51 research outputs found
Potential of Islamic Insurance Market: Islamic Banking and Sukuk Sectors Case Study in Indonesia
This paper predicts the potential of the Indonesian Islamic insurance market, approached by calculating the premium contribution from the Islamic banking and sukuk sectors. This paper aims to determine and analyze the potential development of Islamic insurance market in Indonesia, seen from total contributions from Islamic banking and sukuk sectors over the next five years. The paper uses the Box-Jenkins ARIMA method which is one of the quantitative forecasting methods. The results of this study indicate that over the next five years, the total contribution of Islamic insurance will experience positive growth and it is predicted that it will have a total contribution of IDR 11,568.40 billion in 2023 from Islamic banking and sukuk sectors with the biggest contributor from the Islamic banking sector. The ARIMA forecasting results show a positive trend in the premium contribution of the Islamic banking and sukuk sectors from year to year. Even so, the growth will experience a slowdown. The prediction of a slowdown in the two sectors in its contribution to the Islamic insurance market in Indonesia is a sign that there might be a decline in the total financing growth by Islamic banking. Likewise with the sukuk sector, both state and corporate sukuk are predicted to experience a slowdown in the growth of Islamic insurance premiums
Human Resources Readiness of Small Medium Enterprises (SMEs) for Halal Product in Indonesia
The halal industry has caught the attention of the world today. The halal industry is not only in demand by Muslim countries but also by countries with non-Muslim majority populations. The implementation of the halal certification program for Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) also affects the process of developing SMEs' human resources in Indonesia. Increasing the capacity of human resources is needed to improve the competence, skills, innovation, and creativity of individuals in carrying out productive activities to increase domestic production. This study is expected to be able to provide an overview (steps that need to be achieved, policy strategies, and various efforts that need to be made) related to the role of government bureaucracy, academics, and business actors in optimizing the halal product guarantee system to support the halal industry in Indonesia. This study uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative data. The method used is literature study, in-depth interview, benchmark, and Analytical Networking Process (ANP). A strategic solution for SMEs in increasing the halal market segment is the need for socialization of assistance and submission of halal certification. In addition, the implementation of integrated halal product supply chain management is very necessary to ensure the quality of halal products and services
Islamic Insurance: A Potential Niche Market of Indonesia
Islamic insurance in Indonesia is potentially expected to grow along with the increase in Islamic financial market. Hence, this paper aims to develop strategy and policy recommendations for stakeholders of Islamic insurance industry in Indonesia. This article applied ANP approach by classifying it into three aspects, namely problem, solution, and strategy. Problem and solution aspects consist of four clusters including internal, customer, competition, as well as regulation. Also, strategy offered is the strategy to improve the quality of service, strategy to develop the relationship and synergy between the authorities and the Islamic Financial Institutions. DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v10i1.533
The Effect of Social Capital on Customer’s Repayment Rate at Islamic Microfinance Institution
The potency of Micro and Small Enterprises (MSEs) in Indonesia which is great, is not directly proportional to the ease of getting capital from formal financial institutions such as banks because it is not bankable. Meanwhile, microfinance institutions (MFIs) that provide financing to the MSEs are currently thriving. This condition exposes the existence of factors that cause the MFIs continuesly providing financing to MSEs which are not bankable. This research aims to analyze the effect of social capital toward the repayment rate of Islamic MFIs’ customers. The methods used in this research was the logistic regression. The results showed variable relationship with BMT employees, relations with other customers, and Islamic recitation had positive and significant effect toward the repayment rate of the customer. While recommendations, membership status, and travel time from home to the BMT had negative and significant effect.  Variable outside the social capital indicator which is income rate had no significant effect.DOI: 10.15408/aiq.v8i2.263
Efisiensi Emiten Properti dan Real estate yang Terdaftar di Indeks Saham Syariah Indonesia Tahun 2016-2020
This study aims to analyze the efficiency of property and real estate issuers listed in the Indonesia Sharia Stock Index (ISSI) during 2016-2020 period and the factors that influence it. In the first stage, the researcher analyzes the efficiency value of property and real estate issuers using Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) method. In the second stage, the researcher analyzes the factors that influence the efficiency value of property and real estate issuers by using tobit regression. There are 16 issuers used in this study. The results showed that none of the issuers consistently achieved the perfect technical efficiency score (the efficiency score is equal to 1) during the study period. The same thing happened to the pure technical efficiency analysis and the efficiency scale results. The results of the tobit model regression showed that the Return on Assets (ROA) has significant positive effect and the exchange rate (LNKURS) has significant negative effect on the efficiency value of property and real estate issuers. Meanwhile, the Debt to Asset Ratio (DAR), company size (LNSIZE), and interest rate (BIRATE) do not have significant effect on the efficiency of property and real estate issuers
