36 research outputs found

    A soft-core processor for finite field arithmetic with a variable word size accelerator

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    This paper presents implementation and evaluation of an accelerator architecture for soft-cores to speed up reduction process for the arithmetic on GF(2m) used in Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) systems. In this architecture, the word size of the accelerator can be customized when the architecture is configured on an FPGA. Focusing on the fact that the number of the reduction processing operations on GF(2m) is affected by the irreducible polynomial and the word size, we propose to employ an unconventional word size for the accelerator depending on a given irreducible polynomial and implement a MIPS-based soft-core processor coupled with a variable-word size accelerator. As a result of evaluation with several polynomials, it was shown that the performance improvement of up to 10.2 times was obtained compared to the 32-bit word size, even taking into account the maximum frequency degradation of 20.4% caused by changing the word size. The advantage of using unconventional word sizes was also shown, suggesting the promise of this approach for low-power ECC systems.24th International Conference on Field Programmable Logic and Applications, FPL 2014; Technische Universitat MunchenMunich; Germany; 1 September 2014 through 5 September 201

    幼児の家庭における食生活についての研究 : 第1報 昭和59年名古屋市内享栄学園幼稚園児の栄養摂取状態についての検討(自然科学編)

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    名古屋市の中心部幼稚園における年齢5~6才の園児48名(男子20名・女子28名)を対象とし,昭和59年11月1日~3日にわたり,栄養摂取状態について調査を行なった。(1)性別,栄養素別平均摂取量をしらべた結果は,エネルギー,たん白質,脂肪,鉄,ビタミンA,ビタミンB_1,ビタミンB_2およびビタミンCのいずれの栄養素もその所要量をそれぞれ充足していたが,カルシウム摂取量については男子のみが所要量を9%も下回り,女子はそれを上回っており,両者との問で危険率5%で有意差が認められた。ついで,その栄養摂取量について男子と女子との間に有意差が認められたのは,エネルギーで,男子が危険率1%で女子のそれよりも有意に高い値であった。なお,間食についても,1日の栄養バランスが乱れるような不適正なエネルギー摂取量の園児がかなり認められた。(2)上記の栄養素別摂取量を個人別にみた場合は,個人差が大きくすべての栄養素について,それぞれの所要量に対する未満園児が認められた。3)摂取総エネルギーに対するPFC比のうち,F比が30%以上の園児が,男子では20名中10名,女子では23名中17名も認められ,さらにそれらの園児のP/S比をみると,男子では10名中8名が,女子では17名中14名が1.0以下であった。このことから園児の飽和脂肪酸の過剰摂取の傾向について無視し得ないことがわかった。(4)食塩の平均摂取量では男子は4.6g,女子では3.9gであった。(5)粗繊維の平均摂取量は,男子では3.4g,女子では2.5gであり,低繊維食への傾向が認められた。Investigations were carried out from November 15t through 3rd, 1984 concerning the nutrition intake by 48 children (5 to 6 years old, 20 males and 28 females attending a kindergarten in the central part of Nagoya city). (1) The results of an investigation on the average intakes by sex and by nutritive element showed that the intakes of energy, protein, fat, iron, vitamin A, B_1, B_2 and C all satisfied their required amounts, but that calcium intake by male children was as much as 9% less than its requirement while female children took more calcium than required. The difference between males and females was statistically significant (p<0.05). Energy intake also differed significantly between both sexes : male children took significantly more energy than female children(p<0.01). (2) When the above -mentioned nutrition intake by nutritive element was examined individually there were large variations between individual children and each of the element requirements was not satisfied by some of the children. (3) Of the ratios of PFC to total energy intake the F ratio was above 30% for 10 male children out of 20, and for as many as 17 female children out of 23. Their P/ S ratio was below 1.0 for eight male children out of 10, and for 14 female children out of 17. The results shows a non-negligible tendency among kindergarten children towards excessive intake of saturated fatty acids. (4) The average salt intake was 4.6g for male children and 3.9g for female children. (5) The average crude fiber intake was 3.4g for male children and 2.5g for female children. A tendency towards low fiber diet was found

    Recovery of rocky intertidal zonation: two years after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

