7,221 research outputs found

    On the perspectives of testing the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati gravity model with the outer planets of the Solar System

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    The multidimensional braneworld gravity model by Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati was primarily put forth to explain the observed acceleration of the expansion of the Universe without resorting to dark energy. One of the most intriguing features of such a model is that it also predicts small effects on the orbital motion of test particles which could be tested in such a way that local measurements at Solar System scales would allow to get information on the global properties of the Universe. Lue and Starkman derived a secular extra-perihelion \omega precession of 5\times 10^-4 arcseconds per century, while Iorio showed that the mean longitude \lambda is affected by a secular precession of about 10^-3 arcseconds per century. Such effects depend only on the eccentricities e of the orbits via second-order terms: they are, instead, independent of their semimajor axes a. Up to now, the observational efforts focused on the dynamics of the inner planets of the Solar System whose orbits are the best known via radar ranging. Since the competing Newtonian and Einsteinian effects like the precessions due to the solar quadrupole mass moment J2, the gravitoelectric and gravitomagnetic part of the equations of motion reduce with increasing distances, it would be possible to argue that an analysis of the orbital dynamics of the outer planets of the Solar System, with particular emphasis on Saturn because of the ongoing Cassini mission with its precision ranging instrumentation, could be helpful in evidencing the predicted new features of motion. In this note we investigate this possibility in view of the latest results in the planetary ephemeris field. Unfortunately, the current level of accuracy rules out this appealing possibility and it appears unlikely that Cassini and GAIA will ameliorate the situation.Comment: LaTex, 22 pages, 2 tables, 10 figures, 27 references. Reference [17] added, reference [26] updated, caption of figures changed, small change in section 1.

    Super-ASTROD: Probing primordial gravitational waves and mapping the outer solar system

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    Super-ASTROD (Super Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices or ASTROD III) is a mission concept with 3-5 spacecraft in 5 AU orbits together with an Earth-Sun L1/L2 spacecraft ranging optically with one another to probe primordial gravitational-waves with frequencies 0.1 microHz - 1 mHz, to test fundamental laws of spacetime and to map the outer solar system. In this paper we address to its scientific goals, orbit and payload selection, and sensitivity to gravitational waves.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure, presented to 7th International LISA Symposium, 16-20 June 2008, Barcelona; submitted to Classical and Quantum Gravity; presentation improve

    Children in Greco-Roman society. Age, development, work and nosological relevance. A historico-medical perspective

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    The definition of childhood in historical studies is as recent a problem as the attention devoted by scholars to this age group. A reflection on the nomenclature used in Greek and Latin literary, epigraphic, legal and properly medical sources and the comparison with paleopathological studies allows us to interpret the historical perception of childhood in terms of incompleteness. In the Hippocratic and Galenic tradition this incompleteness unites children to fragile and marginalized categories, namely women and the elderly, but above all it does not recognize their specific diseases, delaying the birth of pediatrics for centuries

    On the effects of the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati braneworld gravity on the orbital motion of a test particle

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    In this paper we explicitly work out the secular perturbations induced on all the Keplerian orbital elements of a test body to order O(e^2) in the eccentricity e by the weak-field long-range modifications of the usual Newton-Einstein gravity due to the Dvali-Gabadadze-Porrati (DGP) braneworld model. The Gauss perturbative scheme is used. It turns out that the argument of pericentre and the mean anomaly are affected by secular rates which are independent of the semimajor axis of the orbit of the test particle. The first nonvaishing eccentricity-dependent corrections are of order O(e^2). For circular orbits the Lue-Starkman (LS) effect on the pericentre is obtained. Some observational consequences are discussed for the Solar System planetary mean longitudes lambda which would undergo a 1.2\cdot 10^-3 arcseconds per century braneworld secular precession. According to recent data analysis over 92 years for the EPM2004 ephemerides, the 1-sigma formal accuracy in determining the Martian mean longitude amounts to 3\cdot 10^-3 milliarcseconds, while the braneworld effect over the same time span would be 1.159 milliarcseconds. The major limiting factor is the 2.6\cdot 10^-3 arcseconds per century systematic error due to the mismodelling in the Keplerian mean motion of Mars. A suitable linear combination of the mean longitudes of Mars and Venus may overcome this problem. The formal, 1-sigma obtainable observational accuracy would be \sim 7%. The systematic error due to the present-day uncertainties in the solar quadrupole mass moment, the Keplerian mean motions, the general relativistic Schwarzschild field and the asteroid ring would amount to some tens of percent.Comment: LaTex2e, 23 pages, 5 tables, 1 figure, 37 references. Second-order corrections in eccentricity explicitly added. Typos corrected. References update

