139 research outputs found

    Transplanckian Censorship and Global Cosmic Strings

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    Large field excursions are required in a number of axion models of inflation. These models also possess global cosmic strings, around which the axion follows a path mirroring the inflationary trajectory. Cosmic strings are thus an interesting theoretical laboratory for the study of transplanckian field excursions. We describe connections between various effective field theory models of axion monodromy and study the classical spacetimes around their supercritical cosmic strings. For small decay constants f<Mpf<M_p and large winding numbers n>Mp/fn>M_p/f, the EFT is under control and the string cores undergo topological inflation, which may be either of exponential or power-law type. We show that the exterior spacetime is nonsingular and equivalent to a decompactifying cigar geometry, with the radion rolling in a potential generated by axion flux. Signals are able to circumnavigate infinite straight strings in finite but exponentially long time, teΔa/Mpt\sim e^{\Delta a/M_p}. For finite loops of supercritical string in asymptotically flat space, we argue that if topological inflation occurs, then topological censorship implies transplanckian censorship, or that external observers are forbidden from threading the loop and observing the full excursion of the axion.Comment: v2: refs added, fig 6 extended. published in JHEP. 28 pages, 7 figure

    Exotic Higgs boson decays and the electroweak phase transition

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    Light new physics weakly coupled to the Higgs can induce a strong first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT). Here, we argue that scenarios in which the EWPT is driven first-order by a light scalar with mass between ∼10  GeV−mh/2 and small mixing with the Higgs will be conclusively probed by the high-luminosity LHC and future Higgs factories. Our arguments are based on analytic and numerical studies of the finite-temperature effective potential and provide a well-motivated target for exotic Higgs decay searches at the LHC and future lepton colliders

    Supersymmetric Electroweak Baryogenesis Via Resonant Sfermion Sources

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    We calculate the baryon asymmetry produced at the electroweak phase transition by quasi-degenerate third generation sfermions in the minimal supersymmetric extension of the Standard Model. We evaluate constraints from Higgs searches, from collider searches for supersymmetric particles, and from null searches for the permanent electric dipole moment (EDM) of the electron, of the neutron and of atoms. We find that resonant sfermion sources can in principle provide a large enough baryon asymmetry in various corners of the sfermion parameter space, and we focus, in particular, on the case of large tanβ\tan\beta, where third-generation down-type (s)fermions become relevant. We show that in the case of stop and sbottom sources, the viable parameter space is ruled out by constraints from the non-observation of the Mercury EDM. We introduce a new class of CP violating sources, quasi-degenerate staus, that escapes current EDM constraints while providing large enough net chiral currents to achieve successful "slepton-mediated" electroweak baryogenesis.Comment: 35 pages, 9 figures; v2: several revisions, but conclusions unchanged. Matches version published in PR

    Accidental Supersymmetric Dark Matter and Baryogenesis

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    We show that "accidental" supersymmetry is a beyond-the-Standard Model framework that naturally accommodates a thermal relic dark matter candidate and successful electroweak baryogenesis, including the needed strongly first-order character of the electroweak phase transition. We study the phenomenology of this setup from the standpoint of both dark matter and baryogenesis. For energies around the electroweak phase transition temperature, the low-energy effective theory is similar to the MSSM with light super-partners of the third-generation quarks and of the Higgs and gauge bosons. We calculate the dark matter relic abundance and the baryon asymmetry across the accidental supersymmetry parameter space, including resonant and non-resonant CP-violating sources. We find that there are regions of parameter space producing both the observed value of the baryon asymmetry and a dark matter candidate with the correct relic density and conforming to present-day constraints from dark matter searches. This scenario makes sharp predictions for the particle spectrum, predicting a lightest neutralino mass between 200 and 500 GeV, with all charginos and neutralinos within less than a factor 2 of the lightest neutralino mass and the heavy Higgs sector within 20-25% of that mass, making it an interesting target for collider searches. In addition, we demonstrate that successful accidental supersymmetric dark matter and baryogenesis will be conclusively tested with improvements smaller than one order of magnitude to the current performance of electron electric dipole moment searches and of direct dark matter searches, as well as with IceCube plus Deep Core neutrino telescope data.Comment: 36 pages, 10 figure

    Nonperturbative analysis of the gravitational waves from a first-order electroweak phase transition

