117 research outputs found

    Evaluación convencional: críticas y alternativas

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    Treball Final del Màster Universitari en Professor/a d'Educació Secundària Obligatòria i Batxillerat, Formació Professional i Ensenyaments d'Idiomes. Codi: SAP229. Curs acadèmic 2013-2014El objeto general de la realización de este trabajo, ha sido intentar reflexionar acerca de la evaluación de los aprendizajes y de todas aquellas características que rodean a esta parte del proceso de la enseñanza, y más concretamente dentro de la educación secundaria obligatoria. Lo que se ha pretendido en este estudio es, por una parte, exponer una serie de críticas al actual sistema de evaluación, y por otra plantear una serie de alternativas para cambiar la situación actual, de manera que logremos que el lector reflexione acerca de cómo, a través de una evaluación inclusiva y formativa que esté integrada en el proceso de aprendizaje, es posible comenzar a aplicar otras innovaciones pedagógicas que nos acerquen a un modelo educativo más libre, más democrático y de mayor calidad que el actual. El primer bloque referido al marco teórico consta de cuatro apartados bien diferenciados. Dentro del mismo encontramos, una primera parte dedicada a definir la evaluación y situarla en el contexto del trabajo, la segunda parte hace referencia a las críticas y argumentación en contra de la evaluación que se está llevando a cabo en la actualidad, la tercera parte se centra en las alternativas y posibles soluciones para cambiar la problemática planteada y la última en presentar una serie de ejemplos de institutos y colegios en los que estas nuevas formas de evaluación están siendo aplicadas. Tras el marco teórico, un segundo bloque referido a la metodología seguida para este análisis cualitativo, y por último la presentación de los resultados obtenidos y las conclusiones a las que hemos llegado después de nuestra reflexión. La conclusión principal a la que llegamos es que, los métodos de evaluación basados en la memorización de conocimientos, que se centran en el resultado más que en el proceso y que son usados para la mera acreditación y clasificación de alumnos mediante notas, están corrompiendo la relación de enseñanza-aprendizaje entre el alumno y el profesor, debido a que los alumnos no estudian ni aprenden por interés, o naturaleza, sino para pasar un examen, o una prueba que acredite la superación de esta asignatura. Si lográramos restarle importancia al valor de las notas y al poder de los exámenes y enfocar la evaluación hacia un fin pedagógico que aportara retroalimentación al alumno y que le permitiera aprender de sus errores, nos acercaríamos sin duda hacia un modelo más deseado de enseñanza, en el cual se antepondría la importancia de aprender antes que la de aprobar

    Manipulation primitives: A paradigm for abstraction and execution of grasping and manipulation tasks

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    Sensor-based reactive and hybrid approaches have proven a promising line of study to address imperfect knowledge in grasping and manipulation. However the reactive approaches are usually tightly coupled to a particular embodiment making transfer of knowledge difficult. This paper proposes a paradigm for modeling and execution of reactive manipulation actions, which makes knowledge transfer to different embodiments possible while retaining the reactive capabilities of the embodiments. The proposed approach extends the idea of control primitives coordinated by a state machine by introducing an embodiment independent layer of abstraction. Abstract manipulation primitives constitute a vocabulary of atomic, embodiment independent actions, which can be coordinated using state machines to describe complex actions. To obtain embodiment specific models, the abstract state machines are automatically translated to embodiment specific models, such that full capabilities of each platform can be utilized. The strength of the manipulation primitives paradigm is demonstrated by developing a set of corresponding embodiment specific primitives for object transport, including a complex reactive grasping primitive. The robustness of the approach is experimentally studied in emptying of a box filled with several unknown objects. The embodiment independence is studied by performing a manipulation task on two different platforms using the same abstract description

    CDIO Experiences in Biomedical Engineering: Preparing Spanish Students for the Future of Medicine and Medical Device Technology

