100 research outputs found

    Pliocene Marine Transgressions of Northern Alaska: Circumarctic Correlations and Paleoclimatic Interpretations

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    At least three marine transgressions of Piliocene age are recorded by littoral to inner-shelf sediments of the Gubik Formation, which mantles the Arctic Coastal Plain of northern Alaska. The three recognized transgressions were eustatic high sea levels that, from oldest to youngest, are informally named the Colvillian, Bigbendian, and Fishcreekian transgressions. The geochronology is based up amino acid geochemistry, paleomagnetic studies, vertebrate and invertebrate paleontology, and strontium isotope age estimates. Pollen, plant macrofossils, and marine vertebrate and inventebrate remains indicate that these transgressions occurred when the Arctic was at least intermittently much warmer than it is now. The Colvillian transgression took place at sometime between 2.48 and 2.7 Ma, when adjacent coastal areas supported an open boreal forest or spruce-birch-woodland with scattered pine and rare fir and hemlock. The Bigbendian transgression occurred about 2.48 Ma. Climate conditions were probably slightly cooler than during the Colvillian transgression, but probably too warm for permafrost and too warm for even seasonal sea ice in the region. Nearby vegetation was open spruce-birch woodland or parkland, possibly with rare scattered pine. The Fishcreekian transgression took place sometime between 2.14 and 2.48 Ma and was also characterized by warm marine conditions without sea ice. During the waning stages of this transgression, however, terrestrial conditions were relatively cool, and coastal vegetation was herbaceous tundra with scattered larch trees in the vicinity. Other marine units from this time period occur around the Arctic Basin. The three oldest transgressions recognized from the Seward Peninsula may be broadly correlated with the three Piliocene transgresions of the Arctic Coastal Plain. The Tusatuvayam beds in Kamchatka possibly correlate with one of the two younger transgressions of northern Alaska. The non-marine Worth Point Formation of Banks Island may be younger than all three of the transgressions of the Arctic Coastal Plain, and marine sediment of the Beaufort Formation on Meighen Island is slightly older than the Colvillian transgression. None of the Piliocene marine units on Baffin Island can be confidently correlated with the high sea level events of northern Alaska. The upper Kap Kobenhavn Formation and the upper Loden Elv Formation of Greenland most likely correlate with the Fishcreekian transgression.Key words: Arctic, amino acids, Pliocene, Pleistocene, paleoclimate, marine transgressions, sea level, Alaska, Gubik FormationRÉSUMÉ. Au moins trois transgressions marines datant du pliocène sont inscrites dans les sediments allant du littoral à l’interieur de la plateforme de la formation Gubik, qui recouvre la plaine côtière arctique de l’Alaska septentrional. Les trois transgressions reconnues correspondent à des fortes remontées du niveau de la mer et ont reçu, dans l’ordre chronologique, les noms informels de formations "colvillienne", "bigbendienne" et "fishcreekienne". La géochronologie s’appuie sur la géochimie des acides aminés, des études paléomagnétiques, la paléontologie de vertébrés et d’invertébrés ainsi que sur des estimations de datation à l’isotope du strontium. Les pollens, les macrofossiles végétaux ainsi que les restes de vertébrés et d’invertébrés marins indiquent que ces transgressions se sont produites alors que l’Arctique  était, pour le moins de façon intermittente, beaucoup plus chaud que maintenant. La transgression colvillienne a eu lieu à un moment donné entre 2,48 et 2,7 Ma, alors que les zones côtières adjacentes supportaient une forêt boréale ouverte ou des bois d’épinettes-bouleaux avec quelques pins éparpillés et de rares sapins et pruches. La transgression bigbendienne a eu lieu aux alentours de 2,48 Ma. Les conditions climatiques étaient probablement un peut plus froides que durant la transgression colvillienne, mais aussi probablement trop chaudes pour le pergélisol et en tout cas trop chaudes pour permettre la création d’une banquise - même saisonnière - dans la region. La végétation proche consistait en des bois ou des forêts-parcs d’épinettes-bouleaux avec peut-êtrequelques pins éparpillés. La transgression fishcreekienne a pris place à un moment donné entre 2,14 et 2,48 Ma et a aussi été caractérisée par des conditions marines chaudes sans banquise. Durant le declin de cette transgression cependant, les conditions climatiques terrestres étaient relativement froides et la végétation côtière se composait de toundra herbacée semée de mélèzes aux alentours. D’autres unites marines datant de cette période se trouvent autour du bassin de l’Arctique. Les trois plus anciennes transgressions établies dans la péninsule Seward peuvent être dans l’ensemble corrélées avec les trois transgressions du pliocène de la plaine côtière arctique. Les couches Tusatuvayam dans la Kamchatka sont peut-être corréler avec l’une des deux transgressions les plus jeunes de l’Alaska septentrional. La formation non marine Worth Point de l’île de Banks est peut-être plus jeune que les trois transgressions de la plaine côtière arctique et les sediments marins de la formation de Beaufort dans l’île Meighen sont légèrement plus anciens que la transgression colvillienne. On ne peut avec certitude corréler aucune des unités marines du pliocène sur l’île de Baffin avec les événements eustatiques qui ont amené une  élévation du niveau marin dans l’Alaska septentrional. La partie supérieure de la formation Kap Kobenhavn et celle de la formation Loden Elv du Groenland sont probablement à corréler avec latransgression fishcreekienne.Mots clés: Arctique, acides aminés, pliocène, pléistocène. paléoclimat, transgressions marines, niveau de la mer, Alaska, formation de Gubi