    Sediment transport and deposition during extreme sea storm events at the Salerno Bay (Tyrrhenian Sea): comparison of field data with numerical model results

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    Seismic stratigraphy and core litho-stratigraphy in the Salerno Bay inner shelf (Southern Tyrrhenian Sea) reveal significant storm deposition episodes over the last 1 ky. Three major events are preserved as decimetre thick silt/sand layers bounded at their base by erosional surfaces and sealed in the muddy marine sequences between 25 and 60 m of depth. Geochronology and chrono-stratigraphy on core sediment point towards a recurrence of major sea storms between 0.1 and 0.3 ky and put the last significant event in the 19th century, when no local meteorological time series is available. A modelling of extreme sea-storms with a return period of about 0.1 ky is here proposed based on historical hindcast and aims at explaining the occurrence of such unusual deep and thick sand deposits in the northern sector of the bay. Results highlight the vulnerability of the northern coast of the Salerno Bay to the south western sea storms which can drive waves up to about 8 m high and wave period of about 13 s. With these conditions an intense combined flow current is formed and might account for winnowing fine sand down to the depth of 40 m at least. The numerical model thus confirms a possible sand transport in the bottom boundary layer due to wave-current interaction and could corroborate the interpretation of the most recent sand layers, included in the cores, as being generated under extreme sea storm conditions

    On the Possibility of Measuring the Gravitomagnetic Clock Effect in an Earth Space-Based Experiment

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    In this paper the effect of the post-Newtonian gravitomagnetic force on the mean longitudes ll of a pair of counter-rotating Earth artificial satellites following almost identical circular equatorial orbits is investigated. The possibility of measuring it is examined. The observable is the difference of the times required to ll in passing from 0 to 2π\pi for both senses of motion. Such gravitomagnetic time shift, which is independent of the orbital parameters of the satellites, amounts to 5×10−7\times 10^{-7} s for Earth; it is cumulative and should be measured after a sufficiently high number of revolutions. The major limiting factors are the unavoidable imperfect cancellation of the Keplerian periods, which yields a constraint of 10−2^{-2} cm in knowing the difference between the semimajor axes aa of the satellites, and the difference II of the inclinations ii of the orbital planes which, for i∼0.01∘i\sim 0.01^\circ, should be less than 0.006∘0.006^\circ. A pair of spacecrafts endowed with a sophisticated intersatellite tracking apparatus and drag-free control down to 10−9^{-9} cm s−2^{-2} Hz−1/2^{-{1/2}} level might allow to meet the stringent requirements posed by such a mission.Comment: LaTex2e, 22 pages, no tables, 1 figure, 38 references. Final version accepted for publication in Classical and Quantum Gravit

    Horava-Lifshitz gravity: tighter constraints for the Kehagias-Sfetsos solution from new solar system data

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    We analytically work out the perturbation induced by the Kehagias-Sfetsos (KS) space-time solution of the Horava-Lifshitz (HL) modified gravity at long distances on the two-body range for a pair of test particles A and B orbiting the same mass M. We apply our results to the most recently obtained range-residuals \delta\rho for some planets of the solar system (Mercury, Mars, Saturn) ranged from the Earth to effectively constrain the dimensionsless KS parameter \psi_0 for the Sun. We obtain \psi_0 >= 7.2 x 10^-10 (Mercury), \psi_0 >= 9 x 10^-12 (Mars), \psi_0 >= 1.7 x 10^-12 (Saturn). Such lower bounds are tighter than other ones existing in literature by several orders of magnitude. We also preliminarily obtain \psi_0 >= 8 x 10^-10 for the system constituted by the S2 star orbiting the Supermassive Black Hole (SBH) in the center of the Galaxy.Comment: LaTex2e, 15 pages, 1 table, 3 figures, 31 references. Version matching the one at press in International Journal of Modern Physics D (IJMPD

