3,844 research outputs found

    Database queries and constraints via lifting problems

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    Previous work has demonstrated that categories are useful and expressive models for databases. In the present paper we build on that model, showing that certain queries and constraints correspond to lifting problems, as found in modern approaches to algebraic topology. In our formulation, each so-called SPARQL graph pattern query corresponds to a category-theoretic lifting problem, whereby the set of solutions to the query is precisely the set of lifts. We interpret constraints within the same formalism and then investigate some basic properties of queries and constraints. In particular, to any database π\pi we can associate a certain derived database \Qry(\pi) of queries on π\pi. As an application, we explain how giving users access to certain parts of \Qry(\pi), rather than direct access to π\pi, improves ones ability to manage the impact of schema evolution

    Kedudukan Kejaksaan dalam Menyelesaikan Kasus Tindak Pidana Korupsi Pasca Terbentuknya Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi

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    Prostitusi dikategorikan sebagai penyakit masyarakat, yang sulit di tumpas, sulit diobati, demikianlah penenpatan Korupsi yang di-ibaratkan sebagai penyakit yang sudah menyebar sangat luar biasa. Fenomena korupsi ini adalah sebuah hal yang perlu mendapat perhatian serius dalam penangannya. Tindak pidana korupsi merugikan keuangan negara karena merongrong dan menggerogoti keuangan negara sebagai sumber daya pembangunan, membahayakan stabilitas ekonomi, dan politik negara yang akan menghambat pembangunan dan merampas hak rakyat. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah sebagai penyelenggara negara harus se-segera mungkin menuntaskan masalah korupsi dengan mengedepankan kepentingan masyarakat dan bangsa. Dari hasil paparan di atas, yang menjadi permasalahan yakni bagaimanakah dasar pengaturan hukum mengenai kewenangan Kejaksaan dalam menangani Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia dan bagaimana kedudukan Kejaksaan dalam pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi setelah terbentuknya Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kepustakaan, yaitu menggali dari sumber-sumber bahan penelitian dalam penulisan yaitu bahan hukum primer, sekunder dan tertier. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tugas dan kewenangan Kejaksaan diatur dalam hukum acara pidana, yaitu Undang-undang No. 08 Tahun 1981 tentang KUHAP sementara dalam kaitannya dengan kelembagaannya sendiri diatur dalam Undang-undang No. 05 Tahun 1991 sebagaimana telah diubah dengan Undang-undang No. 16 Tahun 2004 sebagai produk reformasi telah memberi nuansa baru bagi kemandirian lembaga kejaksaan ini.Dalam sistem peradilan pidana Indonesia, kedudukan Kejaksaan memiliki peran sentral. Hal ini tidak terlepas dari kewenangan yang dimiliki kejaksaan dalam hal menentukan apakah suatu perkara dapat atau tidak diajukan kemuka persidangan. Kekuasaan untuk menentukan apakah suatu perkara dapat diteruskan atau tidak kepersidangan berdasarkan alat bukti yang sah. Berdasarkan hal tersebut sejatinya kejaksaan dalam proses penyelidikan dan penyidikan suatu perkara sudah harus terlibat, jadi tidak hanya sebatas berkas perkara yang dikirimkan oleh penyidik Polri untuk diteliti oleh Jaksa. Dari hasil penelitian dapat ditarik kesimpulan bahwa Kejaksaan memiliki kewenangan dalam menangani Tindak Pidana Korupsi di Indonesia berdasarkan Pasal 26 Undang-Undang Nomor 31 tahun 1999 Jo. Undang-Undang Nomor 20 tahun 2001 penyidikan, penuntutan dan pemeriksaandisidang pengadilan terhadap tindak pidana korupsi dilakukan berdasarkanhukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP). Bahwa setelah terbentuknya Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi, Kejaksaan tetap memiliki yurisdiksi dalam pemberantasan Tindak Pidana Korupsi, dalam hal ini didasarkan pada posisi sentral dari kejaksaan dalam hal menentukan apakah suatu perkara dapat atau tidakdiajukan kemuka persidangan

