1,769 research outputs found

    Efficient Road Maintenance

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    Tujuan dilakukannya penelitian ini yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana penegakan hukum terhadap kejahatan terorisme sebagai “extra ordinary crime†dalam perspektif hukum internasional dan nasional dan sejauhmana perkembangan konstelasi politik hukum internasional dan implikasinya terhadap politik hukum nasional dalam pemberantasan terorisme, di mana dengan metode penelitian hukum normatif disimpulkan: 1. Penegakan hukum terhadap kejahatan terorisme menjadi salah satu ancaman bagi bangsa Indonesia karena dilakukan dalam berbagai bentuk baik fisik maupun mental, dalam ruang lingkup nasional maupun internasional. Di dalam upaya mencegah dan menanggulangi kejahatan terorisme, Negara Indonesia telah mengesahkan beberapa konvensi internasional yang mengatur terorisme. Pemerintah RI juga telah menyatakan komitmennya untuk memerangi segala bentuk kejahatan terorisme yang dituangkan ke dalam Peraturan Pemerintah Pengganti Undang-undang Nomor 1 Tahun 2002, yang kemudian disahkan menjadi Undang-undang Nomor 15 Tahun 2003 tentang Pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Terorisme. Salah satu pertimbangan perlu dibentuknya Undang-undang yang secara khusus mengatur tentang delik terorisme karena kejahatan terorisme memiliki ciri/kekhasan tersendiri yang berbeda dengan kejahatan biasa lainnya sehingga ia digolongkan ke sebagai Extra ordinary Crime atau kejahatan luar biasa. Extra ordinary Crime adalah suatu perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan maksud untuk menghilangkan hak asasi umat manusia lain dan bisa disebut juga sebagai pelanggaran Hak Asasi Manusia berat. 2. Perkembangan konstelasi politik Internasional dalam kaitannya dengan pemberantasan terorisme dewasa ini sangat didominasi oleh kepentingan politik, ekonomi dan ideologi AS, baik dalam regulasinya dalam berbagai konvensi internasional, resolusi DK dan MU PBB, begitu juga dalam penerapan dan penegakan hukumnya. Kondisi ini dirasakan tidak sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip negara hukum sesuai dengan prinsip-prinsip negara hukum yang demokratis, karena sering menggunakan standar ganda, tidak menghormati hak-hak asasi terdakwa serta tidak menghormati asas praduga tak bersalah.  Agar politik hukum nasional Indonesia dalam pemberantasan terorisme ke depan dapat lebih memenuhi prinsip-prinsip negara hukum berdasarkan Pancasila dan UUD 1945, maka perlu upaya lebih serius dalam peningkatan professionalism dan integritas baik aparat penegak hukum (Kepolisian, aparat kejaksaan dan pengadilan). Khusus berkaitan  dengan lembaga Densus 88 Antiteror, perlu dilakukan pembenahan organisasi terutama pada aspek ideologi komandan dan petugas lapangan, bahwa terorisme tidak ada kaitannya dengan ajaran agama manapun.Kata kunci: terorisme

    Communicating Reproductive Rights to Marginalised Girls and Teenage Mothers at Risk of HIV Infection in Rural Zimbabwe

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    Access to information and resources are critical factors in ensuring that young girls are empowered to handle reproductive health issues. This is especially significant in the context of teenage Landa mothers’ phenomenon, which has a generic relationship with the problem of HIV infection in rural Zimbabwe. The UN Population Fund (2013) indicates that 92% of sexually active women between the ages of 15 and 19 in largely rural Zimbabwe are in a relationship or engage in sexual intercourse regardless of being uninformed about their reproductive rights. It is this paper’s position that uninformed girls and women pose a risk unto themselves and their children, which impacts on the fight against new HIV infections. We argue that reproductive health information is central to the prevention of HIV infection and AIDS related deaths. This paper critically appraises existing communication strategies in the dissemination of reproductive health information in rural, marginalised areas; discussing gaps, weaknesses and possible future directions in reaching vulnerable girls and women in the periphery. Young girls have limited access to information, medical services, support and resources that can empower them to prevent unplanned teenage pregnancies and attendant risks like HIV due to common preconceptions about the taboos of teaching ‘young’ people about ‘adult’ issues in a culture-conscious society

