459 research outputs found

    From Dust To Planetesimal: The Snowball Phase ?

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    The standard model of planet formation considers an initial phase in which planetesimals form from a dust disk, followed by a phase of mutual planetesimal-planetesimal collisions, leading eventually to the formation of planetary embryos. However, there is a potential transition phase (which we call the "snowball phase"), between the formation of the first planetesimals and the onset of mutual collisions amongst them, which has often been either ignored or underestimated in previous studies. In this snowball phase, isolated planetesimals move on Keplerian orbits and grow solely via the direct accretion of sub-cm sized dust entrained with the gas in the protoplanetary disk. Using a simplified model in which planetesimals are progressively produced from the dust, we consider the expected sizes to which the planetesimals can grow before mutual collisions commence and derive the dependence of this size on a number of critical parameters, including the degree of disk turbulence, the planetesimal size at birth and the rate of planetesimal creation. For systems in which turbulence is weak and the planetesimals are created at a low rate and with relatively small birth size, we show that the snowball growth phase can be very important, allowing planetesimals to grow by a factor of 10^6 in mass before mutual collisions take over. In such cases, the snowball growth phase can be the dominant mode to transfer mass from the dust to planetesimals. Moreover, such growth can take place within the typical lifetime of a protoplanetary gas disk. A noteworthy result is that ... ...(see the paper). For the specific case of close binaries such as Alpha Centauri ... ... (see the paper). From a more general perspective, these preliminary results suggest that an efficient snowball growth phase provides a large amount of "room at the bottom" for theories of planet formation.Comment: Accepted for publication in the Astrophysical Journal. 15 pages, 4 figures, 1 tabl

    An independent determination of Fomalhaut b's orbit and the dynamical effects on the outer dust belt

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    The nearby star Fomalhaut harbours a cold, moderately eccentric dust belt with a sharp inner edge near 133 au. A low-mass, common proper motion companion (Fom b), was discovered near the inner edge and was identified as a planet candidate that could account for the belt morphology. However, the most recent orbit determination based on four epochs of astrometry over eight years reveals a highly eccentric orbit that appears to cross the belt in the sky plane projection. We perform here a full orbital determination based on the available astrometric data to independently validate the orbit estimates previously presented. Adopting our values for the orbital elements and their associated uncertainties, we then study the dynamical interaction between the planet and the dust ring, to check whether the proposed disk sculpting scenario by Fom b is plausible. We used a dedicated MCMC code to derive the statistical distributions of the orbital elements of Fom b. Then we used symplectic N-body integration to investigate the dynamics of the dust belt, as perturbed by a single planet. Different attempts were made assuming different masses for Fom b. We also performed a semi-analytical study to explain our results. Our results are in good agreement with others regarding the orbit of Fom b. We find that the orbit is highly eccentric, is close to apsidally aligned with the belt, and has a moderate mutual inclination relative to the belt plane of. If coplanar, this orbit crosses the disk. Our dynamical study then reveals that the observed planet could sculpt a transient belt configuration with a similar eccentricity to what is observed, but it would not be simultaneously apsidally aligned with the planet. This transient configuration only occurs a short time after the planet is placed on such an orbit (assuming an initially circular disk), a time that is inversely proportional to the planet's mass, and that is in any case much less than the 440 Myr age of the star. We constrain how long the observed dust belt could have survived with Fom b on its current orbit, as a function of its possible mass. This analysis leads us to conclude that Fom b is likely to have low mass, that it is unlikely to be responsible for the sculpting of the belt, and that it supports the hypothesis of a more massive, less eccentric planet companion Fom c.Comment: 17 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy \& Astrophysic

