52 research outputs found


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    Traffic performance on the Narogong highway has problems with the desired speed of the highway, as a result of the large number of heavy vehicles that pass through the Narogong Highway, this study was conducted to see that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane can have a positive impact on road traffic performance. observed. Data processing uses microscopic simulations to get the desired road simulation, from this simulation calibration and validation are carried out first to get the existing simulation conditions similar to the observed conditions of the road section being reviewed. From the results of the existing conditions that have been validated, a simulation of the design road model is carried out to see if there are changes that affect the design made by the author. Based on the simulation results, it was found that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane had an impact on increasing the speed of other vehicles such as motorcycles and cars significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to add new policies about heavy vehicle. ABSTRAK Kinerja lalu lintas di jalan raya Narogong memiliki permasalahan dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan dari jalan raya tersebut, akibat dari banyaknya kendaraan berat yang melewati ruas jalan raya Narogong, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur kiri dapat berdampak positif pada kinerja lalu lintas ruas jalan yang diamati. Pengolahan data menggunakan simulasi mikroskopis untuk mendapatkan simulasi jalan yang diinginkan, dari simulasi ini dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kondisi simulasi eksisting yang mirip dengan kondisi observasi ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Dari hasil kondisi eksisting yang sudah divalidasi, dilakukan simulasi model jalan desain untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan yang berpengaruh dari desain yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi ditemukan bahwa pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur sebelah kiri berdampak pada peningkatan kecepatan kendaraan lain seperti motor dan mobil secara signifikan, sehingga diperlukannya kebijakan yang baru untuk kendaraan berat


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    Traffic performance on the Narogong highway has problems with the desired speed of the highway, as a result of the large number of heavy vehicles that pass through the Narogong Highway, this study was conducted to see that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane can have a positive impact on road traffic performance. observed. Data processing uses microscopic simulations to get the desired road simulation, from this simulation calibration and validation are carried out first to get the existing simulation conditions similar to the observed conditions of the road section being reviewed. From the results of the existing conditions that have been validated, a simulation of the design road model is carried out to see if there are changes that affect the design made by the author. Based on the simulation results, it was found that moving heavy vehicles to the left lane had an impact on increasing the speed of other vehicles such as motorcycles and cars significantly. Therefore, it is necessary to add new policies about heavy vehicle. ABSTRAK Kinerja lalu lintas di jalan raya Narogong memiliki permasalahan dengan kecepatan yang diinginkan dari jalan raya tersebut, akibat dari banyaknya kendaraan berat yang melewati ruas jalan raya Narogong, Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk melihat pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur kiri dapat berdampak positif pada kinerja lalu lintas ruas jalan yang diamati. Pengolahan data menggunakan simulasi mikroskopis untuk mendapatkan simulasi jalan yang diinginkan, dari simulasi ini dilakukan kalibrasi dan validasi terlebih dahulu untuk mendapatkan kondisi simulasi eksisting yang mirip dengan kondisi observasi ruas jalan yang ditinjau. Dari hasil kondisi eksisting yang sudah divalidasi, dilakukan simulasi model jalan desain untuk melihat apakah ada perubahan yang berpengaruh dari desain yang dilakukan oleh penulis. Berdasarkan hasil simulasi ditemukan bahwa pemindahan kendaraan berat ke lajur sebelah kiri berdampak pada peningkatan kecepatan kendaraan lain seperti motor dan mobil secara signifikan, sehingga diperlukannya kebijakan yang baru untuk kendaraan berat

    Chemosensory structure and function in the filarial nematode, Brugia malayi

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    Nematode chemosensory behaviors underlie fundamental processes and activities in development, reproduction, tropisms and taxes. For parasitic species, chemosensation is essential for host seeking and host and tissue invasion behaviors. Such fundamental biology presents an attractive target for developing behavior-blocking anthelminthic drugs, but the anatomy and functional relevance of parasitic nematode chemosensory machinery are poorly understood. The goals of this study were to better understand the chemosensory apparatus and behaviors of infectious stage Brugia malayi (Spirurida: Onchocercidae), a mosquito-borne nematode and etiological agent of Lymphatic Filariasis. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that amphids, the major chemosensory organs, are present on adult B. malayi and arranged in a conserved manner. Internal sensory neuroanatomy display structural differences between life stages, and a simpler chemosensory architecture as compared to free-living nematodes. Positive and negative chemotactic behaviors were identified for a repertoire of chemicals with known chemostimulatory activity for the mosquito host that may facilitate host-selectivity and invasion. This is the first description of chemosensory anatomy and chemotactic behaviors in B. malayi that reveal the involvement of chemosensation in parasite transmission and host invasion

