475 research outputs found

    Star Clusters in the Magellanic Clouds-1: Parameterisation and Classification of 1072 Clusters in the LMC

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    We have introduced a semi-automated quantitative method to estimate the age and reddening of 1072 star clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) using the Optical Gravitational Lensing Experiment (OGLE) III survey data. This study brings out 308 newly parameterised clusters. In a first of its kind, the LMC clusters are classified into groups based on richness/mass as very poor, poor, moderate and rich clusters, similar to the classification scheme of open clusters in the Galaxy. A major cluster formation episode is found to happen at 125 +- 25 Myr in the inner LMC. The bar region of the LMC appears prominently in the age range 60 - 250 Myr and is found to have a relatively higher concentration of poor and moderate clusters. The eastern and the western ends of the bar are found to form clusters initially, which later propagates to the central part. We demonstrate that there is a significant difference in the distribution of clusters as a function of mass, using a movie based on the propagation (in space and time) of cluster formation in various groups. The importance of including the low mass clusters in the cluster formation history is demonstrated. The catalog with parameters, classification, and cleaned and isochrone fitted CMDs of 1072 clusters, which are available as online material, can be further used to understand the hierarchical formation of clusters in selected regions of the LMC.Comment: 19 pages, 19figures, published in MNRAS on August 16, 2016 Supplementary material is available in the MNRAS websit

    Pengaruh Diversifikasi Operasional terhadap Struktur Modal dengan Kepemilikan Pemerintah sebagai Variabel Moderasi (Studi pada Perusahaan yang Terdaftar di Bursa Efek Indonesia Tahun 2010-2012)

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    The purposes of this research are (1) to examine the influences of operational diversification on capital structure of a firm, (2) to examine the influences of goverment ownership based on the relation between operational diversification and capital structure. Diversification level is measurd by Jacquemin – Berry entrophy index, while capital structure is measure by book leverage, market leverage and long – term market leverage. Goverment ownership as moderate variabel is measured with dummy variabel. As control variabel, this reasearch used return on Assets, non - current aset ratio, non-debt tax shield, Tobin's Q, biggest stock ratio, board ratio, size and age of firm.Population of this reasearch consists of all listed non – financial firms in Indonesia Stock Exchange in year 2010 – 2012. The sampling method used in this research in purposive sampling. After doing sampling and processing datas, 147 firms randomly selected. This research use panel data regression to examine the hypothesis.The empirical evidence show that related diversification significant positive influence on capital structure and unrelated diversification significant negative on capital structure. The result of moderate variabel show that debilitation of goverment ownership negative relation between related diversification and capital structure. Meanwhile, debilitation of goverment ownership positive relation between unrelated diversification and capital structure

    Progressive Decline in Xylem Inflow into Developing Plums

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    Recent evidence suggests xylem functionality may decline in developing European plums. Loss of xylem function may have negative consequences for fruit quality. The aim of this study was to establish and localize the loss of xylem functionality, both spatially and temporally using detached fruit. Fruit were detached from the tree under water and fed through a capillary mounted on the cut end of the pedicel. The rate of water movement through the capillary was recorded. Fruit were held above dry silica gel [≈0% relative humidity (RH)] or above water (≈100% RH) to maximize or minimize transpiration, respectively. Water inflow rate depended on developmental stage. It increased from stage I to a maximum at early stage III and then decreased until maturity. Feeding acid fuchsin to developing fruit revealed a progressive decline in dye distribution. The decline progressed basipetally, from the stylar end toward the stem end. At the mature stage III, only the pedicel/fruit junction was stained. The same pattern was observed in four further plum cultivars at the mature stage III. The inflow into early stage III fruit decreased as the RH increased. In contrast, the inflow was less dependent of RH at the mature stage III. Abrading the fruit skin cuticle had no effect on water inflow during early and mature stage III but did markedly increase fruit transpiration rate. Decreasing the osmotic potential (more concentrated) of the feeding solution decreased the water inflow. Our results indicate a progressive loss of xylem functionality in European plum. Transpiration and osmotic pull are the main drivers of this xylem inflow

