161 research outputs found

    Le temps de la nature et la mesure du temps

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    Les missions religieuses au sein de l’immigration hongroise en France (1927-1940)

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    Cet article porte sur les missions religieuses – catholiques et réformées – au sein de l’immigration hongroise en France entre 1927 et 1940. Au sein de cette immigration relativement peu nombreuse numériquement, ces missions, nées tout d’abord d’initiatives individuelles, sont, à partir de 1927, intégrées à un réseau dépendant de l’État hongrois qui salarie les prêtres et pasteurs. Poursuivant, dans un premier temps, des objectifs anticommunistes nettement affirmés, elles se heurtent à une forte résistance et rencontrent un demi-échec. Dans un second temps, à partir de 1932, une orientation mieux affinée et centrée sur les services sociaux leur permet de devenir un second pôle d’encadrement majeur de l’immigration hongroise.This article deals with religious missions (Catholic and Reformed) within Hungarian immigration in France between 1927 and 1940. In this relatively small-sized immigration, as soon as 1927, these missions, mainly due to individual initiatives, are integrated into a network which depends on the Hungarian state, which employs the priests and ministers. They first pursue very strong anti-communist aims, but they soon face a strong resistance and a semi-failure. In a second stage, from 1932 on, thanks to a better-shaped orientation focused on social services, they became the second major pillar within Hungarian immigration

    Entre guerre mondiale et guerre froide

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    De Anima: Or, Ulysses and the Theological Turn in Modernist Studies

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    Focusing on Joyce’s use of Aristotle’s De Anima, and on Aquinas’s response to Aristotle, this essay takes, as its starting point, the recourse to two areas of enquiry in recent work on modernism: animal studies and phenomenology. In this essay we examine the intersection within Ulysses of the concept of the soul in Aristotle and Aquinas, show how this relates to questions of animality, and open the way to asking what implication the theological reflection on the soul at the centre of Ulysses might have for a process of uncovering theological contents in the concept of “life” in modernist studies more generally

    The Problem of Transhumanism in the Light of Philosophy and Theology

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    Transhumanism is a means of advocating a re-engineering of conditions that surround human existence at both ends. The problem set before us in this chapter is to inquire into what determined its appearance, in particular in the humanism it seeks to overcome. We look at the spirit of overcoming itself, and the impatience with the Self, in order to try to understand why it seeks a saving power in technology. We then consider how the evolutionary account of the production of organisms does not set them against a perfect standard, but rather injects in them a contingency that seems to be near to the heart of the problem. We then try to assess the objective basis for improvements and manipulation of nature, and although we do not find it forbidden on all occasions, it seems that the criteria for such alterations are impossible to detach from a form of eugenics. We finally open a window toward a theological account of the problem, and find that the desire of autonomy and independence is inevitably going to be challenged by the Christian dogma of creation
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