115 research outputs found

    Isolasi, Formulasi, dan Uji Efektivitas Antibakteri Granul Liofilisat Bakteri Asam Laktat Asal Kimchi terhadap Bakteri Penyebab Diare

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    Kimchi merupakan salah satu makanan fermentasi yang mengandung bakteri asam laktat. Bakteri asam laktat merupakan kelompok bakteri gram positif yang tidak membentuk spora dan dapat memfermentasikan karbohidrat untuk menghasilkan asam laktat dan bersifat katalase negatif. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendapatkan isolat bakteri asam laktat asal kimchi dengan karakteristik spesifik, serta formula granul liofilisat bakteri asam laktat yang stabil dan memiliki efektivitas terhadap bakteri penyebab diare. Metode yang digunakan pada penelitian ini untuk isolasi yaitu metode tuang, pengujian aktivitas dengan metode difusi agar atau Kirby-Bauer terhadap bakteri uji Escherichia coli dan Salmonella typhimurium, sedangkan untuk formula granul dibuat dengan metode granulasi basah dan menggunakan variasi zat aktif yaitu liofilisat bakteri asam laktat. Dari hasil isolasi didapatkan sebanyak 8 isolat bakteri asam laktat asal kimchi dengan karakteristik makroskopik, mikroskopik serta uji katalase menyerupai bakteri asam laktat dan hasil uji aktivitas dari 8 isolat, isolat K8 memiliki aktivitas terbesar dengan diameter penghambatan 11,015±1,0 mm terhadap Escherichia coli dan 11,68±0,6 mm terhadap Salmonella typhimurium. Hasil dari formulasi granul liofilisat menunjukkan formula F3 memiliki sifat kestabilan yang baik serta efektifitas yang baik dengan diameter penghambatan terbesar pada granul yaitu 8,31±0,03 mm terhadap Escherichia coli dan 13,97±1,4 mm terhadap Salmonella typhimurium

    Improvement of autonomous railway monitoring robot prototype as fault detection on railway

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    One of the causes of accidents on trains to date has been caused by damage of railways such as cracked rails, broken rails and other rail defects. Currently, the inspection of the railway line is still carried out manually by the railway inspection officer or Petugas Penilik Jalan Rel (PPJ). However, there is a prototype Autonomous Railways Monitoring Robot (ARMR) which is a prototype inspection robot that can perform rail line checks automatically and be monitored remotely to detect any faults on the railway. The ARMR prototype detects faults as well as locations that are subsequently delivered to users by utilizing some Internet of Things (IoT) features. Faults detected by ARMR prototypes are faults as rail damage. But, the ARMR prototype is unable to distinguish a fault and rail connection. This final task aims to improve armr prototype capabilities to produce information in the form of depth and width of faults, and to distinguish faults and rail connections. The VL6180X sensor is a laser- based distance sensor used as a depth detector for rail faults and rail connections. The Incremental Encoder is enabled to measure the width of the rail fault. The result of ten experiments at 20 cm/s, the ARMR prototype was able to produce 78 mm fault depth size information with an error value of 1,67%, produce 5 mm wide fault width information with an error value of 2,48 % and be able to distinguish faults and connections with 72 % accuracy for the comparison of the distance between the ARMR prototype and the distance shown on google maps.One of the causes of accidents on trains to date has been caused by damage of railways such as cracked rails, broken rails and other rail defects. Currently, the inspection of the railway line is still carried out manually by the railway inspection officer or Petugas Penilik Jalan Rel (PPJ). A prototype of Autonomous Railways Monitoring Robot (ARMR) is a prototype of inspection robot that can perform rail line checks automatically and be monitored remotely to detect any faults on the railway. The robot detects the width of the rail fault by reading the number of pulse train sent by the encoder and the depth of the rail fault by reading the time delay signal received by the distance sensor. The result of rail fault and location are subsequently delivered to users by utilizing several features of the Internet of Things (IoT). Faults detected by ARMR prototype, but it is unable to distinguish a fault and rail connection. To overcome this weakness, a camera is used that will capture the shape of the fault or rail connection. The results of the experiment at a speed of 20 cm / s, the robot is able to detect the width of the rail fault of 78 mm with an error value of 1.67%, and a fault width of 5 mm with an error value of 2.48%. The robot also able to distinguish faults and connections with 72 % accuracy for the comparison of the distance between the ARMR prototype and the distance shown on google maps


