70 research outputs found


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    Development of the housing sector has now spread to the suburban areas of Denpasar; even some rural areas in Bali have become targets of housing developers. Designing and arranging of houses through ergonomic intervention comprises one of several efforts for improving the houses’ quality in terms of their natural comfort. The ergonomic intervention should meet such criteria as to be technically applicable, less costly, energy saving especially that of electricity, socio-culturally convenience, and environment friendly. This experimental study being reported applied a treatment by subject design, in which eight houses were selected as sample, located in the housing complex of Perumahan Nuansa Kori Sading Mengwi Badung. Of the eight sampled houses, each two houses faced north, south, east and west, respectively. Twenty six occupants of the eight sampled houses were interviewed using a questionnaire. All samples were selected by stratified random sampling. The ergonomic intervention comprised remodeling of ventilation and windows of all the sampled houses. Data collecting of objective comfort was carried out before and after intervention i.e. at 8 am, 10 am, 12 pm, 2 pm, 4 pm and 8 pm, by measuring temperature, humidity, light intensity, and airflow. Data of subjective comfort were collected by questionnaire, which had been tested earlier for its validity and reliability. The results showed that (1) before intervention the average of wet temperature was 23.66 ± 1.36 ÂșC, after intervention was 23.09 ± 1.20 ÂșC; (2) before intervention the average of dry temperature was 28.76 ± 1.07 ÂșC, after intervention was 27.88 ± 0.73 ÂșC; (3) relative humidity before intervention was 73.44 ± 4.37 %, after intervention was 72.63 ± 2.73 %; (4) natural light intensity before intervention was 134.94 ± 71.69 lux, after intervention was 229.69 ± 114.53 lux; and (5) the average of airflow before intervention was 0.10 ± 0.04 m/sc, after intervention was 0.31 ± 0.08 m/sc. The conclusions could be arawn are that ergonomic intervention by remodeling ventilation and windows of houses type 36/120 could improve objective comfort by 12.4% (p<0.05), along with increase of subjective comfort of the occupants of the houses facing all directions. This study suggests that ergonomic intervention should be applied since early in the construction of houses in order to make them cheaper, healthier, and more comfortable


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    Bangunan Arsitektur Bali umumnya menggunakan sistem struktur sendi (purus) terutama pada struktur utama bangunan. Struktur bangunan sendi (purus) merupakan salah satu sistem struktur yang cukup besar peranannya dalam menahan gempa. Terbukti dari kejadian gempa berkekuatan diatas 6 Scala Richter mengguncang kota Seririt hingga Busung Biu di Kabupaten Buleleng Bali yang terjadi pada 14 Juli 1976, menewaskan lebih dari 1000 orang. Pada saat terjadinya gempa, sebagian besar Bangunan Arsitektur Bali yang masih bertahan dari guncangan gempa. Sebagian besar dari struktur utama bangunan tersebut menggunakan sistem struktur sendi (purus). Sehingga umumnya yang roboh adalah pada dinding bangunan. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui perbandingan kekuatan sistem struktur sendi (purus) dengan sistem struktur jepit dan mengetahui kelebihan dari kedua sistem struktur tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan komparasi dengan sistem permodelan menggunakan soft ware SAP 2000 antara sistem struktur sendi (purus) dengan sistem struktur jepit. Dari hasil permodelan ini dengan menggunakan media soft ware SAP 2000 dengan perlakuan gempa searah sumbu X dan Y serta R (vertikal) menghasilkan bahwa ternyata pada sistem struktur jepit: perpindahan gaya horisontal kearah sumbu X sebesar 1.0009667 cm, perpindahan gaya horisontal kearah sumbu Y sebesar 1.267888 cm dan perpindahan akibat gaya vertikal sebesar 0.00516 cm, sedangkan dengan sistem struktur sendi (purus): perpindahan gaya horisontal kearah sumbu X sebesar 1.147776 cm, perpindahan gaya horisontal kearah sumbu Y sebesar 1.698502cm dan perpindahan akibat gaya vertikal sebesar 0.005373 cm. Data diatas menunjukkan perpindahan gaya horisontal kearah sumbu X pada struktur sendi lebih besar dibandingkan dengan sistem struktur jepit yakni sebesar 0.138109 cm, kearah sumbu Y sebesar 0.430614 cm dan kearah vertikal sebesar 0.000213 cm


