36 research outputs found

    Bond-disordered Anderson model on a two dimensional square lattice - chiral symmetry and restoration of one-parameter scaling

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    Bond-disordered Anderson model in two dimensions on a square lattice is studied numerically near the band center by calculating density of states (DoS), multifractal properties of eigenstates and the localization length. DoS divergence at the band center is studied and compared with Gade's result [Nucl. Phys. B 398, 499 (1993)] and the powerlaw. Although Gade's form describes accurately DoS of finite size systems near the band-center, it fails to describe the calculated part of DoS of the infinite system, and a new expression is proposed. Study of the level spacing distributions reveals that the state closest to the band center and the next one have different level spacing distribution than the pairs of states away from the band center. Multifractal properties of finite systems furthermore show that scaling of eigenstates changes discontinuously near the band center. This unusual behavior suggests the existence of a new divergent length scale, whose existence is explained as the finite size manifestation of the band center critical point of the infinite system, and the critical exponent of the correlation length is calculated by a finite size scaling. Furthermore, study of scaling of Lyapunov exponents of transfer matrices of long stripes indicates that for a long stripe of any width there is an energy region around band center within which the Lyapunov exponents cannot be described by one-parameter scaling. This region, however, vanishes in the limit of the infinite square lattice when one-parameter scaling is restored, and the scaling exponent calculated, in agreement with the result of the finite size scaling analysis.Comment: 23 pages, 11 figures. RevTe

    Coulomb Blockade in low mobility nanometer size Si:MOSFETs

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    We investigate coherent transport in Si:MOSFETs with nominal gate lengths 50 to 100nm and various widths at very low temperature. Independent of the geometry, localized states appear when G=e^{2}/h and transport is dominated by resonant tunnelling through a single quantum dot formed by an impurity potential. We find that the typical size of the relevant impurity quantum dot is comparable to the channel length and that the periodicity of the observed Coulomb blockade oscillations is roughly inversely proportional to the channel length. The spectrum of resonances and the nonlinear I-V curves allow to measure the charging energy and the mean level energy spacing for electrons in the localized state. Furthermore, we find that in the dielectric regime, the variance var(lng) of the logarithmic conductance lng is proportional to its average value consistent with one-electron scaling models.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Spreading and localization of wavepackets in disordered wires in a magnetic field

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    We study the diffusive and localization properties of wavepackets in disordered wires in a magnetic field. In contrast to a recent supersymmetry approach our numerical results show that the decay rate of the steady state changes {\em smoothly} at the crossover from preserved to broken time-reversal symmetry. Scaling and fluctuation properties are also analyzed and a formula, which was derived analytically only in the pure symmetry cases is shown to describe also the steady state wavefunction at the crossover regime. Finally, we present a scaling for the variance of the packet which shows again a smooth transition due to the magnetic field.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    MONOBOB II : Latest results of monocharged ions source for SPIRAL2 project

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    Original publication available at http://www.jacow.orgInternational audienceAmong the sources which can be installed in the radioactive ion production module of SPIRAL II, a singly-charged ECRIS has been chosen to produce ions from gaseous elements. Its characterization is under way on a test bench at GANIL. Extraction, transport and response time results are presented

    Spectral Correlations from the Metal to the Mobility Edge

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    We have studied numerically the spectral correlations in a metallic phase and at the metal-insulator transition. We have calculated directly the two-point correlation function of the density of states R(s,s)R(s,s'). In the metallic phase, it is well described by the Random Matrix Theory (RMT). For the first time, we also find numerically the diffusive corrections for the number variance predicted by Al'tshuler and Shklovski\u{\i}. At the transition, at small energy scales, R(ss)R(s-s') starts linearly, with a slope larger than in a metal. At large separations ss1|s - s'| \gg 1, it is found to decrease as a power law R(s,s)c/ss2γR(s,s') \sim - c / |s -s'|^{2-\gamma} with c0.041c \sim 0.041 and γ0.83\gamma \sim 0.83, in good agreement with recent microscopic predictions. At the transition, we have also calculated the form factor K~(t)\tilde K(t), Fourier transform of R(ss)R(s-s'). At large ss, the number variance contains two terms =Bγ+2πK~(0)where= B ^\gamma + 2 \pi \tilde K(0) where \tilde{K}(0)isthelimitoftheformfactorfor is the limit of the form factor for t \to 0$.Comment: 7 RevTex-pages, 10 figures. Submitted to PR

    Diffusion of electrons in random magnetic fields,

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    Diffusion of electrons in a two-dimensional system in static random magnetic fields is studied by solving the time-dependent Schr\"{o}dinger equation numerically. The asymptotic behaviors of the second moment of the wave packets and the temporal auto-correlation function in such systems are investigated. It is shown that, in the region away from the band edge, the growth of the variance of the wave packets turns out to be diffusive, whereas the exponents for the power-law decay of the temporal auto- correlation function suggest a kind of fractal structure in the energy spectrum and in the wave functions. The present results are consistent with the interpretation that the states away from the band edge region are critical.Comment: 22 pages (8 figures will be mailed if requested), LaTeX, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Metabolic and nutritional support of critically ill patients: consensus and controversies.

