110 research outputs found

    Analysis and Planning of Apple Production As Factor of Rural Development Support

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    Apple production has great importance for agriculture of Republic of Serbia, as for processing industry and other followed industries. For this kind of production excellent conditions exist, but also specific problems in production organization, products selling and financing of plantation establishment are presented. Regardless to insufficient use of available natural resources in apple production, it has great potential for export and development of small processing capacities, so it might be relevant factor in stimulation of rural development. Analysis showed that areas under apple are growing in Serbia, as total quantum of apple production. That is caused by increment of apple trees number and with increment of yield per one tree. By using of trend method is estimated that in next period can be expected further growth of apple production in Serbia, what is confirming importance of this fruit species for rural development. In manuscript, group of measures that can notably stimulate and improve this kind of production, are also mentioned

    Utvrđivanje koeficijenata ekonomskog selekcijskog indeksa za mlečne krave

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    There is no research regarding economic effects of genetic improvement for dairy cattle in Serbia. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to determine economic values for various production traits (milk yield, milk fat content and proteins content) in dairy production, as well as to determine total economic selection index. The research is based on data which include 9,516 lactations of 4,893 milking cows from 7 farms. Data were collected during the period 2004 - 2012. Authors used sensitivity analysis and partial budgeting approach to determine changes in revenues caused by variations of particular production traits. It was determined that within economic selection index the most important trait is milk yield, while values for other traits are almost negligible. On the other hand, it is expected that importance of certain traits will be changed after Serbian accession to the European Union.U Republici Srbiji do sada ne postoje istraživanja koja se odnose na ekonomske efekte genetskog unapređenja mlečnih krava. Zbog toga je cilj ovog rada utvrđivanje ekonomske vrednosti za različite proizvodne osobine (prinos mleka u standardnoj laktaciji, sadržaj mlečne masti i sadržaj proteina) u proizvodnji mleka, kao i da utvrdi ukupni ekonomski selekcijski indeks. Istraživanje je bazirano na podacima koji obuhvataju 9.516 laktacija 4.893 muznih krava sa 7 farmi. Podaci su prikupljeni tokom perioda 2004 - 2012. godina. Autori su koristili senzitivnu analizu, kao i metod diferencijalne kalkulacije da bi utvrdili promene u prihodima uzrokovane variranjem pojedinačnih proizvodnih osobina. Utvrđeno je da je u okviru ekonomskog selekcijskog indeksa najvažnija osobina prinos mleka u standardnoj laktaciji, dok su vrednosti ostalih proizvodnih osobina gotovo zanemarljive. Sa druge strane, očekuje se da će se značaj pojedinih proizvodnih osobina promeniti nakon pristupanja Srbije Evropskoj Uniji

    The historical perception of Sultan Bayezid I in the hagiography of despot Stefan Lazarević by Constantine the Philosopher