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    Biomedical engineering is one of the more recent fields of engineering, aimed at the application of engineering principles, methods and design concepts to medicine and biology for healthcare purposes, mainly as a support for preventive, diagnostic or therapeutic tasks. Biomedical engineering professionals are expected to achieve, during their studies and professional practice, considerable knowledge of both health sciences and engineering. Studying biomedical engineering programmes, or combining pre-graduate studies in life sciences with graduate studies in engineering, or vice versa, are typical options for becoming qualified biomedical engineering professionals, although there are additional interesting alternatives, to be discussed. According to our experience, the graduates and post-graduates from multidisciplinary engineering programmes, not just from biomedical engineering, but also from more traditional fields including industrial, mechanical and telecommunications engineering, can play varied and very relevant roles in the biomedical industry and in extremely complex biomedical device development projects. In spite of the different ways of becoming a professional of the biomedical engineering field, it is true that their impact as successful professionals can be importantly increased, by means of an adequate integration into their curricula of fundamental biomedical engineering design concepts, methodologies and good practices, applied to the development of biomedical devices. In this study we present the complete development and comparative study of three courses, belonging to different plans of study taught at the Technical University of Madrid and benefiting from using a CDIO approach focused on the development of biomedical devices. The three courses are “Development of Medical Devices”, “Bioengineering Design” and “Biomedical Engineering”, respectively belonging to the “Bachelor’s Degree in Biomedical Engineering”, to the “Master’s Degree in Industrial Engineering” and to the “Master’s Degree in Mechanical Engineering”. During the courses, groups of students live through the development process of different biomedical devices aimed at providing answers to relevant social needs. Depending on their background and European credits assigned to the different courses, students carry out more conceptual projects or are able to live through more complete CDIO experiences. Main benefits, lessons learned and future challenges, linked to these courses, are analyzed, taking account of the results from 2014-2015 academic year

    Estudio de cerámicas nanoestructuradas mediante difracción de rayos X y microscopía electrónica de alta resolución

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    Este proyecto trata sobre la determinación de las relaciones epitaxiales que se dan entre una capa de NGO (Oxido de Neodimio-Galio) y una capa depositada de CGO (Óxido de Cerio dopado con Gadolinio). Con ello buscamos estudiar indirectamente como podemos producir las dislocaciones antes citadas mediante la tensión superficial que se crea al dar lugar un crecimiento heteroepitaxial auto-ensamblado de nanohilos sobre un substrato. Para utilizar en el futuro esta cerámica nanoestructurada como plantillas de superconductores. Abordaremos este objetivo mediante dos vertientes distintas. Por un lado, mediante el estudio de una muestra mediante difracción de rayos X en dos dimensiones (DRX2). Y paralelamente mediante su visualización usando Microscopía Electrónica de Transmisión (MET)

    Five-Year Outcomes From the Randomized, Phase III Trials CheckMate 017 and 057: Nivolumab Versus Docetaxel in Previously Treated Non–Small-Cell Lung Cancer

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    Nivolumab; Docetaxel; Cáncer de pulmónNivolumab; Docetaxel; Lung cancerNivolumab; Docetaxel; Càncer de pulmóPURPOSE Immunotherapy has revolutionized the treatment of advanced non–small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC). In two phase III trials (CheckMate 017 and CheckMate 057), nivolumab showed an improvement in overall survival (OS) and favorable safety versus docetaxel in patients with previously treated, advanced squamous and nonsquamous NSCLC, respectively. We report 5-year pooled efficacy and safety from these trials. METHODS Patients (N = 854; CheckMate 017/057 pooled) with advanced NSCLC, ECOG PS ≤ 1, and progression during or after first-line platinum-based chemotherapy were randomly assigned 1:1 to nivolumab (3 mg/kg once every 2 weeks) or docetaxel (75 mg/m2 once every 3 weeks) until progression or unacceptable toxicity. The primary end point for both trials was OS; secondary end points included progression-free survival (PFS) and safety. Exploratory landmark analyses were investigated. RESULTS After the minimum follow-up of 64.2 and 64.5 months for CheckMate 017 and 057, respectively, 50 nivolumab-treated patients and nine docetaxel-treated patients were alive. Five-year pooled OS rates were 13.4% versus 2.6%, respectively; 5-year PFS rates were 8.0% versus 0%, respectively. Nivolumab-treated patients without disease progression at 2 and 3 years had an 82.0% and 93.0% chance of survival, respectively, and a 59.6% and 78.3% chance of remaining progression-free at 5 years, respectively. Treatment-related adverse events (TRAEs) were reported in 8 of 31 (25.8%) nivolumab-treated patients between 3–5 years of follow-up, seven of whom experienced new events; one (3.2%) TRAE was grade 3, and there were no grade 4 TRAEs. CONCLUSION At 5 years, nivolumab continued to demonstrate a survival benefit versus docetaxel, exhibiting a five-fold increase in OS rate, with no new safety signals. These data represent the first report of 5-year outcomes from randomized phase III trials of a programmed death-1 inhibitor in previously treated, advanced NSCLC

