7 research outputs found

    Penguatan Keperibadian Anggota Angkatan Tentara Malaysia Melalui Program Pendidikan Islam Fiqih Ibadah

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    Absctract: The stability and strength of a military organization is generally based on three main aspects: the strength of firepower, the ability of mobility, and the strength of the fighting spirit among its personnel. To enhance the strength of fighting spirit among members of the Malaysian Armed Forces, the Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps (Kor Agama Angkatan Tentara – KAGAT) has been tasked to achieve this via Islamic Education approach. One of the modules implemented by KAGAT for this purpose is using Fardu Ain Education Module (Modul Pendidikan Islam Fardu Ain – PIFA). This paper discusses the development and implementation of the PIFA module from the history of execution until it becomes a compulsory requirement for the promotion process and career path especially among members of different ranks in the Malaysian Armed Forces. This paper employs the qualitative design methods where historical review and analysis of available documents are carried out. The findings indicate that Islamic education in the Malaysian Armed Forces that started since the establishment of KAGAT in 1985, has undergone several improvement processes until the PIFA module was received as a module that must be attended by members of different ranks. It was found that this module has had important implications in strengthening and appreciation of Islam among the personnel of the Malaysian Armed Forces. Keyword: Internalization, Islamic dacwah, army spiritua

    Strengthening divine values for self-regulation in religiosity: insights from Tawakkul (trust in God)

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    Purpose Reflections about fostering moral and spiritual qualities are the key point of view when considering the essence of religious beliefs in the theories about moral foundations. As a part of the spiritual values aimed at instructing human beings, mainly Muslims, tawakkul (trust in God) and tawhid (belief to God) are to be enhanced to situate the core religious foundation as the basic element for life at individual and social levels in the Muslim communities. This paper aims to critically examine tawakkul and tawhid to strengthening divine values as a foundation of self-regulation in religiosity. Design/methodology/approach This paper aims to critically examine tawakkul and tawhid to strengthening divine values as a foundation of self-regulation in religiosity. The literature review from referred journals was conducted using keywords on divine values, self-regulation in religiosity and tawakkul and tawhid. In order to obtain such literature, the critical analysis was conducted by organising substantive keywords. Then, extraction of data with deep literature analysis was carried out to interpret the findings. The key elements were analysed and synthesised into a new interpretation, conceptualisation and modelling of conceptualising tawakkul and tawhid concerns for sustainability of divine values for self-regulation in religiosity. Findings The finding reveals that the significance of conceptualising tawakkul and tawhid refers to as sustainability of divine involvement, as an emotionally religious commitment and as a consciously held religious discipline. Primarily, as the religious principle founded on a basic element transferred into individual and social levels, Islamic insights from tawakkul and tawhid offer valuable considerations for the understanding and amelioration of development by contributing a model that bases the “mental” and “spiritual” elements on a religious foundation, as an ultimate component for faith, a religious commitment and a belief in an authoritarian God to foster moral and spiritual qualities amidst the society. Originality/value Regulating tawakkul and tawhid to enhance dynamically constructive system for moral personality through critical examination as a foundation for religious-based self-regulation offers valuable considerations for the understanding and amelioration of development. Critical examination of tawakkul and tawhid as a foundation for religious self-regulation is considerably engaged to enhance the understanding and amelioration of development. It does so by contributing a model that bases mental and spiritual elements on a religious foundation, as an ultimate component for faith, religious commitment and belief in an authoritarian God to foster moral and spiritual qualities among human beings. Keywords Consciously held beliefs with religiosity, Foundation of religiosity, Sustainability of divine Involvement, Tawakkul (trust in God), Tawhid (belief in God), Emotionally religious commitment

    [Muhammad Ibn Abi ‘Amir’s Political Involvement According to The Chronicle Of Ibn Hayyan Al-Qurtubi] Penglibatan Politik Muhammad Ibn Abi ‘Amir Menurut Catatan Ibn Hayyan Al-Qurtubi

