70 research outputs found

    Analysis of the Influence of Leaders in the Management of Public Utility Sector Enterprises of city Nis through Employee Motivation

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    Abstract. This paper analyses the impact of leaders on the performance of companies in the public utility sector of the city of Nis through employee's motivation by their leaders. First, we analyses how employees accept modern motivational methods and models. Examines all the factors that affect the management style of the leaders of these companies as of their personal preferences, character up to moral principles and, as well as the possible, the negative approaches and mechanisms that can occur in the environment. Consideration of relevance to the fact that there is no prosperity of none enterprise if there is no conformity of between the goals of all stakeholders and the  synthesis of their efforts to achieve a high level of motivation .At the same time, this analysis points the most important leadership attributes to deliver high performance and high levels of productivity. Through analysis of the motivational process leads to the result of the importance of the impact of leaders on the motivation of employees, which directly reflects to the ultimate economic results in the observed companies.  &nbsp

    Promena sadržaja antocijana pri ceđenju maline

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    Change in anthocyanins content under different conditions of extraction enzymatic maceration and heat treatment of two raspberry cultivars (Villamette and Meeker) was determined. Experiments were carried out on a laboratory hydraulic extractor. During extraction commercial operating conditions were emulated using a "Bucher" extractor (pressure 180-200 bar 1-3 pulp shakings). A pectin preparation Klerzyme®120, manufactured by DSM France, was used for maceration and depectinization, because it is specific for "sour fruits" with pH below 3.2. At a single-stage maceration, it was applied in the amount of 200-400 g/t, for 1-2 hours at 50°C. In a two-stage maceration and depectinization, the enzyme was added as follows: in the first stage 100-200 g/t for 0.5 - 1 hour at 20°C and in the second stage 4-8 g/hl for 1-2 hours at 200°C. Thermal breaks of raspberry pulp were performed at raised temperatures for 2 and 5 min in order to examine the effects of raised temperatures on anthocyanins extraction. The application of heat-enzymatic treatments of the pulp prior to extraction proved to be suitable in both raspberry cultivars. Apart from well-known degrading effects of heat on anthocyanins, the juice obtained by extraction, after enzymatic maceration, has higher anthocyanins content by 30% than the juice obtained without enzymatic maceration. Juice pasteurization, in each stage of processing, produced markedly negative effect on anthocyanins content therefore their content decreases considerably. The forms of anthocyanins that are lost most are those uncolored. In batches subjected to a two -stage enzymatic maceration, despite initial high anthocyanins content, the content of total anthocyanins is reduced after the second pasteurization to the approximate value as that in batches subjected to a single-stage enzymatic maceration.U radu je određivana promena sadržaja antocijana pri različitim uslovima cedjenja, enzimiranja i toplotnog tretiranja dve sorte maline (vilamet i miker). Pri cedjenju su imitirani industrijski radni uslovi sa "Bucher", cednice (pritisak 180-200 bar, 1-3 rastresanja kljuka). Za maceraciju i depektinizaciju korišćen je pektinski preparat KlerzymeÒ120, proizvodjača DSM - Francuska, koji je specifičan za "kiselo voće" sa pH ispod 3,2. Pri maceraciji u jednom stepenu primenjen je u količini od 200 - 400 g/t, u toku 1 do 2 sata na 50oC. Pri dvostepenoj maceraciji i depektinizaciji, dodavan je enzim: u prvoj fazi 100 - 200 g/t u toku 0,5 do 1 sata na 20°C, a u drugoj fazi dodavan je 4 - 8 g/hl u toku 1 do 2 sata na 20°C. Blanširanja kljuka maline su izvedena na povišenim temperaturama u trajanju od 2 i 5 minuta radi ispitivanja uticaja povišenih temperatura na ekstrakciju antocijana. Primena odgovarajućeg toplotno-enzimskog tretmana kljuka pre ceđenja, kod obe sorte maline, se pokazala prihvatljivom. Sok dobijen ceđenjem, posle enzimiranja, sadrži oko 30% više antocijana u odnosu na sok dobijen bez enzimiranja. Kod serija sa dvostepenim enzimiranjem, i pored velikog početnog sadržaja antocijana, posle druge pasterizacije dolazi do smanjenja na približnu vrednost sadržaja ukupnih antocijana kao kod serija sa jednostepenim enzimiranjem. Pasterizacija soka, u svakoj fazi prerade dala je izrazito negativan efekat na količinu antocijana, tako da se njihov sadržaj znatno smanjuje. Najviše se gube neobojene forme antocijana

