318 research outputs found

    Snapchat memory and youth digital sexual cultures: mediated temporality, duration and affect

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    This paper explores how the photo and video-sharing app Snapchat mediates memory and intimacy, using focus group data with 18-year-olds. We use Bergsonā€™s ideas about duration and Deleuze and Guattariā€™s theories of affect and assemblages to think about how the digital affordances of ā€˜disappearingā€™ Snapchat technology reshape memory and intimacy in youth sexual and relationship cultures. Our findings illustrate that Snapchat offers a temporal fastness and ephemerality ā€“ but also forms of fixity through the screenshotting of ā€˜disappearingā€™ snaps. Because judgement from peers cannot take place publicly within the app, offline discussion of Snapchat activity gains significant traction, making interview accounts of Snapchat use highly relevant. Our analysis of discussions of ā€˜Snapchat memoryā€™ explores the gendered aspects of performative ā€˜showing offā€™ and sexual scrutiny, considering what happens when snaps do not disappear and how Snap exchanges can be used as relationship currency; for instance exploring how some participantā€™s challenged Snapchat related slut shaming through their uses of humour. Overall we show how Snapchat is mediating youth intimacy, highlighting the reconditioning that occurs between and across the digital world of Snapchat and the physical world of its youth users ā€“ evidence of the blurring of online and offline experiences that disrupts digital dualisms

    Dynamics and Ethics of Comprehensive Preimplantation Genetic Testing. A Review of the Challenges

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    BACKGROUND: Genetic testing of preimplantation embryos has been used for preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) and preimplantation genetic screening (PGS). Microarray technology is being introduced in both these contexts, and is to be expected that also whole genome sequencing of blastomeres will become possible. The amount of extra information such tests will yield may prove to be beneficial for embryo selection, but also raise various ethical issues. We present an overview of the developments and an agenda-setting exploration of the ethical issues. METHODS: The paper is a joint endeavour by the presenters at an explorative 'campus meeting' organized by the European Society of Human Reproduction and Embryology in cooperation with the department of Health, Ethics & Society of the Maastricht University (The Netherlands). RESULTS: The increasing amount and detail of information that new screening techniques such as microarrays and whole genome sequencing offer does not automatically coincide with an increasing understanding of the prospects of an embryo. From a technical point of view, the future of comprehensive embryo testing may go together with developments in preconception carrier screening. From an ethical point of view, the increasing complexity and amount of information yielded by comprehensive testing techniques will lead to challenges to the principle of reproductive autonomy and the right of the child to an open future, and may imply a possible larger responsibility of the clinician towards the welfare of the future child. ā€œSmart combinationsā€ of preconception carrier testing and embryo testing may solve some of these ethical questions but could introduce others. CONCLUSION: As comprehensive testing techniques are entering the IVF clinic, there is a need for a thorough rethinking of traditional ethical paradigms regarding medically assisted reproduction.This article was written by Dr Ainsley Newson during the time of her employment with the University of Bristol, UK (2006-2012). Self-archived in the Sydney eScholarship Repository with permission of Bristol University, Sept 2014

    Karyomapping for simultaneous genomic evaluation and aneuploidy screening of preimplantation bovine embryos: The first live-born calves

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    In cattle breeding, the development of genomic selection strategies based on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) interrogation has led to improved rates of genetic gain. Additionally, the application of genomic selection to in-vitro produced (IVP) embryos is expected to bring further benefits thanks to the ability to test a greater number of individuals before establishing a pregnancy and to ensure only carriers of desirable traits are born. However, aneuploidy, a leading cause of developmental arrest, is known to be common in IVP embryos. Karyomapping is a comprehensive screening test based on SNP typing that can be used for simultaneous genomic selection and aneuploidy detection, offering the potential to maximize pregnancy rates. Moreover, Karyomapping can be used to characterize the frequency and parental origin of aneuploidy in bovine IVP embryos, which have remained underexplored to date. Here, we report the use of Karyomapping to characterize the frequency and parental origin of aneuploidy in IVP bovine embryos in order to establish an estimate of total aneuploidy rates in each parental germline. We report an estimate of genome wide recombination rate in cattle and demonstrate, for the first time, a proof of principle for the application of Karyomapping to cattle breeding, with the birth of five calves after screening. This combined genomic selection and aneuploidy screening approach was highly reliable, with calves showing 98% concordance with their respective embryo biopsies for SNP typing and 100% concordance with their respective biopsies for aneuploidy screening. This approach has the potential to simultaneously improve pregnancy rates following embryo transfer and the rate of genetic gain in cattle breeding, and is applicable to basic research to investigate meiosis and aneuploidy