    Spiral galaxies rotation curves in the Horava - Lifshitz gravity theory

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    We focus on a modified version of Horava - Lifschitz theory and, in particular, we consider the impact of its weak - field static spherically symmetric limit on the galaxy dynamics. In a previous paper, we used the modified gravitational potential obtained in this theory to evaluate the Milky Way rotation curve using a spheroidal truncated power - law bulge and a double exponential disc as the only sources of the gravitational field and showed that the modified rotation curved is not in agreement with the data. Making a step forward, we here include also the contribution from a dark matter halo in order to see whether this helps fitting the rotation curve data. As a test case, we consider a sample of spiral galaxies with smooth baryon matter distribution and well measured circular velocity profiles. It turns out that, although a marginal agreement with the data can be found, this can only be obtained if the dark matter halo has an unrealistically small virial mass and incredibly large concentration. Such results can be interpreted as a strong evidence against the reliability of the gravitational potential obtained in the modified version of Horava -Lifschitz theory that we consider.Comment: 9 pages, 1 figure, 2 tables, accepted for publication on MNRA

    Gravitomagnetism and the Speed of Gravity

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    Experimental discovery of the gravitomagnetic fields generated by translational and/or rotational currents of matter is one of primary goals of modern gravitational physics. The rotational (intrinsic) gravitomagnetic field of the Earth is currently measured by the Gravity Probe B. The present paper makes use of a parametrized post-Newtonian (PN) expansion of the Einstein equations to demonstrate how the extrinsic gravitomagnetic field generated by the translational current of matter can be measured by observing the relativistic time delay caused by a moving gravitational lens. We prove that measuring the extrinsic gravitomagnetic field is equivalent to testing relativistic effect of the aberration of gravity caused by the Lorentz transformation of the gravitational field. We unfold that the recent Jovian deflection experiment is a null-type experiment testing the Lorentz invariance of the gravitational field (aberration of gravity), thus, confirming existence of the extrinsic gravitomagnetic field associated with orbital motion of Jupiter with accuracy 20%. We comment on erroneous interpretations of the Jovian deflection experiment given by a number of researchers who are not familiar with modern VLBI technique and subtleties of JPL ephemeris. We propose to measure the aberration of gravity effect more accurately by observing gravitational deflection of light by the Sun and processing VLBI observations in the geocentric frame with respect to which the Sun is moving with velocity 30 km/s.Comment: 16 pages, no figure

    Measuring the relativistic perigee advance with Satellite Laser Ranging

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    One of the most famous classical tests of General Relativity is the gravitoelectric secular advance of the pericenter of a test body in the gravitational field of a central mass. In this paper we explore the possibility of performing a measurement of the gravitoelectric pericenter advance in the gravitational field of the Earth by analyzing the laser-ranged data to some existing, or proposed, laser-ranged geodetic satellites. At the present level of knowledge of various error sources, the relative precision obtainable with the data from LAGEOS and LAGEOS II, suitably combined, is of the order of 10−310^{\rm -3}. Nevertheless, these accuracies could sensibly be improved in the near future when the new data on the terrestrial gravitational field from the CHAMP and GRACE missions will be available. The use of the perigee of LARES (LAser RElativity Satellite), in the context of a suitable combination of orbital residuals including also LAGEOS II, should further raise the precision of the measurement. As a secondary outcome of the proposed experiment, with the so obtained value of \ppn and with \et=4\beta-\gamma-3 from Lunar Laser Ranging it could be possible to obtain an estimate of the PPN parameters γ\gamma and β\beta at the 10−2−10−310^{-2}-10^{-3} level.Comment: LaTex2e, 14 pages, no figures, 2 tables. To appear in Classical and Quantum Gravit
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