813 research outputs found

    GANIL Status report

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    The GANIL-Spiral facility (Caen, France) is dedicated to the acceleration of heavy ion beams for nuclear physics, atomic physics, radiobiology and material irradiation. The production of radioactive ion beams for nuclear physics studies represents the main part of the activity. The facility possesses a versatile combination of equipments, which permits to produce accelerated radioactive ion beams with two complementary methods: Isotope Separation In Line (ISOL) and In-Flight Separation techniques (IFS). Considering the future of GANIL, SPIRAL II projects aims to produce high intensity secondary beams, by fission induced with a 5 mA deuteron beam on an uranium target.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, to be appear in the proceedings of the 17th International Conference on Cyclotrons and their Application

    Mechanical and chemical spinodal instabilities in finite quantum systems

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    Self consistent quantum approaches are used to study the instabilities of finite nuclear systems. The frequencies of multipole density fluctuations are determined as a function of dilution and temperature, for several isotopes. The spinodal region of the phase diagrams is determined and it appears that instabilities are reduced by finite size effects. The role of surface and volume instabilities is discussed. It is indicated that the important chemical effects associated with mechanical disruption may lead to isospin fractionation.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Improvement in the reconstrution method for VAMOS Spectrometer

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    International audienceThe VAMOS spectrometer operational at GANIL is a large acceptance variable mode spectrometer designed for nuclear reaction studies using radioactive and stable ion beams. The spectrometer coupled with ancillary detectors like EXOGAM has been successfully used in recent experiments on (in)elastic, few nucleon transfer reactions in inverse kinematics and search for nuclei far from stability using deep inelastic transfer reactions In large acceptance spectrometers, the experimental resolution is worsened by aberrations of third and higher orders. Hardware corrections are limited and cannot completely correct the non-linear effects. Thus software reconstruction of trajectories (ray tracing) is essential to obtain the required resolution and identification of the products. A numerical method has been developed for reconstruction of ion trajectories and correction of aberrations in VAMOS. We have devised a procedure to select an optimum subset of closest trajectories for each focal plane event (x, θ, y, ϕ) from the database (generated by an ion-optics calculation). A polynomial fit to the momentum vector of the reaction product in terms of (x, θ, y, ϕ) is made only to this subset. Such an approach is found to give improved resolutions compared to fitting a single polynomial over the entire phase space. Extraction of charge state and angular distributions are rather difficult due to the variation of acceptance over the large phase space. Mass identification of the reaction products and characteristics of the spectrometer acceptance with its variation for different rigidities have been obtained. Applications to 238U+48Ca and 238U+58Ni systems at 5.5 MeV/u will be presented

    Autonomy and forage grasses in goat farming of western France First results of a sociological survey

