987 research outputs found


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    ALI IMRON, NIM 07449003: “ Pengaruh Penerapan Sistem Administrasi Pendidikan Terhadap Pelaksanaan Pengajaran Di MTs Ash-Ashidiqiyyah Kecamatan Sumber-Cirebon” Sistem administrasi pendidikan adalah penggunaan atau aplikasi ilmu administrasi ke dalam pendidikan. Administrasi dapat diartikan sebagai suatu kegiatan atau usaha untuk membantu, melayani, mengarahkan atau mengatur semua kegiatan di dalam mencapai tujuan. Administrasi sebagai suatu kegiatan bersama terdapat dimana-mana selama ada manuasia yang hidup dan bekerja sama dalam kelompok. Jika kita melihat sebuah pabrik bekerja menghasilkan semacam benda sebagai produknya, maka disitu kita melihat ada administrasi. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah sebagai berikut: Untuk memperoleh data tentang penerapan sistem administrasi pendidikan dalam lingkungan sekolah lanjutan di MTs As Ahidiqiyyah Kecamatan Sumber Kabupaten Cirebon.Untuk memperoleh data tentang pelaksanaan pengajaran dalam lingkungan sekolah lanjutan di MTs As Shidiqiyyah Kecamatan Sumber Kabupaten Cirebon.Untuk memperoleh data mengenai seberapa besar pengaruh penerapan sistem administrasi pendidikan terhadap pelaksanaan dalam lingkungan sekolah lanjutan di MTs As Shidiqiyyah Kecamatan Sumber Kabupaten Cirebon. Penerapan sistem administrasi ditujukan untuk membantu memudahkan pengelolaan data-data dan informasi yang berkaitan dengan sekolah meliputi penerimaan siswa baru, akademis, rencana pengajaran guru,raport dan konseling, juga merupakan media interaktif antara sekolah dan orang tua atau wali murid . Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuantitatif dengan pendekatan empirik, sumber data yang digunakan adalah data teoritik dan empirik. Teknik pengumpulan data, yaitu: observasi, wawancara, teknik dokumentasi, dan teknik angket. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah uji korelasi, uji determinan, uji signifikansi. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah semua guru-guru dan staf pegawai yang berjumlah 32 orang. Adapun dalam menganalisa data tersebut menggunakan rumus korelasi product moment. Adapun hasil penelitian ini adalah penerapan sistem administrasi pendidikan dengan hasil 54,644% dalam kategori selalu, dan pelaksanaan pengajaran dengan hasil 62,142% dalam kategori selalu. Dari penerapan sistem administrasi pendidikan terhadap pelaksanaan pengajaran dalam lingkungan sekolah terdapat korelasi positif yang signifikan yaitu sebesar 0,96 Artinya semakin sering dilaksanakan penerapan administrasi pendidikan maka pelaksanaan pengajaran dalam lingkungan akan lebih baik, begitupun sebaliknya

    Social Security Program in Social Engineering Frame to Alleviate the Poverty of Home-Based Women Workers

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    Social security programs in present-time Indonesia in reality only affect workers of the formal sector, while workers of the informal sector—including home-based workers—whose number is larger do not receive adequate assistance. Home-based workers largely consist of women who work with standard wages which are far below the minimum wages, without occupational health and safety protection, and without social security for workers. This condition suggests that this group is still struggling with structural poverty due to the wrong policies made by state administrators. Theoretical study based on progressive law: in the sociological discourse based on the reality in the society, positivistic law or the state does not hold the monopoly. The society or particular communities may create their own norms, either to fill a legal vacuum or to reduce it. Factually, any legal issue cannot be left to formalistic law. The public also needs to fulfill and refine the law. This postulate is manifested in the lives of vulnerable home-based workers “the home-based women workers” in the instance of being neglected and do not receive social security program/normative rights. This fact proves that it is not enough to rely on formal-legal regulations to change the society. Furthermore, it would take a catalyst role for the Civil Society Institute Network (MWPRI) to strengthen the organization of “home-based women workers” in order to have a high bargaining power, to gain access to the public sphere in order to obtain the basic workers rights, including social security. Key words : social security, law as a tool of social engineering, home-based women workers, public participation