Analisis Faktor-Faktor yang Memengaruhi Perolehan Surplus Underwriting pada Asuransi Jiwa Syariah di Indonesia (Periode 2015-2020)
In Islamic insurance, if at the end of the period there is a surplus from the substraction result between total insurance income in the tabarru’ fund and insurance expenses, the surplus will be called as underwriting surplus. A good Islamic insurance company can be seen when the company succeeds in obtaining an underwriting surplus, because it is a proof when the company has managed the participant funds well. The underwriting surplus can be used as a reserve fund when an underwriting deficit occurs or when insurance expenses exceed insurance income, thereby it can improve the public interest in Islamic insurance. Therefore, this study aims to analyze the development of the underwriting surplus in Islamic life insurance in Indonesia and the factors that influence it by using panel data regression method. The estimation results using the REM model show that the variables of total assets and GDP have a positive and significant effect. Meanwhile, the contribution allowance, claim allowance, and inflation variables have a negative and significant effect
The Effect of Internal and External Factors of Banking to the SMEs Financing for BPRS in Indonesia
Small and Medium Enterprises had a strategic role in economic growth. One of the mainproblems faced by SMEs in Indonesia was the limited financial capital and access tofinance. Islamic Rural Banks (BPRS) could play a significant role in providing financingfor the development of the real sector through SMEs. This study aimed to analyze theinfluence of internal and external factors of banking to the SMEs financing for BPRS inIndonesia 2011-2016 periods using the Vector Error Correction Model (VECM) method. Inthe long-term of VECM estimation result showed that third party funds, FDR, inflation,and IPI had a significant positive effect on SMEs financing, while BOPO, NPF, ERP, andBSBIS variables negatively affected SMEs financing. This study recommended the importanceof increasing the proportion of SMEs financing in line with the increase in thenumber of third party funds and putting more funds in the real sector than in the monetarysector
The Effectiveness of Islamic Microfinance Distribution on Microbusiness Owner’s Poverty Alleviation (Case Study: BMT Bina Masyarakat Purworejo)
The objective of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of Islamic microfinance distri- bution and its impact on microbusiness owners’ poverty alleviation in Purworejo. This study used descriptive analysis method that is Likert scale and ordinary least square method (OLS) to analyze the influence of Islamic Microfinance Institution’s financing to microbusiness performance. The impact on the poverty alleviation is indicated by the change of microbusiness owners’ income. The results indicate that Islamic micro-financing is con- sidered to be effective in several aspects, they are proposal aspect, disbursement aspect, utilization aspect, and pay-back aspect of financing. In addition, Islamic microfinance has a positive impact on microbusiness performance and poverty alleviation
The Integration of Islamic Stock Markets of OIC Countries in China Stock Market Crisis and US-China Trade War
Abstract. The purpose of this study is to analyze the integration and response of the Islamic stock market of the OIC countries before the crisis and during the China stock market crisis, also during the United States-China trade war with the ARDL method. The results showed that there was no cointegration in the period before the China stock market crisis. However, during the period of the China stock market crisis and the United States-China trade war, the cointegration was more common. The Indonesia Islamic stock market in the two crisis periods had a long-term relationship with the US and China stock markets. In terms of the benefits of portfolio diversification for investors, there is relevance of dominant economic, geographical, and trade relations in influencing the integration of the Islamic stock market.Keywords: Market Integration, Islamic Stock, China Stock Market Crisis, US-China Trade War, ARDL. Abstrak. Tujuan penelitian ini menganalisis integrasi dan respon pasar saham syariah negara-negara OKI sebelum dan saat terjadi krisis pasar saham Tiongkok, serta saat terjadi perang dagang Amerika Serikat-Tiongkok dengan metode ARDL. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa tidak terdapat kointegrasi atau hubungan jangka panjang pada semua pasar saham syariah negara-negara anggota OKI pada periode sebelum krisis pasar saham Tiongkok. Akan tetapi, pada perode krisis pasar saham Tiongkok dan perang dagang Amerika Serikat-Tiongkok, integrasi antar pasar saham syariah di negara OKI lebih banyak ditemukan. Pasar saham syariah Indonesia dalam dua periode krisis memiliki hubungan jangka panjang dengan pasar saham Amerika Serikat dan Tiongkok. Dalam hal manfaat diversifikasi portofolio bagi investor, terdapat relevansi kekuatan ekonomi yang dominan, faktor geografis, dan hubungan perdagangan dalam mempengaruhi integrasi pasar saham syariah.Kata kunci: Integrasi Pasar, Saham Syariah, Krisis Pasar Saham Tiongkok, Perang Dagang AS-Tiongkok, ARDL.Â
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