3,794 research outputs found

    Evidence of Pre-Imaginal Overwintering of Diamondback Moth, \u3ci\u3ePlutella Xylostella\u3c/i\u3e (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae) in Michigan

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    We investigated the possibility of overwintering of the diamondback moth, Plutella xylostella L., in central Michigan. In the spring of 1993, counts of immature stages on brassicaceous weeds in a field previously planted to broccoli revealed a small but significant number of late instars that could not be attributed to oviposition of immigrant moths from the southern United States. We suggest that crop debris and snow cover played an important role in sheltering the larvae, which are known to tolerate sub·freezing temperatures. There was no indication of adult survival

    Differential Effects of Food Plants on the Development, Egg Production and Feeding Behaviour of the Diamondback Moth (Plutella xylostella L.)

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    Differential effects of food plants on developmental time of diamondback moth (DBM) (Plutella xylostella L.) laroae and pupae, larval feeding behaviour and egg production by the adult were studied. The food plants used were five Brassicaceae plants (Brassica juncea Cosson, B. juncea Cosson var. rugose Bally, B. alba Rebenh, B. oleracea var. alboglabra Bally and B. juncea L. (Czern)) and one Capparidaceae (Cleome rutidosperma DC). The developmental times ofbDBM laroae and pupae were significantly affected by the food plants. Laroal developmental time was significantly longer (10.9 days) when fed on B. alba (cultivated) than on the other food plants. The wild food plants seemed to prolong the developmental time of DBM pupae compared with the cultivated hosts. There was a strong relationship (r = 0.85) between the numbers of eggs laid by DBM adults and the weight of the pupae which developed from larvae fed on various food plants. In contrast to the wild hosts and three other cultivated hosts, B. juncea seemed to be a better food plant ( better quality food) as it caused higher pupal weight and egg production 1Yy the female adults. In a no-choice test, DBM laroae took a significantly longer time to reachB. juncea (wild and cultivated) than other host plants, indicating that the former had fewer feeding attractants. DBM larvae spent significantly shorter time to feed on C. rutidosperma and cultivated B. juncea than on other food plants. In a choice test, DBM larvae took about equal amounts of time to reach each food plant. However, they spent significantly longer time feeding on B. juncea than on other food plants. The potential of C. rutidosperma to be used in insecticide-resistant management ofDBM is also discussed

    Pengaruh Kepemimpinan dan Disiplin Kerja terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT Central Capital Futures Cabang Malang

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    This study aims to determine: (1). The influence of leadership on employee performance of PT Central Capital Futures Malang Branch; (2). The influence of work discipline on employee performance of PT Central Capital Futures Malang Branch; (3). The influence of leadership and work discipline simultaneously on employee performance of PT Central Capital Futures Malang Branch. The research method is quantitative causality or causal with multiple linear regression analysis technique. The population is all 37 employees with 37 samples using full sampling (census). Hypothesis test using t test (partial) and F test (simultaneous). The result of t test (partial) shows that leadership has positive and significant effect to employee's performance, work discipline has positive and significant impact to employee's performance; and F test results (simultaneous) indicate that leadership And Work Discipline Together Effect On Employee performance.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui : (1). Pengaruh kepemimpinan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Central Capital Futures Cabang Malang; (2). Pengaruh disiplin kerja terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Central Capital Futures Cabang Malang; (3). Pengaruh kepemimpinan dan disiplin kerja secara simultan terhadap kinerja karyawan PT Central Capital Futures Cabang Malang. Metode penelitian adalah kuantitatif yang bersifat sebab akibat atau kausal dengan teknik analisis regresi linier berganda. Populasinya adalah seluruh karyawan yang berjumlah 37 karyawan dengan sampel 37 karyaan dengan menggunakan sampling penuh (sensus). Uji hipotesis menggunakan uji t (partial) dan uji F (simultan). Hasil uji t (partial) menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan, disiplin kerja berpengaruh positif dan signifikan terhadap kinerja karyawan; dan hasil uji F (simultan) menunjukkan bahwa kepemimpinan dan disiplin kerja secara bersama-sama berpengaruh terhadap kinerja karyawan

    Developing and Using Multimedia Effectively for Cirebonese Language Learning

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    Lab Learning on Electronics Industry is a must course. This is necessary for students so they have good skills. Lab Learning need practice equipment that enough to fit the quantities of students. But in fact the quantities of material and practice equipment are not being sufficient. In addition, there is no learning media that can support the courses. This study aims to develop lab learning media with technology based on game with android-base that can help the students to understand the lab course everywhere, all the time. This study using Research and Development Method (RnD) with Model of Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC). This study is done through six stage that is: 1. Concept; 2) Design; 3) Collection of material; 4) Assembly; 5) Testing; and 6) Distribution. The evaluation process feasibility learning media done by granting the survey to Media Experts, Lecture experts, and respondents trial use. Based on the assessment field test by students for Industrial Electronics they can get 88.27% counted as very good. Android-Based Elin Game as Learning Media in Industrial Electronics is very reasonable and effective for teaching.     Keywords: Game, Android, Learning Media, Industrial Electronics, Multimedia Development Life Cycle (MDLC)

    Catheter associated urinary tract infection among patients attending some selected hospitals in Kano Metropolis