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    This research explains the role of the four pillars in law enforcement judges, prosecutors, police and advocates. primarily address corruption need to be instilled sense of justice and implanted " morality" to the mental and cultural.enforcement espoused give someone for corruption. Because of the opportunity and intention to commit the crimes of this corruption.This research using normative and empirical research. First, the legal habitus opportunis part neofeodalistik way of thinking in law enforcement; second, habitus empowerment law that puts opportunis in the implementation of law enforcement in the public domain has the potential to move the law impulsive behavior that tends manipulative, coercive and veiled and other immoral practices . Especially matters related to corruption.  Keywords: right of children toplay, public greenopen space, the role oflocal government


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    Marriageis essentially areunification ofmen and womenconsistingof elements ofsouland body arefusedinto one inahouseholdframeforemotional and physicalwelfare. Regulationof marriageembracedthe principlethata manmay onlyhavea wifeand vice versa. The court maygrant permissionto the husbandtoa wifemorethanacertain requirements.QualitativeandquantitativeJusticeas a condition ofpolygamydifficultand evenimpossible to berealized. Polygamy issynonymouswiththe exploitation ofwomenfor the sake ofgreedandsexuallust.

    STOLEN ASSET RECOVERY TINDAK PIDANA KORUPSI (Pendekatan Sistem Pembalikan Beban Pembuktian terhadap Aset Hasil Kejahatan Tindak Pidana Korupsi)

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    Tindak pidana korupsi merupakan suatu kejahatan yang dikategorikan sebagai kejahatan luar biasa. Perbuatan kejahatan tersebut tentu berdampak pada kerugian, dengan demikian pemulihan aset harus dilakukan. Konsep pemulihan aset lebih mengarah kepada korban kejahatan agar dapat kembali memperoleh asetnya yang hilang dalam tindak kejahatan. pembalikan beban pembuktian diperlukan dalam upaya pemulihan asset, dan sebagai pelaksanaan pengembalian asset. Metode yang menggunakan jenis penelitian yuridis normatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini bahwa penegakan hukum untuk memulihkan kembali kerugian negara, pemulihan aset yang akibat kejahata korupsi bisa dilakukan melalui sistem pebalikan beban pembuktian. Pembalikan beban pembuktian yang bersifat terbatas dan berimbang, perampasan barang bergerak yang berwujud atau yang tidak berwujud atau barang  tidak bergerak digunakan untuk atau yang diperoleh dari tindak pidana korupsi, termasuk perusahaan milik terpidana di mana tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan.  Asset Recovery dari perspektif undang-undang tindak pidana Korupsi Asset recovery dalam perundang-undangan tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan melalui jalur pidana maupun jalur perdata. Pendekatan melalui jalur pidana undang-undang tindak pidana korupsi mengatur tentang proses pengembalian aset melalui jalur pidana


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    Marriageis essentially areunification ofmen and womenconsistingof elements ofsouland body arefusedinto one inahouseholdframeforemotional and physicalwelfare. Regulationof marriageembracedthe principlethata manmay onlyhavea wifeand vice versa. The court maygrant permissionto the husbandtoa wifemorethanacertain requirements.QualitativeandquantitativeJusticeas a condition ofpolygamydifficultand evenimpossible to berealized. Polygamy issynonymouswiththe exploitation ofwomenfor the sake ofgreedandsexuallust.

    Indonesian Interests in Hadith-Sourced COVID-19 Queries According to Google Trends

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    COVID-19 pandemic has had an impact on people’s religious lives all around  the world. This article attempts to examine the following hypothesis: COVID-19 also influences religious life in Indonesia, the results of which can be also observed in hadith studies. This study employed a mixed-method. The data is compiled through Google Trends (GT) from 1 December 2019 to 20 August 2020, pointing to four keywords. The data is analyzed through a content analysis. This research suggests that there is an exponentially increasing search using those four words on the internet. The search for hadiths on COVID-19 was only conducted in West Java. ‘Doa Covid’ (prayer for protection from COVID-19) became the most exponentially searched keyword across Indonesia. The GT data suggests that individuals are searching the internet for an explanation about the prophetic guideline in dealing with COVID-19. The most popular articles are published in Republika Online, Tribun Newsgroup, MadaniNews, Okezone, and Liputan6. The hadiths mentioned in those articles contain mostly the prayers of the Prophet Muhammad to keep people away from illness or to obtain safety in the world and the afterlife