    PLoS One

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    MOTIVATION: The recent revolution in new sequencing technologies, as a part of the continuous process of adopting new innovative protocols has strongly impacted the interpretation of relations between phenotype and genotype. Thus, understanding the resulting gene sets has become a bottleneck that needs to be addressed. Automatic methods have been proposed to facilitate the interpretation of gene sets. While statistical functional enrichment analyses are currently well known, they tend to focus on well-known genes and to ignore new information from less-studied genes. To address such issues, applying semantic similarity measures is logical if the knowledge source used to annotate the gene sets is hierarchically structured. In this work, we propose a new method for analyzing the impact of different semantic similarity measures on gene set annotations. RESULTS: We evaluated the impact of each measure by taking into consideration the two following features that correspond to relevant criteria for a "good" synthetic gene set annotation: (i) the number of annotation terms has to be drastically reduced and the representative terms must be retained while annotating the gene set, and (ii) the number of genes described by the selected terms should be as large as possible. Thus, we analyzed nine semantic similarity measures to identify the best possible compromise between both features while maintaining a sufficient level of details. Using Gene Ontology to annotate the gene sets, we obtained better results with node-based measures that use the terms' characteristics than with measures based on edges that link the terms. The annotation of the gene sets achieved with the node-based measures did not exhibit major differences regardless of the characteristics of terms used

    Modeling effects of patchiness and biological variability on transport rates within bioturbated sediments

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    Bioturbation models are typically one-dimensional, with the underlying assumption that tracer gradients are predominantly vertical, and that sediment reworking is laterally homogeneous. These models implicitly assume that bioturbation activity does not vary with horizontal location on the sediment surface. Benthic organisms, however, are often patchily distributed. Moreover, due to natural variability, bioturbation activity varies among individuals within a population, and hence, among bioturbated patches. Here we analyze a 1D model formulation that explicitly includes patchiness, exemplified by conveyor-belt transport. The patchiness is represented with one coefficient αb, as the fraction of bioturbated areas of the total area. First, all the mixed patches are considered to feature the same bioturbation rates. Then variability of these rates among patches is introduced in the model. The model is analyzed through different scenarios to assess the influence of patchiness and biological variability on the resulting tracer profiles (luminophores, 234Th and 210Pb). With patchiness, the principal feature of the resulting profiles is exponential decrease of tracer concentrations near the SWI, due to the accumulation of particles in the nonbioturbated patches, and the presence of subsurface peaks or anomalous concentrations at depth, as the result of particle transport in the bioturbated patches. This pattern is unusual compared to published patterns for conveyor-belt transport. Adding intra-population variability in bioturbation rates induces biodiffusive-like transport, especially with luminophores. This theoretical work provides new insights about the influence of patch structure on particle dispersion within sediments and proposes a new applicable approach to model various bioturbation processes (type and rates of transport) that can be horizontally distributed in sediments

    Responses of two scleractinian corals to cobalt pollution and ocean acidification

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    The effects of ocean acidification alone or in combination with warming on coral metabolism have been extensively investigated, whereas none of these studies consider that most coral reefs near shore are already impacted by other natural anthropogenic inputs such as metal pollution. It is likely that projected ocean acidification levels will aggravate coral reef health. We first investigated how ocean acidification interacts with one near shore locally abundant metal on the physiology of two major reef-building corals: Stylophora pistillata and Acropora muricata. Two pH levels (pH(T) 8.02; pCO(2) 366 mu atm and pH(T) 7.75; pCO(2) 1140 mu atm) and two cobalt concentrations (natural, 0.03 mu g L-1 and polluted, 0.2 mu g L-1) were tested during five weeks in aquaria. We found that, for both species, cobalt input decreased significantly their growth rates by 28% while it stimulated their photosystem II, with higher values of rETR(max) (relative Electron Transport Rate). Elevated pCO(2) levels acted differently on the coral rETR(max) values and did not affect their growth rates. No consistent interaction was found between pCO(2) levels and cobalt concentrations. We also measured in situ the effect of higher cobalt concentrations (1.06 +/- 0.16 mu g L-1) on A. muricata using benthic chamber experiments. At this elevated concentration, cobalt decreased simultaneously coral growth and photosynthetic rates, indicating that the toxic threshold for this pollutant has been reached for both host cells and zooxanthellae. Our results from both aquaria and in situ experiments, suggest that these coral species are not particularly sensitive to high pCO(2) conditions but they are to ecologically relevant cobalt concentrations. Our study reveals that some reefs may be yet subjected to deleterious pollution levels, and even if no interaction between pCO(2) levels and cobalt concentration has been found, it is likely that coral metabolism will be weakened if they are subjected to additional threats such as temperature increase, other heavy metals, and eutrophication