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    At Singapadu Tengah village, sub-district of Sukawati, Gianyar regency is outskirt village with the distance around 10 km from Denpasar city. Since the year 1989, this village has started improving through blossom out of Singapadu Induk village. Site function changes Singapadu Tengah village from agricultural land becomes industrial function and settlement that significantly increases every year. The year of 1990 up to 1995 site function changes around 658 m2 per year, the year 1995 until the year of 2000 reaches 1,09 Ha per year, while in the year of 2000 up to 2005 reaches 1,67 Ha per year. This site function change has caused among others 1) high migration current come to Bali in this time has spread to village area in Bali; 2) arrangement of development distribution by the government has not been yet assertive; 3) the low value of the agricultural product selling, and the agricultural land tax is up; 4) as a result of irrigation system that chage into the connected irigation channel; and 5) consumerism. Through total approach in the ergonomic scope, it is expected to improve the condition of agriculture that is more and more depressed effect as the result from influences of site function change. SHIP (Systematical, Holistic, Interdisciplinary and Participatory) approach as part of total approach is one of the way to maintain function of agricultural land as a sector capable to support public economics in Bali


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    Konsep Hulu-Teben merupakan hirarkhi ruang di Bali yang dikenal sebagai ruang sakral dan profan. Di Banjar Gunungsari Desa kawasan desa Jatiluwih, hirarkhi ini sudah ada sejak desa ini terbentuk. Kealamian tata ruang ini selayaknya harus dijaga dari perkembangan dinamisasi pembangunan. Apalagi kawasan ini telah dinobatkan sebagai Warisan Budaya Dunia pada 29 Juni 2012. Konsep Hulu-Teben ini agar tetap dipertahankan untuk menjaga struktur sosial dan budaya di desa Jatiluwih. Sistem pengelolaan sinergis antara pemerintah dan masyarakat Jatiluwih sangat perlu diperhatikan baik dalam hal perencanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi. Dalam bidang perencanaan, pengawasan dan evaluasi perlu pelibatan masyarakat secara komprehensif. Analisa dalam tata guna lahan, sistem pergerakan dan pemanfaatan ruang dilakukan dengan pendekatan community development program, yang diharapkan dapat meningkatkan taraf hidup masyarakat setempat. Kegiatan yang dilakukan antara lain: depth interview dengan tokoh masyarakat, wawancara dengan warga dan pemerintah kabupaten Tabanan yang membidangi tata ruang dan sosial. Hasil penelitian ini antara lain dari aspek perencanaan: 1) kebutuhan warga terhadap perencanaan fasilitas fisik bangunan publik (18%); 2) infrastruktur desa (20%); 3) Fasilitas penunjang pariwisata (25%); 4) pengembangan seni dan budaya (10%) dan pelestarian sistem subak dan infrastruktur pengairan (27%). Dari aspek pengelolaan: peran serta warga yang dilibatkan dalam pengelolaan (60%) dan pemerintah (40%)


