15 research outputs found

    Egoera fisiko, entrenamendu eta partiduen kuantifikazioa gurpildun aulkiko saskibaloian

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    170 p.Tesi honen helburua gurpildun aulkiko saskibaloi (GAS) jokalarien egoera fisikoaren garapena aztertzea izan da. Honetaz gain, entrenamendu eta partiduen karga kuantifikatzen da, kirolaren behar fisiko eta fisiologikoa ezagutzeko asmoarekin. Honetarako, GAS talde bat analizatu zen 2013-2014 denboraldi guzti baten zehar. GAS-ko talde hau Espainiako Ohorezko mailan jokatzen zuen eta guztiek ikerketaren informazioa jaso zuten eta beraien oniritzia eman zuten. Jokariek denboraldi hasieran eta amaieran zelaiko testak pasa zituzten antropometría, abiadura, norabide aldaketa, indarra eta erresistentzia aztertzeko asmoarekin. Denboraldi guztian zehar pultsometroen bidez GAS-ko jokalarien entrenamendu eta partidu guztiak erregistratu ziren. Jokalari guztien esfortzuaren hautematea entrenamendu eta partidu amaieretan erregistratu zen 0tik 10erako eskala baten bidez. Analisi estatistikorako Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programa erabili zen. Tesi honek urte baten zehar GAS-ko jokalarien antropometría eta egoera fisikoaren garapena nolakoa izan den argitaratzen du. Bestalde, GAS-ko entrenamedu tareen eta partiduen barne kargaren zenbatekoa den azaltzen du. Honela GAS-ko eskaera fisiko eta fisiologikoak nolakoak diren jakinda, etorkizunean entrenatzaileek beraien entrenamenduak hobeto prestatzeko balio dezake

    Egoera fisiko, entrenamendu eta partiduen kuantifikazioa gurpildun aulkiko saskibaloian

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    170 p.Tesi honen helburua gurpildun aulkiko saskibaloi (GAS) jokalarien egoera fisikoaren garapena aztertzea izan da. Honetaz gain, entrenamendu eta partiduen karga kuantifikatzen da, kirolaren behar fisiko eta fisiologikoa ezagutzeko asmoarekin. Honetarako, GAS talde bat analizatu zen 2013-2014 denboraldi guzti baten zehar. GAS-ko talde hau Espainiako Ohorezko mailan jokatzen zuen eta guztiek ikerketaren informazioa jaso zuten eta beraien oniritzia eman zuten. Jokariek denboraldi hasieran eta amaieran zelaiko testak pasa zituzten antropometría, abiadura, norabide aldaketa, indarra eta erresistentzia aztertzeko asmoarekin. Denboraldi guztian zehar pultsometroen bidez GAS-ko jokalarien entrenamendu eta partidu guztiak erregistratu ziren. Jokalari guztien esfortzuaren hautematea entrenamendu eta partidu amaieretan erregistratu zen 0tik 10erako eskala baten bidez. Analisi estatistikorako Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) programa erabili zen. Tesi honek urte baten zehar GAS-ko jokalarien antropometría eta egoera fisikoaren garapena nolakoa izan den argitaratzen du. Bestalde, GAS-ko entrenamedu tareen eta partiduen barne kargaren zenbatekoa den azaltzen du. Honela GAS-ko eskaera fisiko eta fisiologikoak nolakoak diren jakinda, etorkizunean entrenatzaileek beraien entrenamenduak hobeto prestatzeko balio dezake

    To What Degree Does Limb Spasticity Affect Motor Performance in Para-Footballers With Cerebral Palsy?

