852 research outputs found

    The effect of derivatives of 1-Alkenilimidazol on the central nervous system of experimental animals

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    For the first time the effect of metal complex derivatives of 1-alkenilimidazol on the function of the central nervous system is studied by tests: conditioned defense reflex of avoidance, duration of hexenal sleep, the individual behavior of mice in the «open field» and the process of korazol convulsions. These experiments show the benefit of the activating influence of pilim-1 and pilim-2 on the central nervous system of animals. The studies confirm the hypothesis about the possible psychosedative effect of the compound «allim-2»

    Sculptor Lyudmila Pavlovna Ushakova: Strokes To the Biography

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    Tagil artistic culture of the twentieth century-a fusion of individuals, connecting personalities. The study of the creative path of each-an important task to preserve the history of the city. The contribution of many artists is still invaluable, many are not preserved evidence of their contribution to the culture of the city. The works and works created by the Tagil sculptor Lyudmila Pavlovna Ushakova deserve attention. Together with the sculptor V. M. Ushakov, she participated in the creation of monumental monuments of the Urals, contributed to the formation of children's fine arts in the city and in the country, the Museum of fine arts.Тагильская художественная культура ХХ века – это сплав индивидуальностей, соединение личностей. Исследование творческого пути каждого – важная задача, позволяющая сохранить историю города. Вклад многих художников еще неоценен, о многих не сохранено свидетельств их вклада в культуру города. Дела и произведения, созданные тагильским скульптором Людмилой Павловной Ушаковой, заслуживают внимания. Вместе со скульптором В. М. Ушаковым она участвовала в создании монументальных памятников Урала, внесла вклад в становление детского изобразительного творчества в городе и в стране, музея изобразительных искусств

    Accounting and management systems as the basis of enterprise development

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    The article presents a study on the management of accounting systems, its current state, as well as on the difficulties that arise in the work of enterprises under the risks’ influence. The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has been studied on the economic activity of the enterprise and on the reporting formation. The main changes in the organization of the company’s activities in modern conditions and costs affecting the accounting statements have been reflected. The accounting problems in conditions of uncertainty and violation of information exchange between responsibility centers have been identified. The existing systems’ comparative analysis of accounting, management accounting and risk management has been compiled. The benefits of optimizing accounting systems under the influence of modern risks have been formulated and information on them has been detailed, in accordance with the specifics of conducting financial and business operations at enterprises. The interrelation of accounting and risk management systems has been established, aimed at minimizing losses in the implementation of the enterprise’s activities in conditions of uncertainty

    Genetic environment of the blaKPC-2 gene in a Klebsiella pneumoniae isolate that may have been imported to Russia from Southeast Asia

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    The nucleotide sequence of a blaKPC-2-harboring plasmid (pKPCAPSS) from Klebsiella pneumoniae ST273 isolated in Saint Petersburg, Russia, from a patient with history of recent travel to Vietnam is presented. This 127,970-bp plasmid possessed both IncFII and IncR replicons. blaKPC-2 was localized on a hypothetical mobile element. This element was flanked by 38-bp inverted Tn3 repeats and included a Tn3-specific transposase gene, macrolide resistance operon (mphA-mrx-mphR), and a fragment of blaTEM with unique polymorphisms. © 2017 American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved

    Complex 99mTc-PDA-DTPA for myocardial imaging

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    The 123I-labeled fatty acids such as 123I-Iodophenylpentadecanoic acid and 123I-Beta-methyliodophenylpentadecanoic acid are the agents used clinically for myocardial imaging. Fatty acids are the major source of energy for the normal myocardium. However, under ischemic conditions the myocardial cells switch to glucose metabolism for their energy needs. Fatty acids undergo prolonged metabolic stunning in patients with reversible ischemia, thereby helping in early diagnosis of coronary artery disease in highrisk patients. High cost andlimited availability of cyclotron-produced 123I, makes 99mTc-labeled fatty acids more desirable for the purpose. In diagnosis the dominant radionuclide is 99mTc. It is estimated that it is involved in about 85% of all imaging procedures in nuclear medicine. The method for preparation of new 99mTc-fatty chemical systems based on modified diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) molecule has been elaborated in this work . The main advantage using DTPA as chelate agent for radioactive label, is the molecule or it's derivative ability to form sufficiently stable complexes with different radioactive metals including technetium-99. Moiety of pentadecanoic acid addition gave the ability to prepare modified complex of DTPA. In a labeling procedure, freshly eluted Na99mTcO4 (20mCi) was added to a mixture of cysteine, stannous chloride, PDK-DTPA and ethanol in a vial. On keeping the reaction mixture at 90 0C for 30 min, [99mTc-PDK-DTPA] radiopharmaceutical was formed. Thereafter, the reaction mixture was cooled over ice and characterized by HPLC. The result of dynamic scintigraphic research showed, that after being injected, the substance is actively acumulated into myocardium. Eventually one can say that modified DTPA-moleculs are functionally suitable for myocardial imaging

    Glycyrrhetinic acid and its derivatives as inhibitors of poly(ADP-ribose)polymerases 1 and 2, apurinic/apyrimidinic endonuclease 1 and DNA polymerase β