    Towards High Fidelity Monocular Face Reconstruction with Rich Reflectance using Self-supervised Learning and Ray Tracing

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    Robust face reconstruction from monocular image in general lighting conditions is challenging. Methods combining deep neural network encoders with differentiable rendering have opened up the path for very fast monocular reconstruction of geometry, lighting and reflectance. They can also be trained in self-supervised manner for increased robustness and better generalization. However, their differentiable rasterization based image formation models, as well as underlying scene parameterization, limit them to Lambertian face reflectance and to poor shape details. More recently, ray tracing was introduced for monocular face reconstruction within a classic optimization-based framework and enables state-of-the art results. However optimization-based approaches are inherently slow and lack robustness. In this paper, we build our work on the aforementioned approaches and propose a new method that greatly improves reconstruction quality and robustness in general scenes. We achieve this by combining a CNN encoder with a differentiable ray tracer, which enables us to base the reconstruction on much more advanced personalized diffuse and specular albedos, a more sophisticated illumination model and a plausible representation of self-shadows. This enables to take a big leap forward in reconstruction quality of shape, appearance and lighting even in scenes with difficult illumination. With consistent face attributes reconstruction, our method leads to practical applications such as relighting and self-shadows removal. Compared to state-of-the-art methods, our results show improved accuracy and validity of the approach

    A Self-Consistent Model of the Circumstellar Debris Created by a Giant Hypervelocity Impact in the HD172555 System

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    Spectral modeling of the large infrared excess in the Spitzer IRS spectra of HD 172555 suggests that there is more than 10^19 kg of sub-micron dust in the system. Using physical arguments and constraints from observations, we rule out the possibility of the infrared excess being created by a magma ocean planet or a circumplanetary disk or torus. We show that the infrared excess is consistent with a circumstellar debris disk or torus, located at approximately 6 AU, that was created by a planetary scale hypervelocity impact. We find that radiation pressure should remove submicron dust from the debris disk in less than one year. However, the system's mid-infrared photometric flux, dominated by submicron grains, has been stable within 4 percent over the last 27 years, from IRAS (1983) to WISE (2010). Our new spectral modeling work and calculations of the radiation pressure on fine dust in HD 172555 provide a self-consistent explanation for this apparent contradiction. We also explore the unconfirmed claim that 10^47 molecules of SiO vapor are needed to explain an emission feature at 8 um in the Spitzer IRS spectrum of HD 172555. We find that unless there are 10^48 atoms or 0.05 Earth masses of atomic Si and O vapor in the system, SiO vapor should be destroyed by photo-dissociation in less than 0.2 years. We argue that a second plausible explanation for the 8 um feature can be emission from solid SiO, which naturally occurs in submicron silicate "smokes" created by quickly condensing vaporized silicate.Comment: Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Planet formation in Binaries

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    Spurred by the discovery of numerous exoplanets in multiple systems, binaries have become in recent years one of the main topics in planet formation research. Numerous studies have investigated to what extent the presence of a stellar companion can affect the planet formation process. Such studies have implications that can reach beyond the sole context of binaries, as they allow to test certain aspects of the planet formation scenario by submitting them to extreme environments. We review here the current understanding on this complex problem. We show in particular how each of the different stages of the planet-formation process is affected differently by binary perturbations. We focus especially on the intermediate stage of kilometre-sized planetesimal accretion, which has proven to be the most sensitive to binarity and for which the presence of some exoplanets observed in tight binaries is difficult to explain by in-situ formation following the "standard" planet-formation scenario. Some tentative solutions to this apparent paradox are presented. The last part of our review presents a thorough description of the problem of planet habitability, for which the binary environment creates a complex situation because of the presence of two irradation sources of varying distance.Comment: Review chapter to appear in "Planetary Exploration and Science: Recent Advances and Applications", eds. S. Jin, N. Haghighipour, W.-H. Ip, Springer (v2, numerous typos corrected