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    Spasticity is considered a contributor to hypertonia, frequently presented in people with cerebral palsy (CP), affecting muscle function and motor activities. In CP football, the classification system determines that this impairment is eligible for competitive para-sports due to the impact on activity limitation and sports performance. However, the relationship between this feature (i.e., spastic hypertonia) and performance determinants has not been explored yet. This study aimed to assess the association of clinical spasticity measurements with the performance of sport-specific tests used for classification purposes. Sixty-nine international footballers with CP voluntarily participated in this study. The Australian Spasticity Assessment Scale was used to measure spasticity in lower limbs muscle groups and activity limitation tests were conducted considering dynamic balance, coordination, vertical and horizontal jumps, acceleration, and change of direction ability. Low-to-moderate negative significant associations were found between the hip spasticity and measures of dynamic balance and dominant unipedal horizontal jump capacity. Additionally, moderate associations were reported between the knee spasticity and the non-dominant unipedal horizontal jump capacity and the change of direction actions with the ball. The ankle spasticity score reported small to moderate associations with the change of direction assessment without the ball and bipedal and dominant unipedal horizontal jump capability. Finally, the total spasticity score only presented a significant association with horizontal jump performance. This is a novel study that provides evidence of the associations between an eligible neural impairment and relevant specific measures of activity limitation tests. These results suggest that the amount of spasticity according to each evaluated joint muscle group of the lower limbs presents a low-to-moderate significant relationship with determined measures of dynamic balance, coordination, horizontal jump, acceleration, and change of direction ability with and without the ball in international-level CP footballers. Further studies are necessary to elucidate the real contribution of neural and non-neural impairments related to hypertonia on fundamental sport-specific motor skills of para-footballers with CP.This open access publication was granted by the Vice-Rectorate of Research of the Miguel Hernández University under the program entitled “Ayudas para la Difusión de la Ciencias” (03792/2021). Also, the authors gratefully acknowledge the support of a Spanish government subproject entitled “Integration ways between qualitative and quantitative data, multiple case development, and synthesis review as the main axis for an innovative future in physical activity and sports research” (PGC2018-098742-B-C31) (2019-2021) (Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Programa Estatal de Generación de Conocimiento y Fortalecimiento Científico y Tecnológico del Sistema I+D+i), that is part of a coordinated project entitled “New approach of research in physical activity and sport from a mixed methods perspective” (NARPAS_MM) (SPGC201800X098742CV0)

    Load-Velocity Relationship in Bench Press and Effects of a Strength-Training Program in Wheelchair Basketball Players: A Team Study

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    Performance in wheelchair basketball is determined by capabilities, such as strength and power. The study has two aims: first, to analyze the association between speed and acceleration variables (collected in the bench press (BP) exercise) and the distinct percentages of one-repetition maximum (1RM); second, to analyze the effect of a strength training protocol on wheelchair basketball (WB) players according to their functional impairments. Ten Spanish male WB players volunteered to participate in the study. The players did a pretest and posttest (1RM in bench press) with 6-week muscle strength intervention program. The results showed a high association between the %1RM and the mean propulsive velocity (MPV) and the maximum velocity (Vmax), both in the total of the participants, and in each separate group of athletes. After implementing the strength training program, both the players of the IWBF (International Wheelchair Basketball Federation) 2.5 group improved their 1RM (p < 0.01, ES = 0.20 to 0.23). However, the program produced positive effects at submaximal intensities in the MPV reached with 30, 40, 70, and 80 kg and in time to maximum velocity (TVmax) with 30, 40, and 70 kg (ES = −3.24 to 1.32) only in players with greater functional impairments. The high association between %1RM and MPV and Vmax can allow for determination the %1RM of the WB players in the BP using the MPV and the Vmax. The training program was effective in improving 1RM in both groups, while improvements in submaximal values only occurred in the IWBF < 2.5 group

    Percepción del alumnado de Educación Secundaria sobre las personas con discapacidad y el personal de apoyo educativo en las clases de Educación Física

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    The main goal of this study was to understand the perception of the secondary school students concerning the relationship they have with people with disability in physical education classes, as well as the role played by the assistant teacher. 260 students from Secondary and Bachelor Education answered an ad hoc questionnaire. The results showed that almost all the students know someone with a disability (77.6%), but the percentage decreases a lot when asked if they had relation with any person with disability (48.1%). Students think that the assistant teacher is a really important and positive person (8.5 out of 10) and that its presence does not constitute a barrier for them to interact with disable schoolmates (3 out of 10). Finally, most of them think that it would be a great idea and they would be willing to help students with a disability in physical education lessons (7.9 out of 10).El presente estudio tuvo por objeto&nbsp;conocer la percepción que tienen los estudiantes de Educación Secundaria de las personas con discapacidad, de las relaciones que mantienen con ellas en las clases de Educación Física y del papel que desempeña en las mismas el personal de apoyo educativo. Participaron 260 estudiantes de ESO y Bachillerato, a los que se les administró un cuestionario ad hoc. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los estudiantes conocían a alguna persona con discapacidad (77,6%), pero sólo la mitad se relacionaba con ellas (48,1%). Los estudiantes valoraron la presencia y el trabajo del personal de apoyo educativo como importante y positivo (8,5 sobre 10), sin que su presencia supusiese una barrera para relacionarse con las personas con discapacidad (3 sobre 10). Finalmente, la mayor parte de los estudiantes cree que sería interesante y estarían dispuestos a prestar ayuda a las personas con discapacidad en el ámbito de la Educación Física (7,9 sobre 10).&nbsp

    Analysis of the Barriers and Motives for Practicing Physical Activity and Sport for People with a Disability: Differences According to Gender and Type of Disability