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    To assess the course and status of recovery of rocky intertidal zonation after massive subsidence caused by the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, from 2011 to 2013 we censused the vertical distribution of 10 dominant macrobenthic species (six sessile and four mobile species) in the mid-shore zone of 23 sites along the Sanriku coastline, 150-160 km north-northwest of the earthquake epicentre, and compared the vertical distributions of each species with their vertical distributions in the pre-earthquake period. The dynamics of rocky intertidal zonation varied substantially among species. Among sessile species, one barnacle dramatically increased in abundance and expanded its vertical range in 2011, but then decreased and completely disappeared from all plots by 2013. Zonations of other sessile species shifted downward following the subsidence in 2011. With some species, there was no clear change in abundance immediately after the earthquake, but they then began to increase and move upward after a few years; with other species, abundance continuously decreased. There was no clear change in the vertical distribution of any of the mobile species immediately after the earthquake. Abundance of two mobile species was unchanged, but abundance of the others decreased from 2012 and had not recovered as of 2013

    Interspecific differences in the recovery of rocky intertidal zonation after the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake

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    Both natural and anthropogenic disturbances have significant impacts on populations in terrestrial and marine habitats. Despite evidence that population recovery after large-scale disturbances in terrestrial habitats varies substantially among species depending on species traits and types of disturbance, little is known about interspecific differences in population recovery in marine habitats. In this study, we evaluated the course and status of recovery of the vertical distribution of nine intertidal sessile species over 6 years following the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake. First, we characterized temporal changes in the vertical position of zonation as the spatial distribution, and total coverage as the local population size after the 2011 earthquake. Then, we evaluated the differences in successional status that explain interspecific differences in zonation recovery speed. Finally, we revealed that temporal changes in the vertical position and abundance after the earthquake differed according to species. The interspecific differences in the speed of recovery of zonation after 2014 were correlated with successional status, with later successional species having a delayed recovery rate. These results indicated that intertidal sessile assemblages continued to change 6 years after the large earthquake, suggesting that evaluations of the impacts of disturbances on assemblages and the course of community recovery require long periods of time

    A framework for quantifying the relationship between intensity and severity of impact of disturbance across types of events and species

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    Abstract Understanding the impacts of natural disturbances on wildlife populations is a central task for ecologists; in general, the severity of impact of a disturbance (e.g., the resulting degree of population decline) is likely to depend primarily on the disturbance intensity (i.e., strength of forcing), type of disturbance, and species vulnerability. However, differences among disturbance events in the physical units of forcing and interspecific differences in the temporal variability of population size under normal (non-disturbance) conditions hinder comprehensive analysis of disturbance severity. Here, we propose new measures of disturbance intensity and severity, both represented by the return periods. We use a meta-analysis to describe the severity–intensity relationship across various disturbance types and species. The severity and the range of its 95% confidential interval increased exponentially with increasing intensity. This nonlinear relationship suggests that physically intense events may have a catastrophic impact, but their severity cannot be extrapolated from the severity–intensity relationship for weak, frequent disturbance events. The framework we propose may help to clarify the influence of event types and species traits on the severity–intensity relationship, as well as to improve our ability to predict the ecological consequences of various disturbance events of unexperienced intensity

    Rocky intertidal community: Impact of earthquake and tsunami

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    Influence of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake on population dynamics of a rocky intertidal barnacle: cause and consequence of alteration in larval recruitment

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    By analyzing data obtained from 23 plots on five shores along the Pacific coast of Japan over 7 years, we explored theinfluence of the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake on the population dynamics of a rocky intertidal barnacle, Chthamalus challengeri. Weaddressed the following three questions. (1) At local and intermediate scales, how did the spatial patterns of larval recruitmentchange after the earthquake? (2) At broader spatial scales encompassing the entire meta-population, did larval recruitmentchange with the alteration of stock size after the earthquake? (3) How did the relative importance of larval recruitment as a determinantof local population growth rate change after the earthquake? The results demonstrated that while the spatial patternof C. challengeri larval recruitment was only slightly modified by the 2011 earthquake, the population dynamics were significantlychanged immediately (1–2 years) after the earthquake at two contrasting spatial scales. At a broad spatial scale encompassingseveral bays, the population size increased, consequently enhancing recruitment intensity, whereas at the local scale,the dependence of local population growth rate on larval recruitment increased. The former finding contradicts a widelyaccepted assumption that severe physical disturbances occurring at a broad spatial scale heavily impact natural populations.Special Issue(東日本大震災特集