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui adanya pengaruh konsentrasi substrat berbeda yang digunakan, terdapat beberapa aspek yang digunakan seperti aspek biologi, kimia, dan fisika kombucha rosella. Banyak sekali manfaat kombucha rosella bagi tubuh namun kurangnya pemanfaatan dari masyarakat. Kelopak bunga rosella dimanfaatkan dengan cara difermentasi menggunakan SCOBY dan substrat berupa gula dengan lama fermentasi yang telah ditentukan. Proses fermentasi kombucha rosella melibatkan aktivitas Acetobacter xylinum dan Saccharomyces serevisiae. Perbedaan konsentrasi substrat yang digunakan dengan perlakuan G1(4%), G2(6%), G3(8%), Dan G4(10%). Jenis penelitian yang digunakan yaitu penelitian kualitatif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan adanya pengaruh aspek biologi, kimia, dan fisika kombucha rosella dengan konsentrasi substrat berbeda. Kata Kunci: Kombucha Rosella, Konsentrasi Substrat, Aspek Biologi, Kimia, dan Fisika

    Law Enforcement Challenges to Defamation on Social Media

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    The aim of this research is to find out and analyze aboutlaw enforcement against perpetrators of defamation through social media in jurisdictionsAs a result of this research, researchers found that first, How is the implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of defamation via social media by the Gorontalo City Police, after the ITE Law No.19 of 2016, that is the implementation of law enforcement against perpetrators of defamation via social media by Satreskrim. Second, the factors that become obstacles for the police in enforcing the law against perpetrators of defamation through social media in accordance with the ITE Law No. 19 of 2016, namely the obstacles or obstacles lie in the legal constraints themselves, constraints from law enforcement, constraints on facilities and infrastructure, constraints from society, cultural constraint

    A dual strategy to improve psychotic patients\u27 compliance using sustained release quetiapine oral disintegrating tablets

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    Quetiapine (QT) is a short acting atypical antipsychotic drug effective in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. This study aims at designing a novel dosage form of sustained release taste-masked QT orally disintegrating tablets (ODTs) based on solid lipid micro-pellets (SLMPs). QT SLMPs were prepared using the hot melt extrusion technique utilizing three lipid carriers: Compritol, Precirol and white beeswax either alone or in mixtures. They showed sustained QT release and a taste masking effect. The selected QT SLMP was further blended with an aqueous solution containing polyvinylpyrollidone (2.5%), croscarmellose sodium (2%) and mannitol (50%); it was then lyophilized into ODT in a mass ratio of 1:2 respectively. ODTs containing QT SLMPs showed: average wetting time (40.92 s), average oral disintegration time (21.49 s), average hardness (16.85 N) and also imparted suitable viscosity to suspend pellets during lyophilization process. In conclusion, lyophilization is a promising technique for the formulation of multiparticulate systems into ODTs

    Fabrication Of Porous Β_TCP Scaffold Via Freeze Drying Method

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    Beta-tricalcium phosphate (β-TCP) has been widely used for biomedical application. There are several methods to fabricate porous scaffolds including solvent casting, phase separation, rapid prototyping and electrospinning methods. In the present study, β-TCP scaffolds and alginate coated β-TCP scaffolds were fabricated using freeze drying method. β-TCP slurry was frozen and freeze dried for 24 hours followed by sintering process to form β-TCP scaffolds. The porous β-TCP scaffold were fabricated at different percentages of β-TCP powder used (10 wt%, 20 wt% and 30 wt%) and froze at different freezing temperature (-10°C, -20°C, -40°C and -80°C), in order to study the effect of these parameters on the pore formation of the scaffolds. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis for 30 wt% β-TCP scaffold frozen at -10°C revealed acceptable pore size distribution with majority pore size within the range of 102.65 μm to 372.90 μm. Furthermore, this scaffold also possessed highest compressive strength of 0.31 MPa. In order to investigate the effect of alginate coating on mechanical properties, 30 wt% β-TCP scaffold at freezing temperature of -10°C was selected to be impregnated with 5% of sodium alginate. After coating was completely done, Fourier transformed infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analysis and SEM analysis were done. FTIR analysis identifies the existence of sodium alginate functional groups while SEM observation shows smoother surface. Compression test analysis shows that with the coating of sodium alginate on the -TCP scaffold increased in the compression strength value to 0.8 MPa from 0.31 MPa were obtained