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    U radu se analiziraju i kontekstualizuju različite predstave sultana Bajazita I u hagiografiji Stefana Lazarevića od Konstantina Filozofa. Način na koji je hagiograf despota Stefana predstavio osmanskog vladara, kao sizerena i zeta srpskog vladara, u velikoj meri predstavlja i refleksiju političkih, vojnih, pa i ličnih odnosa koji su obeležili jednu epohu trajanja Moravske Srbije. Na osnovu izvedenih zaključaka istraživanja moguće je delimično rekonstruisati ličnost osmanskog vladara, ali i percepciju različitih istorijskih pojava i događaja koji su zabeleženi u delu Konstantina Filozofa.Exploring the image of the "other" and recognizing various narrative layers in historical sources is one of the most important methodological approaches in the multifaceted reconstruction of the past. The perception and presentation of historical persons, events or phenomena belonging to the category of the "other" are often shaped by stereotypes and notions immanent to certain cultural settings. The hagiography of despot Stefan Lazarević written by Constantine the Philosopher in the fourth decade of the 15th century as a unique narrative source for the life and reign of the Serbian ruler epitomizes the trustworthy exemplar for the research into the above phenomena. Among many historical persons that Constantine the Philosopher portrayed, the image of Sultan Bayezid I is probably one of the most vivid and controversial. The representations of Bayezid I could be comprehended as the literary vehicle for the contextualization and reflection on political, military, diplomatic and dynastic relations amid the Lazarević Principality and Ottoman Empire that defined the historical epoch between the Battle of Kosovo (1389) and the Battle of Ankara (1402). Contrary to the typical image of the "Turks", usually perceived as conquerors, perpetrators, infidels and villains, Constantine the Philosopher depicted the character of Sultan Bayezid I in various, occasionally contrasted shades. By portraying Bayezid I, Constantine the Philosopher tried to act more as a historian than hagiographer. He presented the Ottoman Sultan, the suzerain of Stefan Lazarević, in quite a balanced manner, showing both positive and negative aspects of his personality and political decisions. Sultan Bayezid I is described as a supreme sovereign with human face, feelings, conscience, but also attributes that show his dark, resolute, unrestricted and ruthless side of character. The reasons for stepping out of, at that time usual, stereotypical description of the "other" could be found in the nature and complexity of political and personal relations between Stefan Lazarević and Sultan Bayezid I. Taking into consideration the accounts Constantine the Philosopher embedde

    Funkcionalna povezanost didaktičkih elemenata u nastavi geografije

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    The aim of this work is to present complex relations within didactical triangle as well as review of the practical usage of relations of didactical polygon. Importance of subject of this work is, certainly, its constant actualization and irrepressible change which is happening within elements and in their mutual interaction. This kind of relation brings innovations and suffers changes from modern times. Starting from immediate ways of communication to closer and further perceive of their development, the subject gets dimension of expected and somewhat exciting. The theme ensued because of the need for logical separation of didactical elements and also to connect them through complex system of communication. Their imbues are coming to express daily while interaction is developing not only in historical period but in instantaneous stages. The media, today, gives grade to development of society and represent degree of progress. As such an important factor, the role of the media must be taken into consideration. Geographical achievement is represented by teaching methods of geography and in that way it represents significant media. Complicatedness of this theme also reflects in universality; geography has advanced as science and there is great expectation for methodical science to catch up with geography and to present new manners, ways of transferring knowledge. .Cilj rada je predstavljanje složenih odnosa unutar didaktičkog trougla kao i prikaz praktične upotrebe veza didaktičkog mnogougla. Značaj teme rada jeste svakako njena konstantna aktuelnost i nezadrživa promena koja se odvija unutar samih elemenata i u njihovoj međusobnoj interakciji. Ovaj odnos sobom donosi inovacije i trpi promene savremenog doba. Polazeći od trenutnih načina komunikacije do bližeg i daljeg sagledavanja njihovog razvoja, tema dobija dimenziju očekivanog i donekle uzbudljivog. Tema je nastala zbog potrebe da se logički razgraniče didaktički elementi a ujedno da se povežu kroz kompleksan sistem komuniciranja. Njihovo prožimanje dolazi svakodnevno do izražaja dok se interakcija razvija ne samo u istorijskom periodu već i trenutnim etapama. Mediji, danas, daju ocenu razvijenosti društva i predstavljaju stepen progresa, kao tako značajan faktor i njihova uloga se mora uzeti u obzir. Geografska dostignuća prezentuje metodika nastave geografije i u tome predstavlja značajan medij. Kompleksnost ove teme se ogleda i u sveobuhvatnosti; koliko je geografija napredovala kao nauka toliko je veliko očekivanje od metodičke nauke da je sustigne i prikaže nove načine, puteve prenosa saznanja.

