13 research outputs found

    Der sowjetische Entwicklungsweg im Weltsystem

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    Diese Arbeit setzt sich mit dem sowjetischen Entwicklungsweg im Weltsystem auseinander. Angesichts der Tatsache, dass sich die weltwirtschaftlichen Verflechtungen dermaßen verdichtet haben, dass man von einem globalen Weltsystem sprechen kann, kann sich diese Arbeit nur im Rahmen eines weltsystemtheoretischen Ansatzes bewegen. Die theoretische Basis bildet daher der Weltsystemansatz von Immanuel Wallerstein. Da die Weltsystemanalyse bereits vielfach kritisiert wurde, werden auch jene Kritiken und ErgĂ€nzungsvorschlĂ€ge berĂŒcksichtigt, die fĂŒr meine Arbeit relevant sind. Die Literatur bzw. die Diskussion zu den Theorien der langen Wellen, die einen Bestandteil der Weltsystemtheorie bilden, werden in einem groben Überblick dargestellt; es werden dabei jene hervorgehoben, die in meiner Arbeit verwendet werden. Der Gliederung des Hauptteiles in zwei Teile liegt jeweils eine lange Welle (3. KondratÂŽev-Welle und 4. KondratÂŽev-Welle) als Periodisierungsschema zugrunde. Beide Kapitel sind in einen allgemeinen Teil, der politische und wirtschaftliche Positionen im Weltsystem sowie die Basisinnovationen und die Arbeitsorganisation der jeweiligen KondratÂŽev-Welle beschreibt, und einen Teil, der speziell auf die Sowjetunion eingeht, aufgeteilt. In den Teilen, die sich auf die Sowjetunion konzentrieren, werden sowohl externe Faktoren (Auf- und Abschwungphasen der Weltwirtschaft, die Position der Sowjetunion in der Weltwirtschaft sowie ihre Stellung in der internationalen Arbeitsteilung und ihre Rolle in der im internationalen politischen System etc.) als auch interne Faktoren (ererbte Entwicklungsblockaden und –defizite aus dem zaristischen Russland, ein niedriges Entwicklungsniveau als Ausgangslage, Vor- und Nachteile des planwirtschaftlichen Systems etc.), die fĂŒr den Verlauf des sowjetischen Entwicklungswegs entscheidend waren, herausgearbeitet. Am Ende der Arbeit wird eine Bewertung der sowjetischen Entwicklungsstrategie vorgenommen

    Ökonomie des Opfers. Literatur im Zeichen des Suizids

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    Warum bleibt im GedĂ€chtnis nur, was nicht aufhört, weh zu tun, wie Nietzsche einmal gesagt hat? Der vorliegende Sammelband sucht Antworten darauf – im Werk und im Suizid von Autoren wie Heinrich von Kleist, Virginia Woolf, Yukio Mishima, Anne Sexton, Hermann Burger und David Foster Wallace. Es scheint einen fatalen Zusammenhang zu geben zwischen Dichtung, die den Erwartungshorizont der Zeitgenossen sprengt, und dem Suizid des Dichters – einen fatalen Zusammenhang auch von Suizid und Nachruhm eines Autors. Von individuellen Leiden abgesehen gilt: Wer monströs als Subjekt aus der Geschichte verschwindet, taucht irgendwann als Objekt von Geschichten wieder auf, erreicht Aufmerksamkeit in Nachrufen, ErzĂ€hlungen, mündlicher und schriftlicher Historiografie. Dergestalt paradox ist die Ökonomie des Selbstopfers, in der sich auch eine vorgĂ€ngige Anökonomie verbergen kann


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    The after-sales business is the most profitable area within the automotive industry. All manufacturers seek to tighten their ties with end customers in order to ensure loyalty and foster economic success. In times of dramatic change in the automotive industry (switch from combustion to electric engines, etc.), digitalization plays an evermore important role for developing sustainable business models. End customers in after-sales are as individual as their cars. In an ideal case, every customer is addressed individually, taking the individual\u27s specific needs into account: the classic, but rather complex segment-of-one. This paper presents a multi-dimensional framework for customer segmentation in the automotive after-sales domain which uses a reduced number of segments. It addresses end customers on a perceived individual basis while reducing the complexity significantly compared to a full segment-of-one approach. It provides a holistic view on customers\u27 characteristics, taking into account their specific vehicle needs for maintenance as well as several factors defining the individual\u27s approach to services delivered by the car manufacturer. As such, a perceived segment-of-one is provided. The concept was evaluated using a qualitative study with industry experts and stakeholder representatives. Based on the findings, recommendations for the application of the framework in practice are provided

    TiRuP / IPPC-Pflicht bei Massentierhaltungen?

