95 research outputs found

    The cerebral basis for language learner strategies: A near-infrared spectroscopy study

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    In this paper, we validate Macaro’s (2006) model of strategy use among language learners by assessing the amount of neural activity around the prefrontal cortex, the supposed locus of working memory (WM). We also examine whether WM activation during first language (L1) strategy deployment is lower than WM activation during second language (L2) strategy deployment, as predicted by Macaro’s model. In the analysis, we consider data obtained through an innovative neuroimaging technique (near-infrared spectroscopy) and stimulated- recall interviews. The results reveal greater brain activity during execution of the L1 and L2 tasks than in a control condition; further, use of strategies in the L2 resulted in stronger WM activation than use of strategies in the L1. These results provide partial support for the validity of Macaro’s model


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    本研究では、授業中に指導されたメタ認知方略を、⑴ 学習者が習得していく過程、および⑵習得を妨げる要因について調査した。対象は、日本人大学生英語学習者8 名であった。データは、授業外学習の記録日記(約2.5 ヶ月間分)、刺激提示による回顧法、そして6 ヶ月後の回顧的インタビューにて収集した。分析の結果、⑴ 学習者は、自身の英語学習を何とかしたいという強い感情を有し、さらにメタ認知方略の有用性を再認識する(足場)過程の中で、メタ認知方略を習得していくことがわかった。さらに、⑵他者からの強制(他律的学習)がないことや、方略使用時に感じる心理的負荷(コスト)も、習得を妨げる要因となることが明らかとなった。研究論

    Repeated Presentations of Material: Is it Effective for EFL Students’ Listening?

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    Thanks to the advances in digital audio technology, it becomes much easier for language teachers to present any two given points of listening material repeatedly to their students without losing sound quality. However, the effectiveness of repeated material presentations has not yet been proven satisfactorily. An empirical study therefore was conducted to test the following two hypotheses; (1) repeated presentations of material are effective for EFL learners’ listening, and (2) the effectiveness of repeated presentations is influenced by i) the length of the sentence, ii) the grammatical complexity of the sentence, and iii) the proficiency level of the learner. The subjects were 148 Japanese college students learning EFL. The results indicated that repeated presentations are indeed effective, although the degree of effectiveness varies with learners’ proficiency as well as material length and difficulty. Along with full description of the findings, some pedagogical implications are also mentioned.The Fourth Conference on Foreign Language Education and TechnologyJuly 28 to August 1, 200

    Clarifying the differences in learning EFL reading strategies : An analysis of portfolios

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    The aim of this study is to reveal the differences in the process of learning reading strategies by EFL learners whose English proficiency levels differ. For this purpose, portfolios made by 10 Japanese female college students learning English (five in the higher proficiency group and the other five in the lower) were analyzed. The results found six prominent differences between the two groups. The first difference is the amount of description recorded in each portfolio. The second, third, and fourth differences concern the understanding of the purpose and the merit of each strategy use, of the conditions in which each strategy is used effectively, and of the combined use of strategies. Also, the timing for and the method for evaluating efficacy of strategy use are different between the two groups. After the full descriptions of these six differences with samples from portfolios, some pedagogical and research implications for strategy instruction are made

    Reading Aloud: An Indicator of Integrative Ability of EFL

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    Tasks and Strategy Use : Empirical Implications for Questionnaire Studies

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