72 research outputs found

    Internal Validity of Estimating the Carbon Kuznets Curve by Controlling for Energy Use

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    The carbon Kuznetz curve (CKC) hypothesis assumes that carbon dioxide emissions initially increase in tandem with output but start decreasing at higher levels of output. This paper considers the internal validity of estimating the CKC in an integrated framework of carbon dioxide emissions, energy consumption, and output, as done in recent literature. We argue that, first, the research question and the feasible conclusions differ from the standard CKC-framework. Second, the estimates are biased to overstate thecompatibility of development and environmental policy goals. In a more realistic model carbon dioxide emissions rise quicker, peak later, and decrease slower as output increases.Energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, environmental Kuznets curve

    Causal misspecifications in econometric models

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    We bridge together the graph-theoretic and the econometric approach for defining causality in statistical models to consider model misspecification problems. By presenting a solution to disagreements between the existing frameworks, we build a causal framework that allows us to express causal implications of econometric model specifications. This allows us to reveal possible inconsistencies in models used for policy analysis. In particular, we show how a common practice of doing policy analysis with vector error-correction models fails. As an example, we apply these concepts to discover fundamental flaws in a resent strand of literature estimating the carbon Kuznetz curve, which postulates that carbon dioxide emissions initially increase with economic growth but that the relationship is eventually reversed. Due to a causal misspecification, the compatibility between climate and development policy goals is overstated.Causality, Policy evaluations, Energy consumption, Carbon dioxide emissions, Economic growth, Environmental Kuznets curve.

    Emissions trading in a network of linked markets

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    Causal misspecifications in econometric models

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    We bridge together the graph-theoretic and the econometric approach for defining causality in statistical models to consider model misspecification problems. By presenting a solution to disagreements between the existing frameworks, we build a causal framework that allows us to express causal implications of econometric model specifications. This allows us to reveal possible inconsistencies in models used for policy analysis. In particular, we show how a common practice of doing policy analysis with vector error-correction models fails. As an example, we apply these concepts to discover fundamental flaws in a resent strand of literature estimating the carbon Kuznetz curve, which postulates that carbon dioxide emissions initially increase with economic growth but that the relationship is eventually reversed. Due to a causal misspecification, the compatibility between climate and development policy goals is overstated

    PÀÀstökauppajÀrjestelmien linkittÀmisen ilmastopoliittiset vaikutukset

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    This study analyses how linking emissions trading systems affects the economical aspects of climate policy at both national and international levels. The analysis focuses on cost-efficiency, distribution between participants, competitiveness and emissions targets. In addition we examine how linking affects the structure of emissions trading systems and decision-making. To analyse specific effects, we formulate a partial-equilibrium model to depict linking. With given assumptions, cost-efficiency of climate policy can be improved by linking local emissions trading systems and by switching from conventional credit-based systems to systems with “no lose” -targets, however the benefits are unevenly distributed between participants, inter alia, due to effects on competitiveness. Linking necessitates an international agreement on emissions levels between parties as linking changes the incentives to set an emissions target

    Empirical studies on exploratory software testing

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    Exploratory software testing (ET) is a practically relevant approach to software testing that lacks scientific knowledge. In ET, the tester's work is not based on predesigned and documented test cases. Instead, testing is guided by a higher-level plan or mission, and the testing work involves parallel test design, test execution, and learning. One of the distinct characteristics of ET is that the tester designs the tests during ET and uses information gained to design new and better tests continuously. The ET approach relies on testers' skills and experience. The main claimed benefits of ET are the tester's ability to apply personal knowledge and creativity during testing as well as effectiveness, efficiency, and agility in terms of adapting to changes and working with imperfect documentation. In this thesis, the ET approach has been studied using empirical research methods. Two case studies, one controlled experiment, and two field studies were performed to address three research goals: defining ET and understanding its applicability based on the literature; empirically investigating the benefits and shortcomings of ET; and providing empirically based results on how the ET approach is applied in practice. This research identifies different approaches to ET in industry and describes concrete testing practices. The role of the tester's personal knowledge is identified in the literature, and this research provides a detailed analysis of the application of personal knowledge in failure detection using ET. The main conclusions of this work are that ET can be as effective as test case-based approaches and even more efficient in certain contexts. The testers are capable of utilizing their personal knowledge in failure detection, and the role of personal knowledge is important in the ET approach. In addition, software testing in product organizations seems to involve multiple diverse organizational groups, and ET was found to be an applicable approach to engage domain experts in testing. The main implications of this thesis are introducing the exploratory testing approach to the research community and motivating its relevance by providing empirical studies in industry. In addition, the results of the effectiveness and efficiency of ET as well as the qualitative data on exploratory testing practices and the detailed analysis of knowledge in exploratory testing work are valuable for the research community. The main practical implications include presenting the benefits and applicability of the ET approach along with the potential shortcomings and providing empirical evidence regarding the benefits of ET

