1,232 research outputs found

    Grid Global Behavior Prediction

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    Complexity has always been one of the most important issues in distributed computing. From the first clusters to grid and now cloud computing, dealing correctly and efficiently with system complexity is the key to taking technology a step further. In this sense, global behavior modeling is an innovative methodology aimed at understanding the grid behavior. The main objective of this methodology is to synthesize the grid's vast, heterogeneous nature into a simple but powerful behavior model, represented in the form of a single, abstract entity, with a global state. Global behavior modeling has proved to be very useful in effectively managing grid complexity but, in many cases, deeper knowledge is needed. It generates a descriptive model that could be greatly improved if extended not only to explain behavior, but also to predict it. In this paper we present a prediction methodology whose objective is to define the techniques needed to create global behavior prediction models for grid systems. This global behavior prediction can benefit grid management, specially in areas such as fault tolerance or job scheduling. The paper presents experimental results obtained in real scenarios in order to validate this approach

    Solar Resource for Urban Communities in the Baja California Peninsula, Mexico

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    Several studies have determined that Mexico has great renewable energy potential, and one of its most abundant resources is solar energy, a source that could be exploited to provide development opportunities to its population, however it is necessary to calculate the amount of this source available. The aim of this study was to assess solar irradiance at urban communities in the Baja California Peninsula. For this purpose data recorded every 10 min during 6 years (2010–2015) by the Automatic Meteorological Stations (AMSs) and Synoptic Automatic Meteorological Stations (SAMSs) of the National Meteorological System of Mexico (NMS) were analyzed. Satellite data from the Surface and Meteorology Energy System (SMSE) were also used, and a linear regression was performed to compare the measured and satellite data. The highest R-square value found was 0.97 and the lowest was 0.82. Daily patterns show that Cabo San Lucas had the highest average solar irradiation/day, with 1000 W/m2. Considering the urban areas, total solar irradiation reaching the Peninsula is about 447 106 kWh, which represents around 447 times the total Baja California Peninsula yearly energy consumption. Geographic Information System (GIS) helped to identify the zones and months with higher solar resources. May is the month registering the highest irradiation, more than 8.1 kWh/m2/day, while the average solar resource for the whole Peninsula is 5.7 kWh/m2/day

    The Joker City, or the Mysteries and Miseries of Gotham

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    The city mysteries were a nineteenth‐century bestselling transnational literary phenomenon that combined radical politics and sensational fiction, adapting historical events along with devices from already existing popular narratives. Born as answers to the new megalopolis, these mysteries were supposed to work as calls to political action by exposing the vices, crimes, and corruption of the city’s wealthy elites, in contrast to the miserable conditions of honest, victimized workers and middle‐class families. However, the ideological coherence of city mysteries was often compromised by their voyeuristic emphasis on the most sensational and lurid aspects of the same social evils they aimed to eradicate in the first place. This article is built upon the hypothesis that, in a very different context, Joker (2019) has filtered staples of the city‐mystery genre through the aesthetics of contemporary popular culture, in order to produce a politically mystifying but unequivocally provocative film

    Optoelectrical study of neuronal calcium nanodomains

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    In neurons, coupling between calcium influx and membrane voltage in pre- synaptic terminal is essential for neurotransmitter release, hyperpolarization and re- polarization and shaping of Ca2+ dendritic spikes. In the functional context, these processes are fine-tuned and controlled by complexes called “nanodomains”, which are formed by the tight association between calcium permeable channels and large conductance voltage- and calcium-gated potassium channels (BK). The structural mechanisms involved in the Ca2+ dependent activation of BK channels and deducing how these Ca2+ signals are integrated and converted into an outflux of potassium ions are intriguing questions that have to be comprehensively studied. During this PhD, we aimed to advance our knowledge about the precise func- tion of BK channels within the nanodomains as well as its structural roles in forming the complexes with N-methyl-D-aspartate glutamate receptors (NMDARs). In order to fulfil our aims, we used a combination of the most recent techniques developed in the field, including unnatural amino acids, self-labelling enzymes, superresolution microscopy and single molecule pull-down. This allowed us to study the specific structural rearrangements involved in the activation of this channel by Ca2+, as well as to develop tools to study the protein-protein interactions between BK channel and NMDARs. We demonstrated the existence of an intrasubunit bridge between the Ca2+ binding sites of BK channel as well as the crucial role of the intersubunit interfaces in the activation of the channel by this divalent cation. We reconstituted BK channel-NMDARs complexes in heterologous systems and studied the influence of GluN2 NMDAR composition in BK channel activation. Additionally, we constructed functional fusion proteins between self-labelling enzymes and BK channel, or NMDARs, and validated them under different microscopy approaches

