76 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the magnetic and structural a -> e phase transition in Iron

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    We have studied the high-pressure iron bcc to hcp phase transition by simultaneous X-ray Magnetic Circular Dichroism (XMCD) and X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) with an X-ray dispersive spectrometer. The combination of the two techniques allows us to obtain simultaneously information on both the structure and the magnetic state of Iron under pressure. The magnetic and structural transitions simultaneously observed are sharp. Both are of first order in agreement with theoretical prediction. The pressure domain of the transition observed (2.4 ±\pm 0.2 GPa) is narrower than that usually cited in the literature (8 GPa). Our data indicate that the magnetic transition slightly precedes the structural one, suggesting that the origin of the instability of the bcc phase in iron with increasing pressure is to be attributed to the effect of pressure on magnetism as predicted by spin-polarized full potential total energy calculations

    A combined XAS and XRD Study of the High-Pressure Behaviour of GaAsO4 Berlinite

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    Combined X-ray absorption spectroscopy (XAS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) experiments have been carried out on GaAsO4 (berlinite structure) at high pressure and room temperature. XAS measurements indicate four-fold to six-fold coordination changes for both cations. The two local coordination transformations occur at different rates but appear to be coupled. A reversible transition to a high pressure crystalline form occurs around 8 GPa. At a pressure of about 12 GPa, the system mainly consists of octahedral gallium atoms and a mixture of arsenic in four-fold and six-fold coordinations. A second transition to a highly disordered material with both cations in six-fold coordination occurs at higher pressures and is irreversible.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, LaTeX2

    Mesures de spectrométrie et de dosimétrie neutron aux postes de travail pour l'étalonnage de dosimètres individuels PGP-DIN

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    International audience(ManuAcrit r e p le 3 juillet 2002, accepté le 29 septembre 2002) Dans le cadre de la mise en application des recommandations décrites dans la publication 60 de la CIPR, des mesures de spectrométrie neutron ont été réalisées à plusieurs postes de travail au CEA de Valduc. Le but de ces mesures était la détermination de nouveaux coefficients d'étalonnage h affecter aux dosimètres individuels neutron PGP-DIN afin de restituer correctement les doses reçues par les opérateurs séjournant h ces postes. Ces mesures ont été effectuées au cours de deux campagnes successives. La tluence neutronique et le débit d'équivalent de dose amhiantH*(IO) ont été mesurés en fonction de l'énergie avec le spectromètre ROSPEC et un système de sphères de BONNER. Les champs de radiations étant toutefois mixtes, c'est-à-dire présentant une composante neutronique et photonique, des mesures de débits d'équivalent de dose ambiant photon aux postes de travail considérés ont également été réalisées à l'aide de débitmètres d'ambiance. Les dosimètres individuels PGP-DIN ont été positionnés sur un fantôme (ISO) d'eau. Des calculs effectués h l'aide du code MCNP ont été comparés aux résultats expérimentaux. Neutron spectrometry and dosimetry measurement at workplaces for calibration of individual PGP-DIN dosimeters. Measurements to determine new coefficients for individual neutron dosimeters PGP-DIN complying with the ICRP 60 recommendations were performed at two workplaces at the CEA of Valduc: a storage r w m and a plutonium reprocessing plant. Two spectrometry campaigns were performed allowing a better assessment of doses received by operators worki.ng at these workplaces. Neutron energy fluence and ambient dose equivalent rate H*(10) distributions were measured as function of neutron energy by using the ROSPEC device and BONNER spheres spectrometer. The radiation field being mixed neutron and gamma, the gamma component was also evaluated: neutron and photon dose-rate meters were nsed to evaluate the ambient dose rate equivalent. Individual dosemeters were positioned on an ISO water slab phantom. In addition, calculations were performed using the MCNP simulation code for different configurations. ' Insiitui de radioprotection ct de sûre16 nucléaire, DPHD, B.P. 17. 92262 Fontcnay-aux-Roses Cedcx, France

    Charge order and suppression of superconductivity in HgBa2CuO4 at high pressures

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    New insight into the superconducting properties of HgBa2CuO4 (Hg-1201) cuprates is provided by combined measurements of the electrical resistivity and single crystal X-ray diffraction under pressure. The changes induced by increasing pressure up to 20GPa in optimally doped single crystals were investigated. The resistivity measurements as a function of temperature show a metallic behavior up to ~10GPa that gradually passes to an insulating state, typical of charge ordering, that totally suppresses superconductivity above 13GPa. The changes in resistivity are accompanied by the apparition of sharp Bragg peaks in the X-ray diffraction patterns indicating that the charge ordering is accompanied by a 3D oxygen ordering appearing at 10GPa of wavevector [0.25, 0, L]. As pressure induces a charge transfer of about 0.02 at 10GPa, our results are the first observation of charge order competing with superconductivity that develops in the over-doped region of the phase diagram of a cuprate.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure

