25 research outputs found

    The level of knowledge in first aid by the general public

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    Ústav teorie a praxe ošetřovatelství 1. LF UKInstitute of Theory and Practice of Nursing First Faculty of Medicine Charles University1. lékařská fakultaFirst Faculty of Medicin

    Surgical Cutting on a Multimodal Object Representation

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    Abstract. In this paper, we present the design of our surgery simulator under the aspects of multimodal object representation and parallelization on multicore architectures. Special focus is put on cutting. Surgical incisions can be accomplished interactively with force feedback

    Malformations and body injuries in a hybrid zone of crested newts (Caudata: Salamandridae: Triturus cristatus superspecies)

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    Morphological abnormalities occur frequently in wild amphibian populations. We analysed malformation and injuries in the hybrid zone of three crested newt species, in the Czech Republic. In total, 274 individuals from 35 localities in South Moravia (Czech Republic) were examined during the period 2010-2014. Malformations were found in eight newts (2.9%) from seven localities. Injuries were recorded on 59 newts (21.5%). Proportions of tail crest injuries was significantly higher (P ˂ 0.1) in males than in females and the probability of being injured was significantly higher (P ˂ 0.01) for adult individuals. We discuss gene mutation, parasitism and predation as possible explanations for our observations

    Protecting isolated reptile populations outside their main area of distribution: a predictive model of the Dice snake, Natrix tessellata, distribution in the Czech Republic

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    Marginal populations of animals are highly susceptible to environmental pressures associated with climatic changes. Understanding their distribution and ecological requirements is, thus, essential for the development of efficient conservation strategies. The dice snake, Natrix tessellata, is listed as critically endangered in the Czech Republic. In certain regions (Bohemia and Silesia), its populations are located beyond the northern border of the continuous range of the species, while the south Moravian populations are connected to it. Based on the statewide database of the Czech Nature Conservation Agency, we created a predictive model and determined key factors influencing the species distribution. The most relevant factors were: watercourses and bodies, average annual temperatures, altitude, slope inclination and precipitation seasonality. The model fits the presence records well and is applicable in both theory and practice of the species conservation – for example, focusing faunistic research to certain areas, critical analysis of controversial presence reports and as an input for species management in the form of repatriation and introduction

    Preserving Topology and Elasticity for Embedded Deformable Models

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    International audienceIn this paper we introduce a new approach for the embedding of linear elastic deformable models. Our technique results in significant improvements in the efficient physically based simulation of highly detailed objects. First, our embedding takes into account topological details, that is, disconnected parts that fall into the same coarse element are simulated independently. Second, we account for the varying material properties by computing stiffness and interpolation functions for coarse elements which accurately approximate the behaviour of the embedded material. Finally, we also take into account empty space in the coarse embeddings, which provides a better simulation of the boundary. The result is a straightforward approach to simulating complex deformable models with the ease and speed associated with a coarse regular embedding, and with a quality of detail that would only be possible at much finer resolution

    Catechists at Strahov in the 19th Century

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    Strahov Catechists of the 19th century This specific study contributes to knowledge of pastoral and catechetical practice in our country in the 19th century, illustrating it with concrete implementation of these activities in institutions related to the Premonstratensian monastery at Strahov, Prague. The theme is placed in broader context of explanation of development of pastoral theology and catechesis; it is also interpreted in relation to the entire development of the Premonstatensian order with regard to the history of their pastoral activities. These activities at schools at lower and higher levels is conceived in broader context of education in the examined period, both from the theoretic, and the practical point of view; therefore, the work give also a brief characteristics of the system of education and schools, and concentrates also on various aspects of the specific issue of religious education, including these activities at specialized schools. The chapter on catechesis and pastoral care in parishes is dedicated both to homiletic activities of Strahov Premonstratensians, and, particularly, to the issue of preparation for sacraments and pastoral care of specific groups, represented by fraternities. The final section of this work presents three medallions of important Strahov personalities..