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    Abstract Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir was a de facto leader of al-Andalus during the Umayyad rule based in Cordoba. Caliph al-Hakam II had appointed him to hold some political positions to strengthen Umayyad rule in Cordoba (al-Andalus) and al-Maghrib (North Africa). Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir’s political appointment was seen as a special position in Cordoba administration. This analysis is seen through the readings of the authoritative primary source written by Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Hence, the purpose of this article is to scrutinize Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi’s biography as an al-Andalus historian in the 5H/11AD Century in his work, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus. In addition, this research also describes the involvement of Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir in the Umayyad administration in Cordoba during the reign of Caliph al-Hakam II based on the chronicle of Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. On the whole, this article is a qualitative research using historical study and content analysis in gathering and analyzing data from relevant primary and secondary sources. Based on Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi’s description in al-Muqtabas, this research argues that Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir was an authoritative political figure in 4H/10AD Century of the Umayyad rule in Cordoba. His political appointments were held in the fields, of administration, judiciary, military, security, international relations and finance. This research also concludes that Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi was a preeminent historian in al-Andalus through his work, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus, which is seen as his biggest contribution in the corpus of knowledge on Islamic history and civilization in al-Andalus. Keywords: Political history, al-Andalus, Cordoba, Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir, Umayyad Caliphate, Caliph al-Hakam II, Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi   Abstrak Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ialah seorang pemimpin de facto al-Andalus pada zaman pemerintahan Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba. Pihak Khalifah al-Hakam II telah melantik beliau untuk menjawat beberapa jawatan politik utama bagi memperkukuh pengaruh Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba (al-Andalus) dan di al-Maghrib (Afrika Utara). Pelantikan politik Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ini turut memperlihatkan kedudukan istimewa yang diterima beliau dalam pemerintahan di Cordoba. Pencerakinan tersebut dilihat menerusi penelaahan terhadap sumber primer berwewenang yang ditulis oleh Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Oleh itu, penulisan ini bertujuan untuk meneliti biografi Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi sebagai tokoh sejarawan al-Andalus pada abad ke-5H/11M melalui karyanya, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus. Di samping itu, kajian ini turut memerihalkan penglibatan Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir dalam Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba pada era pemerintahan Khalifah al-Hakam II berdasarkan catatan Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi. Secara keseluruhannya, artikel ini merupakan kajian kualitatif dengan menggunakan reka bentuk kajian sejarah dan analisis kandungan dalam mengumpul serta menganalisis maklumat daripada sumber primer dan sekunder yang relevan. Berasaskan pemerian Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi dalam al-Muqtabas, kajian ini menghujahkan bahawa Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir ialah seorang tokoh politik berwibawa abad ke-4H/10M era Kerajaan Umawiyyah di Cordoba. Antara penglibatan politik yang disandang oleh Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir adalah meliputi bidang pentadbiran, kehakiman, ketenteraan, keselamatan, hubungan antarabangsa dan juga kewangan. Kajian ini turut menatijahkan Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtubi sebagai seorang tokoh sejarawan terulung di al-Andalus menerusi hasil karyanya, al-Muqtabas fi Akhbar Balad al-Andalus yang dilihat sebagai sumbangan terbesar beliau dalam korpus kelimuan sejarah dan tamadun Islam di al-Andalus. Kata kunci: Sejarah politik, al-Andalus, Cordoba, Muhammad ibn Abi ‘Amir, Kerajaan Umawiyyah, Khalifah al-Hakam II, Ibn Hayyan al-Qurtub

    The implementation of spiritual education program among the Malaysian Armed Forces personnel.

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    The strength of the military organization can be measured through three important elements which are the firing power, mobility power and combat power. The aspect of the fighting spirit encompasses the aspect of the spiritual readiness, a fundamental element that needs to be consolidated within all Malaysian Armed Forces personnel's. It has to stay at the top level and they have to be constantly ready in defending the sovereignty of the state. The readiness of the military institutions is not only assessed in terms of asset equipment and sophisticated tools, but even more important, is the spiritual value within every military member, especially in terms of self-readiness to shoulder the responsibility and mandate of the country. In this matter, KAGAT or Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps), through the Malaysian Armed Forces Islamic Spirituality and Mental Construction Policy , which has covered various Islamic education and spiritual activity programs to every layer of the MAF organization, has introduced a spiritual education program for personnel's of the Malaysian Armed Forces (MAF). The focus of the study is to make an early assessment on the program implementation from the aspect of planning, implementation and also monitoring through the perspectives of the MAF personnel's. The study methodology involves the mixedmethod, namely the qualitative and the quantitative methods and 1,137 respondents had been involved. The study findings also show that there is a close relationship in terms of the environment, benefit, teacher and the preacher (members of KAGAT), and also the members' attitude towards the program. The study findings also show that spiritual strength has a positive relationship towards the readiness and the fighting strength of the Malaysia Armed Forces. Indeed, the Islamic education also dacwah efforts carried out by the Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps should further be strengthened so that the spiritual readiness of the Malaysian Armed Forces personnel's gets to be increased to ensure that they always fulfil two main aspects concerned- the combat power as the physical aspect and the spirituality so we shall have a credible line of quality and excellent soldiers. The impact of this research will strengthen the opinion that the basic Islamic education is a platform launcher for Malaysian Armed Forces Religious Corps to intensify the efforts of religious education systematically and efficiently

