11 research outputs found
Transportasi Aerial Cable Car dalam Pengembangan Wisata Tepian Pantai dan Konsep Integrasi Antarmoda di Kota Makassar
Aerial cable car merupakan moda transportasi yang belum dikenal luas di Indonesia namun sudah sangat populer di negara-negara maju dalam menunjang sektor wisata, pelayanan kawasan khusus, dan transportasi umum. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji konsep perencanaan rute cable car dan integrasinya dengan moda lainnya serta menghasilkan arahan untuk implementasinya di Kota Makassar. Penelitian ini dilakukan selama kurang lebih 6 bulan, mulai dari Bulan Januari sampai dengan Juni 2019. Metode yang digunakan adalah kajian literatur, studi banding, survei lapangan, analisis spasial dan jaringan dengan menggunakan data kuantitatif dan kualitatif, serta pendekatan konsep secara pemetaan (mapping), ilustratif dan deskriptif. Penelitian ini mengangkat Kawasan Pusat Kota Makassar yang terletak di tepian pantai sebagai prioritas implementasi pembangunan cable car karena memiliki potensi pasar wisata yang besar, pusat tarikan perdagangan dan komersial yang sangat kuat, dan area dengan tingkat kemacetan lalu lintas yang tinggi. Dari analisis dihasilkan empat rute cable car yang potensial: satu rute yang lurus mengikuti jalan tepian pantai yang akan menghasilkan pemandangan yang sangat indah ke arah laut lepas dan ke arah permukiman kota yang sangat padat, terlihat oleh mata penumpang dari belakang jendela kabin cable car; satu rute lainnya menghubungkan dua pusat perbelanjaan besar di kawasan tersebut; dan dua rute lainnya membawa para turis ke dua pulau wisata terdekat. Dari analisis juga dihasilkan sembilan stasiun potensial serta konsep integrasi antara moda cable car dengan moda lainnya, bangunan dan lansekap. Penelitian ini merekomendasikan peningkatan kualitas pelayanan Bus Transmamminasata dan penataan jalur sirkulasi seluruh moda yang lebih baik disetiap stasiun cable car. Hal ini untuk mengantisipasi peningkatan mobilitas yang dihasilkan dari implementasi cable car dan untuk mencapai tingkat pelayanan transportasi kota yang optimal, layaknya sebuah Kota Dunia
Efforts to Develop Bicycle Transportation in Supporting the Internal Transportation System
The Unhas Tamalanrea Campus has green open space which is one of the best urban forest areas in Makassar. This is supported by the implementation of Non-Motorized-Transport by re-developing bicycle transportation management. Campus Green Open Space is an attraction for the community to cycle, for this reason, attention to bicycle transportation facilities and connectivity with other transportation is needed so that vehicle access continues to run safely and comfortably, at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. This study aims to find out how the services of bicycle transportation facilities, the suitability of bicycle lanes, and development concepts can be applied at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. The analysis methods used are Importance Performance Analysis (IPA), Scoring Analysis, and Map interpretation. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents taken were cyclists at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus using accidental sampling techniques. The results showed that the condition of bicycle transportation facilities at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus was quite good but still needed to be improved by the guidelines and concept of campus bicycle transportation
Many factors influence drivers to select the best route for their travel. With this reason, truck drivers carrying coal in Banjarmasin area have to find what routes give them the most benefit to transport coal from coal mines to stockpiles. This study aims to determine factors affecting the productivity of trucks transporting coal through road network in the city of Banjarmasin. The results show that only travel time and vehicle types affect the truck productivity significantly.Keywords: truck productivity, road network, and coal transport
Navigating Challenges: Mental Health as a Mediator in the Performance of Indonesian Seafarers
The mental health and overall quality of seafarers are critical to the safety and efficiency of maritime operations. This study investigates the factors influencing the quality of Indonesian seafarers, with a particular focus on mental health as a mediating variable. Using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with Partial Least Squares (PLS), we analyzed data from 280 respondents, including skippers and crew members working on Indonesian flagged ships. The study examines the impact of working conditions, recruitment and placement, training and development, and safety culture on seafarer quality, both directly and indirectly through mental health. Our findings indicate that mental health significantly mediates the relationship between these factors and the quality of seafarers. Training and development emerged as the most influential factor, followed by safety culture, recruitment and placement, and working conditions. The results emphasize the importance of enhancing mental health support to improve working conditions, recruitment processes, training initiatives, and safety culture, thereby increasing productivity and the overall quality of seafarers. This research addresses an empirical gap by providing practical strategies to improve Indonesian seafarers' quality and job stability in the global maritime industry. Future research should expand the geographic scope and explore additional factors affecting seafarer quality and mental health