    Past and present of functions of Bolevec lakes

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    Cílem práce bylo objasnění vývoje funkcí rybníků Bolevecké rybniční soustavy. Zdůraznění důležitosti jednotlivých funkcí a důležitosti těchto změn v minulosti a jejich dopady na současné rybníkářství a využití rybníků.ObhájenoThis work is following the development of functions of ponds in Bolevec pond system. Emphasising importance of the individual functions and importance of these changes in the past and their impact on the current pond and utilization of ponds

    Inhibice lidského rekombinantního CYP2D6 isochinolinovými alkaloidy

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    The purpose of this work was to screen a set of isoquinoline alkaloids for their inhibitory potency toward CYP450 isoenzyme CYP2D6. Since the human cytochrome P450 plays a pivotal role in a metabolism of both xenobiotics and endogenous substances, studying its interactions is a basic task in early drug development. CYP2D6 is due to its high polymorphism monitored very often. The in vitro method with fluorometric detection was used to determine the inhibitory effect of 20 alkaloids towards the recombinant human CYP2D6. Isoquinoline alkaloids were divided into the groups based on their relative structures. It was determined that 11 out of 20 are potent inhibitors, 3 moderate, 5 weak and one is not inhibitor. In percentage representation it means that 70% of all measured compounds are at least moderate potent inhibitors to CYP2D6 in this assay. They create mainly the members of protoberberine alkaloid group. The structure of these compounds might contribute to the searching of new inhibitors for data-sets for in silico drug metabolism predicting methods

    Premonstratensian Education in the Czech Territory in the 19th Century

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    Premonstratensian Education in the Czech Territory in the 19th Century This specific study contributes to the knowledge of the Order in our territory in the course of the 19th century and it explores the activity of the Premonstratensian in the schools established by them. The topic is approached in the broader context of the education of the examined era. The study explains the characteristics of the schooling and education organisation system as well, focusing on the specific problematic of religious schooling and education from various points of view. As part of the argument, the Order of Canons Regular of Prémontré is described and an evaluation of its educational activities in the course of all the history of the Order is provided. A significant part of the study is dedicated to the Strahov Abbey and its educational facilities, especially to the schools that were restored or undertaken by the Order in the researched period. The conclusive part characterises other schools run by orders in the territories of Bohemia and Moravia.Premonstrátské školství na českém území v 19. století Tato specifická studie přispívá k poznání dějin řádu na našem území v 19. století a zkoumá působení premonstrátských řeholníků na školách, jež sami zřizovali. Téma je pojato v širším kontextu školství zkoumaného období, a proto podává rovněž charakteristiku organizace systému škol a vzdělávání a věnuje se též z různých hledisek specifické problematice náboženské výuky a výchovy. V rámci vlastního tématu je charakterizován premonstrátský řád a zhodnoceno jeho školské působení v průběhu celých řádových dějin, rozsáhlá část je věnována strahovskému klášteru a jeho školským zařízením, zejména školám obnoveným a převzatým ve zkoumaném období. Závěrečná část charakterizuje ostatní řádové školy téhož období na území Čech a Moravy.Department of Pastoral Theology and Law SciencesKatedra pastorálních oborů a právních vědCatholic Theological FacultyKatolická teologická fakult

    Marketing communication of Česká pošta, s.p.

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    Marketingová komunikace České pošty, s.p., se stává z nástrojů, které jsou následně využívány pro získání nových zákazníků stejně tak, jako pro udržení stávající klientely. Správné fungování komunikace v marketingu je velmi důležitým faktorem pro bezproblémový chod podniku. Bakalářská práce je rozdělena do dvou rovin. Jedna rovina vychází z teoretických východisek a připravuje čtenáře na to, aby snáz porozuměl druhé části, která čerpá zejména z praxe a také z návrhů, které by mohly přispět ke zlepšení současných metod marketingové komunikace České pošty, s.p..Marketing communications of Česká pošta, s.p., consists of tools that are subsequently used to obtain new customers as well as retaining existing clientele. Proper operation of communication in marketing is a very important factor for the smooth running of business. The bachelor work is divided into two levels. One plane is based on the theoretical background and prepares the reader to easily understand the second part, which draws particular practice and the proposals that could contribute to improving the current methods of marketing communication of Česká pošta, s.p..Katedra dopravního managementu, marketingu a logistikyDokončená práce s úspěšnou obhajobo