    Pakovanje šljiva u modifikovanoj atmosferi: MAP

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    Serbia is the grate producer of plums which are mostly processed and exported in frozen state. Freezing implicate certain problems with buying, freezing and storage, along with grate energy consumption that makes difficulty to built in export price of frozen plums. Packaging of fresh plums in properly gas permeate packaging in modified atmosphere will extend storage time and make site of plums easier in export. MAP packaging for fresh fruit is still not applied in our country, although it is very important in EU although in EU market. In these paper technology of packaging of fresh plums in semipermeabile films is describe and optimal composition of modified atmosphere in package in order to maximal preserve of quality microbiological safety and extending of shelf life.Srbija je veliki proizvođač šljive koje se uglavnom prerađuju i izvoze u smrznutom stanju. Konzervisanje šljiva smrzavanjem podrazumeva određene probleme uz utrošak velike količine energije koja se sve teže uklapa u cenu smrznute šljive pri izvozu. Pakovanjem svežih šljiva u odgovarajuću gasno izolovanu ambalažu, u modifikovanoj atmosferi, omogućilo bi produženje vremena čuvanja u svežem stanju i lakši plasman šljiva u izvozu. MAP pakovanje za sveže voće kod nas se još uvek ne primenjuje iako poprima sve veći značaj na tržištu EU. Tržište Amerike i Japana ne prihvata sveže voće ukoliko nije pakovano u modifikovanoj atmosferi, jer se time garantuje da je voće konzervisano bez hemijskih sredstava, da je bezbedno za potrošača i da je u skladu sa aktuelnim standardima kvaliteta, ISO 2001, QMS, odnosno HACCP. U radu je obrađena tehnologija pakovanja svežih šljiva u semipermeabilne filmove i dat optimalan sastav modifikovane atmosfere u pakovanju radi maksimalnog očuvanja kvaliteta, mikrobiološke bezbednosti i produženja vremena čuvanja

    Laboratorijske analize krvnog seruma i urina pasa sa akutnom renalnom insuficijencijom izazvanom gentamicinom

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    The use of aminoglucoside antibiotics can be a potential risk for renal parenchyma damage and consequently acute renal failure (ARF). ARF is a syndrome that develops from progressive nephron damage resulting in the loss of renal function. Numerous experimental models have been used to study acute renal failure mainly describing histo-pathological changes in the structure of this organ. Our investigations were conducted in order to evaluate the functional capacity of kidneys in dogs with ARF induced by application of gentamicin in high doses of 80 mg/kg/24 , during 7 days. For that purpose, physico-chemical properties of the urine, concentrations of relevant parameters in the sera and urine and endogenous creatinine clearance were estimated. Our results indicate that gentamicin, in doses 20 times higher than therapeutic ones, causes progressive ARF starting from the 3 day of application.Pod određenim uslovima upotreba aminoglukozidnih antibiotika može predstavljati potencijalni rizik za nastanak oštećenja u parenhimu bubrega i posledične akutne renalne insuficijencije (ARI). ARI je sindrom koji nastaje usled progresivnog propadanja nefrona, što dovodi do gubitka sposobnosti bubrega da obavljaju svoju funkciju. Za proučavanje akutne renalne insuficijencije korišćen je veći broj različitih eksperimentainih modela pri čemu su uglavnom opisivane histopatološke promene u ovom organu. Naša ispitivanja su imala za cilj da se utvrdi funkcionalna sposobnost bubrega pasa u toku akutne renalne insuficijencije, izazvane visokim dozama gentamicina (80 mg/kg/24h), aplikovanim tokom 7 dana. U tom cilju su određivane fizičko-hemijske karakteristike mokraće, koncentracija relevantnih sastojaka u serumu i urinu kao i klirens endogenog kreatininina. Dobijeni rezultati ukazuju da se dozama gentamicina, dvadeset puta većim od terapijskih, već posle tri dana aplikacije izaziva ARI koja ima progresivan tok do kraja ogleda