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    AbstractCivil law of Islam in indonesia is expected to create well-being materil and residents immateril for all indonesian people not to disregard the interests of some group and other groups. Law in indonesia should conform to the customs local indonesia entering in pancasila values.This paper intends to know the meaning of pancasila as screening board in the development of law in indonesia , strategy and the use of civil law of islam in indonesia.Pancasila serves as a filter on various values or norms that comes from outside. Law making procces, law awareness and law enforcement procces in indonesia always use pancasila as screening board in the use of universal values to become the norm positive law in indonesia.The use of islamic civil law in indonesia can be done through two ways namely first through the transformation of the value of the substance of islamic civil law  to the community cultural tradition of culture in indonesia that gradually long term will become customary law .The second, islamic civil law trying to become positive law indonesia through screening board pancasila.Keyword: Pancasila, Islamic civil law, developmen

    Peer Educator and Adolescent Reproduction Health Education

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    One of the present important development issues was reproductive health. The reproductive health began at adolescents and it become primary concern. Additionally, labile condition, less understanding of the right reproductive health and the taboo of sex caused reproduction deviations such as premarital sex, abortion and HIV/AIDS. However, there were many reproduction information that were easily accessed by adolescents, but  parents could not play maximal role in the reproduction health education because they were lack of the knowledge of the reproduction health in addition to the existing social construct that considered sexuality as taboo. Peer educator approach in the adolescent reproductive health education was chosen because peers played an important role in transferring the information of the reproduction health. The effectiveness of the peer education approach in the program PIK-KRR(Pusat Information dan Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja) became the entry point in the adolescent reproduction health education. This research uses qualitative method and was conducted in “Demarko” Senior High School. The informants were selected using purposive sampling except those in selected using snowball sampling. The data was collected using participant observation and in-depth interview for descriptive analysis. The adolescent reproduction health education was conducted through Pusat Information dan Konseling Kesehatan Reproduksi Remaja (PIK-KRR) program and the peer educator as the primary actor. The PIK-KRR of “Demarko” Senior High School is referred to as “Subur”. Though it was controversial at the beginning, the PIK-KRR “Subur” obtains the predicate “Tegar” representing the highest level in the management of the PIK-KRR. However, in the first year the management of the PIK-KRR managed to organize all of the programmed activities and won First Champion of PIK-KRR at provincial level. In the next operation, it was proven that the performance of the peer educators in the PIK-KRR “Subur” was decreased because the lack of communication, low intensity, gains less support, and lack of appreciation of the school and the low motivation from the teachers. Some students in the implementation of the PIK-KRR in “Demarko” Senior High School pursued their own interests. The articulation of the actors blurred from the objective of the reproduction health education that the program did not go effectively. Keywords: adolescents, reproduction health education, peer educators and effectiveness


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    ABSTRAK : Pentingnya pengetahuan dalam berwirausaha dan pengelolaan manajemen UMKM di Kabupaten Pekalongan agar bisa berkembang dan berinovasi produknya sehingga perlu dilaksanakannya Pelatihan Manajemen Pengelolaan Usaha Bagi UMKM. Peserta Pelatihan ini adalah pelaku UMKM . Pendekatan pelatihan ini adalah dengan memakai metode ceramah dan diskusi. Tujuan dilakukannya pelatihan dengan tema pelatihan manajemen pengelolaan usaha bagi UMKM adalah agar para pelaku UMKM dapat mengelola keuangan usaha dan perhitungan harga jual dan mengembangkan usaha yang dimiliki . Harapannya setelah ada pelatihan ini para pelaku UMKM dapat mengelola dan mengembangkan usaha yang dimiliki.Kata Kunci :Kewirausahaan, Manajemen Usaha, UMK
