161 research outputs found


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    A study was carried out of soils in Campeche, México, using as a base the cartography of geomorphologic landscapes and reliefs. The objective was to classify the types of soils and to determine the surfaces occupied through cartography. For that purpose, 115 soil profiles distributed into different reliefs were classified at the level of soil units according to the World Reference Base (WRB) version 2007. The soils from the state of Campeche are classified into the following groups: Leptosols (48.05%), Gleysols (16.56%), Nitisols (8.49%), Vertisols (6.93%), Luvisols (6.26%), Stagnosols (2.71%), Histosols (1.93%), Solonchaks (1.83%), Calcisols (0.97%), Cambisols (0.71%), Phaeozems (0.69%), Arenosols (0.52%), Fluvisols (0.35%) and Regosols (0.23%); and from these, 45 soil units are represented in cartography at a scale of 1:250 000. Se realizó un estudio de suelos en Campeche, México, utilizando como base la cartografía de paisajes geomorfológicos y relieves. El objetivo fue clasificar los tipos de suelos y determinar las superficies ocupadas por medio de cartografía. Para ello se realizaron 115 perfiles edafológicos distribuidos en diferentes relieves y se clasificaron a nivel de unidades de suelos de acuerdo a la Base Referencial Mundial del Recurso (WRB) versión 2007. Los suelos del estado de Campeche se clasifican en los siguientes grupos: Leptosoles (48.05%), Gleysoles (16.56%), Nitisoles (8.49%), Vertisoles (6.93%), Luvisoles (6.26%), Stagnosoles (2.71%), Histosoles (1.93%), Solonchaks (1.83%), Calcisoles (0.97%), Cambisoles (0.71%), Phaeozems (0.69%), Arenosoles (0.52%), Fluvisoles (0.35%) y Regosoles (0.23%); de estos se derivan 45 unidades de suelos representadas en cartografia a escala 1:250 000


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    México imports forest products such as paper and sawn wood, so it is required to promote the surfaces of forest plantations in soils that are apt to contribute to satisfying the demand. The objective of the study was to evaluate the soil aptitude of Eucalyptus urophylla S.T Blake at a semidetailed level in the region of Terrace of Huimanguillo (TH), Tabasco, México, in 158,406 ha. The soil requirements of the crop were defined through a literature review. The information of the area consisted in a semidetailed map of the soils, physical and chemical data of the profiles, and variables of weather and relief. The evaluation of soil aptitude was based on the methodology of agroecological zoning proposed by FAO, and the final map was designed at a scale of 1:50 000 in a geographic information system. In the TH, the Acrisol (AC) group dominates in 84.9 % of the area, followed by Cambisol (CM) and Gleysol (GL). The zone of medium aptitude for E. urophylla represented 82.5% of the area, and coincides with those of AC; the restrictions are from very acid pH, low fertility in all the units, and imperfect drainage in the Gleyic Umbric AC. The CM and GL did not present aptitude for the crop. It is recommended to implement sustainable management practices to mitigate acidity, improve fertility and avoid water erosion in slopes of 6 to 25 %.México importa productos forestales como papel y madera aserrada, por lo que se requiere fomentar las superficies de plantaciones forestales en suelos aptos para contribuir a satisfacer la demanda. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la aptitud edáfica de Eucalyptus urophylla S.T Blake a nivel semidetallado en la región terraza de Huimanguillo (TH), Tabasco, México, en 158,406 ha. Los requerimientos edáficos del cultivo se definieron mediante revisión de literatura. La información del área consistió en un mapa semidetallado de suelos, datos físicos y químicos de perfiles, y variables de clima y relieve. La evaluación de la aptitud edáfica se basó en la metodología de zonificación agroecológica propuesta por FAO, y el mapa final se diseñó a escala 1:50 000 en un sistema de información geográfica. En la TH domina el grupo de suelo Acrisol (AC) en el 84.9 % del área, seguido del Cambisol (CM) y Gleysol (GL). La zona de aptitud media para E. urophylla representó 82.5% del área, y concuerda con los AC, las restricciones son por pH muy ácido, baja fertilidad en todas las unidades, y drenaje imperfecto en el AC Úmbrico Gléyico. Los CM y GL no presentaron aptitud para el cultivo. Se recomienda implementar prácticas de manejo sustentables para mitigar la acidez, mejorar la fertilidad y evitar la erosión hídrica en pendientes de 6 a 25 %