    Karta kao sredstvo za samostalno učenje u nastavi geografije

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    There are different views on self-regulation in the learning process, how it has to be monitored, controlled, which are the circumstances and external factors that affect independent learning. Dominant are the opinions in which the self-regulation is treated as interaction of processes related to the personality, behavioral and contextual processes. Special attention has been given to motivational strategies and students' desire to focus on goals. By enabling students to make decisions, set their own goals, make a choice, plan and organize activities, the development of self-learning and student autonomy is being encouraged. If students are given the opportunity of independent activities, effect of self-control in the process of learning and self-regulation becomes more pronounced. The paper will explain the factors that influence the process of self-learning that takes place in regular teaching with the help of map as the basic geographic media.Različita su shvatanja o samoregulaciji u procesu učenja, kako ono mora biti nadgledano, kontrolisano, koje su to okolnosti i spoljašnji faktori koji utiču na samostalno učenje. Dominantni su stavovi u kojima se samoregulacija tretira kao interakcija procesa vezanih za ličnost, bihejvioralnih i kontekstualnih procesa. Posebna pažnja u istraživanju se pridaje motivacionim strategijama i željom učenika da se orijentišu na ciljeve. Omogućavanjem učenicima da donose odluke, postavljaju sopstvene ciljeve, vrše izbor, planiraju i organizuju aktivnosti, podstiče se razvoj samoobrazovanja i učeničke autonomije. Ukoliko se učenicima pruži mogućnost samostalnih aktivnosti efekat samokontrole u procesu saznavanja i samoregulacije postaje izraženiji. Rad će pojasniti činioce koji utiču na proces samostalnog učenja koje se ostvaruje u redovnoj nastavi uz pomoć karte kao osnovnog geografskog medij

    Funkcionalna povezanost didaktičkih elemenata u nastavi geografije

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    The aim of this work is to present complex relations within didactical triangle as well as review of the practical usage of relations of didactical polygon. Importance of subject of this work is, certainly, its constant actualization and irrepressible change which is happening within elements and in their mutual interaction. This kind of relation brings innovations and suffers changes from modern times. Starting from immediate ways of communication to closer and further perceive of their development, the subject gets dimension of expected and somewhat exciting. The theme ensued because of the need for logical separation of didactical elements and also to connect them through complex system of communication. Their imbues are coming to express daily while interaction is developing not only in historical period but in instantaneous stages. The media, today, gives grade to development of society and represent degree of progress. As such an important factor, the role of the media must be taken into consideration. Geographical achievement is represented by teaching methods of geography and in that way it represents significant media. Complicatedness of this theme also reflects in universality; geography has advanced as science and there is great expectation for methodical science to catch up with geography and to present new manners, ways of transferring knowledge. .Cilj rada je predstavljanje složenih odnosa unutar didaktičkog trougla kao i prikaz praktične upotrebe veza didaktičkog mnogougla. Značaj teme rada jeste svakako njena konstantna aktuelnost i nezadrživa promena koja se odvija unutar samih elemenata i u njihovoj međusobnoj interakciji. Ovaj odnos sobom donosi inovacije i trpi promene savremenog doba. Polazeći od trenutnih načina komunikacije do bližeg i daljeg sagledavanja njihovog razvoja, tema dobija dimenziju očekivanog i donekle uzbudljivog. Tema je nastala zbog potrebe da se logički razgraniče didaktički elementi a ujedno da se povežu kroz kompleksan sistem komuniciranja. Njihovo prožimanje dolazi svakodnevno do izražaja dok se interakcija razvija ne samo u istorijskom periodu već i trenutnim etapama. Mediji, danas, daju ocenu razvijenosti društva i predstavljaju stepen progresa, kao tako značajan faktor i njihova uloga se mora uzeti u obzir. Geografska dostignuća prezentuje metodika nastave geografije i u tome predstavlja značajan medij. Kompleksnost ove teme se ogleda i u sveobuhvatnosti; koliko je geografija napredovala kao nauka toliko je veliko očekivanje od metodičke nauke da je sustigne i prikaže nove načine, puteve prenosa saznanja.