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    The aim of the study was to analyse the perception of the barriers and motives for the practice of physical activity (PA) in people with a disability, according to gender and type of disability. The participants in this investigation were 103 people with a disability (33.25 ± 11.86 years) who were habitual users of PA or sports programmes. They completed the questionnaire Motives and Barriers for Physical Activity and Sport (MBAFD). The results showed that personal barriers were more important than environmental ones and that the most outstanding motives were those related to leisure, enjoyment or social aspects. Regarding gender, women perceived more barriers than men. For the people with physical (PD) and intellectual (ID) disabilities, the most common barriers were of an intrinsic nature, and for those with a visual disability (VD), barriers of an environmental nature. With respect to the motives, people with PD gave higher scores to the items related to aspects of physical improvement and rehabilitation. In contrast, people with ID and VD placed more importance on reasons of leisure, enjoyment and social relations. Knowledge of these findings can be a tool to help increase the provision of PA for people with a disability.This research has been funded through the University-Company-Society 2020 Project convened by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) entitled “¡MUÉVETE, TU TAMBIÉN PUEDES! ANÁLISIS DE LA INCLUSIÓN DE PERSONAS CON DIVERSIDAD FUNCIONAL EN CONTEXTOS DE ACTIVIDAD FÍSICA (code US20/14)” and requested in collaboration with the Fundación GaituzSport Fundazioa

    Programas de ejercicio físico para mujeres embarazadas: guía de prescripción básica basada en la evidencia científica: Ejercicio físico para mujeres embarazadas

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    The main objective of this paper has been to analyze the type and effects of diverse physical activity programs for pregnant women (aerobic, strength and multidisciplinary exercise programs, both based on land and aquatic environment) used in the scientific literature. Another main goal for this work was to draw certain general conclusions that allow basic guidelines to be taken into account by physical activity professionals when prescribing physical exercise to pregnant women. A review of the existing scientific literature was carried out, joined with an analysis of the types and effects of different programs used in this specific literature. Aerobic, strength, flexibility and multidisciplinary programs were carry through, both in land and aquatic environments, seeming to have a positive effect in either the pregnant woman or the fetus. These effects seemed to excel with multidisciplinary programs specially. Taking into consideration the scientific evidence consulted, in this essay 10 recommendations are going to be lay out to program physical activity for expecting women. Despite the fact that scientific evidence indicates that physical exercise programs for pregnants have important benefits, it is essential to continue researching the diverse effects on them in order to understand how the greatest benefits can be achieved, both for the woman as well as for the fetus.El principal objetivo de este trabajo fue analizar el tipo y los efectos de diferentes programas de actividad física para embarazadas (programas de ejercicios aeróbicos, de fuerza y multidisciplinares tanto en el ámbito terrestre cómo en el medio acuático) utilizados en la literatura científica. Otro objetivo del presente trabajo fue extraer ciertas conclusiones generales que permitan tener unas pautas básicas a tener en cuenta por los profesionales de la actividad física en la prescripción de ejercicio físico en mujeres embarazadas. Para ello, se realizó una revisión de la literatura científica existente y un análisis de los tipos y de los efectos de los distintos programas utilizados en esta literatura. Los programas tanto aeróbicos, como de fuerza, flexibilidad y multidisciplinares realizados tanto en el medio terrestre como acuático parecen tener efectos positivos, o bien en la mujer embarazada o en el feto. Especialmente, estos efectos parecen superiores con los programas multidisciplinares. Teniendo en cuenta la evidencia científica consultada, se plantean 10 recomendaciones para programar la actividad física para mujeres embarazadas. A pesar de que la evidencia científica apunta que los programas de ejercicio físico en mujeres embarazadas tienen importantes beneficios, es necesario seguir investigando en los efectos de diferentes programas con el objetivo de entender de qué forma se pueden conseguir los mayores beneficios, tanto para la gestante como para el feto

    Relationship between rate perceived exertion and anthropometric and physical changes in wheelchair basketball

