2,007 research outputs found

    The Generalized Gutzwiller Method for n=>2 Correlated Orbitals: Itinerant Ferromagnetism in eg-bands

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    Using the generalized Gutzwiller method we present results on the ferromagnetic behavior of extended Hubbard models with two degenerate eg orbitals. We find significant differences to results obtained from Hartree-Fock theory.Comment: 7 pages in Latex, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Physica

    Comment on "Gravity Waves, Chaos, and Spinning Compact Binaries"

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    In this comment, I argue that chaotic effects in binary black hole inspiral will not strongly impact the detection of gravitational waves from such systems.Comment: 1 page, comment on gr-qc/991004

    Semiclassical Green Function in Mixed Spaces

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    A explicit formula on semiclassical Green functions in mixed position and momentum spaces is given, which is based on Maslov's multi-dimensional semiclassical theory. The general formula includes both coordinate and momentum representations of Green functions as two special cases of the form.Comment: 8 pages, typeset by Scientific Wor

    Uniform approximations for non-generic bifurcation scenatios including bifurcations of ghost orbits

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    Gutzwiller's trace formula allows interpreting the density of states of a classically chaotic quantum system in terms of classical periodic orbits. It diverges when periodic orbits undergo bifurcations, and must be replaced with a uniform approximation in the vicinity of the bifurcations. As a characteristic feature, these approximations require the inclusion of complex ``ghost orbits''. By studying an example taken from the Diamagnetic Kepler Problem, viz. the period-quadrupling of the balloon-orbit, we demonstrate that these ghost orbits themselves can undergo bifurcations, giving rise to non-generic complicated bifurcation scenarios. We extend classical normal form theory so as to yield analytic descriptions of both bifurcations of real orbits and ghost orbit bifurcations. We then show how the normal form serves to obtain a uniform approximation taking the ghost orbit bifurcation into account. We find that the ghost bifurcation produces signatures in the semiclassical spectrum in much the same way as a bifurcation of real orbits does.Comment: 56 pages, 21 figure, LaTeX2e using amsmath, amssymb, epsfig, and rotating packages. To be published in Annals of Physic

    Exact trace formulae for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems

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    Based on quantum graph theory we establish that the ray-splitting trace formula proposed by Couchman {\it et al.} (Phys. Rev. A {\bf 46}, 6193 (1992)) is exact for a class of one-dimensional ray-splitting systems. Important applications in combinatorics are suggested.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure

    Ringing the eigenmodes from compact manifolds

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    We present a method for finding the eigenmodes of the Laplace operator acting on any compact manifold. The procedure can be used to simulate cosmic microwave background fluctuations in multi-connected cosmological models. Other applications include studies of chaotic mixing and quantum chaos.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figures, IOP format. To be published in the proceedings of the Cleveland Cosmology and Topology Workshop 17-19 Oct 1997. Submitted to Class. Quant. Gra

    Ab-initio Gutzwiller method: first application to Plutonium

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    Except for small molecules, it is impossible to solve many electrons systems without imposing severe approximations. If the configuration interaction approaches (CI) or Coupled Clusters techniques \cite{FuldeBook} are applicable for molecules, their generalization for solids is difficult. For materials with a kinetic energy greater than the Coulomb interaction, calculations based on the density functional theory (DFT), associated with the local density approximation (LDA) \cite{Hohenberg64, Kohn65} give satisfying qualitative and quantitative results to describe ground state properties. These solids have weakly correlated electrons presenting extended states, like spsp materials or covalent solids. The application of this approximation to systems where the wave functions are more localized (dd or ff-states) as transition metals oxides, heavy fermions, rare earths or actinides is more questionable and can even lead to unphysical results : for example, insulating FeO and CoO are predicted to be metalic by the DFT-LDA..

    Periodic orbit quantization of a Hamiltonian map on the sphere

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    In a previous paper we introduced examples of Hamiltonian mappings with phase space structures resembling circle packings. It was shown that a vast number of periodic orbits can be found using special properties. We now use this information to explore the semiclassical quantization of one of these maps.Comment: 23 pages, REVTEX

    Light emission patterns from stadium-shaped semiconductor microcavity lasers

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    We study light emission patterns from stadium-shaped semiconductor (GaAs) microcavity lasers theoretically and experimentally. Performing systematic wave calculations for passive cavity modes, we demonstrate that the averaging by low-loss modes, such as those realized in multi-mode lasing, generates an emission pattern in good agreement with the ray model's prediction. In addition, we show that the dependence of experimental far-field emission patterns on the aspect ratio of the stadium cavity is well reproduced by the ray model.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    Semiclassical Coherent States propagator

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    In this work, we derived a semiclassical approximation for the matrix elements of a quantum propagator in coherent states (CS) basis that avoids complex trajectories, it only involves real ones. For that propose, we used the, symplectically invariant, semiclassical Weyl propagator obtained by performing a stationary phase approximation (SPA) for the path integral in the Weyl representation. After what, for the transformation to CS representation SPA is avoided, instead a quadratic expansion of the complex exponent is used. This procedure also allows to express the semiclassical CS propagator uniquely in terms of the classical evolution of the initial point, without the need of any root search typical of Van Vleck Gutzwiller based propagators. For the case of chaotic Hamiltonian systems, the explicit time dependence of the CS propagator has been obtained. The comparison with a \textquotedbl{}realistic\textquotedbl{} chaotic system that derives from a quadratic Hamiltonian, the cat map, reveals that the expression here derived is exact up to quadratic Hamiltonian systems.Comment: 13 pages, 2 figure. Accepted for publication in PR