    Pressure evolution of electronic and crystal structure of non-centrosymmetric EuCoGe3_3

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    We report on the pressure evolution of the electronic and crystal structures of the noncentrosymmetric antiferromagnet EuCoGe3. Using a diamond anvil cell, we performed high pressure fluorescence detected near-edge x-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Eu L3, Co K, and Ge K edges and synchrotron powder x-ray diffraction. In the Eu L3 spectrum, both divalent and trivalent Eu peaks are observed from the lowest pressure measurement (~2 GPa). By increasing pressure, the relative intensity of the trivalent Eu peak increases, and an average Eu valence continuously increases from 2.2 at 2 GPa to 2.31 at~50 GPa. On the other hand, no discernible changes are observed in the Co K and Ge K spectra as a function of pressure. With the increase in pressure, lattice parameters continuously decrease without changing I4mm symmetry. Our study revealed a robust divalent Eu state and an unchanged crystal symmetry of EuCoGe3 against pressure.Comment: Accepted in PRB https://journals.aps.org/prb/accepted/b2073O6fL9e1ca40307905b1de5bf05de12d8fc1

    Active personal dosemeters in interventional radiology: tests in laboratory conditions and in hospitals

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    The work package 3 of the ORAMED project, Collaborative Project (2008-11) supported by the European Commission within its seventh Framework Programme, is focused on the optimisation of the use of active personal dosemeters (APDs) in interventional radiology and cardiology (IR/IC). Indeed, a lack of appropriate APD devices is identified for these specific fields. Few devices can detect low-energy X rays (20-100 keV), and none of them are specifically designed for working in pulsed radiation fields. The work presented in this paper consists in studying the behaviour of some selected APDs deemed suitable for application in IR/IC. For this purpose, measurements under laboratory conditions, both with continuous and pulsed X-ray beams, and tests in real conditions on site in different European hospitals were performed. This study highlights the limitations of APDs for this application and the need of improving the APD technology so as to fulfil all needs in the IR/IC fiel

    Electronic neutron personal dosemeters: their performance in mixed radiation fields in nuclear power plants

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    This work describes spectral distributions of neutrons obtained as function of energy and direction at four workplace fields at the Krümmel reactor in Germany. Values of personal dose equivalent Hp(10) and effective dose E are determined for different directions of a person's orientation in these fields and readings of personal neutron dosemeters—especially electronic dosemeters—are discussed with respect to Hp(10) and

    Pressure induced high-spin to low-spin transition in FeS evidenced by x-ray emission spectroscopy

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    We report the observation of the pressure-induced high-spin to low-spin transition in FeS using new high-pressure synchrotron x-ray emission spectroscopy techniques. The transition is evidenced by the disappearance of the low-energy satellite in the Fe Kβ\beta emission spectrum of FeS. Moreover, the phase transition is reversible and closely related to the structural phase transition from a manganese phosphide-like phase to a monoclinic phase. The study opens new opportunities for investigating the electronic properties of materials under pressure.Comment: ReVTeX, 4 pages, 3 figures inserted with epsfig. minor modifications before submission to PR

    Energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy at LNLS: Investigation on strongly correlated metal oxides

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    An energy-dispersive X-ray absorption spectroscopy beamline mainly dedicated to X-ray magnetic circular dichroism (XMCD) and material science under extreme conditions has been implemented in a bending-magnet port at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory. Here the beamline technical characteristics are described, including the most important aspects of the mechanics, optical elements and detection set-up. The beamline performance is then illustrated through two case studies on strongly correlated transition metal oxides: an XMCD insight into the modifications of the magnetic properties of Cr-doped manganites and the structural deformation in nickel perovskites under high applied pressure. © 2010 International Union of Crystallography. Printed in Singapore - all rights reserved.Fil: Cezar, Julio C.. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Souza Neto, Narcizo M.. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Piamonteze, Cínthia. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Tamura, Edilson. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Garcia, Flávio. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Carvalho, Edson J.. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Neueschwander, Régis T.. Laboratorio Nacional de Luz Síncrotron; BrasilFil: Ramos, Aline Y.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Tolentino, Hélio C. N.. Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique; FranciaFil: Caneiro, Alberto. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Centro Atómico Bariloche; Argentina. Comisión Nacional de Energía Atómica. Gerencia del Área de Energía Nuclear. Instituto Balseiro; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; ArgentinaFil: Massa, Nestor Emilio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino". Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas. Centro de Química Inorgánica "Dr. Pedro J. Aymonino"; ArgentinaFil: Martinez Lope, Maria Jesus. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Alonso, José Antonio. Instituto de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid; España. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas; EspañaFil: Itié, Jean Paul. L'Orme des Merisiers. Synchrotron SOLEIL; Franci