20 research outputs found

    Validitas Jobsheet Instalasi Perumahan Berbasis Proyek Berbantuan E-Learning Di Pendidikan Vokasi

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    The problem in learning residential houses installations is that the results of student practice are not in accordance with the existing job sheets. Students have difficulty understanding the work steps in the existing job sheet. E-learning is one of the answers to the demands of learning at this time. Therefore, learning media using e-learning is needed. This article aims to test the validity of e-learning-assisted project-based residential houses installation job sheet. The research method used is the mix method. Testing using validity instruments on aspects of content, format and presentation. The analysis used is Aiken's V formula. The results of testing and analysis show that the e-learning-assisted project-based residential houses installation job sheet is valid in the aspects of content, format and presentation

    The Effects Of Leadership Style, Organizational Culture and Self-Concept on Trainers’ Performance at The Vocational Training Institutions

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    The purpose of this study is to understand the influence between leadership style, organizational culture, and self-concept on the trainers’ performance at the Vocational Training Institutions in Batam. These factors are contributing a lot to the successive performance of the students, trainers, and institutions. However, this study only gives framework to the performance of the trainers. Improving trainers’ performance will lead to the improvement of training or educational operation. Some methods such as interviews, observations and questionnaires were used to collect the data. There were 82 trainers selected as respondents to fill the questionnaires, and the data obtained were analyzed using SPSS program. Statistical test methods such as prerequisite analytical tests, t-test, F-test, multiple linear regressions, and coefficients determination. The results give conclusion that there is significant effect and correlation between the leadership styles, organizational cultures, and self-concept on the trainers’ performance at the Vocational Training Institutions in Batam

    Energi Alternatif Untuk Penerangan Lampu Jalan Surau Al Ikhlas Jorong Balai Gadang Sungayang

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    Penggunaan tenaga surya menjadi salah satu usaha dalam mengurangi ketergantungan terhadap sumber energi fosil namun sangatlah jarang digunakan di masyarakat. Hal ini menjadi dasar dalam kegiatan Program Kemitraan Masyarakat ini, yaitu pemanfaatan tenaga surya sebagai sumber energi pada Penerangan Jalan Umum (PJU). Surau Al Ikhlas  Jorong Balai Gadang Sungayan Tanah Datar Sumatera Barat, sebagai mitra belum memiliki lampu penerangan jalan dan halaman surau. Berdasarkan hal itu, pemanfaatan energi alternatif menjadi solusi yang tepat, karena tidak membutuhkan biaya operasional. Setelah dilakukan pemasangan, intensitas  pencahayaan pada jalan dan halaman surau telah sesuai dengan persyaratan. Penerangan ada sangat membantu masyarakat sekitar untuk melaksanakan aktivitas ibadah  malam har

    Evaluation of ISO 9001 Lead Auditor Training Program using CIPP Model at ATS Training Centre

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    This research is performed to evaluate the implementation of ISO 900A Lead Auditor Training program using CIPP model evaluation method which comprising of four aspects i.e.: (1) Context, (2) Input, (3) Process and (4) Product. The research method is using mixed method by using both quantitative and qualitative methods, where the data are collected using sampling technique by distributing questionnaires to 15 trainers and 25 trainees or training participants. The data also enriched by using qualitative method of interview and observation done on trainers and training participants. The results of the research and studies show that the training program from the context aspects of the trainers is 80.65% and from participants is 80.45%, from the input aspects of the trainers and participants are consecutively 81.5% and 75.87%, from the process aspects are 79.2% and 71.87%, and from the product aspects of trainers and participants are 80.02% and 75.7%. This can be concluded that the range of TPR are from 71.87% to 81.5% which fall into ‘good’ and ‘very good’ categories


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    The purpose of this study is to seek to improve the learning outcomes of students using interactive multimedia Power Point work on the subjects of Basic learning and Electrical Measurements Work in class X TIPTL 2 SMKN 1 Padang. This type of study is a quasi-experiment. Students of class X TITL 2 Padang 1 SMKN were collected in the 2016/2017 school year consisting of 30 students as research subjects. Collecting data in this study using the test results to learn pre and post objective be about 30 items to 30 items for pre- and post. The test questions that will be used first on the tests to determine the validity, reliability, difficulty index, and different power test questions. Data were analyzed using Gain Score. The average value of the pre-test before deploying interactive multimedia Power Point is 58.5 and average values applied after the interactive Power Point post-test media is 79. Hence Gain score calculation means of learning results of students increase 0478 in the average category. It can be concluded that the interactive multimedia Power Point application can improve the results student of class X TITL 2 SMK 1 Padang on topics Basic learning and Electrical Measurements

    Perancangan Media Pembelajaran Listrik Statis dan Dinamis Berbasis Android

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    This study discusses about design of static electricity and dynamic electricity learning media based on Android. designed learning media containing static and dynamic electrical materials that are abstract and not visible to see. The material is described in real and easily understood by learners. The method used in the design of learning media is SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) Waterfall model. And the design model of learning media using UML (Unified Modeling Language) with Use case diagram, flowchart and then developed using Adobe Flash CS6 tool. The results of this study indicate that the learning tool of static and dynamic electricity based on android easy to use for learners and teachers in the learning process. Keywords : Learning Tools, Android, Static Electricity, Dynamic Electricit