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    “Dynamical Docking” of Cyclic Dinuclear Au(I) Bis-N-heterocyclic Complexes Facilitates Their Binding to G-Quadruplexes

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    With the aim to improve the design of metal complexes as stabilizers of noncanonical DNA secondary structures, namely, G-quadruplexes (G4s), a series of cyclic dinuclear Au(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes based on xanthine and benzimidazole ligands has been synthesized and characterized by various methods, including X-ray diffraction. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and CD DNA melting assays unraveled the compounds’ stabilization properties toward G4s of different topologies of physiological relevance. Initial structure–activity relationships have been identified and recognize the family of xanthine derivatives as those more selective toward G4s versus duplex DNA. The binding modes and free-energy landscape of the most active xanthine derivative (featuring a propyl linker) with the promoter sequence cKIT1 have been studied by metadynamics. The atomistic simulations evidenced that the Au(I) compound interacts noncovalently with the top G4 tetrad. The theoretical results on the Au(I) complex/DNA Gibbs free energy of binding were experimentally validated by FRET DNA melting assays. The compounds have also been tested for their antiproliferative properties in human cancer cells in vitro, showing generally moderate activity. This study provides further insights into the biological activity of Au(I) organometallics acting via noncovalent interactions and underlines their promise for tunable targeted applications by appropriate chemical modifications

    "Dynamical docking" of cyclic dinuclear au(i) bis-n-heterocyclic complexes facilitates their binding to g-quadruplexes

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    With the aim to improve the design of metal complexes as stabilizers of noncanonical DNA secondary structures, namely, G-quadruplexes (G4s), a series of cyclic dinuclear Au(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes based on xanthine and benzimidazole ligands has been synthesized and characterized by various methods, including X-ray diffraction. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and CD DNA melting assays unraveled the compounds’ stabilization properties toward G4s of different topologies of physiological relevance. Initial structure–activity relationships have been identified and recognize the family of xanthine derivatives as those more selective toward G4s versus duplex DNA. The binding modes and free-energy landscape of the most active xanthine derivative (featuring a propyl linker) with the promoter sequence cKIT1 have been studied by metadynamics. The atomistic simulations evidenced that the Au(I) compound interacts noncovalently with the top G4 tetrad. The theoretical results on the Au(I) complex/DNA Gibbs free energy of binding were experimentally validated by FRET DNA melting assays. The compounds have also been tested for their antiproliferative properties in human cancer cells in vitro, showing generally moderate activity. This study provides further insights into the biological activity of Au(I) organometallics acting via noncovalent interactions and underlines their promise for tunable targeted applications by appropriate chemical modifications

    “Dynamical Docking” of Cyclic Dinuclear Au(I) Bis-N-heterocyclic Complexes Facilitates Their Binding to G‑Quadruplexes

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    With the aim to improve the design of metal complexes as stabilizers of noncanonical DNA secondary structures, namely, G-quadruplexes (G4s), a series of cyclic dinuclear Au(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes based on xanthine and benzimidazole ligands has been synthesized and characterized by various methods, including X-ray diffraction. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and CD DNA melting assays unraveled the compounds’ stabilization properties toward G4s of different topologies of physiological relevance. Initial structure–activity relationships have been identified and recognize the family of xanthine derivatives as those more selective toward G4s versus duplex DNA. The binding modes and free-energy landscape of the most active xanthine derivative (featuring a propyl linker) with the promoter sequence cKIT1 have been studied by metadynamics. The atomistic simulations evidenced that the Au(I) compound interacts noncovalently with the top G4 tetrad. The theoretical results on the Au(I) complex/DNA Gibbs free energy of binding were experimentally validated by FRET DNA melting assays. The compounds have also been tested for their antiproliferative properties in human cancer cells in vitro, showing generally moderate activity. This study provides further insights into the biological activity of Au(I) organometallics acting via noncovalent interactions and underlines their promise for tunable targeted applications by appropriate chemical modifications

    “Dynamical Docking” of Cyclic Dinuclear Au(I) Bis-N-heterocyclic Complexes Facilitates Their Binding to G‑Quadruplexes

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    With the aim to improve the design of metal complexes as stabilizers of noncanonical DNA secondary structures, namely, G-quadruplexes (G4s), a series of cyclic dinuclear Au(I) N-heterocyclic carbene complexes based on xanthine and benzimidazole ligands has been synthesized and characterized by various methods, including X-ray diffraction. Fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) and CD DNA melting assays unraveled the compounds’ stabilization properties toward G4s of different topologies of physiological relevance. Initial structure–activity relationships have been identified and recognize the family of xanthine derivatives as those more selective toward G4s versus duplex DNA. The binding modes and free-energy landscape of the most active xanthine derivative (featuring a propyl linker) with the promoter sequence cKIT1 have been studied by metadynamics. The atomistic simulations evidenced that the Au(I) compound interacts noncovalently with the top G4 tetrad. The theoretical results on the Au(I) complex/DNA Gibbs free energy of binding were experimentally validated by FRET DNA melting assays. The compounds have also been tested for their antiproliferative properties in human cancer cells in vitro, showing generally moderate activity. This study provides further insights into the biological activity of Au(I) organometallics acting via noncovalent interactions and underlines their promise for tunable targeted applications by appropriate chemical modifications