355 research outputs found

    The concept of -Cuts in Multi Q-fuzzy Set

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    The purpose of this paper is to introduce the concept of -Cuts and their properties in multi Q-fuzzy sets. In addition, both first and second decomposition theorems were established and proved. It is shown that any Multi Q-fuzzy Set can be represented as the union of its special -cuts as well as its special strong -cuts

    Some algebraic structures of multi-fuzzy set

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    The paper presents the concept of multi-fuzzy set and its operations. In addition some algebraic structures of multi-fuzzy set were introduced; in particular, the lattice structures, semigroups and groupoids of multi-fuzzy set were established. Some related results were also provided. Keywords: Multi-fuzzy set, Groupoid, Semigroup, Lattic

    The zooplankton and environmental characteristics of Yardantsi Reservoir, Gusau, Nigeria

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    Zooplankton play an important role in the faunal biodiversity of aquatic ecosystems as they assist in transferring algal energy to higher trophic levels through grazing and also eliminate harmful algae from water. The zooplankton and environmental characteristics of Yardantsi Reservoir were studied in order to provide essential information on this important ecosystem that serves as domestic and irrigation water supply, and fishing ground. Samples for water quality and zooplankton analyses were collected from the reservoir from May, 2015 to April, 2017 using standard methods. Three groups of zooplankton (Copepoda, Cladocera and Rotifera) comprising of thirteen genera were encountered. Rotifera (36.69%) and Cladocera (34.44%) were numerically dominant during the rainy and dry seasons, respectively. The highest zooplankton abundance (5646), species richness (11), Shannon-Weiner index (2.25) and Margalef's index (1.16) were observed during the rainy season. Axes 1 and 2 of the principal component analysis (PCA) explained 74.82% and 11.89% of the zooplankton-environmental variable relationship. Diaphanosoma sp, Eubranchipus sp, Kellicottia sp and Macrothrix sp were mostly influenced by NO3, BOD, depth, pH and dissolved oxygen while Cyclops sp and Daphnia were mostly influenced by changes in alkalinity, hardness and chloride. Brachionus patulus, the dominant species in the reservoir was mostly influenced by PO4-P. The study shows that the reservoir is slightly polluted and it is essential to adopt effective management strategies such as reduced agricultural run-offs and riparian animal grazing to prevent further deterioration of water quality

    Brain Tumour Classification using Convolutional Neural Network

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    In this extended abstract, we address the problem of classifying MRI images of di?erent brain tumours to facilitate the development of an automated system for early brain cancer detection. In particular, we adapt the convolutional neural network based on the AlexNet architecture to develop a model that achieves a classi?cation accuracy of 97.5% on average on a real-world dataset containing MRI images of healthy brains and three di?erent kinds of tumours

    Phytochemical and microscopical evaluation of Desmodium velutinum (P. Beauv.) DC (Papilionaceae) used for pain management in Lokoja, Kogi State, Nigeria

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    Microscopical examination was conducted using powdered samples, transverse and longitudinal sections of the leaves of Desmodiumvelutinum. Both quantitative and qualitative studies were carried out on the leaves using standard methods.The leaf powder of D.velutinum was cleared using chloral hydrate and little quantity of it was mounted on a clean slide using dilute glycerol and observed under the compound microscope for the presence of cell inclusions such as cellulose, starch, oil, tannins, and calcium oxalate crystals. Thin layer chromatography was conducted using prepared silica gel plates.The methanol extract was spotted at about 1cm from the bottom end of the plate using a capillary tube. The plates were developed in the glass tank while closed. Thereafter, the plates were removed, the solvent front marked and dried in an oven at 1050C for about 3mins. Each chamber contained plates, some for ultraviolet examination and others sprayed with different reagents, observed, and sometimes heated before observation.The microscopic examination of the leaf powder of Desmodium velutinum(Papilionaceae) and thin section revealed various anatomical features of the plant. The epidermal cells were cuboidal in form. Anomocytic type of stomata which range from 10-12ìm long and 6-8ìm wide were observed only on the lower epidermis. Calcium oxalate crystals were observed in between veins in fresh leaf and numerous unicellular covering trichomes were observed all over the epidermis. The thin layer chromatography(TLC) of the leaf powder of the plant revealed the presence of tannins, steroids, flavonoids and terpenes but absence of alkaloid