    Forest vegetation management in Europe: current practice and future requirements

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    The book provides a record of the co-operation within Europe in the field of forest vegetation management through the Cost Action E47. The aims are: i)to provide a summary of the current state of the art' as it applies to forest vegetation management in Europe for scientists, practitioners and policymakers, affiliated to state, non-governmental or private commercial organizations; ii)to document existing forest weed control practices across Europe, and hence provide a resource of alternative solutions for individual countries sharing similar conditions and challenges; and iii)to identify common information gaps and future research needs, and hence potential future areas of collaboration for forest vegetation management scientists across Europe, along with barriers that may need to be overcome to achieve that aim.FORET;PEUPLEMENT FORESTIER;VEGETATION;CONCURRENCE VEGETALE;LUTTE;MODE DE TRAITEMENT;COOPERATION INTERNATIONALE;RECHERCHE DEVELOPPEMENT;DEVELOPPEMENT DURABLE;AMENAGEMENT FORESTIER;MAUVAISE HERBE;CONTROLE DE LA VEGETATION;PESTICIDE;LUTTE PHYTOSANITAIRE;IMPACT SUR L'ENVIRONNEMENT;DYNAMIQUE DE VEGETATION;HERBICIDE;BIODIVERSITE;ECOSYSTEME;HISTOIRE;GESTION FORESTIERE;EUROPE;VEGETATION FORESTIERE;ADVENTICE;ALTERNATIVES AUX HERBICIDES;

    Rigidification of quasi-categories

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    We give a new construction for rigidifying a quasi-category into a simplicial category, and prove that it is weakly equivalent to the rigidification given by Lurie. Our construction comes from the use of necklaces, which are simplicial sets obtained by stringing simplices together. As an application of these methods, we use our model to reprove some basic facts from Lurie's "Higher Topos Theory" regarding the rigidification process.Comment: 26 page

    Numerical simulations of expanding supershells in dwarf irregular galaxies. I. Application to Holmberg I

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    Numerical hydrodynamical modelling of supernova-driven shell formation is performed with a purpose to reproduce a giant HI ring (diameter 1.7 kpc) in the dwarf irregular galaxy Holmberg I (Ho I). We find that the contrast in HI surface density between the central HI depression and the ring is sensitive to the shape of the gravitational potential. This circumstance can be used to constrain the total mass (including the dark matter halo) of nearly face-on dwarf irregulars. We consider two models of Ho I, which differ by an assumed mass of the dark matter halo M_h. The contrast in HI surface density between the central HI depression and the ring, as well as the lack of gas expansion in the central hole, are better reproduced by the model with a massive halo of M_h=6.0*10^9 M_sun than by that with a small halo of M_h=4.0*10^8 M_sun, implying that Ho I is halo-dominated. Assuming the halo mass of 6.0*10^9 M_sum, we determine the mechanical energy required to form the observed ring equal to (3.0 +- 0.5)*10^53 ergs, equivalent 300+-50 Type II supernovae. The inclination of Ho I is constrained to 15-20 degrees by comparing the modelled HI spectrum and channel maps with those observed.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Pengaruh Penilaian Prestasi Kerja dan Lama Bekerja Karyawan terhadap Pengembangan Karir pada PT. Pegadaian Kanwil V Manado

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    Setiap organisasi saling bersaing dimana persaingan tersebut tidak bersifat regional tetapi bersifat global dan menyeluruh. Pengembangan karir karyawan merupakan bagian yang penting dalam manajemen sumber daya manusia. Hal ini penting untuk dilakukan Perusahaan agar dapat menciptakan perpaduan antara kebutuhan Perusahaan dengan pengembangan potensi karyawan secara maksimal. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui apakah penilaian prestasi kerja dan lama bekerja karyawan berpengaruh pada pengembangan karier. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah asosiatif. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada PT. Pegadaian Kanwil V Manado. Populasi penelitian adalah seluruh karyawan PT. Pegadaian Kanwil V Manado. Teknik pengambilan sampel adalah sampling jenuh, yaitu seluruh populasi dijadikan sampel penelitian. Metode analisis data regresi linier berganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan penilaian prestasi kerja dan lama bekerja karyawan secara simultan berpengaruh signifikan pada pengembangan karir. Secara parsial penilaian prestasi berpengaruh positif signifikan, dan lama bekerja berpengaruh negatif signifikan pada pengembangan karir. Pimpinan Perusahaan sebaiknya meningkatkan penilaian terhadap loyalitas karyawan yang telah lama bekerja agar karyawan bisa memiliki kesempatan lebih besar untuk mengembangkan karirnya. Kata kunci: penilaian prestasi kerja, lama bekerja, pengembangan karie

    Long-Lived Time-Dependent Remnants During Cosmological Symmetry Breaking: From Inflation to the Electroweak Scale