    Genomic features of bacterial adaptation to plants

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    Author(s): Levy, A; Salas Gonzalez, I; Mittelviefhaus, M; Clingenpeel, S; Herrera Paredes, S; Miao, J; Wang, K; Devescovi, G; Stillman, K; Monteiro, F; Rangel Alvarez, B; Lundberg, DS; Lu, TY; Lebeis, S; Jin, Z; McDonald, M; Klein, AP; Feltcher, ME; Rio, TG; Grant, SR; Doty, SL; Ley, RE; Zhao, B; Venturi, V; Pelletier, DA; Vorholt, JA; Tringe, SG; Woyke, T; Dangl, JL | Abstract: © 2017 The Author(s). Plants intimately associate with diverse bacteria. Plant-associated bacteria have ostensibly evolved genes that enable them to adapt to plant environments. However, the identities of such genes are mostly unknown, and their functions are poorly characterized. We sequenced 484 genomes of bacterial isolates from roots of Brassicaceae, poplar, and maize. We then compared 3,837 bacterial genomes to identify thousands of plant-associated gene clusters. Genomes of plant-associated bacteria encode more carbohydrate metabolism functions and fewer mobile elements than related non-plant-associated genomes do. We experimentally validated candidates from two sets of plant-associated genes: one involved in plant colonization, and the other serving in microbe-microbe competition between plant-associated bacteria. We also identified 64 plant-associated protein domains that potentially mimic plant domains; some are shared with plant-associated fungi and oomycetes. This work expands the genome-based understanding of plant-microbe interactions and provides potential leads for efficient and sustainable agriculture through microbiome engineering

    The Fate of an Amazonian Savanna: Government Land-Use Planning Endangers Sustainable Development in Amapá, the Most Protected Brazilian State

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    Although Amapa´ is the most protected Brazilian state, the same level of protection does not extend to its savannas. These are currently suffering increased pressure from threats including large-scale agriculture, particularly the expansion of soybean plantations. In September 2016, the Government of Amapa´ presented a zoning proposal (Zoneamento Socioambiental do Cerrado [ZSC]) that reserves most of the savannas for agricultural activities. Here, we outline how the methodology employed is flawed because it does not include fauna surveys, evaluations of ecosystem services or an assessment of the social importance of the savannas. The ZSC authors admit that, contrary to Brazilian legislation, the zoning was carried out with the single intention of increasing agriculture production. Current knowledge indicates that Amapa´’s savannas are rich in biodiversity, including endemic and threatened species, and are also home to a rich culture of traditional populations. These savannas are important providers of ecosystem services that, if intact, could represent around US$ 1.52 billion annually. We hold that the ZSC should be reformulated, with fair participation of stakeholders, in accordance with Brazil’s legal requirements. At least 30% of the savannas should be protected, local family farming should be supported, and the rights of traditional peoples must now be assured through recognition of their land rights

    The Fate of an Amazonian Savanna: Government Land-Use Planning Endangers Sustainable Development in Amapá, the Most Protected Brazilian State

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    Although Amapa´ is the most protected Brazilian state, the same level of protection does not extend to its savannas. These are currently suffering increased pressure from threats including large-scale agriculture, particularly the expansion of soybean plantations. In September 2016, the Government of Amapa´ presented a zoning proposal (Zoneamento Socioambiental do Cerrado [ZSC]) that reserves most of the savannas for agricultural activities. Here, we outline how the methodology employed is flawed because it does not include fauna surveys, evaluations of ecosystem services or an assessment of the social importance of the savannas. The ZSC authors admit that, contrary to Brazilian legislation, the zoning was carried out with the single intention of increasing agriculture production. Current knowledge indicates that Amapa´’s savannas are rich in biodiversity, including endemic and threatened species, and are also home to a rich culture of traditional populations. These savannas are important providers of ecosystem services that, if intact, could represent around US$ 1.52 billion annually. We hold that the ZSC should be reformulated, with fair participation of stakeholders, in accordance with Brazil’s legal requirements. At least 30% of the savannas should be protected, local family farming should be supported, and the rights of traditional peoples must now be assured through recognition of their land rights

    Different experimental approaches in modelling cataractogenesis: An overview of selenite-induced nuclear cataract in rats

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    Cataract, the opacification of eye lens, is the leading cause of blindness worldwide. At present, the only remedy is surgical removal of the cataractous lens and substitution with a lens made of synthetic polymers. However, besides significant costs of operation and possible complications, an artificial lens just does not have the overall optical qualities of a normal one. Hence it remains a significant public health problem, and biochemical solutions or pharmacological interventions that will maintain the transparency of the lens are highly required. Naturally, there is a persistent demand for suitable biological models. The ocular lens would appear to be an ideal organ for maintaining culture conditions because of lacking blood vessels and nerves. The lens in vivo obtains its nutrients and eliminates waste products via diffusion with the surrounding fluids. Lens opacification observed in vivo can be mimicked in vitro by addition of the cataractogenic agent sodium selenite (Na2SeO3) to the culture medium. Moreover, since an overdose of sodium selenite induces also cataract in young rats, it became an extremely rapid and convenient model of nuclear cataract in vivo. The main focus of this review will be on selenium (Se) and its salt sodium selenite, their toxicological characteristics and safety data in relevance of modelling cataractogenesis, either under in vivo or in vitro conditions. The studies revealing the mechanisms of lens opacification induced by selenite are highlighted, the representatives from screening for potential anti-cataract agents are listed