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    Program PPL Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta merupakan program yang dilaksanakan pada semester khusus 2014. Program ini memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa UNY untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya dalam bidang pendidikan. SD Negeri Ngoto merupakan salah satu sekolah yang ditunjuk oleh pihak UNY untuk menjadi lokasi pelaksanaan PPL pada tahun 2014. Tujuan dari progran PPL adalah untuk memberikan pengalaman langsung kepada mahasiswa dalam bidang manajerial dan pembelajaran di sekolah; memberikan pengalaman kepada mahasiswa dalam rangka melatih dan mengembangkan profesionalisme dalam bidang keguruan atau pendidikan; memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk mengenal, belajar, dan memahami seluk beluk sekolah dengan segala permasalahannya; serta memberikan kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menerapkan pengetahuan dan kemampuan yang telah dimiliki dalam proses pembelajaran. Praktik mengajar terbimbing dan praktik mengajar mandiri ini meliputi pembuatan rencana pelaksanaan pembelajaran, persiapan media, pelaksanaan pembelajaran, dan evaluasi pembelajaran. Pelaksanaan kegiatan PPL meliputi tiga tahapan yaitu, tahap persiapan, pelaksanaan dan evaluasi. Tahapan persiapan PPL meliputi tahap observasi sekolah, penyusunan program, dan pengajuan proposal. Tahap pelaksanaan meliputi praktik mengajar terbimbing, madiri, dan ujian. Tahap evaluasi sebagai refleksi keberhasilan program yang telah dilaksanakan. Program PPL ini meliputi pelaksanaan praktik mengajar terbimbing sebanyak 8 kali yang dilaksanakan mulai tanggal 15 Agustus 2014 sampai dengan 2 September 2014 dan praktik mengajar mandiri sebanyak 2 kali yang dilaksanakan tanggal 3 dan 6 September 2014. Serta dilaksanakan ujian praktik mengajar dua kali mengajar yang dilaksanakan pada tanggal 9 dan 10 September 2014. Pada pelaksanaan program PPL di SD Negeri Ngoto berjalan dengan baik. Meskipun terdapat beberapa kendala yang dihadapi, akan tetapi dengan kerja sama yang solid antara para mahasiswa PPL sehingga dapat mengatasi permasalahan yang ada. Dukungan dari berbagai pihak terutama pihak sekolah sendiri sangat membantu kelancaran pelaksanaan program PPL di sekolah tersebut

    A Modified Boost-Boost High Gain DC-DC Converter for Photovoltaic (PV) Based Off- Grid Applications

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    This study presents a single switch non-isolated DC-DC converter good for photovoltaic (PV) applications. The proposed topology was constructed using two classical DC-DC boost converters by arranging them in cascade for providing high voltage gain, low duty-cycle, less stress across the semiconductor devices, less size, and low cost. The operating principle and steady-state analysis of an individual component of the proposed topology in continuous conduction mode (CCM) are discussed and the results obtained improved the ones in literatures. The prototype of 120 V DC output voltage with 9 V DC input voltage is implemented and the result obtained validate the simulated result of the proposed converter. Keywords: DC-DC converter, Photovoltaic (PV), Single switch, High gain, Duty-cycle

    Digitalizing Secondary School Activities in Ibadan Metropolitan Secondary Schools, Oyo State, Nigeria

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    Problems associated with manual school activities prompted an investigation into digitalization of secondary school activities in Ibadan metropolis secondary schools considering stakeholders’ preparation vide available ICT facilities, administrators’ and student’ readiness with a survey sample of  teachers and students that consisted of 600 respondents. Data collection instrument is “Digitalizing Secondary Schools Activities Questionnaire” (DSSAQ) with ‘r’-0.80, 0.78 for teachers’ and students respectively. Study results indicate that a significant relationship exist between students’ readiness and digitalization of secondary school activities; r = 0.194; p< 0.05, school administrators’ readiness and digitalization of secondary school activities............Keywords: educational activities, educational stakeholders, digitalizing school activities DOI: 10.7176/JEP/10-14-10 Publication date:May 31st 2019

    Effect of Auditor Proficiency and Audit Quality on Internal Audit Effectiveness in Nigeria’s Federal Public Service

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    The internal audit function, with clearly defined competence and process requirements, has despite its presence within the operations of federal public sector organizations in Nigeria being unable to check the rising cases of frauds and financial improprieties which have continuously been highlighted against them. Furthermore, sufficient attention has not been given to related control issues regardless of the increasing use of information technology (ICT) in public sector operations. The study investigates the effects of competence; the role of ICT; and the quality of internal audit on internal audit effectiveness in Nigeria’s federal public service which is charged with the responsibility of the management of over half of the public revenues accruing to the Nigerian federation but with particular reference to 28 self-accounting federal public organizations operating in the North East Geo-Political Zone. Primary data was obtained from 139 valid responses out of 148 questionnaires administered on the internal auditors of such organizations. Partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) was employed as the technique of data analysis to test the relationships.   The finding of this study revealed that competence and the quality of internal audit showed positive and significant influence on internal audit effectiveness. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) however showed positive but insignificant contribution. The study recommends an effective compliance with minimum entry requirements in the employment and deployment of Internal Auditors; a review and continuous improvement of operating regulations and standards; as well as the deployment of appropriate ICT audit tools and continuous training of internal audit staff by the relevant government offices (Offices of the Accountant General and that of the Head of Civil Service of the Federation – OAGF & OHCSF; and the Nigerian Information Technology Development Agency - NITDA). Keywords: Internal Audit Effectiveness, Competence, ICT, Quality of Internal Work, Public Sector DOI: 10.7176/RJFA/11-6-01 Publication date:March 31st 202