    Estudio de un injerto hepático mediante software CFD

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    No hay ninguna duda que el desarrollo de la tecnología está ayudando cada vez más a numerosos campos de estudio entre ellos el campo de la salud. En concreto, el desarrollo de la tecnología del CFD (Computational Fluid Dynamics) permite el estudio de problemas de mecánica de fluidos bajo diversas condiciones. El CFD se basa en el cálculo numérico de ecuaciones en derivadas parciales de un dominio geométrico dividido en una serie de elementos finitos, conocido como malla. En el presente trabajo se trabajará con diferentes modelos geométricos para simular un injerto hepático. La simulación del flujo del torrente sanguíneo a través de un conducto venoso es tratada como pilar fundamental en este trabajo. El objetivo final es simular lo más preciso y fiel a la realidad la geometría del injerto, la entrada del flujo sanguíneo, la salida del mismo y todas las condiciones de contorno de nuestro problema. También se compararán los resultados obtenidos con dos softwares diferentes: ANSYS Fluent y Star CCM+. Todo este trabajo se encuentra motivado bajo la demanda del equipo sanitario del Hospital de Barcelona, que deseaban demostrar la existencia de flujo turbulento en una situación como es el injerto de hígado, con el fin de prevenir la coagulación de la sangre en ciertas zonas de dicho injerto. Este trabajo estudiará diferentes situaciones y modelos geométricos del injerto a fin de predecir y simular el flujo del torrente sanguíneo para dicho problema propuesto. Este proyecto se podría dividir en dos grandes bloques en función del número de entradas de flujo al injerto. Se estudiarán en primer lugar, los modelos geométricos con una sola entrada de flujo y posteriormente, aquellos modelos geométricos con tres entradas de flujo. Esto es debido a que al injerto real le llegan tres venas, pero no podemos descartar que el de una entrada podría resultar interesante para otro tipo de injertos.There is no doubt that the development of the technology is increasingly helping numerous fields of knowledge among which the health field. In particular, the development of CFD technology allows us to study fluids dynamics problems under various conditions. CFD is based on solving a set of partial differential equations in a geometrical domain divided into small finite elements, known as mesh. In the present work, we will work with different geometric models in order to simulate a hepatic graft. The simulation of the blood flow through a venous channel is the main objective of this project. The final aim is to simulate the graft geometry, the inlets, outlets and all the boundary conditions as accurate as possible. Besides, we will compare the obtained results with two different softwares: ANSYS Fluent and Star CCM+. This work is motivated under the petition of the healthcare team from the hospital from Barcelona, who wish demonstrate the existence of turbulent flow in a situation such as hepatic graft for the purpose of preventing the blood coagulation in certain zones of the very graft. This work will study several situations and geometric models in order to predict and simulate the blood flow for this suggested problem. This project could be divided in two large parts according to the number of inlets of the graft. Firstly, we will focus on those geometric models which have only one inlet and after that, we will consider those graft models which have three inlets. This is because a real hepatic graft has three veins that provide blood. However, we cannot discard those with one inlets since they could be useful to study other sorts of grafts.Universidad de Sevilla. Máster en Diseño Avanzado en Ingeniería Mecánic

    Evaluación del nivel de la vulnerabilidad sísmica en viviendas autoconstruidas en el anexo 22, San Antonio de Huarochirí, Lima, 2022

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    La presente investigación de Evaluación del Nivel de Vulnerabilidad Sísmica en Viviendas Autoconstruidas en San Antonio de Jicamarca - Anexo 22, Distrito de San Antonio – Huarochirí – Lima, según el RNE, tiene por objetivos establecer el nivel de vulnerabilidad frente a condiciones de sismo de las viviendas autoconstruidas de manera informal en el sistema constructivo de albañilería confinada, mediante el uso de la metodología FEMA P-154, en análisis del comportamiento de la estructura en el software ETABS y la comparación de los resultados con las normas técnicas del RNE. La metodología empleada para la presente investigación es del tipo aplicada, con un diseño de investigación no experimental. Los resultados obtenidos fueron que un 50% de las viviendas presentan un nivel de vulnerabilidad sísmica alta, 25% media y 25% baja; también, que todas las viviendas presentan irregularidades e incumplimientos relacionados a condiciones de construcción, estructuración y calidad de materiales, esto debido a la ejecución de autoconstrucciones informales con resultados de 71.88% (cumplimiento), 2.78% (cumplimiento parcial) y 25.35% (no cumplimiento); así mismo que se comprueba que al reducir los índices de autoconstrucción informal, se reduce también la severidad e intensidad de daños que pueden presentarse ante la ocurrencia de eventos sísmicos moderados y severo