    Dis-Locations: Mapping the Banlieue

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    Representations of the French suburbs in contemporary French film have, since the late 1980s, identified an apparent generic specificity that is linked closely to this location. I will explore the narrative tropes of alienation and exclusionā€”as dislocationsā€”which have dominated the filmic representation of banlieue spaces and their populations before examining examples in which the realignment of sociocultural topographies and film space foregrounds the question of whether representations of the banlieue remain inherently and generically connected to realist discourses dominated by spatial representation of exclusions, or whether the over-determined spaces of the banlieue can act as dĆ©cor, as setting and wider spatial frame. I will then focus on the presence and function of banlieue spaces and narratives in two recent French filmsā€”Girlhood/Bande de filles (CĆ©line Sciamma 2014) and Palme dā€™or winner Dheepan (Jacques Audiard 2015)ā€”suggesting that the banlieue continues to provide a complex site that both asserts socio-economic specificities and serves as a stylized setting through which to foreground other negotiations of territory and agency

    Polar body array CGH for prediction of the status of the corresponding oocyte. Part II: technical aspects

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    The purpose of this study was to assess the technical aspects related to polar body (PB) biopsy, which might have an influence on the results of the microarray comparative genomic hybridization analysis. Furthermore, a comparison was made between two biopsy methods (mechanical and laser). Biopsy of the first and second PB (PB1 and PB2) was performed by mechanical- or laser-assisted biopsy in two different IVF centres. PBs were separately amplified by whole genome amplification. The method of biopsy, mechanical or laser had no influence on the proportion of successfully biopsied oocytes. Especially, for the PB2, the timing of biopsy after ICSI was directly correlated to amplification efficiency. Special care has to be taken with respect to the timing of biopsy of the PB2. Mechanical- and laser-assisted biopsy give the same performance in terms of diagnostic efficienc

    Chromosomal Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: 25 Years and Counting.

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    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), first successfully carried out in humans in the early 1990s, initially involved the PCR sexing of embryos by Y- (and later also X-) chromosome specific detection. Because of the problems relating to misdiagnosis and contamination of this technology however the PCR based test was superseded by a FISH-based approach involving X and Y specific probes. Sexing by FISH heralded translocation screening, which was shortly followed by preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) for Aneuploidy. Aneuploidy is widely accepted to be the leading cause of implantation failure in assisted reproductive technology (ART) and a major contributor to miscarriage, especially in women of advanced maternal age. PGS (AKA PGD for aneuploidy PGD-A) has had a chequered history, with conflicting lines of evidence for and against its use. The current practice of trophectoderm biopsy followed by array CGH or next generation sequencing is gaining in popularity however as evidence for its efficacy grows. PGS has the potential to identify viable embryos that can be transferred thereby reducing the chances of traumatic failed IVF cycles, miscarriage or congenital abnormalities and facilitating the quickest time to live birth of chromosomally normal offspring. In parallel to chromosomal diagnoses, technology for PGD has allowed for improvements in accuracy and efficiency of the genetic screening of embryos for monogenic disorders. The number of genetic conditions available for screening has increased since the early days of PGD, with the human fertilization and embryology authority currently licensing 419 conditions in the UK [1]. A novel technique known as karyomapping that involves SNP chip screening and tracing inherited chromosomal haploblocks is now licensed for the PGD detection of monogenic disorders. Its potential for the universal detection of chromosomal and monogenic disorders simultaneously however, has yet to be realized

    Chromosomal Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: 25 Years and Counting.