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    The files of existing soil studies from studies carried out in Tabasco, México, from the year 2007 to 2013, were gathered. With the support of the ArcGis software version 9.3, maps were designed with different scales until standardizing to 1:250 000. 153 soil profiles georeferenced with physical-chemical analysis were compiled, establishing with this the soil database. The soil classification was performed according to WRB version 2014. Nineteen (19) soil groups were determined in Tabasco, with Gleysols, Histosols, Fluvisols, Acrisols, Leptosols and Vertisols dominating. Soils were identified with very small cartographic units, which had not been reported in previous years, such as: Calcisols, Lixisols, Nitisols, Phaeozems and Tecnosols.Se recopilaron los archivos de estudios de suelos existentes de trabajos realizados en Tabasco, México, del año 2007 hasta 2013. Con el apoyo del software ArcGis versión 9.3 se diseñaron mapas con escalas diferentes hasta uniformizar a 1:250 000. Se compilaron 153 perfiles de suelos geo referenciados con análisis físico-químicos, conformando con ello la base de datos de suelos. Se realizó la clasificación de suelos de acuerdo con la WRB versión 2014. Se determinaron 19 Grupos de suelos en Tabasco, dominan los Gleysols, Histosols, Fluvisols, Acrisols, Leptosols y Vertisols. Se identificaron suelos con unidades cartográficas muy pequeñas, que no se habían reportado en años anteriores, tales como: Calcisols, Lixisols, Nitisols, Phaeozems y Tecnosols

    Occupational and Environmental Risks from Mancozeb in Aviation Facilities in the Banana Producing Area of Teapa, Tabasco, Mexico

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    Purpose: To identify occupational risks and practices in the four aerial fumigation facilities in the Sierra banana growing region and to evaluate environmental impacts from Mancozeb use.Methods: Occupational health risks were identified and practices in the four aerial fumigation facilities in the Sierra banana growing region were documented. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with installation managers. To evaluate environmental impact, samples of water and soil were collected and analysed in an acute toxicity bioassay with Vibrio fischeri, using uncontaminated soil and water to establish background levels.Results: Even in the largest and best-equipped facility, serious risks to workers’ health were encountered from inadequate use of protective equipment by workers. Furthermore, excessive use of pesticide, lack of re-use of unused product, poor facility design and poor use of wash-water were observed, resulting in  maximum toxicity of > 5 times background in discharged water. Parallel soil samples were > 20 times  more toxic than background, being most toxic at > 0.5 km from the discharge point.Conclusion: Areas of opportunity to improve worker health and the environment include proper and  consistent use of protective equipment, re-use of unused product, wastewater reduction and appropriate wastewater treatment.Keywords: Black Sigatoka, Ethylene thiourea, Fumigation, Pesticide, Mancozeb, Airports, Microtox, Vibrio fischeri, Occupational health risks, Toxicit

