148 research outputs found

    CdWO4 scintillating bolometer for Double Beta Decay: Light and Heat anticorrelation, light yield and quenching factors

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    We report the performances of a 0.51 kg CdWO4 scintillating bolometer to be used for future Double Beta Decay Experiments. The simultaneous read-out of the heat and the scintillation light allows to discriminate between different interacting particles aiming at the disentanglement and the reduction of background contribution, key issue for next generation experiments. We will describe the observed anticorrelation between the heat and the light signal and we will show how this feature can be used in order to increase the energy resolution of the bolometer over the entire energy spectrum, improving up to a factor 2.6 on the 2615 keV line of 208Tl. The detector was tested in a 433 h background measurement that permitted to estimate extremely low internal trace contaminations of 232Th and 238U. The light yield of gamma/beta, alpha and neutrons is presented. Furthermore we developed a method in order to correctly evaluate the absolute thermal quenching factor of alpha particles in scintillating bolometers.Comment: 8 pages 7 figure

    Compositional tuning of ferromagnetism in Ga1-xMnxP

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    We report the magnetic and transport properties of Ga1-xMnxP synthesized via ion implantation followed by pulsed laser melting over a range of x, namely 0.018 to 0.042. Like Ga1-xMnxAs, Ga1-xMnxP displays a monotonic increase of the ferromagnetic Curie temperature with x associated with the hole-mediated ferromagnetic phase while thermal annealing above 300 C leads to a quenching of ferromagnetism that is accompanied by a reduction of the substitutional fraction of Mn. However, contrary to observations in Ga1-xMnxAs, Ga1-xMnxP is non-metallic over the entire composition range. At the lower temperatures over which the films are ferromagnetic, hole transport occurs via hopping conduction in a Mn-derived band; at higher temperatures it arises from holes in the valence band which are thermally excited across an energy gap that shrinks with x.Comment: To be published in Solid State Communication

    ZnMoO4: a promising bolometer for neutrinoless double beta decay searches

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    We investigate the performances of two ZnMoO4 scintillating crystals operated as bolometers, in view of a next generation experiment to search the neutrinoless double beta decay of Mo-100. We present the results of the alpha vs beta/gamma discrimination, obtained through the scintillation light as well as through the study of the shape of the thermal signal alone. The discrimination capability obtained at the 2615 keV line of Tl-208 is 8 sigma, using the heat-light scatter plot, while it exceeds 20 sigma using the shape of the thermal pulse alone. The achieved FWHM energy resolution ranges from 2.4 keV (at 238 keV) to 5.7 keV (at 2615 keV). The internal radioactive contaminations of the ZnMoO4 crystals were evaluated through a 407 hours background measurement. The obtained limit is < 32 microBq/kg for Th-228 and Ra-226. These values were used for a Monte Carlo simulation aimed at evaluating the achievable background level of a possible, future array of enriched ZnMoO4 crystals.Comment: 9 pages, 8 figure

    CUPID-0: the first array of enriched scintillating bolometers for 0decay investigations

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    The CUPID-0 detector hosted at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso, Italy, is the first large array of enriched scintillating cryogenic detectors for the investigation of82Se neutrinoless double-beta decay (0). CUPID-0 aims at measuring a background index in the region of interest (RoI) for 0at the level of 10- 3 counts/(keV kg years), the lowest value ever measured using cryogenic detectors. CUPID-0 operates an array of Zn82Se scintillating bolometers coupled with bolometric light detectors, with a state of the art technology for background suppression and thorough protocols and procedures for the detector preparation and construction. In this paper, the different phases of the detector design and construction will be presented, from the material selection (for the absorber production) to the new and innovative detector structure. The successful construction of the detector lead to promising preliminary detector performance which is discussed here

    Search for neutrinoless double beta decay of 64 Zn and 70 Zn with CUPID-0

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    CUPID-0 is the first pilot experiment of CUPID, a next-generation project searching for neutrinoless double beta decay. In its first scientific run, CUPID-0 operated 26 ZnSe cryogenic calorimeters coupled to light detectors in the underground Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. In this work, we analyzed a ZnSe exposure of 11.34 kg year to search for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 70Zn and for the neutrinoless positron-emitting electron capture of 64Zn. We found no evidence for these decays and set 90% credible interval limits of T0νββ1/2(70Zn) > 1.6 1021 year and T0νECβ+1/2(64Zn) > 1.2×1022 year, surpassing by more than one order of magnitude the previous experimental results (Belli et al. in J Phys G 38(11):115107, https://doi.org/10.1088/0954-3899/38/11/115107, 2011)