    Kinetika sušenja malina u laboratorijskim uslovima

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    For a long time Serbia has been an important producer, processor and exporter of the raspberry. From the point of view of primary production, we could be proud of our success. However, on the question of processing, we are somehow behind. The reason is the typical "line of least resistance". We have always earned enough by exporting frozen raspberry and no one has even tried to explore new products or other attractive useful values of this fruit. Namely, although the raspberry has attractive useful values (which brings high demand), it is known that it has some inviolable chemical engineering characteristics. The raspberry, due to its consistency, is very susceptible to mechanical damage. It is also known for its high breathing warmth, and therefore it can only be preserved for a short time. These characteristics impose upon the producers the necessity to quickly proceed with the conservation and processing. The best way to achieve the turnover of capital is by not processing it completely. When the raspberry is half-processed, investments are smaller and so are risks for the deterioration of the quality of the product. Among products not completely processed, made from raspberries and other types of fruits, the most convenient are certainly frozen or dried fruits. Unfortunately, up to now, little has been done on the drying process of the raspberry because the fruit is very perishable as a raw material and also various problems occur during the drying process. Positive results have, however, been achieved locally in the process of drying by freezing, i.e. lyophilizing. The subject of this paper is the kinetics of drying raspberry in laboratory conditions with the idea of pinpointing at which level of humidity there is a change in the speed of evaporation. The quantity of evaporated water is expressed in relative and absolute units of measure.Već dosta dugo Srbija je značajan proizvođač, prerađivač i izvoznik maline. Sa stanovišta primarne proizvodnje možda se može i pohvaliti, čak i ponositi dobrim uspesima. Ipak, sa stanovišta prerade nekako zaostajemo. Razlog je klasična "linija manjeg otpora". Uvek se dovoljno dobro zarađivalo izvozom smrznute maline i niko nije ni pokušavao da istražuje nove proizvode i neke druge atraktivne upotrebne vrednosti od ovog voća. Naime, iako malina ima atraktivnu upotrebnu vrednost (time i značajnu potražnju), poznato je da ima veoma nepovoljna tehnološka svojstva. Malina ima zbirnu cvast, a time i zbirni plod te je veoma osetljiva na mehanička oštećenja. Poznata je i po velikoj brzini tj. po visokoj toploti disanja, te stoga ima kratak period mogućeg čuvanja. Takva svojstva zahtevaju od proizvođača da veoma brzo reaguju sa konzervisanjem ili preradom. Najbrži obrt uloženog kapitala se može postići ako se od plodova dobiju poluproizvodi. Tada su ulaganja najmanja, a smanjen je i rizik po kvalitet. Među poluprerađenim proizvodima od maline, ali i ostalih vrsti voća. svakako su najpoželjniji zamrznuti ili osušeni plodovi. Nažalost, do sada se malo radilo na sušenju maline jer je ona veoma osetljiva kao sirovina i problemi pri sušenju su višestruki. Doduše, postoje i u domaćoj praksi pozitivni rezultati za sušenje smrzavanjem tj. liofilizacijom. U ovom radu je izučavana kinetika sušenja malina u laboratorijskoj sušari sa idejom da se uoči pri kojim sadržajima vlage dolazi do promene brzine isparavanja. Količina isparene vode je izražena u relativnim i apsolutnim jedinicama mere

    Degradacija boje maline pri enzimiranju i ceđenju

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    Pectin preparation Klerzyme®120, manufactured by DSM-France, specific for 'acid fruits' with pH below 3.2, was used for maceration and depectinzation. In terms of maceration at one degree, it was applied in the quantity of 200-400 g/t for 1 to 2 hours at 50°C. At the maceration at two degrees and depectinzation, the enzyme was added: In the first phase 100-200 g/t for 0.5 to 1 h at 20°C, and in the second, 4-8 g/hl for 1 to 2 hours at 20°C. Mush boiling was executed at increased temperatures for 2 and 5 minutes. The application of proper heat enzymatic treatment prior to squeezing proved to be acceptable. The juice obtained by squeezing upon the enzymatic treatment contains about 30% more anthocyanins as compared to juice produced without enzymatic treatment. In terms of the final content of anthocyanins, the same results were recorded with treatments. In each processing stage, juice pasteurization adversely affected anthocyanin levels.U radu je ispitivana promena sadržaja bojenih materija dve sorte maline Vilamet i Miker, pri različitim uslovima ceđenja, enzimiranja i toplotnog tretiranja. Ogledi su izvedeni na laboratorijskoj hidrauličnoj cednici, pri čemu su imitirani radni uslovi "Bucher" cednice (pritisak 180 - 200 bar, 1-3 rastresanja kljuka). Za maceraciju i depektinizaciju korišćen je pektinski preparat Klerzyme® 120 (DSM - Francuska), koji je specifičan za "kiselo voće" (pH ispod 3,2). Pri maceraciji u jednom stepenu enzim je dodavan u količini od 200 - 400 g/t, u toku 1 do 2 sata na 50°C. Pri dvostepenoj maceraciji i depektinizaciji, dodavan je enzim: u prvoj fazi 100 - 200 g/t u toku 0,5 do 1 sata na 20°C, a u drugoj fazi dodavan je 4 - 8 g/hl, u toku 1 do 2 sata na 20°C. Blanširanja kljuka maline su izvedena na povišenim temperaturama u trajanju od 2 i 5 minuta. Primena odgovarajućeg toplotno-enzimskog tretmana kljuka pre ceđenja pokazala se prihvatljivom. Pored poznatog degradacionog dejstva toplote na antocijane, sok dobijen ceđenjem, posle enzimiranja, sadrži oko 30% više antocijana u odnosu na sok dobijen bez enzimiranja. Pasterizacija soka, u svakoj fazi prerade, dala je izrazito negativan efekat na količinu antocijana. Najviše se gube neobojene forme antocijana. Kod serija sa dvostepenim enzimiranjem, i pored velikog početnog sadržaja antocijana, posle druge pasterizacije dolazi do smanjenja na približnu vrednost sadržaja ukupnih antocijana kao kod serija sa jednostepenim enzimiranjem