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    International audienceOur communication is based on the results of a multidisciplinary research (PSDR FLECHE-Fromages et Laits issus d'Élevages de Chèvres conduites avec de l'Herbe-2016-2020) which aims to study the potential of grass valorization in goat systems, with the dual objective of strengthening the economic resilience of farms and the social image of the dairy goat sector of Western France. The latter currently represent almost half of the national goat population and 58% of the milk supplied in France. The sociological aspect of the research concerns the representations, value systems, interests and constraint systems (technical, economic, etc.) that guide the practices of all the actors in the sector: farmers, upstream and downstream actors. The objective of this approach is to analyse, at all levels of the value chain, the incentives and obstacles to a possible transition to more grassy feeding systems. Based on 76 semi-directive interviews, this paper presents the first results of this survey by showing how contextual elements (socio-economic, professional, etc.) impact farmers' choices of practices. While, in principle, the whole goat sector seems to be converging towards an agro-ecological transition that ensures its sustainability, in practice, each of its actors is confronted with a system of constraints that limit actual developments. The articulation of these obstacles seems to lead to a kind of inertia, which prevents the adoption of practices that are nevertheless perceived as recommendable by most actors. Autonomie et fourrages herbagers dans les élevages caprins de l'Ouest de la France. Premiers résultats d'une enquête sociologique. Résumé. Notre communication s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une recherche pluridisciplinaire (Programme PSDR-FLECHE-Fromages et Laits issus d'Élevages de Chèvres conduites avec de l'Herbe-2016-2020) qui vise à étudier le potentiel de valorisation de l'herbe dans les systèmes caprins, dans le double objectif de renforcer la résilience économique des exploitations et l'image sociale des filières caprines laitières de l'Ouest de la France. Ces dernières représentent actuellement près de la moitié de l'effectif national de chèvres et 58% du lait livré en France. Le volet sociologique de la recherche porte sur les représentations, les systèmes de valeurs, les intérêts et les systèmes de contraintes (techniques, économiques, etc.) qui orientent les pratiques de l'ensemble des acteurs de la filière : éleveurs, acteurs de l'amont et de l'aval. L'objectif de cette démarche est d'analyser, à tous les niveaux de la filière, les incitations et les freins à une éventuelle transition vers des systèmes alimentaires plus herbagers. A partir de 76 entretiens semi-directifs, ce papier présente les premiers résultats de cette enquête en montrant, notamment, comment les éléments contextuels (socio-économiques, professionnels, etc.) impactent les choix des pratiques des exploitants agricoles. Si, en principe, l'ensemble de la filière caprine semble converger vers une transition agroécologique qui en assure la durabilité, dans la pratique, chacun de ses acteurs est confronté à un univers de contraintes qui limitent les évolutions effectives. L'articulation des freins relevant des différents maillons de la filière, semble ainsi déboucher sur une sorte d'inertie, qui empêche l'adoption de pratiques pourtant perçues comme souhaitables par la plupart des acteurs. Mots-clés. Autonomie-fourrages herbagers-caprins-sociologie

    Low density instability in a nuclear Fermi liquid drop

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    The instability of a Fermi-liquid drop with respect to bulk density distortions is considered. It is shown that the presence of the surface strongly reduces the growth rate of the bulk instability of the finite Fermi-liquid drop because of the anomalous dispersion term in the dispersion relation. The instability growth rate is reduced due to the Fermi surface distortions and the relaxation processes. The dependence of the bulk instability on the multipolarity of the particle density fluctuations is demonstrated for two nuclei 40Ca^{40}Ca and 208Pb^{208}Pb.Comment: 12 pages, latex, 3 ps-figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    A low energy facility at SPIRAL-GANIL

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    UE Contrat RTD N°: ERBFMGECT98009

    3D printed catalytic reactors for aerobic selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol into benzaldehyde in continuous multiphase flow

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    In this work, novel, patterned monolithic reactors were devised to explore more efficient routes for reactant conversion in order to investigate their potential to replace the packed bed and batch reactors conventionally employed in chemical industries. Well-defined bimetallic formulations were developed to substitute platinum group metals and critical raw materials such as palladium and cobalt, at least in part, by less active, but more sustainable and cost-effective metals such as earth-abundant iron. FePd and FeCo based monoliths were 3D printed and stacked in a continuous flow tubular reactor for testing the selective oxidation of benzyl alcohol (BA) into benzaldehyde (BZ) under mild conditions (80–100 °C and atmospheric pressure). The novel monolithic reactors were evaluated against current state-of-the-art reactor technologies, conventional packed bed and batch reactors. The FeCo- and FePd-Al2O3-supported monolithic catalyst beds showed higher conversion and TOF than their packed bed counterparts under the same operating conditions, revealing the impact of the novel design on both regular geometry and composition. What is of particular interest in the catalytic measurements shown is that the combined stacking of two monoliths in a flow reactor, Al2O3-supported Fe and GO-supported FePd catalysts, can significantly improve the performance with an increase in TOF of up to 90% in comparison to their FePd analogues. Mathematical modelling was used to obtain additional insights into the physical and chemical processes governing the rate of BA conversion. It was found that due to the flow regime inside the microchannels, an axial dispersion model was appropriate, which allowed for mapping the concentration profiles of the reactants and products within the respective monolith geometries