    A Study to assess the knowledge and practice on selected aspects of postnatal care among primi mothers in Aravindan Hospital, Coimbatore

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    STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: A study to assess the knowledge and practice of postnatal care among primi mothers at Aravindan hospital Coimbatore by delivering health education regarding postnatal care. OBJECTIVES: 1. To assess the knowledge and pratice of primi mothers regarding postnatal care. 2. To assess the knowledge of primi mothers on postnatal diet. 3. To assess the knowledge of primi mothers on personal hygiene. 4. To assess the knowledge of primi mothers on postnatal exercise. 5. To assess the knowledge of primi mothers on Breast feeding. METHODOLOGY: One group pre-test post-test experimental design was adapted in the study. Primi mothers who had normal delivery at Aravindan hospital were consider as the population for the study. Sample size was 35. Non-probability convenient sampling techniques was used to select the sample. The data was collected by questionnaire method which includes demographic data, closed ended questionnaire to assess the knowledge and practice regarding postnatal care. RESULT: Descriptive statistics was used to analyses the frequency, mean and standard deviation of demographic variables, knowledge and practice. Inferential statistics was used to determine comparison, correlation and association. The pre-test score was less in knowledge and practice regarding postnatal care among primi mothers. Education was given about various aspects of postnatal care i.e. diet, personal hygiene, postnatal exercise and breast feeding. The finding of the study revealed that there is as improvement in the posttest knowledge and practice scores. Positive correlation was seen between knowledge and practice scores. The paired ‘t’ test was used to evaluate the effectiveness of instruction module by comparing the pre-test and post test scores of knowledge and practice in each aspect separately. It was found that the ‘t’ value was statistically significant at P=0.05 level. The finding of the study revealed that there was a significant difference between pretest and post-test knowledge and practice scores. In association of demographic variable independent ‘t’ test was used to evaluate the significant association between the selected demographic variables with the knowledge score in the pre-test and post-test. In the post-test there was a significant association between sources of information with the level knowledge on postnatal care. There is a significant association between age, education, sources of information0 02 regarding postnatal care and area of residence with the level of practice scores in the post test. CONCLUSION: The study revealed that there is a significant difference in pretest and post test among employed others

    The Cinematic Discourse of the City: A Case Study of Kochi in Contemporary Malayalam Movies

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    Studies on city and cinema have become a major field of research.This article tries to focus on the representation of the city Kochi inKerala, and Malayalam films. Kochi being a port city has been thepoint where people around the globe arrived to develop traderelations with India. However, curiously enough, the city stillappears to cradle the western influence in nostalgic manner andalso seems to cherish it through many newly organized events andcustoms. Kochi has also been attributed a status as the center ofmany underworld activities by the tinsel town and films over thelast decade have celebrated to a phenomenal level. This articlecritically analyzes the representation of Kochi in a few selectedmovies like Big B, Chappa Kurishu, and Chotta Mumbai. Big Bfocuses entirely on the corrupted city life, crimes and revenge whileChappa Kurishu tries to juxtapose the lives of an upper-class and alower-class representative. On the other hand, Chhotta Mumbai is astory told in a lighter vein about the lives of small time goons in thestreet old Chhotta Mumbai in Fort Kochi. This image of the coloniesis constructed by the dominant institutions of our society. Themedia thus reproduced the viewpoints of dominant institutions notas one among a number of alternative perspectives, but as thecentral and 'obvious' or 'natural' perspective

    Does prophylactic tranexamic acid reduce blood loss in Indian women following vaginal delivery?

