424 research outputs found

    Observations of the Vertical Structure of Tidal Currents in Two Inlets

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    Observations of the vertical structure of broad band tidal currents were obtained at two energetic inlets. Each experiment took place over a 4 week period, the first at Hampton Inlet in southeastern New Hampshire, USA, in the Fall of 2011, and the second at New River Inlet in southern North Carolina, USA, in the spring of 2012. The temporal variation and vertical structure of the currents were observed at each site with 600 kHz and 1200 kHz RDI Acoustic Doppler Current Profilers (ADCP) deployed on low-profile bottom tripods in 7.5 and 12.5 m water depths near the entrance to Hampton Inlet, and in 8 and 9 m water depth within and outside New River Inlet, respectively. In addition, a Nortek Aquapro ADCP was mounted on a jetted pipe in about 2.5 m water depth on the flank of the each inlet channel. Flows within the Hampton/Seabrook Inlet were dominated by semi-diurnal tides ranging 2.5 - 4 m in elevation, with velocities exceeding 2.5 m/s. Flows within New River inlet were also semi-diurnal with tides ranging about 1 – 1.5 m in elevation and with velocities exceeding 1.5 m/s. Vertical variation in the flow structure at the dominant tidal frequency are examined as a function of location within and near the inlet. Outside the inlet, velocities vary strongly over the vertical, with a nearly linear decay from the surface to near the bottom. The coherence between the upper most velocity bin and the successively vertically separated bins drops off quickly with depth, with as much as 50% coherence decay over the water column. The phase relative to the uppermost velocity bin shifts over depth, with as much as 40 deg phase lag over the vertical, with bottom velocities leading the surface. Offshore, rotary coefficients indicate a stable ellipse orientation with rotational directions consistent over the vertical. At Hampton, the shallower ADCP, but still outside the inlet, shows a rotational structure that changes sign in the vertical indicating a sense of rotation at the bottom that is opposite to that at the surface. Within the inlet, the flow is more aligned with the channel, the decay in amplitude over the vertical is diminished, the coherence and phase structure is nearly uniform, and the rotary coefficients indicate no sense of rotation in the flow. The observations are qualitatively consistent with behavior described by Prandle (1982) for shallow water tidal flows

    Deployment of a bottom monitor at a 30 meters deep site in the New York Bight Apex during the summer of 1993

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    A bottom instrument was deployed on May 5,1993, recovered and redeployed on June 22, 1993 and finally recovered on July 28, 1993 at a 30 meter site in the New York Bight Apex. The instrument measured currents, suspended sediment concentrations, pressure, temperature and conductivity. The data storage was filled in only seven days on the first deployment as in 18 days in the second. The averaging sampling process worked well, producing hourly (first deployment) and half hourly (second deployment) values of all sensors and instrument internal diagnostics to obtain background environmental information. The burst sampling scheme sampled once a day for waves, and identified 6 and 10 second waves present. The event sampling scheme was tested for the first time. During deployment one, high frequency pressure signals were allowed to trigger events, and bad cabling caused excessive events to be recorded, filling the memory prematurely. For deployment two, only the optical sediment sensors were allowed to trigger events, and 146 events were recorded. Many of the events were only seen in one or the other optical sensor and probably associated with fish or floating debris. Other events had unique signatures, one type possibly due to passing ships.Funding was provided by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, New York District

    Exploring Two Approximate Coupling Models in Exciton Transport

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    Point dipole and line dipole coupling approximations are two methods for approximating the transition dipole coupling between two conjugated organic molecules. Transition dipole couplings are an important factor in determining energy transfer between two non-covalently-bonded molecules. Transition dipole couplings were mathematically calculated by two methods, applying the point dipole and line dipole approximations. The calculations were implemented using Octave, an open source computer programming language. Using this tool, software was created to efficiently analyze the differences between transition dipoles calculated using the two methods, for a variety of relative orientations of two model conjugated organic molecules. Custom-built software was created to model two polymers with varying relative orientation within three-dimensional space. As illustrative examples, we analyzed the results of polymers that were parallel, and at a forty-five degree tilt.We also analyzed the dependence of the coupling of two parallel polymers on a key parameter of the line-dipole model, the number of sub-units over which the transition was distributed. We compare the point dipole and line dipole couplings, finding that the line-dipole coupling method generally produces smaller couplings

    Tides of Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays

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    The Massachusetts Bays Program made bottom pressure and water velocity observations in Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays during 1990 and 1991. In the Bays, the sea surface elevation appeared to rise and fall in phase with equal amplitudes at each diurnal or semidiurnal tidal frequency. There is some amplification in Boston and Provincetown harbors. The semidiurnal tides (particularly the M2 constituent) dominate. Massachusetts and Cape Cod Bays are part of the Gulf of Maine/Bay of Fundy system which is resonant near the semidiurnal frequency. This resonance amplifies the importance of the semidiurnal tides so that diurnal and higher harmonic tides become negligible. The sea level tides force currents which move with the same frequencies, but whose amplitudes are affected by the bathymetry. The strongest currents exist in the channel between Race Point and Stellwagen Bank where tidal currents exceed 1 knot. Analysis of current records for their tidal signal is complicated by internal tides which contaminate the records. These internal waves at tidal frequency exist on the stratification in the water column, and disappear during winter well-mixed times. At other times they must be considered as a signifcant source of energy for mixing and resuspension of sediments

    The determination of the elastic modulus of rubber mooring tethers and their use in coastal moorings