    Generador de compiladores basado en analizadores ascendentes

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    El objetivo fundamental de este proyecto consiste en crear un generador de compilador, basado en analizadores ascendentes. Como base para hacer este analizador se usará el lenguaje Cosel y el módulo Com, que es un generador de compiladores basado en analizadores descendentes y que actualmente se está utilizando en las prácticas de la asignatura de Compiladores I. El nuevo generador, que tiene como entrada una gramática, ha de comprobar si es una gramática ascendente LALR (1) y analizar una cadena de entrada de símbolos usando dicha gramática.L'objectiu fonamental d'aquest projecte consisteix en crear un generador de compilador, basat en analitzadors ascendents. Com a base per fer aquest analitzador s'utilitzarà el llenguatge Cosel i el mòdul Com, que és un generador de compiladors basat en analitzadors descendents i que, actualment, s'està utilitzant a les pràctiques de l'assignatura de Compiladors I. El nou generador, que té com entrada una gramàtica, ha de comprovar si és una gramàtica ascendent LALR (1) i analitzar una cadena d'entrada de símbols utilitzant aquesta gramàtica.The main objective of this project consists of creating a compiler generator based on ascending analyzers. To make this parser, we will use the Cosel language and Com module. This module is a compiler generator based on descending analyzers and is being used in the practice of Compilers I. The new generator, which takes as input a grammar, it has to check if it is a LALR(1) ascending grammar and analyze an input string of symbols using the grammar.Nota: Aquest document conté originàriament altre material i/o programari només consultable a la Biblioteca de Ciència i Tecnologia

    A Delphi consensus panel about clinical management of early-stage EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) in Spain: a Delphi consensus panel study

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    Delphi method; Non-small cell lung cancer; OsimertinibMétodo Delphi; Cáncer de pulmón de células no pequeñas; OsimertinibMètode Delphi; Càncer de pulmó de cèl·lules no petites; OsimertinibPurpose This Delphi panel study assessed the level of consensus between medical oncologists on the clinical management of patients with early-stage EGFR-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Methods A modified two-round Delphi approach was used. A scientific committee comprised of medical oncologists developed an online questionnaire. Delphi panel experts rated their level of agreement with each questionnaire statement on a 9-point Likert scale. The questionnaire included 36 statements from 3 domains (clinical management of early-stage NSCLC: 15 statements; role of adjuvant therapy in early-stage NSCLC: 9 statements; and role of adjuvant therapy in early-stage NSCLC with sensitizing EGFR mutation: 12 statements). Results In round 1, consensus was reached for 24/36 statements (66.7%). Nine statements that did not achieve consensus after the first round were evaluated in round 2, and none of them reached consensus. Overall, 84.4% of the panelists agreed that EGFR mutation testing should be done after surgery. Consensus was not achieved on whether the implementation of EGFR mutation testing in resected early-stage NSCLC could limit the use of adjuvant osimertinib. The panelists recognized the rationale for the use of osimertinib in the adjuvant scenario (88%) and 72% agreed that it may change the treatment paradigm in stage IB–IIIA EGFR-mutated NSCLC. Consensus was not reached on the inconvenience of prolonged duration of osimertinib. Conclusions This Delphi study provides valuable insights into relevant questions in the management of early-stage EGFR-mutated NSCLC. However, specific issues remain unresolved. The expert consensus emphasizes the role of adjuvant treatment with osimertinib in this scenario.The project was funded by ICAPEM (for its acronym in Spanish of Asociación para la Investigación de Cáncer de Pulmón en Mujeres). The opinions expressed are those of the authors. The funding party did not influence any aspect of the study design, collection, analysis or interpretation of data, or decision to submit the manuscript for publication

    Aplicación de modelos autorregresivos a la simulación de las características físicas de envases de vidrio

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    Se presenta en este artículo la simulación de las características de envases de vidrio, mediante modelos auto regresivos (AR), siguiendo el enfoque Box-Jenkins. El artículo se presenta en dos partes: en la primera, se demuestra la adecuación de un modelo AR (2), para la simulación de los espesores a partir de las características estadísticas determinadas sobre cortes longitudinales de envases reales. En la segunda parte, se presenta la forma práctica que se ha desarrollado para la simulación de una muestra de veinte recipientes