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    Background: Postpartum hemorrhage (PPH) accounts for 25% to 33% of obstetric deaths every year. Anemia is a cause and consequence of PPH. Despite intense efforts to prevent anemia, many Indian women labour with low hemoglobin levels. Tranexamic acid (TXA), an antifibrinolytic, have been demonstrated to reduce blood loss and transfusion requirements in various surgeries including cesarean section. Objectives were to study the efficacy of TXA in effectively reducing blood loss in Indian women following vaginal delivery.Methods: This randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study was conducted on 200 patients scheduled for vaginal delivery. In addition to oxytocin 10 units, group T received TXA 15 mg/kg and group P received normal saline administered over 5 minutes. Estimated blood loss, Hemoglobin deficit, need for additional uterotonics, need for blood transfusion, incidence of PPH and adverse events were noted.Results: The fall in hemoglobin was significantly higher in group P (p<0.00001). Estimated 24 hour blood loss was significantly higher by a mean blood volume of 86.99 ml in group P compared to group T (p<0.00001). The incidence of PPH was lower in group T (2.8% versus 11.3%). There were no significant difference in the need for supplementary uterotonics (9.9% versus 15.5%) and the incidence of blood transfusion (2.8% versus 8.5%). No adverse maternal and fetal outcomes were noted.Conclusions: To reduce blood loss following vaginal delivery, TXA may be safely recommended as standard adjunct to Oxytocin for regular management of third stage of labour, especially in developing countries like India

    Kinetics of Solid State Reaction between Copper & Bromine Vapours

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    Thidiazuron induced somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica L. and Coffea canephora P ex Fr.

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    The rapid direct and repetitive somatic embryogenesis in Coffea arabica and C. canephora genotypes was tested on Murashige and Skoog medium (MS) containing thidiazuron (TDZ) (1-phenyl-3-(1,2,3,-thiadiazol-5-yl)urea) in concentrations of 2.27–11.35s M. Segments taken from cotyledon leaf, first leaf and stalk of regenerated plantlets produced clusters of somatic embryos directly from cut portions of explants on TDZ (9.08 M) containing medium within a period of two months. Subculturing of these embryo clusters produced more secondary embryos on reduced TDZ (0.045–0.91M) containing medium and these subsequently developed into plantlets (80–85%) on development medium followed by rooting on MS basal medium. This direct somatic embryogenesis from leaf and hypocotyl explants in Coffea sp. is a strong evidence of cell totipotency. The rapid somatic embryo induction protocol would be useful for the mass propagation, direct regeneration and genetic transformation of selected elite lines

    Computational Noise Study of a Supersonic Short Conical Plug-Nozzle Jet

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    A computational jet noise study of a short conical plug-nozzle (CPN) is presented. The CPN has an exit diameter of 45 mm and the geometrical configuration closely approximates that of an ideal contoured plug-nozzle having shockless flow at pressure ratio xi(sub d) = 3.62. The gasdynamics of the jet flows have been predicted using the CFD code, NPARC with k-epsilon turbulence model; these data are then used for noise computations based on the modified GE/MGB code. The study covers a range of pressure ratio, 2.0 less than or equal to xi less than or equal to 5.0. The agreement of the computational results with the available experimental data is favorable. The results indicate consistent noise reduction effectiveness of the CPN as compared to equivalent convergent, convergent-divergent and ideal contoured plug nozzles at all pressure ratios. At design pressure ratio, codes predict noise levels within 4.0 dB of the measurements; and at off-design pressure ratios, in general, within 5.0 dB except at very high frequencies when deviations up to 10 dB are noted. The shock formation mechanism in the CPN jet is noted to be basically different from those in the convergent and CD nozzle jets

    Study of CeNi4Mn by neutron diffraction

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    We report neutron diffraction measurements on CeNi4Mn, which has recently been identified as a soft ferromagnet (Tc ~ 140 K) with a sizeable spin-transport polarization. Our data show conclusively that the Mn atoms occupy a unique site (4c) in the unit cell, which has the symmetry of the cubic MgCu4Sn-type structure. We infer a moment of 4.6 mu_B on Mn at 17 K, which is oriented ferromagnetically along the {101} plane. The amplitude of the Mn vibrational motion is found to be larger than that of Ce and Ni atoms at all temperatures, thereby lending support to theoretical prediction of rattling phonon modes in this compound.Comment: Accepted for publication in Solid State Commu