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    Subproyecto "Enfoque de método mixto en el análisis de rendimiento (en entrenamiento y competición) en el deporte de élite y academia" [PGC2018-098742-B-C33] (2019-2021) del Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) y el Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER), que forma parte del proyecto coordinado New approach of research in physical activity and sport from mixed methods perspective (NARPAS_MM) [SPGC201800X098742CV0].El objetivo del estudio fue describir la asociación entre la carga interna con los cambios producidos en las características antropométricas y en la condición física durante una pretemporada en un equipo de baloncesto en silla de ruedas (BSR). Once jugadores masculinos participaron en este estudio y realizaron una batería de test (antropometría, sprint de 5 y 20m con y sin balón, t-test, pick-up, hand grip, maximal pass, lanzamiento de balón medicinal y prueba de resistencia de recuperación intermitente Yo-Yo de 10m) antes (Pretest) y después (Posttest) de la pretemporada. Se observaron diferencias significativas en el sprint de 5m sin balón, en el sprint de 20m con balón, en el t-test, en el lanzamiento de balón medicinal, en la distancia recorrida y en la concentración de lactato sanguíneo capilar entre el pretest y el posttest. Además, se observaron asociaciones en el porcentaje de cambio entre los distintos test de condición física (sprint de 5m con y sin balón, sprint de 20m con balón y pick-up) y la carga interna. Los resultados obtenidos en este estudio ponen de manifiesto que el entrenamiento realizado dos veces por semana durante la pretemporada es capaz de producir cambios positivos en el rendimiento físico en BSR.The objective of the study was to describe the association between the internal load and changes in anthropometric characteristics and physical condition during a pre-season a wheelchair basketball team (WB players). Eleven male wheelchair basketball players participated in this study and performed a test battery (anthropometry, 5 and 20m sprint with and without ball, t-test, pick-up, hand grip, maximal pass, the throwing of medicine ball and intermittent recovery resistance test (Yo-Yo 10m) before (Pretest) and after (Posttest) the preseason. Significant differences were observed in the perimeter of the arm relaxed and flexed, in the sprint of 5m without ball, in the sprint of 20m with ball, in the t-test, in the throwing of medicine ball, in the distance covered and in the concentration of capillary blood lactate between the pretest and the posttest. In addition, associations were observed in the percentage of change between the different physical condition tests (5m sprint with and without ball, 20m sprint with ball and pick-up) and the internal load. The results obtained in this study show that the training made twice a week during the preseason could produce positive changes in physical performance in WB players.peerReviewe

    Quantifying wheelchair basketball match load: a comparison of heart-rate and perceived-exertion methods.

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    Purpose: To describe the objective and subjective match load (ML) of wheelchair basketball (WB) and determine the relationship between session heart-rate (HR) -based ML and rating-of-perceived-exertion (RPE) -based ML methods. Methods: HR-based measurements of ML included Edwards ML and Stagno training impulses (TRIMPMOD), while RPE-based ML measurements included respiratory (sRPEres) and muscular (sRPEmus). Data were collected from 10 WB players during a whole competitive season. Results: Edwards ML and TRIMPMOD averaged across 16 matches were 255.3 ± 66.3 and 167.9 ± 67.1 AU, respectively. In contrast, sRPEres ML and sRPEmus ML were found to be higher (521.9 ± 188.7 and 536.9 ± 185.8 AU, respectively). Moderate correlations (r = .629-.648, P < .001) between Edwards ML and RPE-based ML methods were found. Moreover, similar significant correlations were also shown between the TRIMPMOD and RPE-based ML methods (r = .627-.668, P < .001). That said, only ≥40% of variance in HR-based ML was explained by RPE-based ML, which could be explained by the heterogeneity of physical-impairment type. Conclusion: RPE-based ML methods could be used as an indicator of global internal ML in highly trained WB players

    Physiological responses between players with and without spinal cord injury in wheelchair basketball small-sided games

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    Study Design: This is a comparative study between players with and without spinal cord injury (SCI) during a training task. Objective: This study examined physiological responses in commonly used small-sided games (SSGs) in well-experienced wheelchair basketball (WB) players with SCI and without SCI (Non-SCI). Setting: The study was conducted with a WB team in Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain (2014). Methods: The team was divided into an SCI group (n=6) and a Non-SCI group (n=6). Absolute and relative heart rate (HR) along with tympanic temperature and perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded for both groups. Results: The two groups attained different absolute HR values for the same SSG. However, no significant differences were observed in relative HR between groups (%HRmean, %HRpeak and the percentage of the time spent in each HR zone: low, moderate, high and maximal) nor in tympanic temperature. Moreover, in relation to the bout evolution analysis (4 repetitions of 4 min), the Non-SCI group significantly increased (P<0.05) absolute HRmean and HRpeak during bouts, whereas the SCI group maintained them constant. Furthermore, the variations in the percentage of the time spent in each HR zone only were observed in the Non-SCI group. Conclusion: In spite of the Non-SCI group attaining higher absolute HR values, the SCI and Non-SCI groups may have similar HR relative values during a specific WB training task. However, the SCI group reported significantly higher values in respiratory RPE in the last bout than the Non-SCI group for the same SSG.The present study was financed by a grant from the Basque Government awarded to Aitor Iturricastillo with reference number PRE_2015_2_0262