    Levels of insulin and HOMA-IR in adolescents in Saltillo, Coahuila, Mexico

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    An alarming rise of obesity in adolescents has been observed, placing them at risk of developing resistance to insulin (IR) and its adverse metabolic consequences such as diabetes mellitus type 2 (DM2), metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease. Objective: To know the prevalence of obesity, and the levels of glucose, insulin and HOMA-IR and its association with the BMIz, waist circumference and the pubertal stage in a random sample of adolescents. Materials and methods: 292 adolescents between 12 and 15 years (152 female and 140 male), whose anthropometric measurements (weight, height and waist circumference) were taken, body mass index calculated and Z-score determined. Blood glucose and insulin levels were evaluated from a sample of blood and their HOMA-IR was determined. Results: The results showed that 32.5% were obese, 22.3% were overweight and 23.6% showed adolescent central obesity. Glucose levels (p = 0.016), insulin (p = 0.0001) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.0001) showed significant differences in the group with obesity. Values of the three parameters were increased with the stage of puberty. We found significant differences in the levels of glucose (p = 0.0388), insulin (p = 0.0005) and HOMA-IR (p = 0.0001) between the prepubertal and postpubertal stages

    Antimicrobial and antioxidant properties of byproduct extracts of mango fruit

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    Byproducts of fruit processing could have higher content of phenolic compounds that can act as antimicrobial and antioxidant agents. In this context, the main objective of this study was to obtain extracts from peel, seed, and unused flesh of Haden, Ataulfo and Tommy Atkins mango varieties, in order to measure their antioxidant and antimicrobial properties. The extraction was performed using different methods, such as methanolic-polar, methanolic-non-polar, ethanolic-polar, ethanolic-non-polar and water infusion. The total phenolic content of the ethanolic-non-polar extract from seed of mango Haden showed 875.06 mg/g, DPPH EC50: 0.04 mg/mL, cau-sing a 100 % inhibition of bacteria pathogens applying 25 mg/mL and inhibition of 89.78 % against Alternaria applying 6.25 mg/mL. The flesh always showed the lowest content and bioactivity of the tested parameters. These results demonstrate the antimicrobial and antioxidant potential uses of fruit byproducts as sources of bioactive compounds

    Geopedological transects in karst landscapes in Campeche, Mexico

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    Objective: To know the spatial variability of landforms and their relationship in the soil geography of the state of Campeche, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: Two transects were made under the geopedological approach, where soil cartographic material and geomorphology at the landscape level were used, which were corrected using geomatics techniques, generating a mapping of the landforms at scale 1:100,000. Soil profiles were made from west to east, taking priority the diversity of landforms, consequently generating the geopedological transects. Results: The results indicate that in plains landscapes such as P and Lf hydromorphic processes occur, the soil is deep and rich in organic sediments, the soil units were classified within the Histosol and Gleysol groups. The transitional EBDe landscape with no apparent dissection presents relatively convex landforms with little inclination and moderately deep and well-developed soils, classified within the Cambisol group. On the other hand, the EBPD landscape presents higher elevation and dissection, the soil is mainly shallow with little or no pedon development and is related to convex landforms, the soil units belong to the Leptosol group. For the elevated plains landforms, a relation with the Luvisol group was obtained. Limitations on study/implications: The understanding of the geomorphology-soil relationships of a certain region provide the basis for establishing soil distribution models, which will facilitate work on soil mapping and spatial planning. Findings/conclusions: Campeche has a great complexity of reliefs at the level of landforms, generating and keeping the terrain cartography updated will help to improve the planning of productive and conservation projects.Objective: Apples cultivated in Mexico generally are smaller and softer than those produced in other geographical latitudes considered as optimal for apple production. The aim of this evaluation was determine the effect of applications with calcium, nitrogen, potassium, magnesium, sulfur and naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA), as well as the harvest date on the quality of apple fruits. Methodology ‘Golden Smoothie’ apple trees were treated foliarly with CaCl2 with and without NAA, and with a mixture of N, K, Mg and S or gypsum applied to soil for two years. Apples were harvested at 141 (regular harvest date), 161 (mid-late harvest) and 171 days (late harvest) after full bloom (DAFB) and evaluated for quality at harvest time and during their storage at 0°C for up to 179 days. Results: Foliar applications of CaCl2 significantly increased the calcium content in fruit and leaves, but fruit quality, including firmness, was not influenced. Fertilization of soil with the mixture of nutrients, including CaSO4, did not influence the fruit quality. Lately harvested fruit was 14.9% heavier but 17.1% softer than fruit picked at the commercial harvest date. Delaying of fruit harvest reduced about 43 d the storability of fruit. Based in these results, the relative softness of apples grown in Mexico is not related with its calcium content, hence unlikely to be overcome with the application of this mineral. Conclusions: Even in the control fruits, both seasons, the stored fruits do not show some physiological disorder as bitter pi