    Desain Sel Surya Untuk Kebutuhan Penerangan Rumah Tinggal

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    Seiring dengan pertumbuhan penduduk, kawasan pemukiman, industri dan ekonomi akan meningkatkan kebutuhan energi listrik. Peningkatan kebutuhan energi listrik yang tidak diikuti dengan pertumbuhan pasokan energi listrik mengakibatkan terjadi pemadaman listrik. Pemadaman listrik pada rumah tinggal dapat diatasi dengan pemasangan sel surya off grid dengan backup battery. Tujuan penelitian ini menghasilkan desain pembangkit listrik energi terbarukan dengan sel surya 6 x 50  Wp dengan kapasitas bateray 150 Ah pada tegangan 12 V. Pemasangan panel surya pada rumah tinggal tersebut dapat dimanfaatkan untuk penerangan dengan kapasitas 300 watt. Hasil penelitian ini bahwa perubahan cuaca sangat mempengaruhi daya yang dihasilkan dari sel surya dimana semakin cerah cuaca akan menghasilkan daya yang lebih besar dibandingkan saat cuaca berawan. Setelah melakukan pengujian pada solar cell memiliki saran Energi listrik yang dihasilkan oleh Pembangkit Listrik Tenaga Surya (PLTS) hanya bisa digunakan untuk keperluan lampu penerangan dan beban kecil yang ada di rumah tinggal

    Pemasangan Solar Cell Untuk Kapal Nelayan

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    Utilization of new renewable energy generation technology can encourage the increase of people's prosperity, especially fishermen. This can be done by utilizing solar energy using solar cell as a source of lighting on the fishing vessel's, thus saving the use of fuel oil. Based on the community service activities aimed at reducing the operational costs of fishermen in the form of Solar cell Installation for fishing boats in the Village Air Tawar Barat District Padang Utara. The implementation method that is given is the installation of solar cell in the ship and training maintenance of solar cell and the introduction of components and hand tools. This activity is held for three days which includes preparation, installation and training and followed by two groups of fishermen, each consisting of 3 members. Each group of fishermen received a complete set of solar cells and installed. This activity has been done well and the solar cell is working properly. Participants hope that such activities can be carried out for the next year, as there are still some fishing boats that are in desperate need. Keywords: Solar Cell, Fishing Ships, Groups of Fisherme

    Evaluation of Packet Tracer Application Effectiveness in Computer Design Networking Subject

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    The dynamics of technological progress in various fields indirectly affect the world of education. One of the indications can be seen in the use of media as a learning tool. This study aims; 1) to investigate the effectiveness of the packet tracer learning media application, 2) to investigate the responses of the students to such applications, 3) to determine the appropriate media used in a learning process.  The research is carried out in the subject of Computer Design Networking. The evaluation research is employed by using a mixed method of qualitative and quantitative approach. The quantitative analysis involved 58 students, while the qualitative analysis involved one productive teacher, one curriculum representative, and four students. Data are analysed by using quantitative and qualitative data analysis techniques. The results show that, the effectiveness of learning media with packet tracer is high i.e., 82.76%, which covers three aspects; software engineering, learning aspects, and display aspects. This means that this packet tracer learning media can be applied as a solution to the limitation of facilities and infrastructures of network practices by considering certain learning situations and conditions. The results indicate that this application is very useful to deal with the high cost of practising tools. It makes the students more enthusiastic and motivated during the learning process. Hence, by implementing this learning method, the interaction and the learning outcomes of the student can be increased

    PENGEMBANGAN MULTIMEDIA INTERAKTIF MATA DIKLAT MEMPERBAIKI MOTOR LISTRIK GUNA PENINGKATAN HASIL BELAJAR: (Development of Interactive Multimedia Course On Improving the Electric Motors For Improvement of Learning Outcomes)

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    The purpose of this article is to improve the learning outcomes of students using interactive multimedia in the eyes of training to improve electric motors in SMK 1 Tanjung Raya. This type of research is a quasi-experimental design with a pretest-posttest one group. The subjects of this study were students of class XII TITL of SMK 1 Tanjung Raya who were enrolled in the 2013/2014 school year consisting of 29 students. Data collection in this study used a test of learning outcomes (posttest) in the form of objective questions as many as 20 items. Before the test questions were used then a test was conducted to determine the validity, reliability, level of difficulty of the questions and the different power of the questions. The data obtained were analyzed using the Gain Score. The results obtained indicate that there is an increase in student learning outcomes that can be seen from the results of the pretest and posttest values, the average value of pretest before using interactive multimedia is 64.48 and the average posttest value after using interactive multimedia is 75.07. So it was concluded that the use of interactive multimedia learning media can improve student learning outcomes in the eyes of training to improve the electric motor