    Diplomado de profundización cisco prueba de habilidades prácticas CCNP

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    En un escenario de red se han creado cuatro VRF (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) diferentes en dos VLAN (Virtual Local Area Network) distintas utilizando el software GNS3. El objetivo de la configuración es generar conectividad dentro de cada VLAN, pero a través de diferentes VRF. Para lograr esto, se han creado dos VLAN, cada una con dos VRF. La VLAN 13 tiene dos VRF "Especial_Users", mientras que la VLAN 8 tiene dos VRF "General_Users". Cada VRF tiene una dirección IP única dentro de su VLAN, lo que permite la conectividad dentro de la misma VLAN, pero no con los VRF de la otra VLAN. Se han asignado puertos de switch a cada VLAN y se han configurado enrutadores para conectividad entre VLAN. Cada puerto de switch está configurado para etiquetar el tráfico de VLAN, lo que asegura que los paquetes sean enviados a través de la VLAN correcta. Los enrutadores también se han configurado con enrutamiento inter-VLAN y con una tabla de rutas que contiene las rutas estáticas a través de los diferentes VRF. La configuración de cuatro VRF diferentes en dos VLAN distintas permite la conectividad dentro de cada VLAN, pero no entre los VRF de diferentes VLAN. Esto es útil para mantener la privacidad y la seguridad de los datos en la red. La configuración se ha realizado utilizando el software GNS3, que es una herramienta de simulación de redes que permite a los usuarios crear y probar topologías de red complejas en un entorno virtual.In a network scenario, four different VRFs (Virtual Routing and Forwarding) have been created in two different VLANs (Virtual Local Area Network) using the GNS3 software. The goal of the configuration is to generate connectivity within each VLAN, but through different VRFs. To achieve this, two VLANs have been created, each with two VRFs. VLAN 13 has two "Special_Users" VRFs, while VLAN 8 has two "General_Users" VRFs. Each VRF has a unique IP address within its VLAN, allowing connectivity within the same VLAN, but not with VRFs on the other VLAN. Switch ports have been assigned to each VLAN and routers have been configured for inter-VLAN connectivity. Each switch port is configured to VLAN traffic tagging, which ensures that packets are sent through the correct VLAN. The routers have also been configured with inter-VLAN routing and with a route table containing the static routes through the different VRFs. The configuring four different VRFs on two different VLANs allows connectivity within each VLAN, but not between VRFs on different VLANs. This is useful for maintaining the privacy and security of data on the network. The configuration has been done using the GNS3 software, which is a network simulation tool that allows users to create and test complex network topologies in a virtual environment

    Seasonal Wind Energy Characterization in the Gulf of Mexico

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    In line with Mexico’s interest in determining its wind resources, in this paper, 141 locations along the states of the Gulf of Mexico have been analyzed by calculating the main wind characteristics, such as the Weibull shape (c) and scale (k) parameters, and wind power density (WPD), by using re-analysis MERRA-2 (Modern-Era Retrospective Analysis for Research and Applications version 2) data with hourly records from 1980–2017 at a 50-m height. The analysis has been carried out using the R free software, whose its principal function is for statistical computing and graphics, to characterize the wind speed and determine its annual and seasonal (spring, summer, autumn, and winter) behavior for each state. As a result, the analysis determined two different wind seasons along the Gulf of Mexico;, it was found that in the states of Tamaulipas, Veracruz, and Tabasco wind season took place during autumn, winter, and spring, while for the states of Campeche and Yucatan, the only two states that shared its coast with the Caribbean Sea and the Gulf of Mexico, the wind season occurred only in winter and spring. In addition, it was found that by considering a seasonal analysis, more accurate information on wind characteristics could be generated; thus, by applying the Weibull distribution function, optimal zones for determining wind as a resource of energy can be established. Furthermore, a k-means algorithm was applied to the wind data, obtaining three clusters that can be seen by month; these results and using the Weibull parameter c allow for selecting the optimum wind turbine based on its power coefficient or efficiency

    Differences Between Human and Murine Tau at the N-terminal End

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    Human tauopathies, such as Alzheimer’s disease (AD), have been widely studied in transgenic mice overexpressing human tau in the brain. The longest brain isoforms of Tau in mice and humans show 89% amino acid identity; however, the expression of the isoforms of this protein in the adult brain of the two species differs. Tau 3R isoforms are not present in adult mice. In contrast, the adult human brain contains Tau 3R and also Tau 4R isoforms. In addition, the N-terminal sequence of Tau protein in mice and humans differs, a Tau peptide (residues 17–28) being present in the latter but absent in the former. Here we review the main published data on this N-terminal sequence that suggests that human and mouse Tau proteins interact with different endogenous proteins and also show distinct secretion patternsThis study was funded by grants from Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España; BFU2016-77885-P), Structural Funds of the European Union from the Comunidad de Madrid [S2017/BMD-3700 (NEUROMETAB-CM)], institutional funding from the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red Sobre Enfermedades Neurodegenerativas (CIBERNED, ISCIII), and an institutional grant from the Fundación R. Areces. JM-R has a fellowship from the Fundación La Caix