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    Aim. For strengthening the efficiency of monofunctional alkylating antineoplastic drugs it is important to lower the capacity of base excision repair (BER) system which corrects the majority of DNA damages caused by these reagents. The objective was to create inhibitors of the key BER enzymes (PARP1, PARP2, DNA polymerase β, and APE1) by the directed modification of glycyrrhetinic acid (GA). Methods. Amides of GA were produced from the GA acetate by formation of the corresponding acyl chloride, amidation with the appropriate amine and subsequent deacylation. Small library of 2-cyano substituted derivatives of GA methyl esters was obtained by the structural modification of GA framework and carboxylic acid group. The inhibitory capacity of the compounds was estimated by comparison of the enzyme activities in specific tests in the presence of compounds versus their absence. Results. None of tested compounds inhibits PARP1 significantly. Unmodified GA and its morpholinic derivative were shown to be weak inhibitors of PARP2. The derivatives of GA containing keto-group in 11 triterpene framework were shown to be moderate inhibitors of pol β. Compound 3, containing 12-oxo-9(11)-en moiety in the ring C, was shown to be a single inhibitor of APE1 among all compounds studied. Conclusions. The class of GA derivatives, selective pol β inhibitors, was found out. The selective inhibitor of APE1 and weak selective inhibitor of PARP2 were also revealed

    Journalistic Practices of Construction Calendar Holidays: History, Person, Symbolic Meaning

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    В центре внимания статьи — конструирование реальности в медиадискурсе. Авторы исследуют дискурсивные практики конструирования календарных праздников (на примере Дня народного единства в России). Исследование показало, что журналисты пишут об истории и традициях праздника. Они также описывают праздничные мероприятия и цитируют поздравления официальных лиц. Авторы выявили такие важные дискурсивные практики, как придание празднику символического значения и связь исторических событий с текущей ситуацией.The article deals with the construction of reality in the media discourse. The authors research discursive practices of the construction of calendar holidays (for example, National Unity Day in Russia). The study showed that journalists write about the history and traditions of the holiday. They also describe celebratory events and quote congratulations from officials. The authors identified such important discursive practices as attributing a symbolic meaning to the holiday and the connection of historical events with the current situation

    The dynamics of lipid peroxidation product rate, antioxidant enzyme and cytokine profile of bronchial asthma diseased people with cold bronchi hyperreactivity against the background of administering montelukast preparation in polar latitude conditions

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    During 12 month, the dynamics of lipid penoxidation rate was taken up, antioxidant enzyme and cytokine profile of bronchial asthmatic people with cold bronchi hyperreactivity Diseased people were divided into 2 groups - basic (60 people) and control (50 people). With the help of generally accepted cold probe, cold bronchi hyperreactivity was certified in all patients. Bronchial asthmatic people of moderate and serious severity with cold hyperreactivity taking Monte-lukast preparation and inhaled glucocorticosteroids (IGCS). occur in long term care complemen-tary (according to the cytokine dynamics, lipid perioxidation products, antioxidant enzymes) an-tiinflomation action of these preparations, that was controlled of 75% bronchial asthmatic people (opposite in control of 22-25% patients).На протяжении 12 месяцев оценивалась динамика показателей перикисного окисления липидов (ПОЛ), антиоксидантных ферментов и цитокинового профиля у больных бронхиальной астмой (БА) с холодовой гиперреактивностью бронхов (ХГРБ). Больные были подразделены на 2 группы - основную (60 чел.) и контрольную (50 чел.). У всех пациентов была подтверждена при помощи общепринятой холодовой пробы ХГРБ. У больных БА средней и тяжелой степени тяжести с ХГРБ получающих препараты монтелукаст и ингаляционные глюкокортикостероиды (ИГКС) (фиксированная комбинация формотерол+будесонид) отмечается в процессе длительного лечения взаимодополняющий (по данным динамики цитокинов. продуктов ПОЛ. антиоксидантных ферментов) противовоспалительный эффект этих препаратов, что сопровождалось контролем БА у 75% больных (напротив в контроле у 22-25% пациентов)

    The Urals as a vernaculars district

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    Урал рассматривается как особое символическое пространство. Выдвигается гипотеза о том, что этот регион является вернакулярным районом и существует в дискурсе, а его границы могут не совпадать с географическими и/или административными границами. Чтобы их выявить, проводится анализ региональных СМИ, выявляются упоминания принадлежности к Уралу.The author considers the Ural district as a special symbolic space. There is a hypothesis about this area as vernacular region. It exists in the framework of discourse, and its borders may not coincide with geographical and/or administrative boundaries. The authors analyze regional media and reveal references of belonging to the Urals.Исследование выполнено при финансовой поддержке РФФИ в рамках научного проекта № 18-312-00143 мол_а «Региональная идентичность россиян в дискурсе СМИ: единство и разнообразие»

    Similarity analysis of silage, rumen and milk microbiota in dairy cows

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    Diseases that occur in such a multifactorial system as animal husbandry are determined not only by internal factors of the body, for example, the composition of the microflora of the digestive system, but also by external factors, such as feed. The aim of the study was to analyze the similarity of the microbiota of silage fed to cows with the composition of the microflora of their rumen and milk using the NGS sequencing method. The experiment was carried out on one of the commercial farms of the Leningrad region. The bacterial community of the contents of rumen, milk and silage from perennial cereals and legumes was evaluated by NGS sequencing on the MiSeq platform (Illumina, Inc., USA) with primers for the V3-V4 region of the 16S rRNA gene. As a result of the study, 22 phylum of attributed microorganisms were found in the microflora of silage, 24 to 30 phylum of rumen, 18 phylum of milk. Similar taxa of microorganisms were identified in silage, rumen and milk, the main difference was noted in quantitative ratios (P≤0.05). For example, the amount of Firmicutes in silage was 52.9 ± 3.45%, in milk - 11.8 ± 0.78%. This suggests that there may be some relationship between the studied biotopes. Pathogenic microorganisms, including the causative agents of mastitis, were present in many samples. The genera Staphylococcus, Acinetobacter, Streptococcus and Fusobacterium were identified by us as the most represented (P≤0.05) in the composition of the milk microflora. Their content was 0.24±0.023, 1.8±1.23, 1.0±0.06 and 0.35±0.031%, respectively. Probably, the microflora of the rumen can influence the formation of the milk microbiota