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    We present the first end-to-end nonperturbative analysis of the gravitational wave power spectrum from a thermal first-order electroweak phase transition (EWPT), using the framework of dimensionally reduced effective field theory and preexisting nonperturbative simulation results. We are able to show that a first-order EWPT in any beyond the Standard Model (BSM) scenario that can be described by a Standard Model-like effective theory at long distances will produce gravitational wave signatures too weak to be observed at existing and planned detectors. This implies that colliders are likely to provide the best chance of exploring the phase structure of such theories, while transitions strong enough to be detected at gravitational wave experiments require either previously neglected higher-dimension operators or light BSM fields to be included in the dimensionally reduced effective theory and therefore necessitate dedicated nonperturbative studies. As a concrete application, we analyze the real singlet-extended Standard Model and identify regions of parameter space with single-step first-order transitions, comparing our findings to those obtained using a fully perturbative method. We discuss the prospects for exploring the electroweak phase diagram in this model at collider and gravitational wave experiments in light of our nonperturbative results.Peer reviewe

    Probing the Electroweak Phase Transition with Exotic Higgs Decays

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    An essential goal of the Higgs physics program at the LHC and beyond is to explore the nature of the Higgs potential and shed light on the mechanism of electroweak symmetry breaking. An important class of models alter the thermal history of electroweak symmetry breaking from the predictions of the Standard Model (SM). This paper reviews the existence of a region of parameter space where a strong first-order electroweak phase transition is compatible with exotic decays of the SM-like Higgs boson. A dedicated search for exotic Higgs decays can actively explore this framework at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), while future exotic Higgs decay searches at the high-luminosity LHC and future Higgs factories will be vital to conclusively probe the scenario

    Detecting gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with LISA: an update

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    We investigate the potential for observing gravitational waves from cosmological phase transitions with LISA in light of recent theoretical and experimental developments. Our analysis is based on current state-of-the-art simulations of sound waves in the cosmic fluid after the phase transition completes. We discuss the various sources of gravitational radiation, the underlying parameters describing the phase transition and a variety of viable particle physics models in this context, clarifying common misconceptions that appear in the literature and identifying open questions requiring future study. We also present a web-based tool, PTPlot, that allows users to obtain up-to-date detection prospects for a given set of phase transition parameters at LISA.acceptedVersio

    Horizontal Transfer of Symbiosis Genes within and Between Rhizobial Genera : Occurrence and Importance

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    Rhizobial symbiosis genes are often carried on symbiotic islands or plasmids that can be transferred (horizontal transfer) between different bacterial species. Symbiosis genes involved in horizontal transfer have different phylogenies with respect to the core genome of their ‘host’. Here, the literature on legume–rhizobium symbioses in field soils was reviewed, and cases of phylogenetic incongruence between rhizobium core and symbiosis genes were collated. The occurrence and importance of horizontal transfer of rhizobial symbiosis genes within and between bacterial genera were assessed. Horizontal transfer of symbiosis genes between rhizobial strains is of common occurrence, is widespread geographically, is not restricted to specific rhizobial genera, and occurs within and between rhizobial genera. The transfer of symbiosis genes to bacteria adapted to local soil conditions can allow these bacteria to become rhizobial symbionts of previously incompatible legumes growing in these soils. This, in turn, will have consequences for the growth, life history, and biogeography of the legume species involved, which provides a critical ecological link connecting the horizontal transfer of symbiosis genes between rhizobial bacteria in the soil to the above-ground floral biodiversity and vegetation community structure

    Nanohertz Frequency Determination for the Gravity Probe B HF SQUID Signal

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    In this paper, we present a method to measure the frequency and the frequency change rate of a digital signal. This method consists of three consecutive algorithms: frequency interpolation, phase differencing, and a third algorithm specifically designed and tested by the authors. The succession of these three algorithms allowed a 5 parts in 10^10 resolution in frequency determination. The algorithm developed by the authors can be applied to a sampled scalar signal such that a model linking the harmonics of its main frequency to the underlying physical phenomenon is available. This method was developed in the framework of the Gravity Probe B (GP-B) mission. It was applied to the High Frequency (HF) component of GP-B's Superconducting QUantum Interference Device (SQUID) signal, whose main frequency fz is close to the spin frequency of the gyroscopes used in the experiment. A 30 nHz resolution in signal frequency and a 0.1 pHz/sec resolution in its decay rate were achieved out of a succession of 1.86 second-long stretches of signal sampled at 2200 Hz. This paper describes the underlying theory of the frequency measurement method as well as its application to GP-B's HF science signal.Comment: The following article has been submitted to Review of Scientific Instruments. After it is published, it will be found at (http://rsi.aip.org/