71 research outputs found
Tratamiento fisioterapeutico en el pie equino varo congénito
INTRODUCCIÓN: El pie equino varo congénito, también conocido como el pie zambo, es
una deformidad congénita compleja del miembro inferior de etiología desconocida, aunque
hay múltiples factores que pueden estar implicados en ella. Es una patología presente
desde el nacimiento que cursa con equino varo del retropié, aducción del antepié y cavo
del mediopié. Tiene una incidencia de 1-1000 nacidos vivos que varía según la raza con
predominancia en el sexo masculino y es diagnosticado mediante ecografías intraútero prenatales.
El tratamiento para el pie zambo comienza las primeras semanas de vida y tiene
como objetivo corregir la deformidad y mantener la corrección evitando las recidivas, para
así evitar el dolor y conseguir una marcha fisiológica.
Debido a toda la información que hay sobre esta patología se opta por realizar una revisión
bibliográfica acerca de los posibles métodos de tratamiento fisioterapéutico, ortésico y
quirúrgico y las posibles complicaciones y beneficios de cada uno de ellos.
MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se han llevado a cabo búsquedas bibliográficas en las bases de
datos: Medline (Pubmed), ScienceDirect, LILACS, SciELO, PEDro y Medigraphic. Los
términos MESH y términos clave usados han sido los siguientes: Congenital talipes
equinovarus, Clubfoot , pie equino varo congénito , Problems , Conservative treatment ,
Surgical tretament, Taping treatment, Tibial anterior transfer , soft tissue release , Ponseti
method , Kite method y Copenhagen method. Se han seleccionado un total de 11 artículos
para realizar la discusión de este trabajo.
RESULTADOS Y DISCUSIÓN : El PEVAC siendo una deformidad ortopédica bastante
común podemos encontrar numerosos estudios acerca de ésta y en la revisión bibliográfica
realizada, en todos los artículos se refleja el tratamiento fisioterapéutico como
imprescindible para tratar esta afección, sobre todo en los primeros días de vida.
CONCLUSIÓN: Hay numerosos métodos de tratamiento de esta patología siendo el
tratamiento fisioterapéutico muy importante tanto como parte del tratamiento conservador
como previo al tratamiento quirúrgico. Sin embargo, se observa la necesidad de realizar
más estudios en los que se detalle mejor el tratamiento y con resultados a largo plazoGrado en Fisioterapi
Dynamic mosaic planning for a robotic bin-packing system based on picked part and target box monitoring
This paper describes the dynamic mosaic planning method developed in the context of the PICKPLACE European project. The dynamic planner has allowed the development of a robotic system capable of packing a wide variety of objects without having to adjust to each reference. The mosaic planning system consists of three modules: First, the picked item monitoring module monitors the grabbed item to find out how the robot has picked it. At the same time, the destination container is monitored online to obtain the actual status of the packaging. To this end, we present a novel heuristic algorithm that, based on the point cloud of the scene, estimates the empty volume inside the container as empty maximal spaces (EMS). Finally, we present the development of the dynamic IK-PAL mosaic planner that allows us to dynamically estimate the optimal packing pose considering both the status of the picked part and the estimated EMSs. The developed method has been successfully integrated in a real robotic picking and packing system and validated with 7 tests of increasing complexity. In these tests, we demonstrate the flexibility of the presented system in handling a wide range of objects in a real dynamic packaging environment. To our knowledge, this is the first time that a complete online picking and packing system is deployed in a real robotic scenario allowing to create mosaics with arbitrary objects and to consider the dynamics of a real robotic packing system.This article has been funded by the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and Innovation Programme under grant agreement No. 780488, and the project "5R-Red Cervera de Tecnologias roboticas en fabricacion inteligente", contract number CER-20211007, under "Centros Tecnologicos de Excelencia Cervera" programme funded by "The Centre for the Development of Industrial Technology (CDTI)"
Possible technical measures that could be applied in NAFO 3M cod.
