20 research outputs found

    The Activity of Occupational Health Effort on Five Occupational Health Posts (Pos UKK) in Medan

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    The act of occupational health effort is performed in Occupational Health Post (Pos UKK) to improve the safety of workers, especially in the informal sector. This study aimed to determine the activities of occupational health efforts undertaken in Pos UKK. This type of research was qualitative, extracting collected information and data through in-depth interviews with the five informant officers of health centers. The results showed that theactivities carried out were blood sugar checks, height, and weight, health education about diabetes, clean and healthy behavior, and simple treatment. Activities were related to the identification of hazards in the workplace and health education about the potential and risk of hazards in the workplace, how to work safely and securely,occupational nutrition, accident prevention, and personal protective equipment have not implemented. There were also no recording and reporting of activities related to occupational health efforts in Pos UKK. It was recommended to empower cadres and workplace hazard identification training so that the implementation of occupational health efforts could be more developed. Keywords: Activities of occupational health efforts; Pos UKK; informal secto

    Kekalahan Calon Independen dalam Pemilhan Bupati dan Wakil Bupati Kabupaten Karimun Tahun 2015

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    Participation of Independent candidates in general election of regional head based on many disappointments felt both from among themselves and society at large who feel harmed by the mechanism of election conducted by political parties. Karimun district is one of district that follow general election of regional head simultaneously on December 9th, 2015 present the candidates who used individual and independent path. In general election of regional head result of karimun district, the independent candidats suffered defeat, but there is interesting thing to be examined, difference of vote acquisition that earned by independent candidates is different with support terms that submitted by independent candidates. The aim of this research was to determined the difference because between vote acqusition that earn by independent candidates and support terms that submitted by independent candidates.This research using quantitative research aproach with kind of descriptive research. Data collection techniques used are documentation, and interview. Data analysis used limited to data peocessing techniques or facts gained by developing relevant categories with the aim of research and interpretations that are guided by appropriate theoryThe result of this research show the difference of vote acquisition and support terms caused by the existence of legal support terms caused by the existence of legal suppor uncertainty, support in the form of ID Cards only as a condition only so than can maniputate. This is avidenced by the fact that there are still people who withdraw their support by filling out the revocation form that provided by the KPU when recapitulation support


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    The food freshness is one trending topic that currently studied to reduce the number of food waste. The development of food freshness film indicator is one technique that can be utilized to resolve the high number of food waste. The objective of this study was to evaluate the ability of cellulose nanofiber film that had been integrated with anthocyanine as the food freshness film indicator. Cellulose nanofiber was obtained from empty fruit bunch of palm oil that had been dried, cut, and milled into fine powder. The initial step of this preparation was bleaching process using NaOCl/NH3 and H2O2/NH3. After bleaching process, cellulose fiber was oxidized using TEMPO/NaOCl/NaBr at pH 10 for 6 h. The TEMPO-oxidized cellulose fiber was then transferred into high pressure-homogenizer for 6-cycles at 800 bar of pressure. The cellulose nanofiber was obtained as hydrated fiber (gel-like) and then combined with anthocyanine obtaining from red cabbage extract, the film was casted on the acrylic plate. The film indicator of cellulose nanofiber was analyzed to determine the characteristic of film, i.e., color stability depending on pH, morphology, mechanical properties, and color response of film on the food freshness. The film of cellulose nanofiber that integrated with anthocyanin extract has the good sensitiveness to test the food freshness at 4oC. The color change produced by this indicator film is quite significant and has a different color at each pH value


