48 research outputs found

    First record of Kemp’s ridley sea turtle, Lepidochelys kempii (Garman, 1880) (Cheloniidae), from the Italian waters (Mediterranean Sea)

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    In this work the authors describe the first case of Lepidochelys kempii stranding (Garman, 1880) happened in Italian waters (Sicily, Messina) and considered to be the fifth in the entire Mediterranean Sea. A young individual was recovered with a longline hook in its oesophageal

    An Inticetus-like (Cetacea, Odontoceti) cheek tooth from the Pietra Leccese (Miocene, Southern Italy)

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    • We report the find of an Inticetus-like cheek tooth from the Miocene of southern Italy. • We identify this specimen as belonging to cf. Inticetus sp. • This finding brings evidence of faunal exchanges between the Mediterranean Sea and the Pacific Ocean. • This faunal exchange likely happened via the Central America Seaway

    Endoscopy of cloaca in 51 Emys trinacris (Fritz et al., 2005): morphological and diagnostic study

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    In this work the authors are describing cloaca anatomy, pathological findings and endoscopic technique applied to Emys trinacris (Fritz et al., 2005). The study has been performed on 51 wild subjects of different age and size hosted in a rescue center. Cloacoscopy is proposed as a tool for sexing turtles with reduced sexual dimorphism

    Pojava mlađi pjevčine pučinke Luvarus imperialis (Actinopterygii: Perciformes: Luvaridae) u Sicilijskom tjesnacu

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    Two juveniles Luvarus imperialis, astrodermella stage, 97.4 mm and 90.6 mm in total length, were recorded on September 2016 and August 2017 respectively, the first caught by a bottom trawler off the south-eastern coast of Sicily, Strait of Sicily, Italy, the second found stranded on the beach in the nearby region. Biometrics data of this uncommon species are given and the occurrence of juvenile stages in the Mediterranean area is briefly discussed.Dva primjerka mlađi Luvarus imperialis, (stadij astrodermella) ukupnih dužina 97,4 mm i 90,6 mm, zabilježena su u rujnu 2016., odnosno kolovozu 2017. godine. Prvi primjerak je ulovljen koćom na jugoistočnoj obali Sicilije, Sicilijski tjesnac, Italija. Drugi primjerak je pronađen na plaži u obližnjoj regiji. U ovom radu, autori navode biometrijske podatke ove neobične vrste i ukratko se raspravlja o pojavi mlađih u mediteranskom području

    Much can change in a year : the Massawan mantis shrimp, Erugosquilla massavensis (Kossmann, 1880) in Sicily, Italy

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    A flourishing population of the Massawan mantis shrimp, Erugosquilla massavensis, an Erythraean species, is recorded off Sicily, Italy, one year after the very first specimen was collected off the eastern coast of the island. The species is already established as a minor, albeit valuable, fishery resource. Once its population increases, however, it may compete with the native Mediterranean spot-tail mantis shrimp, Squilla mantis. This article presents the results of a joint effort between members of the Museo Civico di Storia Naturale of Comiso and local fishermen to monitor non-indigenous species in Sicilian waters.peer-reviewe

    Dodatni nalaz vrste, Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) (Decapoda, Anomura, Hippoidea)u talijanskim vodama

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    The first findings of the anomuran Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) from the southeastern coasts of Sicily are documented, improving knowledge on the distribution of this poorly known species around the island and in the Mediterranean Sea. The distribution of records in the whole basin is updated.Autori dokumentiraju dodatne nalaze vrste Albunea carabus (Linnaeus, 1758) s jugoistočnih obala Sicilije, poboljšavajući tako znanje o rasprostranjenosti ove slabo poznate vrste oko otoka i u Sredozemnom moru. Ažurirana je distribucija zapisa u cijelom bazen

    The protected taxon Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758)(Crustacea : Decapoda : Ocypodidae) - documenting its well-established presence in the Central Mediterranean

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    Ocypode cursor (Linnaeus, 1758) is the only Ocypode species present in the Mediterranean Sea, and one of the nine marine crustacean species protected in the basin. It is widely distributed in the eastern Mediterranean, but knowledge about its presence in the central Mediterranean is very limited so far. We hereby first document the established presence of O. cursor in the central Mediterranean (Sicily and Malta), backdate the known presence of this taxon in Italy, and offer preliminary observations on the main known Maltese population. In Sicily, O. cursor is distributed along most of the south-western coast of the island of Sicily, whilst at least three beaches in the Maltese Islands are known to support populations of this species. The main Maltese population exhibits numerous similarities (e.g. burrow width, zonation along the beach) to another Mediterranean population studied in northern Cyprus, although occurring at lower densities. We conclude that the species has been probably present within the study area for a long period, but went undetected in view of the low population densities at which it previously occurred, the lack of a comprehensive census for the species within the same study area, and its nocturnal habits. The presence of this species in the central Mediterranean seems to be attributable to secondary natural spreading.peer-reviewe

    Novi nalaz vrste Calappa tuerkayana Pastore, 1995 (Brachyura, Calappidae) u središnjem Sredozemlju

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    Two specimens of the uncommon calappid crab Calappa tuerkayana Pastore, 1995 are reported from the central Mediterranean. One juvenile individual was caught in a trawl net at about 105 m depth on a detritus bottom, and one adult male was caught in a trammel net at 50 m depth in a similar habitat. Details about carapace ornamentation and fresh color of the adult, which complement previous descriptions are provided. Family Calappidae includes four species in the Mediterranean Sea. C. tuerkayana has been recorded a few times from its known geographic range. These are the southernmost records to date.Dvije jedinke raka Calappa tuerkayana Pastore, 1995 su pronađene u središnjem Sredozemlju. Jedan primjerak mlađi je uhvaćen povlačnom mrežom na otprilike 105 metara dubine na detritusnom dnu, dok je mužjak uhvaćen u mreži na dubini od 50 m u sličnom staništu. Detalji opisa oklopa i svježe boje odraslih primjeraka nadopunjuju prethodne opise. Obitelj Calappidae obuhvaća četiri vrste u Sredozemnom moru. Primjerci vrste C. tuerkayana zabilježeni su nekoliko puta u okviru poznatog geografskog raspona