    Karta kao sredstvo za samostalno učenje u nastavi geografije

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    There are different views on self-regulation in the learning process, how it has to be monitored, controlled, which are the circumstances and external factors that affect independent learning. Dominant are the opinions in which the self-regulation is treated as interaction of processes related to the personality, behavioral and contextual processes. Special attention has been given to motivational strategies and students' desire to focus on goals. By enabling students to make decisions, set their own goals, make a choice, plan and organize activities, the development of self-learning and student autonomy is being encouraged. If students are given the opportunity of independent activities, effect of self-control in the process of learning and self-regulation becomes more pronounced. The paper will explain the factors that influence the process of self-learning that takes place in regular teaching with the help of map as the basic geographic media.Različita su shvatanja o samoregulaciji u procesu učenja, kako ono mora biti nadgledano, kontrolisano, koje su to okolnosti i spoljašnji faktori koji utiču na samostalno učenje. Dominantni su stavovi u kojima se samoregulacija tretira kao interakcija procesa vezanih za ličnost, bihejvioralnih i kontekstualnih procesa. Posebna pažnja u istraživanju se pridaje motivacionim strategijama i željom učenika da se orijentišu na ciljeve. Omogućavanjem učenicima da donose odluke, postavljaju sopstvene ciljeve, vrše izbor, planiraju i organizuju aktivnosti, podstiče se razvoj samoobrazovanja i učeničke autonomije. Ukoliko se učenicima pruži mogućnost samostalnih aktivnosti efekat samokontrole u procesu saznavanja i samoregulacije postaje izraženiji. Rad će pojasniti činioce koji utiču na proces samostalnog učenja koje se ostvaruje u redovnoj nastavi uz pomoć karte kao osnovnog geografskog medij


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    In this paper, the authors study and analyze the degree of application electronic and mobile commerce in the airline sector, arguing that modern information and communication technologies provide a powerful tool for airlines and can significantly affect their operations, structure and strategy. In the airlines sector Internet is considered to be the most important technological revolution, because upon its appearance the booking systems ceased to be passive computer archives and records and become active operating systems that with immense speed transform the air traffic. In the mid 80's years, specific types of information systems appeared and these were global distribution systems which were designed for the distribution of tourism products, whose implementation on the website gave access to the airlines to  an electronic trading and enabled them to carry out the provision of services and conduct the sale of air tickets on the Internet. However, the development of technology, the appearance of smart phones and numerous other factors today necessitate airlines to access mobile commerce and make their services available to smart phone users as well as on the website

    Korišćenje interneta i rizici po seksualni integritet maloletnika – eksperiment "Krstarica"

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    U radu su u formi prethodnog saopštenja prikazan rezultati svojevrsnog virtuelnog eksperimenta, zasnovanog na realnim događanjima koji su usledili nakon fiktivnog predstavljanja na serveru za ćaskanje ’’Krstarica’’. Radi se o serveru koji tekstualnu komunikaciju korisnika obavlja putem IRC (Internet RelayChatting) protokola. U svrhe ovog istraživanja kreiran je virtuelni lik maloletne Beograđanke, čiji je nadimak sugerisao starost od 12 godina (Ana12BG). Posredstvom IRC-a, preko pomenutog servera, virtuelna Ana posećivala je sobe #teen, #krstarica i #beograd i čekala uspostavljanje komunikacije od strane drugih korisnika, među njima i potencijalnih pedofila. Tokom 100 časova provedenih na mreži usledilo je 617 poziva za komunikaciju, među kojima je preko 70% bilo seksualno orjentisanih. Značajan broj ovih korisnika nudilo je Ani pornografski materijal (24%) ili tražilo njene eksplicitne pornografske sadržaje (14%). Ovi podaci, kao i drugi izneti u radu, sugerišu da je internet medij koji koristi velik broj lica čije seksualne sklonosti idu u pravcu zadovoljavanja u kontaktu sa decom. Prema ovom istraživanju, većinu njih, pored maloletnika,čine lica starija od 40 godina