210 research outputs found

    Assuring the quality of studentsā€™ critical thinking through fallacy identification

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    Critical thinking skill has been a crucial issue in the context of higher education as the benchmark of qualified graduates. It is integrated in all aspects and involved in all of the courses as elaborated in the syllabus. Assessing the critical thinking becomes prominent to make sure that its quality is maintained. The real reflection of critical thinking can be traced through studentsā€™ ability to express their thought in the form of arguments. Good arguments must be supported not only by convincing claims and careful choice of supporting details but also on the rhetorical pattern which is free from fallacious statements. Identifying the fallacious statement which include recognizing the fallacy varieties assures the quality of their critical thinking. This study investigates the fallacious statements in the argumentative writing of the students of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang who argue on global issues. The faulty reasoning is found in terms of the the discussion on the topics, the flawed relations with the audience, and the relations with the characters involved in the arguments

    Logical Flaws In Indonesian Studentsā€™ Argumentative Essays

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    Writing argumentative essays becomes a challenge for both teachers and students as it relates to various aspects. One of them is on the teaching and learning of critical thinking skills comprising the awareness to avoid logical flaws. The real reflection of critical thinking can be traced through studentsā€™ ability to express their thought in the form of arguments which have no logical flaws. Good arguments must be supported by convincing claims and careful choice of wordings which is free from fallacious statements. This paper identifies the fallacious statements or logical flaws occurring in the argumentative writing of the students of an Islamic University in Indonesia. The findings show the faulty reasoning found in terms of the discussion on the topics, the flawed relations with the audience, and the relations with the characters involved in the arguments. The types of the logical flaws also concern the claims expressed. On claims of fact, the fallacies found include hasty generalization, irrelevancy, slippery slope, oversimplification and begging the question. Regarding pathos, the fallacy type covers ad populum, appeal to emotion premises and red herring. Meanwhile, the ethos fallacy occurs in straw man only. On claims of value, more faulty reasoning is found compared to the discussion on the topics which are considered less familiar. In the logos fallacy for instance, the whole types of fallacy are found. The pathos found involves appeal to emotion premises and red herring, while the ethos fallacy occurs in appeal to authority and ad hominem. On claims of policy, the similar tendency of ethos is also found while the pathos existing is in the form of appeal to emotion premises. Therefore, it is recommended that the students develop their critical thinking skills which involve constructing logical and flawless reasoning.Keywords: logical flaws, critical thinking, logos, ethos, patho

    Topic Mastery and Flow of Thought of Indonesian Students Learning Psycholingustics

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    This study focuses on evaluating studentsā€™ topic mastery and flow of thought in their Psycholinguistics project paper. Assessing these two aspects means a lot since it will be helpful as a planning tool to approach future better instruction. It was conducted with Indonesian students taking Psycholinguistics course at Humanities Faculty of UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. The instrument used is scoring rubric of two sets to evaluate the two aspects; topic mastery and flow of thought. The finding shows that the students do not make the most of their writing skill to perform their topic mastery as they were lacking in using proper citation and rephrasing strategies. They need more practices to increase the quality of the project paper to perform a better critical thinking and originality. The flow of thought presented by the students in their project paper is influenced by the use of ineffective transition and lacking in applying writing format. However, presenting sufficient information details is not a problem to most of the students as the papers show the completeness of the information which can facilitate readerā€™s understanding. On language use, most students have fair competence in using correct grammar and appropriate vocabulary. Keywords: topic mastery, flow of thought, psycholinguistics

    Seluk beluk kutipan, parafrase dan ringkasan

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    Dalam kuliah ini mahasiswa akan berlatih mengenali sumber referensi yang mendukung tulisannya baik dalam bentuk kutipan, parafrase maupun ringkasan. Mahasiswa diharapkan terampil dalam menganalisa kriteria sumber pendukung tulisan mereka. Selain itu dalam latihan mahasiswa akan mengenali mana hasil parafrase yang merupakan plagiasi

    Language disorder

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    The material covers some expected goals such as: understanding the concept of language disorder and how it is different from speech error, explaining the types of language disorder and how it affects children and adult. Understanding the concept and variation of language impairment is a significant step before the students review some current issues related with the language phenomenon regarding language disorder

    Pengantar penelitian bahasa: quantitative research methodology

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    Materi kuliah pengantar penelitian bahasa quantitative ini memberikan gambaran secara mendasar mengenai hakikat penelitian bahasa, prinsip dan proses penelitian, dasar penelitian kuantitatif serta latihan menganalisis elemen penelitian bahasa secara kuantitatif. Diharapkan mahasiswa dapat memahami berbagai batasan penelitian bahasa berikut kendalanya. Mahasiswa diharapkan dapat menjelaskan pengertian berbagai istilah operasional penelitian kuantitatif seperti variabel, hipotesis dll. Dengan melakukan praktik menganalisis elemen penelitian kuantitatif mahasiswa diharapkan mengenali kriteria laporan penelitian yang sesuai standar publikasi penelitian internasional dari jurnal bereputasi unggulan dunia

    To Give is Better than to Receive: Islamic Charity Concept of Philanthropy Applied in EFL Writing

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    Islam encourages the sharing of wealth with others and helps people to stand on their own and become productive members of the society. The term ā€˜wealthā€™ does not only refer to financial matters but also to several other types of sustenance like knowledge and expertise. In English as Foreign Language (EFL) context, the provision of help can be done through peer review. Although peer review has been shown to be beneļ¬cial in many writing classrooms, the beneļ¬ts of peer review to the reviewer, or the student giving feedback, has not been thoroughly investigated in EFL context. Hence, the benefit of giving contribution not only in the form of material but also ideas is rooted from Islamic charity concept of philanthropy. The study found that in improving student writing, giving peer feedback gives more benefit than receiving one. This demonstrates that to give is better than to receive as supported by Islamic principles. The study was conducted at English Department writing classes at UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang. An analysis on the gains in writing ability measured from writing essays collected at the beginning and end of the semester to see whether or not the reviewers made more signiļ¬cant gains in their own writing over the course of the semester

    The Role of Media for Shaping Learnerā€™s Critical Thinking

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    This paper explores the relationship between media and critical thinking. It seeks the understanding on which should come first between media and critical thinking. When it comes to the context of English as Foreign Language (EFL) setting, several questions come up with the emergence of integrating both in learning activities. Therefore some findings are reviewed to strengthen the postulate that integrating media in EFL context can shape learnerā€™s critical thinking. There are some underlying reasons regarding this idea, for instance on the role of media which can either support or hinder the process of shaping learnerā€™s critical thinking. Some examples are given such as the use of social media such as Facebook and Edmodo, TV viewing and news paper or news magazine. In addition, this paper also demonstates how media literacy is constructed in teaching and learning context so that the learners can identify the key concepts of media texts

    Studentā€™s Speaking Problems in Online Learning: A Systematic Research Review

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    This study used a systematic review, namely the research process by identifying previous research. Furthermore, this research applies a systematic analysis method that identifies the literature available on Google Scholar. This method has been used to produce original research as well as help researchers to critically analyze, evaluate and synthesize complex ideas. The five phases of systematic literature review are: 1) Framing questions for review 2) Relevant work 3) Assessing study quality 4) Summarizing the evidence 5) Interpret findings. From the results of the review a description it can be understood that there are student problems; they first have difficulty in terms of grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation. However, they also have problems in their psychology in learning speaking. Regarding online learning reviews, online learning is one of the alternative solutions for the learning process, including for students and teachers, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Although it raises some problems, for teachers and students, all parties must be ready to implement it. So that online learning has positive and negative impacts
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