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    Perkembangan kognitif adalah tahap-tahap perkembangan kognitif manusia mulai dari usia anak-anak sampai dewasa; mulai dari proses-proses berpikir secara konkret sampai dengan yang lebih tinggi yaitu konsep-konsep anstrak dan logis. Jean Piaget seorang pakar yang banyak melakukan penelitian tentang perkembangan kemampuan kognitif manusia, mengemukakan dalam teorinya bahwa kemampuan kognitif manusia terdiri atas 4 tahap dari lahir hingga dewasa. Tahap dan urutan berlaku untuk semua usia tetapi usia pada saat seseorang mulai memasuki tahap tertentu tidak sama untuk setiap orang. Keempat tahap perkembangan itu digambarkan dalam teori Piaget sebagai 1) Tahap sensorimotor: umur 0 – 2 tahun (anak mengalami dunianya melalui gerak dan inderanya serta mempelajari permanensi obyek); 2) Tahap pra-operasional: umur 2 – 7 tahun (Ciri pokok perkembangannya adalah penggunaan symbol/bahasa tanda dan konsep intuitif); 3) Tahap operasional konkret: umur 7 – 11/12 tahun (anak mulai berpikir secara logis tentang kejadian-kejadian konkret); 4) Tahap operasional formal: umur 11/12 ke atas. (Ciri pokok perkembangannya adalah hipotesis, abstrak, deduktif dan induktif serta logis dan probabilitas ). Bagi guru matematika, teori Piaget jelas sangat relevan, karena dengan menggunakan teori ini, guru dapat mengetahui adanya tahap-tahap perkembangan tertentu pada kemampuan berpikir anak di kelasnya. Dengan demikian guru bisa memberikan perlakuan yang tepat bagi siswanya, misalnya dalam memilih cara penyampaian materi bagi siswa, penyediaan alat-alat peraga dan sebagainya, sesuai dengan tahap perkembangan kemampuan berpikir yang dimiliki oleh siswa masing-masing. Guru perlu mencermati apakah symbol-simbol matematika yang digunakan guru dalam mengajar cukup mudah dipahami siswa, dengan mengingat tingkat kemampuan berpikir yang dimiliki oleh masing-masing siswa

    An Analysis of Local and Target Culture Integration in English Textbooks

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    This study aimed to find out the percentage of local culture integration and target culture integration in the selected English textbooks for senior high school “English Zone” and ”Interlanguage”. This research design was a content analysis with 1487 paragraphs and 638 pictures as the study data. The procedure of analyzing the data started by classifying the data into local or target culture division then it was analyzed based on Byram's cultural content checklist (1993) while the pictures were simply classified into local culture or target culture. The result of the analysis was made in the form of percentage. The results show that for analysis of the paragraph, the percentage of local culture integration in English Zone is 31,23 % and in Interlanguage is 9,6 % meanwhile the percentage of target culture integration in English Zone is 10,17% and in Interlanguage is 11,02%. For the picture analysis, the percentage of local culture integration in English Zone is 6,43 % and in Interlanguage is 18,2% meanwhile the percentage of target culture integration in English Zone is 12,41% and in Interlanguage is 20 %

    Hubungan Shift Kerja dengan Terjadinya Kelelahan pada Security Sun Plaza Medan Tahun 2015

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    The high rate of crime causes demand for security services increased especially at public places, such as shopping centers. Demand for 24-hour safety requires the security workers have to make a work shift that can cause them feel exhausted. Therefore, the study was done, about “The correlation of Work Shift to fatigue occurrence of SUN Plaza Medan Security Workers in 2015”. The study method is analytical survey with cross sectional design. The sample which is taken are 56 of 113 populations with purposive sampling, types of shift are 2 days for the morning shift, 2 days for the night shift, and 2 days off. The fatigue is measured in every shift by using fatigue questionnaire subjectively with the scale of Industrial Fatigue Research Committee (IFRC) and categorized into low, medium, high and very high level. The study result which is found is the fatigue level for the morning shift, the most is at medium level which is 36 people (64.5%), low level which are 19 people (33.9%) and the high level is only 1 person (1.8%). On the night shift, the most is at medium leve which are 45 people (80.4%) while the rest is at a higher level which are 11 people (19.6%). In chi square test results got that there is a correlation between the work shift and the fatigue occurence cause (p=0.002). It is advisable to security workers who work for the night shift, in order to realize that the responsibility which is given to them is not the workload of job but as an obligation which has to be done. In addition, utilize day time for sleeping and take a rest well. The company also suggested conduct socialization about the workload especially psychological burden and the way to overcome it as well as arranging the time of working and resting to security workers in order not to cause the fatigue on night shift

    Penerapan Manajemen Risiko Kebakaran di Area Produksi PT Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia Kawasan Industri Dumai– Pelintung Tahun 2015