The number of residents who live in the border area of the province of Papua and the Country of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is 129,835 persons or 4.6% of the total population of Papua. Some of these settlements are still isolated and far behind in terms of education, health, and economic and their economic conditions are still below the poverty line. Government efforts to raise living standards through the provision of logistical needs of border communities are still hampered by the difficulty of accessibility that exists in the area. The results of this study indicate that the logistic needs of border communities have not been evenly distributed, and this is not caused by the lack of integration among transportation modes alone. The problems include thelogistics needs which are stopped at one of the modes of service, the occurrence of damage, and goods needed by people do not reach the border areas where the people live. To address these problems, there is a need for strategies and policies to deal with the transportation network system to distribute needed logisticsby optimizing existing transportation infrastructure, accelerating and improving the transportation infrastructure, improving inter-modal coordination, and improving management of transportation logistics.Keywords: border areas, transportation networks, inter-modal coordination, logistics managemen
Many factors influence drivers to select the best route for their travel. With this reason, truck drivers carrying coal in Banjarmasin area have to find what routes give them the most benefit to transport coal from coal mines to stockpiles. This study aims to determine factors affecting the productivity of trucks transporting coal through road network in the city of Banjarmasin. The results show that only travel time and vehicle types affect the truck productivity significantly.Keywords: truck productivity, road network, and coal transport
The number of residents who live in the border area of the province of Papua and the Country of Papua New Guinea (PNG) is 129,835 persons or 4.6% of the total population of Papua. Some of these settlements are still isolated and far behind in terms of education, health, and economic and their economic conditions are still below the poverty line. Government efforts to raise living standards through the provision of logistical needs of border communities are still hampered by the difficulty of accessibility that exists in the area. The results of this study indicate that the logistic needs of border communities have not been evenly distributed, and this is not caused by the lack of integration among transportation modes alone. The problems include thelogistics needs which are stopped at one of the modes of service, the occurrence of damage, and goods needed by people do not reach the border areas where the people live. To address these problems, there is a need for strategies and policies to deal with the transportation network system to distribute needed logisticsby optimizing existing transportation infrastructure, accelerating and improving the transportation infrastructure, improving inter-modal coordination, and improving management of transportation logistics.Keywords: border areas, transportation networks, inter-modal coordination, logistics managemen
With various activities of the academic community and the community, it will certainly affect the movement of transportation in the Unhas Campus Area. Various characteristics of motorized and non-motorized vehicles located on one road section will cause congestion, noise and pollution. These transportation problems can interfere with comfort, safety, and security while on the move, For this reason, in the construction and development of infrastructure at the Unhas Campus, it is necessary to apply sustainable and environmentally friendly transportation, bicycles have many benefits, including health, economic, and environmental benefits. This study aims to determine how the effectiveness of bicycle lanes, bicycle transportation facility services, and the concept of bicycle transportation development that can be applied at the Unhas Tamalanrea Campus. The analysis method used is SWOT Analysis. Data collection was conducted through observation, interviews, and questionnaires. The respondents taken were cyclists at Unhas Tamalanrea Campus using axial sampling techniques. The results showed that the condition of bicycle transportation facilities at Unhas Tamalanrea Campus was quite good but still needed to be improved in accordance with the guidelines and concepts of campus bicycle transportation.Dengan berbagai aktivitas civitas akademika dan masyarakat, tentunya akan mempengaruhi pergerakan transportasi di Kawasan Kampus Unhas. Berbagai karakteristik kendaraan bermotor dan tidak bermotor yang berada pada satu ruas jalan akan menyebabkan kemacetan, kebisingan dan polusi. Permasalahan transportasi tersebut dapat mengganggu kenyamanan, keselamatan, dan keamanan saat beraktivitas, Untuk itu, dalam pembangunan dan pengembangan infrastruktur di Kampus Unhas perlu diterapkan transportas yang berkelanjutan dan berwawasan lingkungan, sepeda memiliki banyak manfaat, termasuk manfaat kesehatan, ekonomi, dan lingkungan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana efektivitas jalur sepeda, pelayanan fasilitas transportasi sepeda, dan konsep pengembangan transportasi sepeda yang dapat diterapkan di Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah Analisis SWOT. Pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui observasi, wawancara, dan kuesioner. Responden yang diambil adalah pengendara sepeda yang ada di Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea dengan menggunakan teknik sampling aksidental. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan kondisi fasilitas transportasi sepeda di Kampus Unhas Tamalanrea sudah cukup baik namun masih perlu ditingkatkan sesuai dengan pedoman dan konsep transportasi sepeda kampus
Transportasi laut kapal layar motor : pinisi teknologi dan manajemen pelayaran rakyat
xviii, 184 hlm,; 21 x 15 c