Complex 99mTc-PDA-DTPA for myocardial imaging


The 123I-labeled fatty acids such as 123I-Iodophenylpentadecanoic acid and 123I-Beta-methyliodophenylpentadecanoic acid are the agents used clinically for myocardial imaging. Fatty acids are the major source of energy for the normal myocardium. However, under ischemic conditions the myocardial cells switch to glucose metabolism for their energy needs. Fatty acids undergo prolonged metabolic stunning in patients with reversible ischemia, thereby helping in early diagnosis of coronary artery disease in highrisk patients. High cost andlimited availability of cyclotron-produced 123I, makes 99mTc-labeled fatty acids more desirable for the purpose. In diagnosis the dominant radionuclide is 99mTc. It is estimated that it is involved in about 85% of all imaging procedures in nuclear medicine. The method for preparation of new 99mTc-fatty chemical systems based on modified diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid (DTPA) molecule has been elaborated in this work . The main advantage using DTPA as chelate agent for radioactive label, is the molecule or it's derivative ability to form sufficiently stable complexes with different radioactive metals including technetium-99. Moiety of pentadecanoic acid addition gave the ability to prepare modified complex of DTPA. In a labeling procedure, freshly eluted Na99mTcO4 (20mCi) was added to a mixture of cysteine, stannous chloride, PDK-DTPA and ethanol in a vial. On keeping the reaction mixture at 90 0C for 30 min, [99mTc-PDK-DTPA] radiopharmaceutical was formed. Thereafter, the reaction mixture was cooled over ice and characterized by HPLC. The result of dynamic scintigraphic research showed, that after being injected, the substance is actively acumulated into myocardium. Eventually one can say that modified DTPA-moleculs are functionally suitable for myocardial imaging

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