    Brigadier Jeneral Dato’ Haji Najmi Haji Ahmad (BERSARA): penggerak daie askari dan dakwah wasatiyyah dalam Angkatan Tentera Malaysia

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    Brigadier Jeneral Dato’ Haji Najmi Haji Ahmad (Bersara) merupakan seorang tokoh ulama yang telah memberikan sumbangan yang besar dalam kemajuan dan syiar Islam dalam organisasi Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. Kertas ini akan membincangkan secara khusus peranan beliau dalam kemajuan dan pembangunan dakwah Islam dalam organisasi Angkatan tentera Malaysia melalui Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera (KAGAT). Dalam usaha untuk memartabatkan KAGAT sebagai organisasi dakwah yang cemerlang, beliau telah menerapkan elemen ‘Dakwah melalui pendekatan secara harakah dan wasatiyyah’ dalam KAGAT melalui pelaksanaan dakwah secara bertahap iaitu tahap al-ta‘arif (tahap penyebaran fikrah secara umum kepada orang ramai), tahap al-takwim (era pembentukan organisasi dan bersedia untuk terus menyampaikan dakwah) dan tahap al-tanfiz (tahap pelaksanaan dakwah secara lebih menyeluruh dan berterusan). Kajian perpustakaan, sorotan sejarah, analisis kandungan dokumentasi serta wawancara telah digunkan sebagai metodologi kajian ini.Dapatan kajian terhadap tokoh ulama ini, yang dibuat melalui kajian perpustakaan telah mendapati bahawa tokoh ulama ini telah memberikan impak yang besar terhadap kejayaan KAGAT pada hari ini serta kemajuan pelaksanaan dakwah secara lebih menyeluruh dan berterusan dalam usaha membina Angkatan Tentera Malaysia yang berwibawa serta mempunyai daya tempur yang kuat serta rohani yang mantap

    Kajian pelaksanaan program pendidikan spiritual terhadap anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia

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    Kekuatan organisasi ketenteraan boleh diukur menerusi tiga elemen penting iatu daya tembak (fire power), daya gerak (mobility power) dan daya juang (combat power). Aspek daya juang merangkumi aspek kesiagaan spiritual merupakan elemen asas yang perlu diperkukuhkan dalam diri setiap anggota tentera. Ia perlu berada pada tahap yang tinggi dan sentiasa bersedia mempertahankan kedaulatan negara. Kesiagaan insititusi ketenteraaan tidak hanya dinilai dari kelengkapan asset dan alatan canggih sematamata, malah yang terpenting ialah nilai kerohanian dalam diri setiap anggota tentera terutamanya dari sudut kesiagaan diri menggalas tanggungjawab dan amanah negara. Sehubungan itu Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (KAGAT) menerusi Dasar Pembinaan Mental dan Kerohanian Islam ATM (PMAT 9/91), yang meliputi pelbagai program aktivtiti kerohanian dan pendidikan Islam kepada seluruh warga ATM, telah melaksanakan program pendidikan spiritual terhadap anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia (ATM). Fokus kajian adalah untuk membuat penilaian terhadap pelaksanaan program tersebut dari aspek perancangan,pelaksanaan dan juga pemantauan melalui perspektif anggota ATM. Metodologi kajian melibatkan pendekatan gabungan (mixedmethod) iaitu kaedah kualitatif dan kuantitatif telah digunapakai dan telah melibatkan seramai 1,137 orang responden. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan terdapatnya hubungan yang rapat dari aspek faktor suasana, faedah, guru dan pendakwah (anggota KAGAT), dan juga sikap anggota terhadap program. Dapatan kajian juga menunjukkan aspek kekuatan spiritual mempunyai hubungan yang positif terhadap kesediaan dan kekuatan tempur anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia. Sesungguhnya pendidikan Islam serta usaha-usaha dakwah yang dilaksanakan oleh Kor Agama Angkatan Tentera perlu terus perkukuhkan agar tahap kesiagaan kerohanian anggota tentera dapat dipertingkatkan bagi memastikan anggota Angkatan Tentera Malaysia sentiasa memenuhi dua aspek utama daya juang (combat power) iaitu dari aspek fizikal dan juga spiritual (kerohanian) agar wujud insan tentera yang berkualiti dan cemerlang