10,552 research outputs found

    Performance of treated and untreated asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membrane in series and cascade module configurations for CO2/CH4 gas separation system

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    This study investigates the effects of one-, two- and three-stage membrane system configurations in series arrangement for theCO2/CH4 separation for both untreated and treated membranes. Asymmetric polysulfone hollow fiber membranes were fabricated from 33 wt.% of polysulfone polymer using dry/wet phase inversion process. The produced membranes were characterized by pure gas permeation experiments, Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC), Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), density measurement and Thermogravimetric Analysis (TGA). For both untreated and treated membranes, the pressure-normalized flux of CO2 decreased with increasing of the membrane stages. In addition, the selectivities of asymmetric hollow fiber membrane showed a more constant trend with feed pressure. Treated membrane exhibited lower pressure-normalized flux than untreated membranes due to skin layer densification which increased the transport resistance, thus lead to the reduction in pressure-normalized fluxes. Among all the three configurations studied, two-stage membrane configuration showed the most constant trend in term of selectivity. However, three-stage cascade configuration produced the highest CO2/CH4 selectivity especially when tested at low feed pressure range. Effect of stage cut on feed pressure showed an increasing trend with increasing of CO2 and CH4 feed pressure for all configurations. This is due to the increase of the permeation driving force, which caused the passage of larger amounts of more permeable gas through the membrane. This study showed that, three-stage cascade configuration exhibited the smallest stage cut values thus produced higher purity of CO2 in permeate stream

    Health Inequities with Somali Women in Kuala Lumpur

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    Edited by Kirandeep Kau

    Seleksi Penerimaan Karyawan Baru Menggunakan Metode WP (Weighted Product) dengan Bahasa Pemrograman PHP dan MySQL

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    Seleksi karyawan merupakan proses pencarian dan penarikan tenaga kerja yang memiliki potensi untuk mengisi lowongan pekerjaan, tenaga kerja yang berkualitas sangat berpengaruh pada performa kemajuan Perusahaan. Dalam proses pengambilan keputusan penerimaan karyawan baru masih dipengaruhi faktor subjektifitas dan Perusahaan sering kali mengalami kesulitan dalam memilih karyawan, karena banyaknya calon karyawan yang melamar sedangkan yang akan diterima menjadi karyawan sangat terbatas. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu merancang sebuah aplikasi pengambilan keputusan yang dapat membantu penerimaan calon karyawan baru.Salah satu metode yang digunakan untuk pengambilan keputusan yaitu metode WP karena metode WP merupakan metode penyelesaian multi kriteria dimana dalam perekrutan atau seleksi calon karyawan banyak kriteria yang harus dipertimbangkan.Metode pengembangan pada sistem ini menggunakan metode waterfall. Bahasa pemograman yang digunakan adalah PHP dan MySQL sebagai database server.Dari hasil penelitian ini yaitu memberi kemudahan dalam pengambilan keputusan untuk menentukan karyawan yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan dan Kriteria Perusahaan

    Unbuttoned: : The interaction between provocativeness of female work attire and occupational status

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    This document is the Accepted Manuscript. The final publication is available at Springer via https://doi.org/10.1007/s11199-015-0450-8.Gender-biased standards in United Kingdom (UK) workplaces continue to exist. Women experience gender discrimination in judgements of competence, even by other women. Clothing cues can subtly influence professional perceptions of women. The aim of this study was to investigate how minor manipulations to female office clothing affect the judgements of competence of them by other UK females and to examine whether such effects differ with occupational status. One group of female university students (n = 54) and one group of employed females (n = 90), all from London and the East of England, rated images of faceless female targets, on a global competence measure derived from six competence ratings (of intelligence, confidence, trustworthiness, responsibility, authority, and organisation). The dress style was conservative but varied slightly by skirt length and the number of buttons unfastened on a blouse. The female targets were ascribed different occupational roles, varying by status (high – senior manager, or low - receptionist). Participants viewed the images for a maximum of 5 s before rating them. Overall participants rated the senior manager less favourably when her clothing was more provocative, but more favourably when dressed more conservatively (longer skirt, buttoned up blouse). This interaction between clothing and status was not present for the receptionist. Employed participants also rated females lower than did student participants. We conclude that even subtle changes to clothing style can contribute towards negative impressions of the competence of women who hold higher status positions in a UK cultural contextPeer reviewedFinal Accepted Versio

