Possible technical measures that could be applied in NAFO 3M cod.


It has analyzed different technical measures that could be adopted in the NAFO 3M cod case to reduce the catches of cod below the Minimum Landing Size (MLS) and increase the Maximum Sustainable Yield (MSY). There is not so much information about technical measures in the NAFO cod fisheries. This analysis was mainly based on the Norwegian cod fisheries information. The adoption of the some studied technical measures seems to have a biological support because they would allow catching bigger fish minimizing the immature cod catches (length below the MLS) and the redfish by-catches in the NAFO 3M cod fishery. It was also studied the impact on Fmsy of some of these technical measures. These technical measures would increase slightly the current MSY but with a large increase in the fishing effort. The increase in the equilibrium yield with the selectivity change seems not to be very efficient. In NAFO, it should be studied the possibility of implementing technical measures to prevent the large catches of small immature individuals observed in 2013. These devices would prevent catches of individuals with length below MLS to avoid discards and will improve the exploitation pattern.Framework Contract MARE/2012/21 - "Scientific advice for Fisheries beyond EU Waters" - Specific Contract No 2 (SI2.681887

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