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    Preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD), first successfully carried out in humans in the early 1990s, initially involved the PCR sexing of embryos by Y- (and later also X-) chromosome specific detection. Because of the problems relating to misdiagnosis and contamination of this technology however the PCR based test was superseded by a FISH-based approach involving X and Y specific probes. Sexing by FISH heralded translocation screening, which was shortly followed by preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) for Aneuploidy. Aneuploidy is widely accepted to be the leading cause of implantation failure in assisted reproductive technology (ART) and a major contributor to miscarriage, especially in women of advanced maternal age. PGS (AKA PGD for aneuploidy PGD-A) has had a chequered history, with conflicting lines of evidence for and against its use. The current practice of trophectoderm biopsy followed by array CGH or next generation sequencing is gaining in popularity however as evidence for its efficacy grows. PGS has the potential to identify viable embryos that can be transferred thereby reducing the chances of traumatic failed IVF cycles, miscarriage or congenital abnormalities and facilitating the quickest time to live birth of chromosomally normal offspring. In parallel to chromosomal diagnoses, technology for PGD has allowed for improvements in accuracy and efficiency of the genetic screening of embryos for monogenic disorders. The number of genetic conditions available for screening has increased since the early days of PGD, with the human fertilization and embryology authority currently licensing 419 conditions in the UK [1]. A novel technique known as karyomapping that involves SNP chip screening and tracing inherited chromosomal haploblocks is now licensed for the PGD detection of monogenic disorders. Its potential for the universal detection of chromosomal and monogenic disorders simultaneously however, has yet to be realized

    What next for preimplantation genetic screening? A polar body approach!

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    Screening of human preimplantation embryos for numerical chromosome abnormalities has been conducted mostly at the preimplantation stage using fluorescence in situ hybridization. However, it is clear that preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) as it is currently practiced does not improve live birth rates. Therefore the ESHRE PGS Task Force has decided to start a proof of principle study with the aim of determining whether biopsy of the first and second polar body followed by subsequent analysis of the complete chromosome complement of these polar bodies using an array based technique enables a timely identification of the chromosomal status of an oocyte. If the principle of this approach can be proven, it is obvious that a multicentre randomized controlled trial should then be started to determine the clinical value of this technique. In this way the ESHRE PGS Task Force hopes to redirect preimplantation screening from the blind alley to the main road of assisted reproduction

    Polar body array CGH for prediction of the status of the corresponding oocyte. Part I: clinical results

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    Several randomized controlled trials have not shown a benefit from preimplantation genetic screening (PGS) biopsy of cleavage-stage embryos and assessment of up to 10 chromosomes for aneuploidy. Therefore, a proof-of-principle study was planned to determine the reliability of alternative form of PGS, i.e. PGS by polar body (PB) biopsy, with whole genome amplification and microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) analysis. In two centres, all mature metaphase II oocytes from patients who consented to the study were fertilized by ICSI. The first and second PBs (PB1and PB2) were biopsied and analysed separately for chromosome copy number by array CGH. If either or both of the PBs were found to be aneuploid, the corresponding zygote was then also processed by array CGH for concordance analysis. Both PBs were biopsied from a total of 226 zygotes from 42 cycles (average 5.5 per cycle; range 1-15) in 41 couples with an average maternal age of 40.0 years. Of these, the ploidy status of the zygote could be predicted in 195 (86%): 55 were euploid (28%) and 140 were aneuploid (72%). With only one exception, there was at least one predicted aneuploid zygote in each cycle and in 19 out of 42 cycles (45%), all zygotes were predicted to be aneuploid. Fresh embryos were transferred in the remaining 23 cycles (55%), and one frozen transfer was done. Eight patients had a clinical pregnancy of which seven were evolutive (ongoing pregnancy rates: 17% per cycle and 30% per transfer). The ploidy status of 156 zygotes was successfully analysed by array CGH: 38 (24%) were euploid and 118 (76%) were aneuploid. In 138 cases complete information was available on both PBs and the corresponding zygotes. In 130 (94%), the ploidy status of the zygote was concordant with the ploidy status of the PBs and in 8 (6%), the results were discordant. This proof-of-principle study indicates that the ploidy of the zygote can be predicted with acceptable accuracy by array CGH analysis of both PB

    Let's Make Love: Whiteness, Cleanliness and Sexuality in the French Reception of Marilyn Monroe

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    Copyright Ā© by SAGE PublicationsRichard Dyerā€™s seminal work on whiteness in film considers Marilyn Monroe as the epitome of an institutionally racist Hollywood system that imagines the most desirable woman to be blonde, given that blondeness is understood as a guarantee of whiteness. This article adds to other recent scholarship on Monroe that has sought to complicate this reading by examining other meanings that can be attributed to her bleached blonde hair. By closely analyzing media texts that discussed Monroe in 1950s France, this article demonstrates the way in which her performance of ideal American female sexuality was read through the prism of Monroe as icon of cleanliness and (linked) modernity. It examines the way in which Monroeā€™s modernity allowed her to partially escape the traditional feminine private sphere and it concludes that Monroeā€™s bleached blonde hair can be seen in this context as having liberatory potential
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