    Degradación química en Acrisoles bajo diferentes usos y pendientes en la sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México

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    Objective: To evaluate the chemical soil degradation caused by nutrients lost in Acrisols from the Savannah of Huimanguillo, Tabasco, Mexico. Design/methodology/approach: The effect of two factors, land use and slope relief, were study. Properties evaluated were soil organic matter (SOM), total nitrogen (Nt), available phosphorus (P), Cation Exchange Capacity (CEC), and exchangeable cations (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Results: The content of SOM were considerate rich to very rich, and did not showed any significant differences between factors. Nt was statistically high, and K was statistically low. P, CEC, Ca, Mg and Na showed statistically differences and lower contents. Limitations of study/implications: Soil degradation is a global problem, therefore the necessity of studies to understand the effect of land use over soil fertility and land chemical conditions. Findings/conclusions: The results indicates presence of chemical degradation in Acrisols, mostly by effect of land use and suggest the necessity of conservation strategies.Objetivo: Evaluar la degradación química del suelo por pérdida de nutrientes en Acrisoles de la Sabana de Huimanguillo, Tabasco, México. Diseño/Metodología/Aproximación: Se estudió el efecto de dos factores, los usos del suelo y las pendientes del relieve. Las propiedades evaluadas fueron materia orgánica del suelo (MOS), nitrógeno total (Nt), fosforo extraíble (P), Capacidad de Intercambio Catiónico (CIC), y bases intercambiables (K, Ca, Mg, Na). Resultados: Los contenidos de MOS son considerados de ricos a muy ricos, sin diferencias significativas entre factores. El Nt fue alto y el K intercambiable bajo, mostrando diferencias significativas. El P, CIC, Ca, Mg y Na mostraron diferencias significativas y contenidos bajos. Limitaciones del estudio/implicaciones: La degradación del suelo constituye un problema global, es necesario estudiar el efecto que tiene el uso del suelo sobre la fertilidad y condiciones químicas de la tierra. Hallazgos/conclusiones: Los resultados muestran la existencia de degradación química en Acrisoles del área de estudio principalmente por efecto del uso del suelo, sugiriendo la necesidad de estrategias de conservación

    Pomegranate (Punica granatum L.) Peel Extracts as Antimicrobial and Antioxidant Additives Used in Alfalfa Sprouts

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    Aqueous and ethanolic pomegranate peel extracts (PPE) were studied as a source of phenolic compounds with antimicrobial, anti-quorum sensing, and antioxidant properties. The aqueous extract showed higher total phenolic and flavonoid content (153.43 mg GAE/g and 45.74, respectively) and antioxidant capacity (DPPH radical inhibition: 86.12%, ABTS radical scavenging capacity: 958.21 mg TE/dw) compared to the ethanolic extract. The main phenolic compounds identified by UPLC-DAD were chlorogenic and gallic acids. The aqueous PPE extract showed antimicrobial activity against Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella Typhimurium, Candida tropicalis (MICs 19–30 mg/mL), and anti-quorum sensing activity expressed as inhibition of Chromobacterium violaceum violacein production (%). The aqueous PPE extracts at 25 mg/mL applied on alfalfa sprouts reduced psychrophilic bacteria (1.12 Log CFU/100 g) and total coliforms (1.23 Log CFU/100 g) and increased the antioxidant capacity of the treated sprouts (55.13 mol TE/100 g (DPPH) and 126.56 mol TE/100 g (ABTS)) compared to untreated alfalfa. This study emphasizes PPE’s antioxidant and antimicrobial activities in alfalfa sprouts preservation