    David Moody Hopkins (1921-2001)

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    David M. Hopkins, a Quaternary geologist widely known for his broad-ranging studies of the Bering Land Bridge region ("Beringia"), passed away at his home in Menlo Park, California, on November 2, 2001. Dave was a longtime member of Alaskan units of the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS). In search of a deeper understanding of Beringia, he became a pioneer in interdisciplinary research and in collaborative research with Russian investigators. Following his retirement from the USGS in 1985, Dave became director of the Alaskan Quaternary Center and Professor of Quaternary Studies at the Fairbanks campus of the University of Alaska. During the 57 years of his professional career, he was a mentor, friend, and source of inspiration to several generations of Arctic scholars. ... After graduating from the University of New Hampshire with a bachelor's degree in Geology in 1942, he joined the USGS and began graduate studies at Harvard University. Dave spent his initial field seasons with the USGS in southern regions of Alaska, where he investigated strategic minerals, engineering geology, and other aspects of geology that were considered essential to the ongoing war effort. In 1944, he was inducted into the Army and assigned to carry out meteorological observations at Cold Bay, situated at the tip of the Alaska Peninsula. Following his discharge, Dave resumed graduate studies at Harvard and field work with the USGS. He obtained an M.S. degree in Geology (1948) and a Ph.D. in Quaternary Geology (1955) from Harvard University. In 1947, Dave began geological investigations on the Seward Peninsula under the permafrost program of the USGS Alaska Terrain and Permafrost Section (which later became the Branch of Alaskan Geology). ... In 1948, he initiated a productive collaboration with the botanist Robert Sigafoos. Their seminal publications on the interactions of permafrost, soil, and vegetation on the Seward Peninsula are considered classics today. Dave also began a long-term collaboration with the archeologist Louis Giddings on dating and reconstructing the paleoecology of prehistoric village sites and other early human habitations in northwestern Alaska. ... Dave's investigations of elevated and submerged gold-bearing beaches at Nome during the 1950s initiated his long-lasting interest in the sea-level history of Beringia and the paleoecology of parts of the Bering platform that are submerged today. ... Dave's broadening interests in the paleoecology of Beringia led to increasing contacts with Russian colleagues that developed into a fruitful, 40-year collaboration across the Bering Strait. ... After Dave's retirement from the USGS, he began a second career of teaching and research as Distinguished Professor of Quaternary Studies at the University of Alaska at Fairbanks (UAF). ... As a direct result of Dave's broad-ranging research on the northern Seward Peninsula, the U.S. National Park Service (NPS) set aside much of his former field area as the Bering Land Bridge National Preserve. ... Dave's scientific influence encompasses such diverse fields as bedrock geology, marine geology, paleontology, limnology, hydrology, ecology, archeology, and paleoclimatology - the topics of his more than 200 refereed papers and abstracts. Numerous awards and commendations from the USGS and other scientific organizations recognized his contributions. ... During his highly productive career, Dave always found time to advise and encourage younger colleagues and students. ... We shall all miss his warmth, his humor, and his infectious passion for Beringia, but his legacy of inspired research and interdisciplinary scholarship will be enduring. ..

