576 research outputs found

    Interatomic van der Waals potential in the presence of a magneto-electric sphere

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    On the basis of a general formula obtained earlier via fourth-order erturbation theory within the framework of macroscopic quantum electrodynamics, the van der Waals potential between two neutral, unpolarized, ground-state atoms in the presence of a homogeneous, dispersing and absorbing magnetoelectric sphere is studied. When the radius of the sphere becomes sufficiently large, the result asymptotically agrees with that for two atoms near a planar interface. In the opposite limit of a very small sphere, the sphere can effectively be regarded as being a third ground-state atom, and the nonadditive three-atom van der Waals potential is recovered. To illustrate the effect of a sphere of arbitrary radius, numerical results are presented for the triangular arrangement where the atoms are at equidistance from the sphere, and for the linear arrangement where the atoms and the sphere are aligned along a straight line. As demonstrated, the enhancement or reduction of the interaction potential in the presence of purely electric or magnetic spheres can be physically understood in terms of image charges.Comment: 13 pages, 7 figure

    Attraction between Neutral Dielectrics Mediated by Multivalent Ions in an Asymmetric Ionic Fluid

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    We study the interaction between two neutral plane-parallel dielectric bodies in the presence of a highly asymmetric ionic fluid, containing multivalent as well as monovalent (salt) ions. Image charge interactions, due to dielectric discontinuities at the boundaries, as well as effects from ion confinement in the slit region between the surfaces are taken fully into account, leading to image-generated depletion attraction, ion correlation attraction and steric-like repulsive interactions. We investigate these effects by employing a combination of methods including explicit-ion and implicit-ion Monte-Carlo simulations, as well as an effective interaction potential analytical theory. The latter incorporates strong ion-image charge correlations, which develop in the presence of high valency ions in the mixture. We show that the implicit-ion simulations and the proposed analytical theory can describe the explicit simulation results on a qualitative level, while excellent quantitative agreement can be obtained for sufficiently large monovalent salt concentrations. The resultant attractive interaction between the neutral surfaces is shown to be significant, as compared with the usual van der Waals interactions between semi-infinite dielectrics, and can thus play a significant role at the nano scale.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Discrete Frequencies in a Lattice Perturbed by Isotope Defects

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    Global consequences of a local Casimir force: Adhered cantilever

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    Although stiction is a cumbersome problem for microsystems, it stimulates investigations of surface adhesion. In fact, the shape of an adhered cantilever carries information of the adhesion energy that locks one end to the substrate. We demonstrate here that the system is also sensitive to the dispersion forces that are operative very close to the point of contact, but their contribution to the shape is maximum at about one third of the unadhered length. When the force exceeds a critical value the cantilever does not lose stability but it settles at smaller unadhered length, whose relation to adhesion energy is only slightly affected by the force. Our calculations suggest to use adhered cantilevers to measure the dispersion forces at short separations, where other methods suffer from jump-to-contact instability. Simultaneous measurement of the force and adhesion energy allows the separation of the dispersion contribution to the surface adhesion.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Electromagnetic fluctuation-induced interactions in randomly charged slabs

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    Randomly charged net-neutral dielectric slabs are shown to interact across a featureless dielectric continuum with long-range electrostatic forces that scale with the statistical variance of their quenched random charge distribution and inversely with the distance between their bounding surfaces. By accounting for the whole spectrum of electromagnetic field fluctuations, we show that this long-range disorder-generated interaction extends well into the retarded regime where higher-order Matsubara frequencies contribute significantly. This occurs even for highly clean samples with only a trace amount of charge disorder and shows that disorder effects can be important down to the nano scale. As a result, the previously predicted non-monotonic behavior for the total force between dissimilar slabs as a function of their separation distance is substantially modified by higher-order contributions, and in almost all cases of interest, we find that the equilibrium inter-surface separation is shifted to substantially larger values compared to predictions based solely on the zero-frequency component. This suggests that the ensuing non-monotonic interaction is more easily amenable to experimental detection. The presence of charge disorder in the intervening dielectric medium between the two slabs is shown to lead to an additional force that can be repulsive or attractive depending on the system parameters and can, for instance, wash out the non-monotonic behavior of the total force when the intervening slab contains a sufficiently large amount of disorder charges.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figure

