, quais sejam: democratização, eficácia, preservação e sinergia. Além disso, o modelo permite analisar a trajetória dessa política pública por meio dos atores a ela associados – políticos, burocratas e sociedade civil –, os quais interagem em espaços influenciados por elementos como sistemas e padrões prévios, bem como com outras políticas públicas relacionadas