    Glacial legacies on interglacial vegetation at the Pliocene-Pleistocene transition in NE Asia

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    Broad-scale climate control of vegetation is widely assumed. Vegetation-climate lags are generally thought to have lasted no more than a few centuries. Here our palaeoecological study challenges this concept over glacial-interglacial timescales. Through multivariate analyses of pollen assemblages from Lake El'gygytgyn, Russian Far East and other data we show that interglacial vegetation during the Plio-Pleistocene transition mainly reflects conditions of the preceding glacial instead of contemporary interglacial climate. Vegetation-climate disequilibrium may persist for several millennia, related to the combined effects of permafrost persistence, distant glacial refugia and fire. In contrast, no effects from the preceding interglacial on glacial vegetation are detected. We propose that disequilibrium was stronger during the Plio-Pleistocene transition than during the Mid-Pliocene Warm Period when, in addition to climate, herbivory was important. By analogy to the past, we suggest today's widespread larch ecosystem on permafrost is not in climate equilibrium. Vegetation-based reconstructions of interglacial climates used to assess atmospheric CO 2-Temperature relationships may thus yield misleading simulations of past global climate sensitivity

    Genes Suggest Ancestral Colour Polymorphisms Are Shared across Morphologically Cryptic Species in Arctic Bumblebees

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    email Suzanne orcd idCopyright: © 2015 Williams et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Population dynamics and range shifts of moose (Alces alces) during the Late Quaternary

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    Aim: Late Quaternary climate oscillations had major impacts on species distributions and abundances across the northern Holarctic. While many large mammals in this region went extinct towards the end of the Quaternary, some species survived and flourished. Here, we examine population dynamics and range shifts of one of the most widely distributed of these, the moose (Alces alces). Location: Northern Holarctic. Taxon: Moose (A. alces). Methods: We collected samples of modern and ancient moose from across their present and former range. We assessed their phylogeographical relations using part of the mitochondrial DNA in conjunction with radiocarbon dating to investigate the history of A. alces during the last glacial. Results: This species has a relatively shallow history, with the most recent common ancestor estimated at ca. 150–50 kyr. Ancient samples corroborate that its region of greatest diversity is in east Asia, supporting proposals that this is the region of origin of all extant moose. Both eastern and western haplogroups occur in the Ural Mountains during the last glacial period, implying a broader contact zone than previously proposed. It seems that this species went extinct over much of its northern range during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and recolonized the region with climate warming beginning around 15,000 yr bp. The post-LGM expansion included a movement from northeast Siberia to North America via Beringia, although the northeast Siberian source population is not the one currently occupying that area. Main conclusions: Moose are a relatively recently evolved species but have had a dynamic history. As a large-bodied subarctic browsing species, they were seemingly confined to refugia during full-glacial periods and expanded their range northwards when the boreal forest returned after the LGM. The main modern phylogeographical division is ancient, though its boundary has not remained constant. Moose population expansion into America was roughly synchronous with human and red deer expansion. © 2020 The Authors. Journal of Biogeography published by John Wiley & Sons LtdWe warmly thank the following museums, curators and people for access to samples: the late Andrei Sher, Severtsov Institute, Moscow; Andy Currant, Natural History Museum, London; Alfred Gardner, Smithsonian, Washington DC; R. Dale Guthrie, University of Alaska, Fairbanks; John de Vos, National Museum of Natural History (Naturalis), Leiden; Eileen Westwig, American Museum of Natural History, NY; Fyodor Shidlovsky, Ice-Age Museum, Moscow; Tong Haowen, Institute of Vertebrate Palaeontology and Paleoanthropology, Beijing; Mammoth Museum, Yakutsk; Geological Museum, Yakutsk; Paleontological Institute, Moscow; Royal Alberta Museum, Edmonton; Zoological Institute, Saint Petersburg; Museum of the Institute of Plant and Animal Ecology, Ekaterinburg. We thank our Yukon First Nation research partners for their continued support for our work on the ice age fossils of Yukon Territory. We are grateful to the placer gold mining community and the Tr'ond?k Hw?ch'in First Nation for their continued support and partnership with our research in the Klondike goldfields region; and the Vuntut Gwitchin First Nation for their collaboration with research in the Old Crow region. We would also like to thank Shai Meiri for help in drawing the map and useful discussion, Tony Stuart for access to radiocarbon dates, and Iris van Pijlen for laboratory assistance. This research was funded by NERC grant NE/G00269X/1 through the European Union FP7 ERA-NET program BiodivERsA. Funding for AMS dating was provided through NERC/AHRC/ORAU Grant NF/2008/2/15

