26 research outputs found

    Gambaran Histopatologik Ginjal Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus) Pasca Ovariohisterektomi dengan Suplemen Kalsium Karbonat Dosis Tinggi

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    The aim of this research was to study the effect of high dose calcium carbonate as supplement to histopatological feature of renal rats (Rattus norvegicus) after ovaryohysterectomy. Ovaryohysterectomy was done to achived the lack of estrogen that equal with menopause in women. Total twenty female rats, strain Spraque dawley, 13 weeks old were used as experimental animals. After ovaryohysterectomy, they were randomized in four groups. P0 has been fed with standart food without calcium carbonate as supplement. P1, P2 and P3 were groups that each rat fed standart food with 75 mg/PO/day, 225 mg/PO/day and 450 mg/PO/day calcium carbonate respectively. The calcium carbonate supplement were given every morning during 42 days successively. The experimental animals were euthanized at 21 weeks old. The dexter kidneys were fixed in to 10% formalin for hystological observation using Haematoxylin-Eosin staining. The hystopatological feature of the kidneys were presented descriptively. The result showed the hypercellularity of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxymal in P0, but normal hystological feature were observed in P1. Contrarary, the sign of renal degeneration were clearly observed in P2 and P3. Sweling of glomerulus and necrosis of tubulus contortus proxymal were observed in P3. The conclusion of the research is the renal deterioration increased with augmentation of calcium carbonat given. Keywords: Ovaryohysterectomy, menopause, estrogen, calcium carbonate, kidne


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    Any disorder that reduces the digestion or absorption of food, or alters its passage through the digestive tract, can be called a digestive disorder. Gastrointestinal (GI) disorders affect a cat's stomach and intestines, resulting in pain and other problems. Efficient digestion is essential for your cat to be able to build and repair tissues and obtain energy. Digestive disorders in cats are quite common and most clear up within a few days. But some cats need long-term management because they have regular or permanent digestive problems. GI disorders can lead, to dehydration, acid-base and electrolyte imbalances and malnutrition so it is important to recognize the signs Cats with intestinal disease have a wide range of clinical signs. Weight loss, despite a normal or increased appetite is very common. Cats that are chronically ill usually have a loss of fat over the spine (so that the spine is palpable). Other cats have routinely vomit food, fluid and or hairball. Contrary to what many pet lovers believe, hairballs are not normal in cats, and they are not due to a "grease eficiency". The clinical signs of cats with intestinal disease are often similar to those of other diseases (chronic kidney disease, urinary tract obstruction in male cats, chronic progressive kidney disease, diabetes and hyperthyroidism). Gastro intestinal problem in cat is a significant health problem for which there is no universally accepted pharmacological treatment. The combination of Viusid pet is supplementary Food. It is a food preparation consisting of antioxidants, vitamins, trace mineral, and a component extracted from liquorice root (glycyrrhizinic acid). It is specially designed to supplement immune defenses. Targeted nutrition for those processes that cause immunodeficiency. Given viusid for 5 days to cat abaout 1 cc once a day effected for Gastrointestinal problem specialy virus problem like panleukopenia or hepatitis. Using viusid as immonodilator non kortikosteroid for cat need more clinical trial to make sure that effected

    Expression of TGF-B1 During Fracture Repair in Ovariectomized Rats with Therapy of Cissus Quadrangularis Extract

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    Aim: The objective of this research was to study and to prove the effectiveness of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) starting time on liver morphofunctional changes after ischemia-reperfusion in the hind limb of rabbits. Materials and Methods: This research used a complete randomized design with 4 groups and 6 repetitions on each. After 6 h artery femoral is ligation, reperfusion was performed for 100 min (G1), HBOT for 90 min after 10 min reperfusion (G2), 10 min reperfusion (G3), and HBOT 90 min after 60 min reperfusion (G4). Then, all of the rabbits were sacrificed. The liver and blood were taken for histopathological changes examination as well as for measuring the level of aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT). The statistical test using Kruskal–Wallis and Mann–Whitney showed that the score of degeneration, necrosis, and portal inflammation in groups without HBOT (G1 and G3) were not significantly different, as well as in group with HBOT (G2 and G4) (p>0.05). However, the scores of histopathological changes in G1 and G3 were significantly different from those in G2 and G4 (p0.05). Results: Hind limb ischemia injury reperfusion can trigger damage for liver morphology, but not lead to liver dysfunction. Reperfusion can trigger increased activity of neutrophils, while neutrophil infiltration in the organ will lead to dysfunction. HBOT can inhibit the activity of neutrophils and the dysfunction of organs caused by ischemic reperfusion. Conclusion: HBOT for 90 min, both 10 and 60 min after the reperfusion, can protect hepatocytes from damage. Keywords: hyperbaric oxygen therapy, ischemia, liver, morphofunctional, reperfusio