    Konzervisanje malina liofilizacijom

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    Due to high water content (about 90%), specific total fruit texture characteristic light color and aroma, up to now raspberry has not been preserved via classical drying. The paper aimed to study the change in quality induced by liophilization as compared to convectively dried and fresh fruit. Cv Willamette was used for the trial. The chemical analyses involved the assessment of the following: the content of soluble solids total acids, total sugar, pH value, L-ascorbic acid, total anthocyanins total aroma, porosity of dried fruits, and organoleptic value. Liophilization was done in Edwards device at fruit temperature of -30°C. The pressure in the chamber accounted for 13 Pa, desorption temperature being 40°C. Convective drying was done in laboratory apparatus, entry air temperature being 65°C and relative humidity 6%. Dried fruits were rehydrated with water at room temperature. In compliance to the results obtained, it may be inferred that the stated method is highly suitable for sensitive fruit drying, such as raspberry. The analyses proved that the quality of convectively dried fruits as compared to liophilizated, is significantly poorer. Preservation of l-ascorbic acid (for about 54%) better maintenance of anthocyanins (for about 51%), reduced loss of total aroma (for about 66%) and reduction volume (for about 92%), higher porosity (for about 49%) and finally better organoleptic value (for about 51%) are the advantages of the method in question.Malina, sorta Vilamet je sušena postupkom liofilizacije i klasično, toplim vazduhom niske relativne vlažnosti. Ispitivane su promene u hemijskom sastavu, ukupnoj aromi, organoleptičnim svojstvima, gustini i zapremini, kod osušenih plodova u odnosu na sveže. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da se liofilizacijom može uspešno očuvati hemijski sastav, zapremina, aroma i boja maline

    Tržište i asortiman proizvoda od maline u svetu i Republici Srbiji

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    This paper analyses raspberry market dynamics in the world; importance and possibilities for getting raspberry products, such as juices, concentrates, syrups, pastes and raspberry juice powder, in the higher processing stages. Considerably higher economic effects (market prices even higher than 60 EUR per kg) could be reached if these products are offered in the internal market, and especially if these products are exported. This is the reason why the overall supply of these products, aimed at winning the adequate place in the internal market as well as in the external market, despite the ever increasing competition with regard to the quantity and quality, should be derived from the production/objects which are working in accordance with HACCP standards, and it should have a recognizable trade mark and an original packaging, as a symbol of its origin and quality. .Poslednjih desetak godina u svetu je zabeležen dinamičan rast proizvodnje maline. U ukupnom svetskom prometu maline, sveža malina učestvuje sa oko 8,5%. U strukturi izvoza maline iz Republike Srbije dominira smrznuta malina sa preko 90%. Pored nje u izvozu se još pojavljuje sveža malina i koncentrisani sok od maline. Na svetskom tržištu je širi asortiman proizvoda od maline. U visoko razvijenim zemljama, velikim konzumentima ovog proizvoda, u ponudi se javlja u različitim oblicima: smrznuta, koncentrovana, sušena, želirana ili sokovi od maline. Pored toga, velike količine maline u svetu se na tradicionalan način koriste za proizvodnju džemova, kompota, slatka, alkoholnih pića i drugih specijaliteta sa nacionalnim obeležjima. U radu je analizirano svetsko tržište i asortiman proizvoda od maline i njihova izvozna/uvozna cena u periodu 1995-2004. godina. Posebno su obrađene regionalne destinacije izvoza maline i prerađevina od maline iz Republike Srbije. Imajući u vidu navedeno, u radu se razmatraju značaj dobijanja i promet proizvoda od maline viših faza prerade, kao što su sokovi, koncentrati, sirupi, želirani proizvodi i dr. Ponudom ovih proizvoda na domaćem tržištu, a naročito izvozom, mogu se postići znatno viši ekonomski efekti (cene i preko 60 eura/kg). Zato ukupna ponuda ovih proizvoda, u borbi za odgovarajuće mesto na domaćem i u sve oštrijoj konkurenciji obima i kvaliteta na svetskom tržištu, treba da potiče iz proizvodnje/objekata koji ispunjavaju standarde HACCP, da bude prepoznatljive robne marke i originalnog pakovanja, kao simbola porekla i kvaliteta.