    Background model of the CUPID-0 experiment

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    CUPID-0 is the first large mass array of enriched Zn82Se scintillating low temperature calorimeters, operated at LNGS since 2017. During its first scientific runs, CUPID-0 collected an exposure of 9.95kgyear. Thanks to the excellent rejection of alpha particles, we attained the lowest background ever measured with thermal detectors in the energy region where we search for the signature of 82Se neutrinoless double beta decay. In this work we develop a model to reconstruct the CUPID-0 background over the whole energy range of experimental data. We identify the background sources exploiting their distinctive signatures and we assess their extremely low contribution [down to similar to 10-4 counts/(keVkgyear)] in the region of interest for 82Se neutrinoless double beta decay search. This result represents a crucial step towards the comprehension of the background in experiments based on scintillating calorimeters and in next generation projects such as CUPID

    Search of the neutrino-less double beta decay of 82 Se into the excited states of 82 Kr with CUPID-0

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    The CUPID-0 experiment searches for double beta decay using cryogenic calorimeters with double (heat and light) read-out. The detector, consisting of 24 ZnSe crystals 95% enriched in 82Se and two natural ZnSe crystals, started data-taking in 2017 at Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso. We present the search for the neutrino-less double beta decay of 82Se into the 0+1, 2+1 and 2+2 excited states of 82Kr with an exposure of 5.74 kg·yr (2.24×1025 emitters·yr). We found no evidence of the decays and set the most stringent limits on the widths of these processes: G(82Se ¿82Kr0+1)8.55×10-24 yr-1, G (82 Se ¿82 Kr 2+1)<6.25×10-24 yr-1, G(82Se ¿82Kr2+2)8.25×10-24 yr-1 (90% credible interval)

    New Cuoricino Results and Status of CUORE

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    CUORICINO is an array of 62 TeO2 bolometers with a total mass of 40.7 kg (11.2 kg of 130Te), operated at about 10 mK to search for ββ(0ν) of 130Te. The detectors are organized as a 14-story tower and intended as a slightly modified version of one of the 19 towers of the CUORE project, a proposed tightly packed array of 988 TeO2 bolometers (741 kg of total mass of TeO2) for ultralow-background searches on neutrinoless double-beta decay, cold dark matter, solar axions, and rare nuclear decays. Started in April 2003 at the Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso (LNGS), CUORICINO data taking was stopped in November 2003 to repair the readout wiring system of the 62 bolometers. Restarted in spring 2004, CUORICINO is presently the most sensitive running experiment on neutrinoless double-beta decay. No evidence for ββ(0ν) decay has been found so far and a new lower limit, T 1 2/0ν ≥ 1.8 × 1024 yr (90% C.L.), is set, corresponding to 〈m ν〉 ≤ 0.2–1.1 eV, depending on the theoretical nuclear matrix elements used in the analysis. Detector performance, operational procedures, and background analysis results are reviewed. The expected performance and sensitivity of CUORE is also discussed

    Results from CUORICINO experiment and prospects for CUORE

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    Cuoricino is a taking data bolometric experiment searching for neutrinoless double beta decay (0νDBD) of 130Te. The detector consists of an array of large cubic TeO2 crystal bolometers. Cuoricino works at about 10 mK in the Gran Sasso Underground Laboratory. Good energy resolutions were obtained (2.1 keV at 911 keV and 3.9 keV at 2615 keV at best). The counting rate in the region of 0νDBD is 0.18±0.02 c/keV/kg/y. The limit for the 0νDBD half lifetime is 2.0 × 1024 years at the 90% of C.L. This results correspond to a limit for the effective neutrino mass between 0.2 and 1.0 eV, depending on the nuclear matrix elements used. A large international collaboration is working on CUORE project, a future experiment with a mass of 741 kg of TeO2 crystal bolometers. The experiment aims to probe the neutrino absolute mass down to 50 meV and to understand if the inverted hierarchy holds in the neutrino mass pattern
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