    Gambaran Radiografi Proses Kesembuhan Patah Tulang Femur Pada Tikus Putih Jantan dengan Terapi Ekstrak Tikel Balung (Cissus Quadrangularis)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk membandingkan antara pengaruh pemberian suplemen kalsium karbonat dengan Cissus quadrangularis (CQ) dalam mempercepat proses kesembuhan patah tulang femur pada tikus berdasarkan gambaran radiografi. Penelitian ini menggunakan 18 ekor tikus putih jantan (Rattus Norwegicus) umur 12 minggu. Setelah 1 minggu diadaptasikan, semua tikus dilakukan operasi reposisi patah tulang femur dexter dengan fiksasi pin intramedular. Selanjutnya 2 minggu pasca operasi tikus percobaan dibagi secara acak dalam 3 kelompok (kelompok I, II, dan III), masing-masing 6 ekor tikus dengan pembagian sebagai berikut: tikus kelompok | (kontrol) diberi pakan standar (normal), tikus kelompok II diberi pakan standar + suplemen CaCo3 150 mg/hari per oral, tikus kelompok III diberi pakan standar + ekstrak Cissus Qudrangularis 500 mg/hari. Terapi Cissus Quadrangularis diberikan selama 4 minggu. Pemeriksaan radiografi dilakukan dua kali yaitu pada minggu ke-3 dan minggu ke-6 pasca operasi. Hasil Penelitian gambaran radiografi tulang femur kanan pasca operasi reposisi patah tulang femur pada kelompok perlakuan II] menunjukkan proses kesembuhan patah tulang yang terbaik dibanding kelompok perlakuan lainnya, dengan scoring tertinggi meskipun tidak berbeda nyata (p>0,05) dengan kelompok II. Scoring terendah diperoleh kelompok I yang berbeda nyata (p<0,05) dengan kelompok II dan III. Kata kunci : Cissus quadrangularis, , CaCos, patah tulang, radiograf

    Fibrosarcoma pada anjing golden retriever di Rumah Sakit Hewan Pendidikan Universitas Airlangga

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    The dog named Agra (Golden Retriever) is suspected of having an axillary tumor. After surgery and examination of the pathology laboratory, it was found that the dog had fibrosarcoma in the axillaries. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from mesenchymal cells, where the dominant cell histology is fibroblast cells that divide excessively and uncontrollably, can attack local tissues, and can move to other locations in the body (metastatic). The histopathological features of fibrosarcoma have fusiform or spindle-shaped cell fascicular growth patterns. The boundary between cells appears unclear with little cytoplasm and collagen fibers form parallel webbing. Grading histology is mainly based on the degree of cellularity, cell differentiation, mitotic features, and the amount of collagen produced by the cell necrosis. Surgery until now is the first and foremost thing in tumor therapy. Benign tumors can be removed with various surgical techniques depending on the location of the tumor. As for malignant tumors, surgery can be carried out by following other additional therapies to inhibit tumor growth.The dog named Agra (Golden Retriever) is suspected of having an axillary tumor. After surgery and examination of the pathology laboratory, it was found that the dog had fibrosarcoma in the axillaries. Fibrosarcoma is a malignant neoplasm that originates from mesenchymal cells, where the dominant cell histology is fibroblast cells that divide excessively and uncontrollably, can attack local tissues, and can move to other locations in the body (metastatic). The histopathological features of fibrosarcoma have fusiform or spindle-shaped cell fascicular growth patterns. The boundary between cells appears unclear with little cytoplasm and collagen fibers form parallel webbing. Grading histology is mainly based on the degree of cellularity, cell differentiation, mitotic features, and the amount of collagen produced by the cell necrosis. Surgery until now is the first and foremost thing in tumor therapy. Benign tumors can be removed with various surgical techniques depending on the location of the tumor. As for malignant tumors, surgery can be carried out by following other additional therapies to inhibit tumor growth

    Utilization of Honey Apis dorsata as Antiosteoporosis on Requirements of Bone Calcium Ash Density on Ovariohysterectomized White Rat (Ratus norvegicus)

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    The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of honey bee Apis dorsata as anti-osteoporosis in calcium ash density (CAD) of bone in osteoporotic-induced rats. The target of this study was to know bone calcium levels after being given honey bees Apis dorsata. In this study, 35 female white rats (Ratus norvegicus) mature was used with weight 200gr. Divided into 5 groups, 2 control groups and 3 treatment groups. The negative control group (SH) was not induced by osteoporosis and was given the only aquadest of 1.5 ml/day. Whereas the positive control group was induced by osteoporosis (OH)  and was given only aquadest 1.5 ml/day. T1, T2 and T3 treatment groups were given bee honey with various doses including 1g / kg ad 1.5 ml aquadest, 2g / kg BB ad 1.5 ml aquadest and 3g / kg BB ad 1.5 ml aquadest. Then after 12 weeks, white rats were sacrificed for lumbar vertebrae. Furthermore, the sixth lumbar spine os vertebrae will be examined for calcium bone ash content. The data were obtained was analyzed using statistical analysis of variance (ANOVA) for the results of the calcium ash content data Keywords: Honey; Osteoporosis; CA