    Spatio-Temporal Analysis of Ground Movement Using Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Photogrammetry in Gampong Lamkleng, Aceh Besar

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    Ground movement is one of the most frequent disasters causing major damages in Indonesia. Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) has been widely used as a rapid observation method to obtain detailed characterization of ground movement. Often, active landslide area is difficult to access. This hinders close monitoring and observations of the ground movement. This study aims to demonstrate the use of UAV as tools for monitoring and observations on active ground movement area and to validate the results. For this purpose, the study was conducted at Gampong Lamkleng, Aceh Besar-Indonesia using spatio-temporal analysis by UAV photogrammetry. The UAV was chosen because it is easy to use, practical, and safe for landslide area that are relatively small and difficult to reach. Aerial photographs were processed using the Agisoft Metashape software in modeling and analyzed using Quantum GIS (QGIS) and ArcGis. The observation results show that the largest ground movement occurred in January 20 to 23, 2021 which was related to precipitation rates measured at a nearby rainfall station. The movement volume was 1,411.063 m3 and a rate of ground movement reaching 0.69 m/day due to heavy rain. The estimated value of losses is IDR 1,055,854,000. The UAV images analysis were compared to actual ground elevation measured using Real-Time Kinematic (RTK). The validation show that the accuracy based on comparison between photogrammetric and RTK measurement was at agreeable rate (99%). Otherwise, the accuracy performed on 19 check point using Root Mean Square Error analysis found that the accuracy was still very low. The low RMSE value is due to the georeferencing process using the Ground Control Point not being carried out

    Medical Imaging Student's Assessment on Radiation Protection in Clinical Training

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    This study evaluates pre- and post-clinical training radiation protection awareness and knowledge among medical imaging students. A cross-sectional study of 120 medical imaging students from Malaysian public universities was undertaken. The survey is based on the developed Healthcare Professional Knowledge of Radiation Protection (HPKRP) scale. There was a significant difference between the pre and post-clinical training students in their awareness of radiation protection but no difference in other radiological knowledge. Therefore, clinical training remained a fundamental component of medical imaging education for students to gain the skills and understanding of appropriate radiation protection procedures

    Kampung Mesilou landslide: The controlling factors

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    This landslide study was conducted in Kampung Mesilou, Kundasang. Desk study, field study and data analysis used were based on recorded slides occurred in 2008, July 2013, November 2013 and June 2015. These episodic landslides have significant impact on road, concrete bridge, vegetable gardens and killed a farmer. Factors that control the slides are natural and anthropogenic activities. The natural factors include geological characteristics, weathering, excessive precipitation and natural river phenomena. Human activity is represented by unguided cutting slope for development purposes. The geological factor consists of unconsolidated Pinosuk Gravel rock unit, topography and occurrence of active northeast-southwest fault zone crossing this area. High weathering rate has weakening the underlying rock unit as well as heavy precipitation. Intermittently high energy during storm of the main river channel of Mesilou River has been increasing the rate of erosion at slope base since few decades. Natural slope was steepened during road construction and become less stable. Slope stability analysis has confirmed the slope is unstable with FOS < 1, especially during rainy session

    Whole genome sequencing for drug resistance determination in Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    South Africa remains challenged with a high tuberculosis burden accompanied by an increase in drug resistant cases. We assessed the use of the Illumina MiSeq, a next-generation sequencing platform for whole genome sequencing, followed by bioinformatic analysis using a commercial software package to determine resistance to selected drugs used for Mycobacterium tuberculosis treatment in our setting. Whole genome sequencing shows potential as a diagnostic platform for the detection of drug resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis with the provision of information for several drugs simultaneously.Funding was provided by the National Institute for Communicable Diseases, a division of the National Health Laboratory Service, South Africa.The National Institute for Communicable Diseases, a division of the National Health Laboratory Service, South Africahttp://www.ajlmonline.orgam2020Medical Microbiolog