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    Kebutuhan akan rumah merupakan salah satu kebutuhan dasar (home needs) bagi manusia setelah pangan dan sandang, dimana setiap manusia akan memprioritaskan kebutuhan dasar tersebut dan berusaha untuk memenuhinya dengan memperhatikan selera dan kemampuan yang ada. Provinsi Bali yang mayoritas penduduknya adalah pendatang, menjadikan peluang bisnis properti khususnya pembangunan perumahan. Dengan demikian pembangunan perumahan memerlukan rancangan dan rencana yang matang untuk mencapai tujuan guna meminimalkan risiko dan mengoptimalkan pendanaan. Karena investasi pada pembangunan proyek ini memerlukan biaya yang besar. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi kelayakan investasi pembangunan perumahan di Tabanan Bali yang ditinjau dari aspek pasar, aspek teknis, dan  aspek finansial.  Jenis penelitian ini termasuk penelitian deskriptif. Jenis data dalam penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif. Sumber data yang digunakan pada studi kelayakan dalam penelitian ini berupa data sekunder. Data sekunder dalam penelitian ini diperoleh dari berbagai sumber untuk mencari data mengenai beberapa aspek financial yang meliputi Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Returns (IRR), Profitability Indeks (PI), dan Payback Period (PP).   Kesimpulan dalam penelitian ini adalah: 1) Proyek perumahan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Tabanan menunjukkan bahwa telah layak jika ditinjau dari aspek pemasaran. 2). Proyek pembangunan perumahan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Tabanan layak ditinjau dari aspek teknis. 3) Ditinjau dari aspek financial menunjukkan bahwa proyek perumahan yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Tabanan dikatakan layak dengan indikator sebagai berikut : a) Net Present Value dengan nilai positif yaitu sebesar Rp. 6.167.703.024,-. b) Internal Rate of Return lebih tinggi dari tingkat suku bunga 12% yaitu 24,72%. c) Profitability Index menghasilkan nilai positif yaitu 124,93%. d) Payback Period terjadi pada tahun ke 2 bulan ke 4.Kata Kunci : Aspek Pasar, Aspek Teknis, dan Aspek FinansialÂ

    Analisis Infrastruktur Tempat Pengelolaan Sampah 3R Berdasarkan Aspek Teknis dan Partisipasi Masyarakat di Desa Abiansemal Kabupaten Badung Bali

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    Abiansemal village has good regional potential to become an agro-tourism village, it can be seen from the area of rice fields and dry fields of approximately 49% of the total area. The impact of this activity is positive and negative. Positive things provide an increase in economic value, but there are negative impacts caused by the increasing amount of waste produced, so it needs proper handling, one of which is making infrastructure for reuse, reduce, recycle waste management (TPS 3R). The purpose of this study is to obtain population projections, waste projections, large community participation in the procurement of&nbsp; TPS3R Infrastructure and present a potential 3R TPS Infrastructure layout model for Abiansemal Village. The method used is descriptive quantitative analysis, in the form of distributing questionnaires for community participation and surveying the characteristics of waste in the technical aspects of the 3R TPS infrastructure. The result of this research is that the waste generation in Abiansemal Village in 2022 is 15.85 m3/day to 18.16 m3/day in 2031. The large participation of the Abiansemal Village community has knowledge, behavior and attitudes that understand, often and agree or in a Likert value percentage above 51% - 75% of the procurement of 3R Waste Management Site Infrastructure (TPS), and a potential infrastructure model as a 3R TPS Abiansemal Village is with a given land area of 1000 m2, the land needed for infrastructure facilities so that they can serve optimally until 2031 with a waste capacity 18.16 m3/day is 514.58 m2, so there is still land left that can be used as other infrastructure to support tourism in Abiansemal Village.Desa Abiansemal memiliki potensi wilayah yang bagus untuk menjadi desa agrowisata, hal tersebut dapat dilihat dari luas wilayah tanah persawahan dan tegalan kurang lebih sebesar 49% dari luas wilayah total. Dampak dari kegiatan ini memberikan hal positif dan negative, dampak negatif yang ditimbulkan dari meningkatnya jumlah sampah yang dihasilkan, sehingga perlu penanganan yang tepat, salah satunya membuat prasarana infrastruktur tempat pengelolaan sampah reuse, reduce, recycle (TPS 3R). Tujuan dari penelitian ini medapatkan besar proyeksi penduduk, proyeksi sampah, besar partisipasi masyarakat dalam pengadaan Infrastruktur TPS3R dan menyajikan model denah Infrastruktur TPS 3R yang potensial untuk Desa Abiansemal. Metode yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif deskriptif, berupa penyebaran kuisioner untuk partisipasi masyarakat dan survei karakteristik sampah dalam aspek teknis infrastruktur TPS 3R. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah timbulan sampah di Desa Abiansemal tahun 2022 15.85 m3/hari menjadi 18.16 m3/hari pada tahun 2031. Besar partisipasi masyarakat Desa Abiansemal memiliki pengetahuan, perilaku dan sikap yang paham, sering dan setuju atau dalam persentase nilai Likert diatas 51% - 75% terhadap pengadaan Infrastruktur TPS 3R, dan model infrastruktur yang potensial sebagai TPS 3R Desa Abiansemal adalah dengan luas lahan yang diberikan 1000 m2, lahan yang dibutuhkan untuk sarana prasarana agar dapat maksimal melayani sampai di tahun 2031 dengan kapasitas sampah 18.16 m3/hari adalah 515 m2, sehingga masih ada lahan yang tersisa yang dapat dimanfaatkan sebagai infrastruktur lain penunjang wisata untuk di Desa Abiansemal