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    Fire is an incident that is undesirable and should be considered in any kind of industrial production activity. PT Wilmar Bioenergi Indonesia Kawasan Industri Dumai- Pelintung is a company which is the field RPO (Refined Palm Oil) become biodiesel processed has a risk of fire and the explosion which require a fire risk management. The purpose of this study to determine the implementation of fire risk management at biodiesel production area. The research is a descriptive study using a qualitative approach. Informan in this study consist one informant from Top management, one informant from Environment, Health, and Safety (EHS) Department, one informant from Electric and Instrument (E & I) Department, and one informant from Biodiesel Production Department. Method of collecting informations is through interviews, observation and document review, then will be analyzed with conten analysis method and the data are presented in narrative form. The result showed management polices committed to creating a healthy working environment and disseminated to all employees through simulated fires. The company has also set rules to control the source of fire and flammable material. Education and training has been given to employees regularly 2 up to 3 times a year. Installation of fire protection systems according to International standards National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) and routine inspection once per- month. The investigation and reporting of fire have existed and documented on the EHS's department and in 2013 the audit done internally. It is recommended that the implementation of fire prevention and control to be maintained and improved both concerning human resources and facilities which contribute to implementation of risk management, held fire risk appraisal and improving surveillance towards any kind of fire risks

    Pelaksanaan Program Upaya Kesehatan Kerja pada Pos Ukk di Wilayah Kerja Puskesemas Kampung Bugis Kota Tanjungpinang Kepulauan Riau

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    The implementation of occupational health efforts program at Pos UKK in the workplace of Kampung Bugis Health Center Tanjungpinang City Riau Islands. The main program of occupational health efforts Pos UKK is to provide preventive and promotive services to the workers members. Pos UKK cadre expected to implement health efforts program well. The problem in this research is, how the occupational health efforts program implemented at Pos UKK in the workplace of Kampung Bugis Health Center. This research is a qualitative research method, in order to get more in-depth information about the implementation of occupational health efforts program at Pos UKK. Informants in this study were 6 people, which 2 people from the Pasir Putih Pos UKK (chairman and members), 2 people from Sehat Sejahtera Pos UKK (chairman and members), and 2 people of the Sejahtera Mandiri Post UKK (chairman and members). The results showed that the occupational health efforts program in Pos UKK Kampung Bugis Health Centre workplace still held by the cadre. However, the implementation wasn't optimal. The main program of occupational health efforts Pos UKK (health promotion and preventive) can not be carried out by a cadre of Pos UKK. Pos UKK cadres can only perform curative service. This is due to lack of knowledge and understanding of the role and function of cadres Pos UKK especially about health promotion and preventive. This condition also can not be separated from the role of Kampung Bugis health centers to the Pos UKK auxiliaries.The small sources of financial inclusion in Pos UKK in the workplace of Kampung Bugis Health Center also cause this condition. Coaching and training on the role and functions of Pos UKK cadres (primarily promotion and preventive) are continuous and sustainable to be implemented by the health centers Kampung Bugis in order to improve the knowledge and skills the cadres of Pos UKK. Landing and assisted health workers of Kampung Bugis Health Centre need to upgrading to the successful occupational health efforts program implemented at Pos UKK in the workplace of Kampung Bugis Health Center

    Hubungan Lama Kerja dan Masa Kerja dengan Neuropati Perifer pada Supir Angkutan Kota Trayek 95 di Kota Medan Tahun 2015

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    Peripheral neuropathy is disorder in the edge or periphery of nerve which can cause symptoms such as the feeling of inflammation, cold pain, electric shock, prickling sensation in a part of the body, pain as if pierced by needles, numb, and itchy. One of the causes of peripheral neuropathy is the shaking from the seats and steering wheels. Not only will the work comfort and fatigue of workers who are exposed to this shaking be disturbed but they can also be detrimental to peripheral neuropathic. The research was an analytic survey with cross sectional design. The data were analyzed by using univatriate analysis and bivatriate analysis with chi square test. The population was 40 drivers of urban transportation line 95 in Medan, and all of them were used as the samples, using total sampling technique. The result of the research showed that the variable of work period was p > 0.05 which indicated that there was no correlation between the length of service and the incidence of peripheral neuropathic in the respondents, in 2015. The variable of the length of service was p < 0.05 which indicated that there was the correlation between the length of service and the incidence of peripheral neuropathic in the respondents, in 2015. The shaking measurement of the drivers\u27 seats was 118.64 µm and of the drivers\u27 steering wheels was 87.065 µm. According to the Decree of the Minister of State for Environment No. 49/1996, this shaking could arouse uncomfortable reaction to workers. Peripheral neuropathic can disturb one\u27s quality of life and work comfort. The best way to solve it is by controlling the shaking by changing the thin out seat cushions to the thicker ones, using shock absorber devices and standard suspension in order to lessen the buses\u27 shaking mechanism and to keep the machines in good condition