    Efektivitas Ekstrak Daun Afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) Secara Topikal Untuk Reepitelisasi Penyembuhan Luka Insisi Pada Tikus Putih (Rattus novergicus)

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh dan hubungan konsentrasi pemberian ekstrak daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) secara topikal terhadap efektivitas penyembuhan luka dan reepitelisasi penyembuhan luka insisi pada tikus putih. 20 tikus putih jantan di kelompokkan secara acak dibagi dalam 5 kelompok perlakuan yaitu P0 (vaseline + adeps lanae), P1 (povidone iodine), P2 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 16,8 %), P3 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 28 %), dan P4 (salep ekstrak daun afrika 39,20 %). Penelitian ini dilakukan selama 14 hari dengan mengukur dengan skor reepitelisasi pada sediaan histopatologi kulit luka insisi yang telah diberi perlakuan. Hasil penelitian tidak menunjukkan perbedaan yang nyata antara kontrol dengan perlakuan (p>0,05). Perlakuan dengan ekstrak daun afrika (Vernonia amygdalina) tidak menunjukkan reepitelisasi yang berbeda dengan perlakuan kontrol

    Efektivitas Krim Ekstrak Buah Naga Merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Sel Fibroblas Luka Bakar Derajat II pada Tikus Putih (Rattus norvegicus)

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dalam meningkatkan jumlah sel fibroblas luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih (Rattus novegicus). Dua puluh ekor tikus putih (Rattus novegicus) jantan dibagi menjadi lima kelompok perlakuan dengan jumlah empat ulangan setiap kelompok. Semua tikus tersebut diinduksi dengan luka bakar derajat II. Kelompok kontrol negatif (K-) diterapi dengan basis krim minyak dalam air, Kelompok kontrol positif (K+) diterapi dengan Bioplacenton®, kelompok perlakuan diterapi dengan krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dengan konsentrasi P1 7.5%, P2 15%, dan P3 30%. Terapi diberikan dua kali dalam sehari selama 10 hari. Hasil uji Kolmogorov-Smirnov menunjukkan data terdistribusi normal (p>0.05) dilanjutkan dengan uji Oneway ANOVA yang menunjukkan adanya perbedaan nyata dari tiap kelompok perlakuan (p<0.05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Post-Hoc LSD. Rata-rata jumlah fibroblas setiap kelompok perlakuan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok K- dan K+ berbeda nyata dengan kelompok P1, P2 dan P3. Jumlah sel fibroblas terbanyak didapati pada kelompok P2. Kesimpulan dari penelitian yang telah dilakukan adalah krim ekstrak buah naga merah (Hylocereus polyrhizus) dapat meningkatkan jumlah sel fibroblas luka bakar derajat II pada tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus)

    Pengaruh Kitosan Udang Secara Topikal Terhadap Kepadatan Kolagen dalam Penyembuhan Luka Eksisi pada Tikus Putih

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    Luka eksisi adalah luka yang permukaan kulit dan lapisan bawahnya akan terpotong sampai kedalaman yang bervariasi dapat terjadi secara sengaja atau tidak sengaja. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh chitosan kulit udang terhadap kepadatan kolagen dalam proses penyembuhan luka eksisi pada tikus putih. Sebanyak dua puluh ekor tikus putih (Rattus norvegicus) jantan dibagi ke dalam lima kelompok perlakuan yaitu K- luka eksisi dengan pemberian basis salep, K+ (luka eksisi+10% povidone iodine), P1 (luka eksisi+salep chitosan kulit udang 1.5%), P2 (luka eksisi+udang salep kulit kitosan 2.5%), dan P3 (luka eksisi+kitosan kulit udang 5%). Hasil perhitungan persentase kepadatan kolagen dianalisis oleh Kruskal-Wallis yang menunjukkan perbedaan signifikan (p<0.05) dan dilanjutkan dengan uji Mann-Whitney U. Kelompok K+, K- dan P1 memiliki perbedaan signifikan dalam kepadatan kolagen pada P2, dan kelompok P3 (p<0.05). Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini kitosan berpengaruh terhadap kepadatan kolagen dengan dosis 5%

    Probiotik Utilization in Megacolona Dog : A Case Report

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    A five year old male beagel dog weighing 15 kg was presented with history of constipation,frequent vomiting after feeding, and abdominal pain for past 3 days to Veterinary Teaching Hospital of Airlangga University, Surabaya. Based on hematological analysis, normal X-ray to the normal condition after seven days. Key words: Megacolon, Constipation, Probiotic, do