    The Application Of Different Fresh Fish Handling Techniques On The Quality Of Raw Ingredients Of Producing Pindang Tongkol (Auxis thazard)

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    Histamine poisoning can occur from consuming mackerel tuna fish that have undergone a process of decay. To avoid the process, the application of fresh mackerel tuna fish handling techniques required utilizing single factor completely randomized design. The treatment of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques using room temperature as a treatment A.The applications of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques with the addition of crushed ice (1: 4) as treatment B. The application of fresh mackarel tuna fish handling techniques with the addition of 10% salt as treatment C, as well as fish the applications of mackarel tuna fresh handling technicques with 50% B and 50% C as a treatment D. Transportation starts from the fish handling sites in Seraya village Karangasem towards the fish auction in the village of Kusamba Klungkung Bali for ±3 hours. Results of analysis of variance showed significant differences (

    Action Plan for Neighborhood Arrangement of Ubud Area Traditional/Historic Settlements in Gianyar Regency

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    Purpose: The shift in the value of tradition/history impacts the structure of the built neighbourhood, such as changes in the residential area. It is both in terms of the environment and the building.&nbsp; Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on qualitative research. Findings: The historical value of a place/region is closely related to the traditional aspects that already exist and developed in that areaa. Every effort to preserve historical values and formal existence in a fostered neighbourhood does not impede economic develompent. Instead, they must be able to synergize, support each other, and be in line without sacrifing one or the other. It must also create a strong bond in development. So the conservation aspects is very relevant to be preserved in developing a fostered neighbourhood. Research limitations/imlications:&nbsp;The negative impact of ignorring more essential values on development can reduce the number or historic buildings and areas in most cities in Indonesia from year to year. As a results, development activities oriented towards economic growth can gradually eliminate historical traces, including a built neighbourhood.&nbsp; Practical implications:&nbsp; A historic building area can be interpreted as an area with a close relationship with something past life for moore than 50 years. It can be used collectively in buildings, settlements, and other public facilities.&nbsp; Paper type:&nbsp;Research paper&nbsp

    Action Plan for Neighborhood Arrangement of Ubud Area Traditional/Historic Settlements in Gianyar Regency

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    Purpose: The shift in the value of tradition/history impacts the structure of the built neighbourhood, such as changes in the residential area. It is both in terms of the environment and the building.&nbsp; Design/methodology/approach: This research is based on qualitative research. Findings: The historical value of a place/region is closely related to the traditional aspects that already exist and developed in that areaa. Every effort to preserve historical values and formal existence in a fostered neighbourhood does not impede economic develompent. Instead, they must be able to synergize, support each other, and be in line without sacrifing one or the other. It must also create a strong bond in development. So the conservation aspects is very relevant to be preserved in developing a fostered neighbourhood. Research limitations/imlications:&nbsp;The negative impact of ignorring more essential values on development can reduce the number or historic buildings and areas in most cities in Indonesia from year to year. As a results, development activities oriented towards economic growth can gradually eliminate historical traces, including a built neighbourhood.&nbsp; Practical implications:&nbsp; A historic building area can be interpreted as an area with a close relationship with something past life for moore than 50 years. It can be used collectively in buildings, settlements, and other public facilities.&nbsp; Paper type:&nbsp;Research paper&nbsp