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    The results of recent large-scale clinical trials have led us to review our understanding of the metabolic response to stress and the most appropriate means of managing nutrition in critically ill patients. This review presents an update in this field, identifying and discussing a number of areas for which consensus has been reached and others where controversy remains and presenting areas for future research. We discuss optimal calorie and protein intake, the incidence and management of re-feeding syndrome, the role of gastric residual volume monitoring, the place of supplemental parenteral nutrition when enteral feeding is deemed insufficient, the role of indirect calorimetry, and potential indications for several pharmaconutrients

    Sublocalization, superlocalization, and violation of standard single parameter scaling in the Anderson model

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    We discuss the localization behavior of localized electronic wave functions in the one- and two-dimensional tight-binding Anderson model with diagonal disorder. We find that the distributions of the local wave function amplitudes at fixed distances from the localization center are well approximated by log-normal fits which become exact at large distances. These fits are consistent with the standard single parameter scaling theory for the Anderson model in 1d, but they suggest that a second parameter is required to describe the scaling behavior of the amplitude fluctuations in 2d. From the log-normal distributions we calculate analytically the decay of the mean wave functions. For short distances from the localization center we find stretched exponential localization ("sublocalization") in both, 1d and 2d. In 1d, for large distances, the mean wave functions depend on the number of configurations N used in the averaging procedure and decay faster that exponentially ("superlocalization") converging to simple exponential behavior only in the asymptotic limit. In 2d, in contrast, the localization length increases logarithmically with the distance from the localization center and sublocalization occurs also in the second regime. The N-dependence of the mean wave functions is weak. The analytical result agrees remarkably well with the numerical calculations.Comment: 12 pages with 9 figures and 1 tabl

    Permanent magnets under irradiation and radiocative alkali ion beam development for SPIRAL1

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    International audienceUp to now, eighteen Target Ion Source Systems (TISSs) have been built and used for the production of radioactive ion beams on SPIRAL 1 facility, based on the Isotope- Separator-On-Line (ISOL) method. The TISSs are composed of thick carbon targets and of fully permanentmagnet Electron Cyclotron Resonance Ion Sources (ECRISs) of the Nanogan III type. After irradiation and a decay period of two years, the irradiated TISSs are dismounted and if their magnetic fields are still suitable, the ECRIS are used with a new target. Thereby thirty-two runs have been performed using new or renewed TISSs. , After irradiation, the measured magnetic field sometimes reveals magnet damage. Our experience is reported here. In the second section, we present the progress on the NanoNaKE setup, which aims to extend the radioactive ion beams in SPIRAL 1 to the alkali elements, by connecting a surface-ionization source to the Nanogan III ECRIS via a compact 1+ ion beam line. The main issues and difficulties are discussed and the preliminary solutions are described

    The two-dimensional random-bond Ising model, free fermions and the network model

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    We develop a recently-proposed mapping of the two-dimensional Ising model with random exchange (RBIM), via the transfer matrix, to a network model for a disordered system of non-interacting fermions. The RBIM transforms in this way to a localisation problem belonging to one of a set of non-standard symmetry classes, known as class D; the transition between paramagnet and ferromagnet is equivalent to a delocalisation transition between an insulator and a quantum Hall conductor. We establish the mapping as an exact and efficient tool for numerical analysis: using it, the computational effort required to study a system of width MM is proportional to M3M^{3}, and not exponential in MM as with conventional algorithms. We show how the approach may be used to calculate for the RBIM: the free energy; typical correlation lengths in quasi-one dimension for both the spin and the disorder operators; even powers of spin-spin correlation functions and their disorder-averages. We examine in detail the square-lattice, nearest-neighbour ±J\pm J RBIM, in which bonds are independently antiferromagnetic with probability pp, and ferromagnetic with probability 1p1-p. Studying temperatures T0.4JT\geq 0.4J, we obtain precise coordinates in the pTp-T plane for points on the phase boundary between ferromagnet and paramagnet, and for the multicritical (Nishimori) point. We demonstrate scaling flow towards the pure Ising fixed point at small pp, and determine critical exponents at the multicritical point.Comment: 20 pages, 25 figures, figures correcte