    Bayesian Ordinal Quantile Regression with a Partially Collapsed Gibbs Sampler

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    Unlike standard linear regression, quantile regression captures the relationship between covariates and the conditional response distribution as a whole, rather than only the relationship between covariates and the expected value of the conditional response. However, while there are well-established quantile regression methods for continuous variables and some forms of discrete data, there is no widely accepted method for ordinal variables, despite their importance in many medical contexts. In this work, we describe two existing ordinal quantile regression methods and demonstrate their weaknesses. We then propose a new method, Bayesian ordinal quantile regression with a partially collapsed Gibbs sampler (BORPS). We show superior results using BORPS versus existing methods on an extensive set of simulations. We further illustrate the benefits of our method by applying BORPS to the Fragile Families and Child Wellbeing Study data to tease apart associations with early puberty among both genders. Software is available at: GitHub.com/igrabski/borps

    Changes in the Pulp Tissue Complex Induced by Orthodontic Forces: Is There a Need for Concern? A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of RCTs and Prospective Clinical Trials

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    PURPOSE To identify and assess any changes in the pulp tissue complex following orthodontic force application. MATERIALS AND METHODS Published and unpublished literature was searched in seven databases until 9 August 2022 for randomised controlled trials (RCTs) and prospective trials (nR-PCT). Representative key words included 'pulp response', 'pulp tissue', 'orthodontic force', and 'tooth movement'. Study selection, data extraction, risk of bias and certainty of evidence assessment were conducted independently by two reviewers. Random effects meta-analyses with respective confidence intervals (95%CIs) were conducted where applicable. RESULTS A total of 363 records were screened, a final number of 24 articles were eligible for qualitative synthesis, while 8 of those contributed to meta-analyses. There was evidence that pulpal blood flow (PBF) decreased after 3 weeks of tooth movement compared to no force application (4 studies, mean difference: -1.68; 95% CI: -3.21, -0.15; p = 0.03). However, this was not the case after 6 months of treatment (p = 0.68). A rise in the activity of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) was detected after 7 days of treatment, but combining 2 studies, this was not statistically significant (p = 0.25). Other outcomes were assessed through single studies. Risk of bias was within the range of 'some concerns/moderate to high/critical overall', while certainty of evidence was low to very low according to GRADE. CONCLUSIONS As a short-term effect, PBF decreased upon initiation of orthodontic force application, while enzymatic and peptide activity within the pulp was transiently affected. Further long-term evidence of improved quality and certainty is needed

    Kebutuhan Psikososial Keluarga Yang Mempunyai Anggota Keluarga MenderitaTB Paru

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    Pulmonary TB is still a public health problem in Indonesia and the world. Efforts in controlling TB desease are becoming a focus of the world and become one of the indicators in achieving global development goals. A families roles in TB treatment is very important as Supervisors to take medicine, giving psychological support and create a healthy environment to prevent desease spread. A family that has a member with TB desease oftenly receaved negative stigma hance it could result in treatment failure. This study was conducted to describe family\u27s psychosocial needs among pulmonary tuberculosis patients at X Hospital. This study is descriptive quantitative, using total sampling technique with family respondents pulmonary TB patients are being cared for as many as 57 people. The results showed that all respondents required psychosocial needs include the need for social interaction, emotional, knowledge and spiritual. This shows that the knowledge is very influential toward a families roles as Supervisor to take medicine and in caring for family members who suffer from tuberculosis. Needs with the higest percentage in terms of spiritual item is hope to recover from TB. Based on these results, it is expected X Hospital seeks to improve the fulfillment of the families psychosocial needs by way of to increase the frequency of health information, developed a method of providing information to strengthen knowledge on the information provided, ease of consultation with counseling techniques can be given to increase family participation in treatment programs
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