    Pediatric paraspinal penetrating sewing needle

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    Pediatric spinal injuries are very rare conditions and account for 1%-10% of all spinal injuries Domestic accidents, such as falling and bumping, are frequent events during childhood.In this study, a 1-year-old boy who was under treatment due to a penetrating trauma at the posterior thoracolumbar intersection is presented. The patient was referred to our clinic after a needle became impaled into his back due to an accident that occurred at home. The patient’s neurologic assessment was normal. A radiologic study of the patient showed the presence of a metallic foreign object, extending into the paravertebral muscle on the left side of the T12-L1 intersection. The needle was removed promptly after an emergent surgical procedure. No any complications were present during the follow-up visit after 1 month. Emergent surgical intervention is necessary in paraspinal and spinal penetrating traumas. © 2015, Yuzuncu Yil Universitesi Tip Fakultesi, Universitas Indonesia. All rights reserved

    The Impact of Supervisory Inputs on Postgraduate Students

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    Pengawasan telah menjadi isu utama dalam studi di sekolah pascasarjana. Pengawasan dapat didefinisikan sebagai hubungan orang per orang secara intensif dan interpersonal. Pengawas dirancang untuk dapat memfasilitasi perkembangan akademik mahasiswa baik terkait dengan tugas maupun penelitian mereka. Paper ini menunjukkan betapa kompleksnya bidang pengawasan terhadap mahasiswa, yang dipengaruhi oleh banyak faktor, di antaranya latar belakang sosial, kepribadian pengawas dan mahasiswa, hubungan yang berkembang di antara mereka, keahlian pengawas, dan masalah-masalah yang dihadapi oleh para mahasiswa. Paper ini mendiskusikan pentingnya input-input kepengawasan dalam proses pengawasan, dan juga meneropong hakikat interaksi sosial antara pengawas dengan mahasiswa. Sasaran yang dituju dalam paper ini adalah untuk mengembangkan pengawasan yang efektif terhadap mahasiswa sekolah pascasarjana guna menghasilkan modal sumber daya manusia yang unggul. Kata kunci : pengawasan, mahasiswa pascasarjana, input kepengawasan, dan pengawasan efekti

    Radiographic Study of Developmental Alteration in Tooth Number Among Children in IIUM Dental Clinic

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    Background: The aim of this research was to determine the prevalence, distribution and association of developmental alteration in tooth number with gender, location, and presence of delayed eruption of tooth among children who attended to Student's polyclinic of IIUM Kuantan, Malaysia. Methods: A cross sectional study on total 727 Orthopanthomograms (OPGs) of 3-17 years old children from April 2009 to July 2012. OPGs with presence of alteration number were scrutinized to find out the prevalence, distribution and association. The data was analyzed comparing gender, location and presence of delayed eruption and tested using Chi-square test. Results: Out of 727 OPGs, 71 OPGs showed developmental alteration in tooth number. The prevalence was 98/1000 OPGs within 3 years. Among those 71 OPGs, the gender differences were: males (49.3%) and females (50.7%). Locations were found in maxilla (45.1%), mandible (40.8%) and both (14.0%). The finding of delayed eruption was (7.0%). There were significant differences between alteration in tooth number with location as (p<0.05) while there were no significant differences with gender and delayed eruption as (p>0.05). Conclusions: This study showed that hyperdontia was considerably lower than hypodontia. There was association between alteration in tooth number with location, but no association with gender and delayed eruption