    Electrostatic attraction between cationic-anionic assemblies with surface compositional heterogeneities

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    Electrostatics plays a key role in biomolecular assembly. Oppositely charged biomolecules, for instance, can co-assembled into functional units, such as DNA and histone proteins into nucleosomes and actin-binding protein complexes into cytoskeleton components, at appropriate ionic conditions. These cationic-anionic co-assemblies often have surface charge heterogeneities that result from the delicate balance between electrostatics and packing constraints. Despite their importance, the precise role of surface charge heterogeneities in the organization of cationic-anionic co-assemblies is not well understood. We show here that co-assemblies with charge heterogeneities strongly interact through polarization of the domains. We find that this leads to symmetry breaking, which is important for functional capabilities, and structural changes, which is crucial in the organization of co-assemblies. We determine the range and strength of the attraction as a function of the competition between the steric and hydrophobic constraints and electrostatic interactions.Comment: JCP June/200

    Nonuniversality of the dispersion interaction: analytic benchmarks for van der Waals energy functionals

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    We highlight the non-universality of the asymptotic behavior of dispersion forces, such that a sum of inverse sixth power contributions is often inadequate. We analytically evaluate the cross-correlation energy Ec between two pi-conjugated layers separated by a large distance D within the electromagnetically non-retarded Random Phase Approximation, via a tight-binding model. For two perfect semimetallic graphene sheets at T=0K we find Ec = C D^{-3}, in contrast to the "insulating" D^{-4} dependence predicted by currently accepted approximations. We also treat the case where one graphene layer is replaced by a thin metal, a model relevant to the exfoliation of graphite. Our general considerations also apply to nanotubes, nanowires and layered metals.Comment: 4 pages, 0 fig

    Precision measurement of the Casimir-Lifshitz force in a fluid

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    The Casimir force, which results from the confinement of the quantum mechanical zero-point fluctuations of the electromagnetic fields, has received significant attention in recent years for its effect on micro- and nano-scale mechanical systems. With few exceptions, experimental observations have been limited to conductive bodies interacting separated by vacuum or air. However, interesting phenomena including repulsive forces are expected to exist in certain circumstances between metals and dielectrics when the intervening medium is not vacuum. In order to better understand the effect of the Casimir force in such situations and to test the robustness of the generalized Casimir-Lifshitz theory, we have performed the first precision measurements of the Casimir force between two metals immersed in a fluid. For this situation, the measured force is attractive and is approximately 80% smaller than the force predicted by Casimir for ideal metals in vacuum. We present experimental results and find them to be consistent with Lifshitz's theory.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures. (version before final publication

    Some observations on the renormalization of membrane rigidity by long-range interactions

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    We consider the renormalization of the bending and Gaussian rigidity of model membranes induced by long-range interactions between the components making up the membrane. In particular we analyze the effect of a finite membrane thickness on the renormalization of the bending and Gaussian rigidity by long-range interactions. Particular attention is paid to the case where the interactions are of a van der Waals type.Comment: 11 pages RexTex, no figure

    Body-assisted van der Waals interaction between two atoms

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    Using fourth-order perturbation theory, a general formula for the van der Waals potential of two neutral, unpolarized, ground-state atoms in the presence of an arbitrary arrangement of dispersing and absorbing magnetodielectric bodies is derived. The theory is applied to two atoms in bulk material and in front of a planar multilayer system, with special emphasis on the cases of a perfectly reflecting plate and a semi-infinite half space. It is demonstrated that the enhancement and reduction of the two-atom interaction due to the presence of a perfectly reflecting plate can be understood, at least in the nonretarded limit, by using the method of image charges. For the semi-infinite half space, both analytical and numerical results are presented.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure