12 research outputs found

    La asistencia pública a los solicitantes de la condición de refugiado y las relaciones jurídicas con el estado

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    La situación de las personas que invocan la figura jurídica de refugiado, tienen como componente especial el miedo, la incertidumbre y la desconfianza que genera un estado moral y material de todo individuo que abandona un lugar determinado buscando protección en otro. En nuestro país se promulgó la ley que desarrolla la figura de protección jurídica denominada refugio, creando un órgano llamada Comisión Especial para los Refugiados que es el encargado de recibir, procesar y resolver estos pedidos de protección. La investigación analiza la posibilidad real de estas personas como solicitantes de refugio puedan obtener un documento de identidad, que les permita el goce de sus derechos fundamentales, pero la carencia de este título los limita en el goce de estas bondades legales, impidiéndoles el acceso a acciones de libre disposición y realizar transacciones jurídicas que no pueden realizar por falta de este título. Finalmente, el trabajo de investigación está concebido para plantear la modificación de la mencionada ley

    Bromatological characterization and evaluation of the antimi- crobial activity of Ecuadorian banana peel (Musa paradisiaca)

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    The bromatological composition of banana peel (Musa paradisiaca) produced in Ecuador was determined and the fractions and phytochemical groups responsible for its antimicrobial activity were identified. The bromatological analysis determined a humidity of 88.94% and 11.06% of total solids (1.55% of ash, 0.47% of fat, 0.74% of protein, 0.87% of fiber and 8.3% total carbohydrates). To obtain the fractions, two methods of maceration were applied. The first used four solvents of different polarities, such as petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and water. The extracts were subjected to phytochemical screening tests that identify the presence of fatty compounds, sterols, triterpenes, saponins and tannins. The second method used 70% ethanol as solvent and five fractions were generated. Tests of antimicrobial activity by the agar diffusion method were performed in Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli using the crude ethanolic extract and its fractions, microbiological activity was evidenced. Phytochemical screening assays and chromatography were performed on each fraction and extract identifying the main groups of compounds responsible for the antimicrobial activity

    Bromatological characterization and evaluation of the antimi- crobial activity of Ecuadorian banana peel (Musa paradisiaca)

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    The bromatological composition of banana peel (Musa paradisiaca) produced in Ecuador was determined and the fractions and phytochemical groups responsible for its antimicrobial activity were identified. The bromatological analysis determined a humidity of 88.94% and 11.06% of total solids (1.55% of ash, 0.47% of fat, 0.74% of protein, 0.87% of fiber and 8.3% total carbohydrates). To obtain the fractions, two methods of maceration were applied. The first used four solvents of different polarities, such as petroleum ether, chloroform, ethyl acetate and water. The extracts were subjected to phytochemical screening tests that identify the presence of fatty compounds, sterols, triterpenes, saponins and tannins. The second method used 70% ethanol as solvent and five fractions were generated. Tests of antimicrobial activity by the agar diffusion method were performed in Staphylococcus aureus and Escherichia coli using the crude ethanolic extract and its fractions, microbiological activity was evidenced. Phytochemical screening assays and chromatography were performed on each fraction and extract identifying the main groups of compounds responsible for the antimicrobial activity

    Nanomechanical Phenotypes in Cardiac Myosin-Binding Protein C Mutants That Cause Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy.

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease of the myocardium caused by mutations in sarcomeric proteins with mechanical roles, such as the molecular motor myosin. Around half of the HCM-causing genetic variants target contraction modulator cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C), although the underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear since many of these mutations cause no alterations in protein structure and stability. As an alternative pathomechanism, here we have examined whether pathogenic mutations perturb the nanomechanics of cMyBP-C, which would compromise its modulatory mechanical tethers across sliding actomyosin filaments. Using single-molecule atomic force spectroscopy, we have quantified mechanical folding and unfolding transitions in cMyBP-C domains targeted by HCM mutations that do not induce RNA splicing alterations or protein thermodynamic destabilization. Our results show that domains containing mutation R495W are mechanically weaker than wild-type at forces below 40 pN and that R502Q mutant domains fold faster than wild-type. None of these alterations are found in control, nonpathogenic variants, suggesting that nanomechanical phenotypes induced by pathogenic cMyBP-C mutations contribute to HCM development. We propose that mutation-induced nanomechanical alterations may be common in mechanical proteins involved in human pathologies.J.A.C. acknowledges funding from the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación (MCIN) through grants BIO2014– 54768-P, BIO2017–83640-P (AEI/FEDER, UE), EIN2019–102966, RYC-2014–16604, and BFU2017–90692­ REDT, the European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases (ERA-CVD/ISCIII, MINOTAUR, AC16/00045), and the Comunidad de Madrid (consortium Tec4Bio-CM, S2018/NMT-4443, FEDER). This work was supported by NIH grants RM1 GM33289 and HL117138 to J.A.S.; a Stanford Dean’s Postdoctoral Fellowship to D.P. and N.N.; and a Stanford Maternal and Child Health Research Institute (MCHRI) Postdoctoral Fellowship (1220552–140-DHPEU) to N.N. Financial support to D.D.S. comes from Eusko Jaurlaritza (Basque Government) through the project IT1254–19, and grants RYC-2016–19590 and PGC2018–099321-B-I00 from the MCIN (FEDER). The CNIC is supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII), MCIN, and the Pro CNIC Foundation and was a Severo Ochoa Center of Excellence (SEV-2015–0505). We acknowledge funding from ISCIII to the Centro de Investigación Biomédica en Red (CIBERCV), CB16/11/00425. C.S.C. is the recipient of an FPI-SO predoctoral fellowship, BES-2016–076638. M.R.P. was the recipient of a Ph.D. fellowship from the Italian Ministry of Education, Universities and Research (MIUR). C.P.L. was a recipient of a CNIC Master Fellowship. We thank N. Vicente for excellent technical support (through grant PEJ16/MED/TL-1593 from Consejería de Educación, Juventud y Deporte de la Comunidad de Madrid and the European Social Fund). We thank the Spectroscopy and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Core Unit at CNIO for access to CD instrumentation and discussion about protein binding assays. We thank A. Thompson and S. Day for their insights. We thank all members of the Molecular Mechanics of the Cardiovascular System team for helpful discussions and the contribution of five anonymous reviewers.S

    Extended-Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Producing-Escherichia coli Isolated From Irrigation Waters and Produce in Ecuador.

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    In cities across the globe, the majority of wastewater - that includes drug resistant and pathogenic bacteria among other contaminants - is released into streams untreated. This water is often subsequently used for irrigation of pastures and produce. This use of wastewater-contaminated streams allows antibiotic-resistant bacteria to potentially cycle back to humans through agricultural products. In this study, we investigated the prevalence of extended-spectrum β-lactamase (ESBL)-producing Escherichia coli isolated from produce and irrigation water across 17 provinces of Ecuador. A total of 117 vegetable samples, 119 fruit samples, and 38 irrigation water samples were analyzed. Results showed that 11% of the samples were positive for E. coli including 11 irrigation water samples (29%), and samples of 13 vegetables (11%), and 11 fruits (9%). Among the 165 E. coli isolates cultured, 96 (58%) had the ESBL phenotype, and 58% of ESBL producing E. coli came from irrigation water samples, 11% from vegetables, and 30% from fruits. The bla CTX-M - 55, bla CTX-M 65, and bla CTX-M 15 genes were the most frequently found gene associated with the ESBL phenotype and coincided with the bla CTX-M alleles associated with human infections in Ecuador. Three isolates had the mcr-1 gene which is responsible for colistin resistance. This report provides evidence of the potential role of irrigation water in the growing antimicrobial resistance crisis in Ecuador

    Evaluation of non-ionizing radiations from the Wi-Fi network at the University of San Marcos

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    Este estudio fue realizado para evaluar las radiaciones no ionizantes (RNI) de los sistemas Wi-Fi del Pabellón Nuevo de la Facultad de Ingeniería Electrónica y Eléctrica (FIEE) de la Universidad Nacional Mayor de San Marcos (UNMSM). Para la revisión de los efectos sobre la salud de las redes Wi- Fi se ha considerado las más importantes publicaciones realizadas en el periodo 2009- 2013. Se revisaron los estándares técnicos. Se diseñó e implementó una red de prueba para la generación de señales Wi-Fi para realizar las mediciones de RNI en un ambiente semi-controlado. Para la evaluación de las RNI de los puntos de acceso WiFi se utilizó un analizador de campos electromagnéticos Narda NBM 550 y se realizaron dos tipos de medición uno con la sonda isotrópica de campo eléctrico EF 0691 de 100 kHz-6 GHz y el otro con la sonda isotrópica ED 5091 para cociente de exposición de 300 kHz-50 GHz, Estándar de la Comisión Internacional de Protección contra las Radiaciones No Ionizantes (ICNIRP) 1998 Ocupacional. Los estudios confirman que los únicos efectos a estas frecuencias están relacionados con el calentamiento de los tejidos y en el caso de los sistemas Wi-Fi el incremento de la temperatura debido a las RNI es muy pequeño que solo podrían producir efectos biológicos pero no efectos sobre la salud.This study was to evaluate the non-ionizing radiations (NIR) from Wi-Fi systems at the new building of the Faculty of Electronic and Electrical Engineering (FIEE) – University of San Marcos (UNMSM). To perform the scientific literature review on health effects from Wi-Fi networks they were considered the most important releases from 2009 to 2013. It was then performed a revision of technical standards for Wi-Fi networks. It was designed and implemented a trial network to generate Wi-Fi signals used to carried out the measurements of NIR in a semi –controlled environment. In order to assess non-ionizing radiations from access points of Wi-fi networks it was used un electromagnetic field analizer Narda NBM 550 and there were carried out two types of measurements, one with an isotropic probe EF 0691 from 100 kHz to 6 GHz and the other with an isotropic probe ED 5091 to provide the exposure quotient from 300 kHz to 50 GHz, ICNIRP Ocupacional Standard 1998. In the review on health effects, the studies confirmed that the only effects at these frequencies are related to tissue heating and in case of Wi-Fi systems the temperatura increase produced by NIR is very small so they could only produce biological effects but not health effects

    Nanomechanical Phenotypes in Cardiac Myosin-Binding Protein C Mutants That Cause Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy

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    Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM) is a disease of the myocardium caused by mutations in sarcomeric proteins with mechanical roles, such as the molecular motor myosin. Around half of the HCM-causing genetic variants target contraction modulator cardiac myosin-binding protein C (cMyBP-C), although the underlying pathogenic mechanisms remain unclear since many of these mutations cause no alterations in protein structure and stability. As an alternative pathomechanism, here we have examined whether pathogenic mutations perturb the nanomechanics of cMyBP-C, which would compromise its modulatory mechanical tethers across sliding actomyosin filaments. Using single-molecule atomic force spectroscopy, we have quantified mechanical folding and unfolding transitions in cMyBP-C domains targeted by HCM mutations that do not induce RNA splicing alterations or protein thermodynamic destabilization. Our results show that domains containing mutation R495W are mechanically weaker than wild-type at forces below 40 pN and that R502Q mutant domains fold faster than wild-type. None of these alterations are found in control, nonpathogenic variants, suggesting that nanomechanical phenotypes induced by pathogenic cMyBP-C mutations contribute to HCM development. We propose that mutation-induced nanomechanical alterations may be common in mechanical proteins involved in human pathologies