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    Background: Catheter-associated urinary tract infection has become one of the major global health concerns, especially in developing countries including Nigeria. Risk factors for CAUTIs include prolongation of the catheterization and possible contamination of the indwelling catheter by normal microbial flora. Aim: The present study aimed to evaluate catheter-associated urinary tract infection among patients attending some selected hospitals in the Kano metropolis. Methodology: This is cross sectional prospective study among 231 consented patients, ages ≥18 years that were catheterize. Urine samples were collected and subjected to standard bacteriological procedure for culture and sensitivity test. Patient data were collected using structured questionnaire. Result: The overall CAUTIs incidence of 163(70.6%) was obtained in this study, Escherichia coli was the highest uropathogene 62(38.0%) obtained followed by 58(35.6%) with Staphylococcus aureus. Majority of the participants are male 89(54.6%) and participants within the age group of 68 – 77 years had the highest incidence 37(22.7%) and least incidence was obtained among ages group ≥88 years 3(1.8%). Nitrofurantoin and Amoxicillin were found to be the most active antibiotics. Prolonging stay of the catheter showed the great impart in the occurrence of CAUTIs. Conclusion: An incidence rate of 70.6% was obtained in this study. The present study revealed the presence of bacteria associated with urinary catheters in individuals with UTIs. High incidence was observed in male participant than female counterpart. Keywords: Catheter; CAUTIs; E. coli; Urinary tract infection

    Flow Injection Sample Introduction Methods for Atomic Absorption Spectrometry

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    The essential features of flow injection analysis are described and the use of flow injection methodology for sample introduction for flame atomic-absorption spectrometry is briefly reviewed. A flow injection analogue of the standard additions method has been devised and applied to the analysis of chromium in some BCS standard steels. The results showed good agreement with the certificate values. The use of a concentration gradient forming mixing chamber to provide a novel method of rapid, single-standard Calibration is described and the results of preliminary experiments with magnesium show the method to be viable. The potential usefulness of both methods is critically evaluated

    Pemberdayaan Perempuan Perdesaan dalam Pembangunan (Studi Kasus Perempuan di Desa Samboja Kuala, Kecamatan Samboja, Kabupaten Kutai Kertanegara)

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    Latar belakang penelitian ini adalah belum diikutsertakannya perempuan perdesaan di dalam berbagai aspek pembangunan, sehingga mereka perlu diberdayakan agar dapat berfungsi sebagai subyek maupun obyek di dalam pembangunan, baik sebagai perencana, pengambil keputusan, pelaksana, maupun masyarakat dan menikmati hasil pembangunan secara merata. Tujuan penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendiskripsikan, menganalisis dan menginterpretasikan aspek-aspek yang berhubungan dengan: (1) Latar belakang kehidupan sosial perempuan di desa Samboja Kuala, (2) Upaya yang dilakukan perempuan di desa Samboja Kuala dalam memenuhi kebutuhannya, (3) Upaya yang dilakukan untuk memberdayakan perempuan di Desa Samboja Kuala. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan bentuk studi kasus, pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan menggunakan teknik wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi dan observasi, yaitu model interaktif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa latar belakang perempuan di Desa Samboja Kuala Kecamatan Samboja Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara sebagian besar memiliki pendidikan yang rendah, pernikahan diusia muda menyababkan mereka tidak mampu bertahan dan akhirnya bercerai, sehingga secara sosial dan ekonomi tidak dapat berdaya. Upaya yang dilakukan oleh perempuan di Desa Samboja Kuala dalam memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangganya adalah mereka berupaya menjadi tenaga buruh seperti pembuat ikan kering, penimbang ikan di TPI, pembuat keranjang tempat ikan dan membuka toko dengan skala kecil. Upaya yang dilakukan dalam rangka memberdayakan perempuan di Desa Samboja Kuala adalah dengan diberikannya keterampilan dan pelatihan, adanya bantuan modal bergulir serta bantuan dalam bentuk peralatan. Secara umum perempuan Desa Samboja Kuala masih perlu diberdayakan mengingat pendidikan mereka yang masih rendah, banyak dari mereka menyandang status janda sehingga mereka hanya mengandalkan tenaga untuk memenuhi kebutuhan rumah tangganya tanpa memiliki keahlian maupun ketrampilan. Sehingga mereka secara umum dapat ikut serta didalam pembangunan baik sebagai subyek dan obyek. Kata Kunci: pemberdayaan, perempuan, pembangunan ABSTRACT The background of this research is that the rural women are not being included on the all aspect of development; therefore they should be empowered to become the subject or object function on the development. They can be empowered on planning, decision making, managing or customer to get the benefit of development The objective of this research is to get a description, analysis and interpretation of all aspect related with: (1) Background of women social life in Samboja Kuala village, (2) Effort from the women of Samboja Kuala village to fulfill their need, (3) Effort to be done to empowering the women of Samboja Kuala village. This research use qualitative methods with case study, data collection has been done with interview technique, documentation and interactive observation. The result of this research show that almost all background of women on Samboja Kuala village Kecamatan Samboja Kabupaten Kutai Kartanegara having low level education, early marriage cause them which cant pretend their marriage and force them to divorce, which also cause their social and economy cant be held. The women of Samboja Kuala village have been work as dry fish maker, fish weightier on fish auction place or open little shop as their effort to fulfill their household need. The for which has been done to empowering the women of Samboja Kuala village is present and practice them with skill, give them with capital aid and equipment aid. In general, the women of Samboja Kuala village should be more empowered in remembrance of their low level education, most of them have widow status which only realy on their physical to fulfil their household income without skill and specialization. Therefore they can participate on the development as a subject and object. Keywords: empowerment, woman, developmen