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    Compliance must be supplied to any surface mooring to allow the buoy to move with the waves and currents, and remain moored in position. This can be supplied with a traditional chain catenary or newer compliant elastic tether or stretch hose technologies. Some applications of each of these three techniques are shown, with the emphasis placed on the use of compliant elastic tethers. For modeling and designing these moorings, the elastic modulus of the tether material must be known. Therefore, a new and used piece of elastic material was terminated, tested for the stretch-strain relationship under set conditions, and the elastic modulus calculated. For these tests, the elastic tether was stretched out to a mean elongation between 100 and 250%, then cycled about that stretch by ±25 and ±50% to duplicate a moored application. The resultant elastic modulus is presented to aid in mooring design. At low elongations, the elastic modulus is constant at about 125 PSI, but as the mean elongation increases the modulus increases, and as the cycle tension increase the modulus also increases, reaching a maximum of 900 PSI at 275% stretch.Funding was provided by the Gulf of Maine Ocean Observing System (GoMOOS under ONR grant N0014-01-1-0999), NOAA-UNH CINEMAR (NOAA Grant Number NA16RP1718), and GLOBEC (NSF OCE93-13670 and OCE02-27679)

    LOCOMOOR : a LOw-COst MOORing for the measurement of internal solitary waves

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    Presented at the ONR/MTS Buoy Workshop, May 9-11, 2000, Clark Laboratory, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MAIn order to supplement the ASIAEX field effort to measure the temporal and spatial structure of the internal solitary wave field in relationship to acoustic propagation and scattering studies, an array of low-cost temperature moorings (LOCOMOOR) has been developed. The basic concept is to provide spatial coverage as opposed to dense vertical resolution in temperature. Three temperature sensors on each mooring will adequately measure the time of passage of the internal solitary waves. A horizontal array of 20 of these moorings deployed for about three weeks will allow the internal solitary wave front geometry (curvature) and velocity to be measured as they propagate through the experiment region. The arrival time of each pulse within the packet of internal waves will be easily resolved, but the wave amplitude less exactly estimated. However, the amplitude will be very well measured by the velocity and density observations on the more heavily instrumented environmental moorings associated with the acoustic experiment

    New broadband methods for resonance classification and high-resolution imagery of fish with swimbladders using a modified commercial broadband echosounder

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    © 2010 The Authors. This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial License. The definitive version was published in ICES Journal of Marine Science: Journal du Conseil 67 (2010): 365-378, doi:10.1093/icesjms/fsp262.A commercial acoustic system, originally designed for seafloor applications, has been adapted for studying fish with swimbladders. The towed system contains broadband acoustic channels collectively spanning the frequency range 1.7–100 kHz, with some gaps. Using a pulse-compression technique, the range resolution of the echoes is ~20 and 3 cm in the lower and upper ranges of the frequencies, respectively, allowing high-resolution imaging of patches and resolving fish near the seafloor. Measuring the swimbladder resonance at the lower frequencies eliminates major ambiguities normally associated with the interpretation of fish echo data: (i) the resonance frequency can be used to estimate the volume of the swimbladder (inferring the size of fish), and (ii) signals at the lower frequencies do not depend strongly on the orientation of the fish. At-sea studies of Atlantic herring demonstrate the potential for routine measurements of fish size and density, with significant improvements in accuracy over traditional high-frequency narrowband echosounders. The system also detected patches of scatterers, presumably zooplankton, at the higher frequencies. New techniques for quantitative use of broadband systems are presented, including broadband calibration and relating target strength and volume-scattering strength to quantities associated with broadband signal processing.The research was supported by the US Office of Naval Research, grants number N00014-04-1-0440 and N00014-04-1-0475, NOAA/CICOR cooperative agreement NA17RJ1223, NOAA/ National Marine Fisheries Service, and the J. Seward Johnson Chair of the WHOI Academic Programs Office

    How Can Every Organization Manage the Operational Risk?

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    This article describe how every organization (generally) and Australian Organizations (specifically) can manage the operational risks. Recently, the operational risks are the significant issues in every organization because every organization will suffer from poor operational performance due to risks, failure, and problems such as a number of losses which are likely to be made worse. Basically, the operational risk management process has five steps, identification, analysis, treatment, controlling, and communication/consulting. Generally, many organizations (in particularly in Australia and New Zealand) have already used AS/NZS 4360-Risk Management System, AS/NZS 4801-Occupational Health and Safety Management System, ISO 14001: Effective Environmental Management System, ISO 9001: Quality Management System, AS/NZS 7799: Information Security Management, AS/NZS 3806: Compliance Management System for reducing/mitigating/managing the operational risks. Based on the SAI Certification Register, the number of Australian Organizations got the AS/NZS ISO 9000 series, AS/NZS 14000 series, AS/NZS 4801 and AS/NZS 7799.2:2000 Certifications are 3338, 30, 20 and 5 respectively. It can conclude that Australian Organizations prefer used AS/NZS ISO 9000 series rather than AS/NZS ISO 14000 series, AS/NZS 4801 and AS/NZS 7799.2:2000

    Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Current Operational Risk Management Models (AS/NZS 4360, AS/NZS ISO 9000, AS/NZS ISO 14000, AS/NZS 4801, AS/NZS 3806, AS/NZS 4444)

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    This paper will describe about the analysis of advantages and disadvantages of current operational risk management models (AS/NZS 4360: Risk Management, AS/NZS 4801: Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems, AS/NZS ISO 9001: Quality Management System, AS/NZS ISO 14001: Environment Management System, AS/NZS 3806: Compliance Management System, AS/NZS 4444: Information Security Management) based on expert experiences and extracting the literature review. The advantages of most current models are widely adopted by industries of various of sizes as the basis for their operational risk management. In addition, they may help the organizations to improve the operations and competitiveness. However, there are some disadvantages of most current models such as the models are very general (guidance only), not specific to cover particular risks of industries. And they don\u27t have the specific tools and processes. In addition, they may not be able to integrate all elements of the management systems such as safety, health, environment, quality, security, and compliance
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