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    Through a detailed numerical investigation in three spatial dimensions, we demonstrate that long-lived time-dependent field configurations emerge dynamically during symmetry breaking in an expanding de Sitter spacetime. We investigate two situations: a single scalar field with a double-well potential and the bosonic sector of an SU(2) non-Abelian Higgs model. For the single scalar, we show that large-amplitude oscillon configurations emerge spontaneously and persist to contribute about 1.2% of the energy density of the universe. We also show that for a range of parameters, oscillon lifetimes are enhanced by the expansion and that this effect is a result of parametric resonance. For the SU(2) case, we see about 4% of the final energy density in oscillons.Comment: 10 pages, RevTex4, 6 figures; v2: expanded SU(2) model section, added 2 figures, added one section, improved overall presentation and updated references, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Results remain the sam

    Path Integral Method for DNA Denaturation

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    The statistical physics of homogeneous DNA is investigated by the imaginary time path integral formalism. The base pair stretchings are described by an ensemble of paths selected through a macroscopic constraint, the fulfillement of the second law of thermodynamics. The number of paths contributing to the partition function strongly increases around and above a specific temperature Tc∗T^*_c whereas the fraction of unbound base pairs grows continuosly around and above Tc∗T^*_c. The latter is identified with the denaturation temperature. Thus, the separation of the two complementary strands appears as a highly cooperative phenomenon displaying a smooth crossover versus TT. The thermodynamical properties have been computed in a large temperature range by varying the size of the path ensemble at the lower bound of the range. No significant physical dependence on the system size has been envisaged. The entropy grows continuosly versus TT while the specific heat displays a remarkable peak at Tc∗T^*_c. The location of the peak versus TT varies with the stiffness of the anharmonic stacking interaction along the strand. The presented results suggest that denaturation in homogeneous DNA has the features of a second order phase transition. The method accounts for the cooperative behavior of a very large number of degrees of freedom while the computation time is kept within a reasonable limit.Comment: Physical Review E 2009 in pres

    A decision tree model to estimate the value of information provided by a groundwater quality monitoring network

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    Groundwater contaminated with nitrate poses a serious health risk to infants when this contaminated water is used for culinary purposes. To avoid this health risk, people need to know whether their culinary water is contaminated or not. Therefore, there is a need to design an effective groundwater monitoring network, acquire information on groundwater conditions, and use acquired information to inform management options. These actions require time, money, and effort. This paper presents a method to estimate the value of information (VOI) provided by a groundwater quality monitoring network located in an aquifer whose water poses a spatially heterogeneous and uncertain health risk. A decision tree model describes the structure of the decision alternatives facing the decision-maker and the expected outcomes from these alternatives. The alternatives include (i) ignore the health risk of nitrate-contaminated water, (ii) switch to alternative water sources such as bottled water, or (iii) implement a previously designed groundwater quality monitoring network that takes into account uncertainties in aquifer properties, contaminant transport processes, and climate (Khader, 2012). The VOI is estimated as the difference between the expected costs of implementing the monitoring network and the lowest-cost uninformed alternative. We illustrate the method for the Eocene Aquifer, West Bank, Palestine, where methemoglobinemia (blue baby syndrome) is the main health problem associated with the principal contaminant nitrate. The expected cost of each alternative is estimated as the weighted sum of the costs and probabilities (likelihoods) associated with the uncertain outcomes resulting from the alternative. Uncertain outcomes include actual nitrate concentrations in the aquifer, concentrations reported by the monitoring system, whether people abide by manager recommendations to use/not use aquifer water, and whether people get sick from drinking contaminated water. Outcome costs include healthcare for methemoglobinemia, purchase of bottled water, and installation and maintenance of the groundwater monitoring system. At current methemoglobinemia and bottled water costs of 150/personand 150/person and 0.6/baby/day, the decision tree results show that the expected cost of establishing the proposed groundwater quality monitoring network exceeds the expected costs of the uninformed alternatives and there is no value to the information the monitoring system provides. However, the monitoring system will be preferred to ignoring the health risk or using alternative sources if the methemoglobinemia cost rises to 300/personorthebottledwatercostincreasesto 300/person or the bottled water cost increases to 2.3/baby/day. Similarly, the monitoring system has value if the system can more accurately report actual aquifer concentrations and the public more fully abides by manager recommendations to use/not use the aquifer. The system also has value if it will serve a larger population or if its installation costs can be reduced, for example using a smaller number of monitoring wells. The VOI analysis shows how monitoring system design, accuracy, installation and operating costs, public awareness of health risks, costs of alternatives, and demographics together affect the value of implementing a system to monitor groundwater quality
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