    Archaeological Support for the Three-Stage Expansion of Modern Humans across Northeastern Eurasia and into the Americas

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    Background Understanding the dynamics of the human range expansion across northeastern Eurasia during the late Pleistocene is central to establishing empirical temporal constraints on the colonization of the Americas [1]. Opinions vary widely on how and when the Americas were colonized, with advocates supporting either a pre-[2] or post-[1], [3], [4], [5], [6] last glacial maximum (LGM) colonization, via either a land bridge across Beringia [3], [4], [5], a sea-faring Pacific Rim coastal route [1], [3], a trans-Arctic route [4], or a trans-Atlantic oceanic route [5]. Here we analyze a large sample of radiocarbon dates from the northeast Eurasian Upper Paleolithic to identify the origin of this expansion, and estimate the velocity of colonization wave as it moved across northern Eurasia and into the Americas. Methodology/Principal Findings We use diffusion models [6], [7] to quantify these dynamics. Our results show the expansion originated in the Altai region of southern Siberia ~46kBP , and from there expanded across northern Eurasia at an average velocity of 0.16 km per year. However, the movement of the colonizing wave was not continuous but underwent three distinct phases: 1) an initial expansion from 47-32k calBP; 2) a hiatus from ~32-16k calBP, and 3) a second expansion after the LGM ~16k calBP. These results provide archaeological support for the recently proposed three-stage model of the colonization of the Americas [8], [9]. Our results falsify the hypothesis of a pre-LGM terrestrial colonization of the Americas and we discuss the importance of these empirical results in the light of alternative models. Conclusions/Significance Our results demonstrate that the radiocarbon record of Upper Paleolithic northeastern Eurasia supports a post-LGM terrestrial colonization of the Americas falsifying the proposed pre-LGM terrestrial colonization of the Americas. We show that this expansion was not a simple process, but proceeded in three phases, consistent with genetic data, largely in response to the variable climatic conditions of late Pleistocene northeast Eurasia. Further, the constraints imposed by the spatiotemporal gradient in the empirical radiocarbon record across this entire region suggests that North America cannot have been colonized much before the existing Clovis radiocarbon record suggests

    Late pleistocene sedimentation history of the Shirshov Ridge, Bering Sea

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    The analysis of the lithology, grain-size distribution, clay minerals, and geochemistry of Upper Pleistocene sediments from the submarine Shirshov Ridge (Bering Sea) showed that the main source area was the Yukon–Tanana terrane of Central Alaska. The sedimentary materials were transported by the Yukon River through Beringia up to the shelf break, where they were entrained by a strong northwestward-flowing sea current. The lithological data revealed several pulses of ice-rafted debris deposition, roughly synchronous with Heinrich events, and periods of weaker bottom-current intensity. Based on the geochemical results, we distinguished intervals of an increase in paleoproductivity and extension of the oxygen minimum zone. The results suggest that there were three stages of deposition driven by glacioeustatic sea-level fluctuations and glacial cycles in Alaska