    PÀÀstökauppajÀrjestelmien linkittÀmisen ilmastopoliittiset vaikutukset

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    This study analyses how linking emissions trading systems affects the economical aspects of climate policy at both national and international levels. The analysis focuses on cost-efficiency, distribution between participants, competitiveness and emissions targets. In addition we examine how linking affects the structure of emissions trading systems and decision-making. To analyse specific effects, we formulate a partial-equilibrium model to depict linking. With given assumptions, cost-efficiency of climate policy can be improved by linking local emissions trading systems and by switching from conventional credit-based systems to systems with “no lose” -targets, however the benefits are unevenly distributed between participants, inter alia, due to effects on competitiveness. Linking necessitates an international agreement on emissions levels between parties as linking changes the incentives to set an emissions target

    Kuolleena syntynyt lapsi Suomen evankelis-luterilaisen kirkon kirkkokĂ€sikirjoissa 1694 – 2003

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    Stillborn children were surrounded by silence for a long time. In many cultures in the world, the issue of having a stillborn was seen as something awkward; not a proper topic to speak about, not to mention to mourn. Because a stillborn child had not become a member of the community in a passage rite of welcome (initiation rite), communities could not participate in a passage rite of goodbye either. In Christianity, baptism could be seen as a passage rite of welcome. In many churches, for example in the Roman Catholic teaching, baptism is also believed to be essential for salvation. This has influenced attitudes toward stillborns in the Western World. This article illuminates how stillborn children are regarded in the funeral service orders in Finland. The focus of my article is in the funerals of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland, because it has been the state church of Finland, and even today, almost 95% of Finns have a church funeral, including a large number of people who are not members of the church. The data for the present study were collected by qualitative content analysis from six service books of the Lutheran church of Finland (years 1694, 1886, 1913 1963, 1984 and 2003). The service book from 1694 guides priests to conduct a simple ceremony at the grave, including mere throwing of the sand, the Lord’s Prayer and the Priestly Blessing. This guideline was in use for over 200 years. In the next service book (1886) the orders are almost the same. In the service book from 1913, a funeral service for stillborns has been left out completely. The service book from 1963 includes a short and simple service to stillborn funerals. In the service book from 1984 this service has been left out, but the basic order of a funeral service is suggested to be applied to funerals of stillborn children. The service book from 2003 includes the same instruction, but it also contains a special prayer for stillborns. The prayer includes a promise according to which the baby “is safe with God among His angels.” To conclude, there has been a major change in acknowledging stillborns in the Church of Finland within the past 500 years: their status has risen from outsiders of graveyards to children of God. The changes in the service books suggest in a very revealing way how the attitudes towards stillborn children have changed not only in the church but in the Finnish society as well. There have been major changes in the society decreasing the authority of the church and its significance as a community (e.g. urbanization and scientific revolution). Also, in the 20th century the significance of communities in general has decreased in the Western World, and it has offered more space to encounter the phenomenon from an individual perspective. As the significance of communities has decreased, the layman’s point of view had to be taken more seriously in the practices of the traditional communities, such as funeral ceremonies of stillborn children of the Evangelical Lutheran Church of Finland.

