4,426 research outputs found

    Modelling of last hypothesis of climate change impacts on water resources in Sierra de las Cabras aquifer (Southern Spain)

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    Having models that reflect the reality of a system operation becomes critical to the effec-tive management of water resources in a watershed, especially considering the different scenes of climate change predicted for the Mediterranean regions by the Intergovernmen-tal Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). The fifth Assessment Report of IPCC (AR5) esti-mates an increase in average temperatures and a precipitation decrease between 10 and 20% for Mediterranean region which could generate drought events in the study area. The present research tries to determinate the potential impacts that climate change may have on water resources. The Sacramento model has been used to model the water resources of an inertial aquifer, Sierra de las Cabras. In turn, IPCC forecasts of climate change for the study area (Mediterranean region) have been simulated taking into account the degree as-sessing of affection to the water resources opposite to eventual episodes of drought, and the social and environmental implications that will result have been also determined.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Isolated singularities of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

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    We give a classification of non-removable isolated singularities for real analytic solutions of the prescribed mean curvature equation in Minkowski 33-space

    Teaching Nash Equilibrium and Strategy Dominance: A Classroom Experiment on the Beauty Contest

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    The aim of this investigation is to display how the use of classroom experiments may be a good pedagogical tool to teach the Nash equilibrium (NE) concept. The basic game for our purposes is a repeated version of the Beauty Contest Game (BCG), a simple guessing game whose repetition lets students react to other players’ choices and to converge iteratively to the equilibrium solution. We performed this experiment with undergraduate students without any previous knowledge about game theory. After four rounds, we observed in all groups a clear decreasing tendency in the average chosen number. So, our findings prove that, by playing a repeated BCG, students quickly learn how to reach the NE solution.Classroom Experiments, Beauty Contest Game, Teaching, Nash Equilibrium.

    Espejo de reinas: Margarita de Austria (1584-1611) y su reflejo en la reina bíblica Ester

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    L’enfrontament entre la reina Margarida d’Àustria, esposa de Felip III, i el valido del rei, el duc de Lerma, va tenir el seu reflex en els conflictes entre diferents confessors jesuïtes de la cort. Els jesuïtes afins a la reina van decidir ocultar el seu nom en la correspondència sota el pseudònim d’Ester, la reina bíblica que va salvar el poble jueu. I és que els jesuïtes esperaven que Margarida evités que fossin expulsats de la cort pel duc de Lerma. Des de llavors, la vida de Margarida d’Àustria va ser assimilada a la d’una heroïna bíblica; tant és així, que al palau d’El Pardo trobem uns frescos del cicle d’Ester, que simbolitzen els problemes de la reina amb el valido.El enfrentamiento entre la reina Margarita de Austria, esposa de Felipe III, y el valido del rey, el duque de Lerma, tuvo su reflejo en los conflictos entre distintos confesores jesuitas de la corte. Los jesuitas afines a la reina decidieron ocultar su nombre en la correspondencia bajo el apodo de Ester, la reina bíblica que salvó al pueblo judío. Y es que los jesuitas esperaban que Margarita evitara que fueran expulsados de la corte por el duque de Lerma. Desde entonces, la vida de Margarita de Austria fue asimilada a la de la heroína bíblica; tanto es así que encontramos en el palacio de El Pardo unos frescos del ciclo de Ester, que simbolizan los problemas de la reina con el valido.The confrontation between Queen Margarita of Austria, the wife of Philip III, and the king’s valido, the Duke of Lerma, was reflected in conflicts between the Jesuit confessors of the court. Those Jesuits close to the queen decided to disguise mention of her in their correspondence behind the name of Esther, the biblical queen who saved the Jews. The Jesuits expected that Margarita would prevent their expulsion from the court, which was the Duke of Lerma’s wish. From this moment on, Margarita of Austria was assimilated with the biblical heroine, in such a way that we find frescoes of the cycle of Esther in the palace of El Pardo, representing the tensions between Queen Margarita and the valido

    The role of fray Diego Collado in the service of Proganda Fide in the East Indies

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    En 1622 se creó la Congregación cardenalicia de Propaganda Fide para centralizar la organización de las misiones a nivel mundial. Los misioneros de las órdenes religiosas fueron los verdaderos artífices de esta expansión católica durante el Barroco. En este sentido, destacó la figura de Fray Diego Collado, vicario provincial de los dominicos en Oriente, que se convirtió en un agente indispensable de la Congregación romana. Buen conocedor de los territorios orientales, pero también de los intereses de la Congregación de Propaganda Fide, el P. Collado fue el encargado de acudir en persona ante los ministros de Felipe IV y transmitirles todas las exigencias de Propaganda Fide. Analizar la actividad de este dominico en Madrid significa, por tanto, comprender las estrategias de Propaganda Fide para controlar el dominio de la evangelización en los territorios asiáticos, especialmente en Japón, tratando de esquivar los rígidos límites impuestos por el Padroado Regio.In 1622 the cardinal’s Congregation of Propaganda Fide was created to centralize the organization of missions worldwide. The missionaries of religious orders were the true architects of this Catholic expansion during the Baroque. In this regard, stood out the figure of Fray Diego Collado, provincial vicar of the Dominicans in the East, who became an indispensable agent of the Roman Congregation. Well versed in the eastern territories, but also in the interests of the Congregation of Propaganda Fide, Fr. Collado was asked to intercede with the ministers of Philip IV on behalf of the interests of Propaganda Fide and transmit them all the requirements of the Congregation. Analyzing the activity of this Dominican in Madrid means, therefore, understanding the strategies of Propaganda Fide to control the domain of evangelization in the Asian territories, especially in Japan, trying to avoid the rigid limits imposed by the Regio Padroado