    Comprehensive characterization of BiFeO3 powder synthesized by the hydrothermal procedure

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    In this paper, bismuth ferrite (BFO) particles synthesized by controlled hydrothermal process, where the particles of small sizes and with high purity were obtained. Structural analysis showed that non-annealed powder can be perfectly fitted to rhombohedral space group R3c and contains a very small amount of secondary phase, whereas the final product (annealed at 800 °C) represents single-phase perovskite powder with high crystallinity. HRTEM analysis confirmed existence of twin stacking faults, which are responsible for enhanced magnetic properties. EPR measurements suggested existence of electrons trapped by vacancies or defects. It has been proposed that existence of Fe3+ −OV defect complex could be generated at elevated temperatures followed by formation of trivalent Fe ions, which intensely provide local 3d moments

    Prinos zrna ispitivanih hibrida kukuruza na futoškom lokalitetu

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    The aim of the investigation was to examine the productive characteristics of the most successful and widely used maize hybrids. The paper shows the grain yield of two mid-early maize hybrids: ZP 544 and NS 444 ultra, as well as the yield of six late maturing hybrids: NS640, Zenit, ZP 684, ZP 704, ZP 677 and ZP 735. Both of the mid - early hybrids had a high grain yield. The ZP 544 hybrid achieved the yield of 9,411 t/ha wheareas the NS444 ultra hybrid achieved 9,1 t/ha. Concerning the late maturing hybrids, the highest yield was observed in NS640, Zenit and ZP684 (11,450 t/ ha, 11,196 t/ha and 10,346 t/ha). ZP 704 and ZP 677 had a signitificantly lower yield than the previous three hybrids (9,667 t/ha and 9,488 t/ha). The ZP 735 hybrid gave a yield of 8,190 t/ha which was the lowest yield of all the examined late maturity hybrids. According to the results of the experiment, the best hybrids to be used in the locality of Futog are NS640, Zenit and ZP 684.Cilj rada je da se sagledaju produktivne mogućnosti hibrida iz ogleda na određenom lokalitetu, do sada već dobro poznatih i zapaženih hibrida kukuruza iz šire proizvodnje. Prikazani su rezultati prinosa zrna dva srednje rana hibrida kukuruza: ZP 544, NS 444 ultra, i šest kasnostasnih: NS 640, Zenit, ZP 684, ZP 704, ZP 677, ZP 73. Visoku rodnost u svojstvu prinosa zrna iskazala su oba posmatrana srednje rana hibrida kukuruza. Hibrid ZP 544 ostvario je prosečan prinos suvog zrna 9,411 t/ha, NS 444 ultra 9,100 t/ha. Od kasnostasnih hibrida kukuruza najveću produktivnost u svojstvu prinosa zrna za posmatrani period iskazali su hibridi: NS 640, Zenit i ZP 684. NS 640 je relizovao prosečan prinos od 11,450 t/ha, Zenit 11,19t/ha6, a ZP 684 10,346 t/ha. Hibridi ZP 704 i ZP 677 sa ostvarenim prinosom zrna od 9,667t/ha i 9,488 t/ha, statistički su sa značajno nižom produktivnošću u posmatranom svojstvu od prethodna tri, a hibrid ZP 735 sa prosečnim prinosom zrna od 8,190 t/ha iskazao je visokoznačajno nižu produktvnost od svih kasnostasnih hibrida u ogledu. Prema rezultatima iz ogleda, po visini ostvarenog prinosa zrna stabilna i visoka proizvodnja kukuruza na futoškom ataru bila bi, ako se u sortimentu gajenja nađu hibridi: NS 640, Zenit i ZP 684