It has analyzed different technical measures that could be adopted in the NAFO 3M cod case to reduce the catches of cod below the Minimum Landing Size (MLS) and increase the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). There is not so much information about technical measures in the NAFO cod fisheries. This analysis was mainly based on the Norwegian cod fisheries information. The adoption of the some studied technical measures seems to have a biological support because they would allow catching bigger fish minimizing the immature cod catches (length below the MLS) and the redfish by-catches in the NAFO 3M cod fishery. It was also studied the impact on Fmsy of some of these technical measures. These technical measures would increase slightly the current MSY but with a large increase in the fishing effort. The increase in the equilibrium yield with the selectivity change seems not to be very efficient. In NAFO, it should be studied the possibility of implementing technical measures to prevent the large catches of small immature individuals observed in 2013. These devices would prevent catches of individuals with length below MLS to avoid discards and will improve the exploitation pattern.Framework Contract MARE/2012/21 - "Scientific advice for Fisheries beyond EU Waters" - Specific Contract No 2 (SI2.681887
Spatial and seasonal fleet activity and cod distribution in Flemish Cap
The aim of this analysis is to describe the spatial and seasonal fleet activity and cod distribution in the Flemish Cap area in the period 2008-2013. Especial attention is paid to the relative distribution of mature and immature sub-stocks, as well as individuals bellow 41 cm size (Minimum Landing Size, MLS). The following data sources were analyzed for different periods depending on the data availability and the aim followed: Daily Catch Reports (DCR), Vessel Monitoring System (VMS), Spanish Scientific Observers, EU Flemish Cap surveys.Framework Contract MARE/2012/21 - "Scientific advice for Fisheries beyond EU Waters" - Specific Contract No 2 (SI2.681887
A multi-stock harvest control rule based on "pretty good yield" ranges to support mixed-fisheries management
Advice for commercially exploited fish stocks is usually given on a stock-by-stock basis. In light of the ecosystem-based fisheries management, the need to move towards a holistic approach has been largely acknowledged. In addition, the discard bans in some countries requires consistent catch advice among stocks to mitigate choke species limiting fisheries activity. In this context, in 2015, the European Commission proposed the use of fishing mortality ranges around fishing mortality targets to give flexibility to the catch advice system and improve the use of fishing opportunities in mixed-fisheries. We present a multi-stock harvest control rule (HCR) that uses single stock assessment results and fishing mortality ranges to generate a consistent catch advice among stocks. We tested the performance of the HCR in two different case studies. An artificial case study with three stocks exploited simultaneously by a single fleet and the demersal mixed-fishery operating in Bay of Biscay and Celtic Sea. The HCR produced consistent catch advice among stocks when there was only a single fleet exploiting them. Even more, the HCR removed the impact of the discard ban. However, in a multi-fleet framework the performance of the HCR varied depending on the characteristics of the fleets
Results of the 3M Cod MSE
The general objective of the 3M Cod MSE is to maintain the SSB of this species in the safe zone as defined by the NAFO precautionary approach framework and to assure the optimum utilization, rational management and conservation of the 3M cod stock. Based on this, five performance objectives were tested via five different Performance Statistics. Six different OMs and two HCRs with three different Ftarget were tested. The six OMs come from different assumptions over M and over the Stock-Recruitment relationship (SRR). The two HCRs are one model-based (based on the Bayesian XSA model approved by SC) and one model-free (based on the EU-FC survey). A 20% constraint of annual variation of TAC was set for both HCR. Based on this, a total of 24 scenarios were tested and results projected for the period 2014-2025. Differences in the results come mainly from the assumed stock recruitment relationship and in a much lesser extent of assumed M and the different Ftarget levels tested. The SSB have an increasing trend in all cases reaching a level well above Blim at the end of the projected period. There are two main trends in yields, one for the scenarios with the model-based HCR and other for the scenarios with the model-free HCR. In the first case, landings decrease to 6 500 tons in 2020, and after that increase until 2025 reaching a value between 10 500 and 15 000 tons, depending on the SRR assumed. In the case of the model-free HCR, until 2023 the decrease is very small and then a quiet constant value between 5 000 and 11 000 tons is reached. None of the tested HCR reached the established performance objectives in the 2016-2023 period but most of the scenarios met the performance objectives after 2024. The main reasons for not achieving these objectives are the high initial F and catch levels and the 20% catch constraint. The necessary period to achieve the performance objectives would be longer if we had applied a more restrictive TAC constraint (15% or 10%). If the TAC constraint is not applied, lower landings are allowed in the short-term period (2016-2020), but after that the increase in TAC is higher than if the constraint is applied
Gliometako zelula nestina-positiboen banaketa
Zelula ama tumoralak (ZAT), ze lula amen ezaugarriak dituzten eta tumore bat birsortzeko gaitasuna duten tumore-ze1ulak dira. Bai anima1ietan eta bai gizakietan ere , multzoka agertzen dira eremu peribaskularrean, askotan egitura berezietan multzokatuta. Azken urteotan , ZATak kimio-erradio terapiekiko erresistenteak direla ikusi da, baita berreritzearen eragileak direla ere. Nerbio Sistema Zentraleko glioma tumoreetan, ehuna infiltratzeko eta angiogenesia pizteko gai dira zelula hauek. Lan honen helburua, gliomaren garapenaren zeharreko tumore-ama zelulen agerpena eta banaketa aztertzea da, batez ere multzoka agertzen direnenen kasuan.Horretarako, etilnitrosourearen (ENU) bitartez arratoiei glioma tumoreak induzitzen zaizkie eta nestinaren markaketaren bidez bertako zelula amak izan daitezkeen zelulak identifikatzen ditugu. Datuen arabera. nestina-positibo diren zelula multzoen tamaina eta kantitatea gliomaren garapenarekin batera handitzen doa. Taldekatze hauek, eremu peribaskularrean eta baita tumore barruan ere agertzen dira eta in vitro agertzen diren neurosferen antzeko morfologia erakutsi dute. Multzoek eta neurosferek in vitro azaltzen dituzten parekotasun hauek, in vivo agertzen dituztenen seinale izan daitezke. Egitura berezi hauek, kontra duten mikroingurune batetik ihes egiteko ZATek sortzen duten gordailua izatea proposatu da
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