    Tapaus Sarasvuo : Mediapersoonan monet roolit vuosituhannen lopun Suomessa

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    Only abstract. Paper copies of master’s theses are listed in the Helka database (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Electronic copies of master’s theses are either available as open access or only on thesis terminals in the Helsinki University Library.Vain tiivistelmĂ€. Sidottujen gradujen saatavuuden voit tarkistaa Helka-tietokannasta (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Digitaaliset gradut voivat olla luettavissa avoimesti verkossa tai rajoitetusti kirjaston opinnĂ€ytekioskeilla.Endast sammandrag. Inbundna avhandlingar kan sökas i Helka-databasen (http://www.helsinki.fi/helka). Elektroniska kopior av avhandlingar finns antingen öppet pĂ„ nĂ€tet eller endast tillgĂ€ngliga i bibliotekets avhandlingsterminaler.Tutkimuksen kohteena on Jari Sarasvuon mediapersoona: median ja toimittajien Sarasvuosta vĂ€littĂ€mĂ€ kuva. Tarkoituksena on selvittÀÀ, miten Jari Sarasvuon mediapersoona viime vuosikymmenellĂ€ muuttui ja mitĂ€ nĂ€mĂ€ muutokset kertovat 1990-luvun Suomesta. Tutkimuksen lĂ€htökohtana on ajatus siitĂ€, ettĂ€ mediapersoonilla on yhteiskunnassa jonkinlainen funktio. Tutkimuksessa selvitetÀÀn, millaista hahmoa Sarasvuosta on haluttu rakentaa, mitĂ€ arvoja siihen on liitetty ja mitĂ€ tarkoitusta se on suomalaisessa mediamaisemassa palvellut. Tutkimuksen aineistona on kĂ€ytetty Jari Sarasvuosta kirjoitettuja aikakauslehtijuttuja ajalta 1993-1999. Artikkeleiden analyysissa sovelletaan vapaasti mutta systemaattisesti laadullisen tekstintutkimuksen menetelmiĂ€. Työ on luonteeltaan voimakkaasti aineistolĂ€htöinen tapaustutkimus. Mielenkiintoisen yksittĂ€istapauksen kautta pohdiskellaan ja hahmotellaan laajempia yhteiskunnallisia ja jopa globaaleja kehityssuuntauksia. Tutkimuksessa kĂ€ydÀÀn lĂ€pi Jari Sarasvuon mediapersoonan kolme keskeisintĂ€ roolia:tv-tĂ€hti, lama-ajan esikuva ja saarnamies. Jokainen rooleista muodostaa oman suhteellisen itsenĂ€isen kokonaisuutensa, ja jokaisella roolilla on oma teoreettinen viitekehyksensĂ€. Tv-tĂ€hti-roolin yhteydessĂ€ esiin nousevat ajatukset televisioyhteiskunnasta ja toimittajan roolin murroksesta. Lama-ajan esikuvan roolia selittĂ€vĂ€t teoriat työstĂ€, suomalaisuudesta, laman syistĂ€ ja lama-ajan julkisuuden luonteesta. Saarnamies-Sarasvuon sanoma yhdistetÀÀn nousevaan individualismiin ja modernissa yhteiskunnassa elinvoimaiseen psykokulttuuriin. Työn kaikista lĂ€hteistĂ€ keskeisin on Pierre Bourdieu, jonka kenttĂ€teoria on selitysvoimainen työkalu analysoitaessa Sarasvuon roolia uudenlaisena tĂ€htitoimittajana. KenttĂ€teoria selittÀÀ myös mediatarinan jyrkkÀÀ negatiivista kÀÀnnettĂ€ ja toimittajien suhtautumista Sarasvuohon. Muita tĂ€rkeitĂ€ lĂ€hteitĂ€ työssĂ€ ovat mm. Sanna Valtonen, Anu Kantola ja Janne Kivivuori. Työn lopussa kootaan yhteen mediatarinan teemat, hahmotellaan mediapersoonan kaksi puolta ja pohditaan, miten Sarasvuo on pyrkinyt julkista kuvaansa hallitsemaan. Tutkimus tukee kĂ€sitystĂ€ median keskeisestĂ€ ja aktiivisesta roolista yhteiskunnassa. Sarasvuo on noussut nykyiseen asemaansa julkisuuden avulla, mutta julkisuuden henkilönĂ€ hĂ€nellĂ€ on vain rajallinen mÀÀrittelyvalta omaan julkiseen kuvaansa. Sarasvuo on lĂ€pi tarinansa vahvasti ristiriitainen ja voimakkaasti yhteiskunnallinen mediapersoona, joka herĂ€ttÀÀ voimakkaita tunteita. Tutkimuksessa todetaan, ettĂ€ Sarasvuon mediapersoona on osin karannut hĂ€nen ulottumattomiinsa. NimestĂ€ on tullut merkki, johon liittyy kollektiivisia opittuja merkityksiĂ€. NĂ€itĂ€ negatiivisia konnotaatioita todellinen Sarasvuo ei tunnusta omiksi ominaisuuksikseen
